Trumps campaign based on "Springtime for Hitler"

What's amusing about this narrative is that it more or less signals the end of the liberal claim that Hillary really won the election except it was "stolen" from her by Russian collusion! So instead of pushing THAT fairy you liberals are going to push this NEW fairy tale that Trump never wanted to be President? Think about that entire concept for a're saying that a man who WANTED to lose actually won against a woman who desperately wanted to win...spent three times the amount of money her opponent did...and had the main stream media in her back pocket the whole time? Are you SURE you want to go with this? Because basically you're now labeling Hillary Clinton the most inept candidate of all time! Just saying...

Amazing isn't it?

Never underestimate the gullibility of the voting public

ROFL! Yeah, that's for sure. You're the perfect example!

You are an anarchist

Doesn't get any more gullible than that

"I don't need no Gubmint!"

Gullibility is that last characteristic you're likely to find in an anarchist. You have to disbelieve all the horseshit most people are brainwashed with to be an anarchist. That requires skepticism, not gullibility.
What's amusing about this narrative is that it more or less signals the end of the liberal claim that Hillary really won the election except it was "stolen" from her by Russian collusion! So instead of pushing THAT fairy you liberals are going to push this NEW fairy tale that Trump never wanted to be President? Think about that entire concept for a're saying that a man who WANTED to lose actually won against a woman who desperately wanted to win...spent three times the amount of money her opponent did...and had the main stream media in her back pocket the whole time? Are you SURE you want to go with this? Because basically you're now labeling Hillary Clinton the most inept candidate of all time! Just saying...

Amazing isn't it?

Never underestimate the gullibility of the voting public

So you really ARE going to claim that Hillary was such an abysmal candidate that she couldn't win even though her opponent wanted her to? LOL Wow, I guess we're all lucky we didn't get a loser like that in the Oval Office...aren't we!

For some odd reason, Hillary believed the American voter would somehow regain their sanity, wake up and say.........Trump is fucking crazy

Right. "Sanity" means voting for a criminal.
I hate to burst your bubble, Reasonable but it's looking like the building of better border security will be what Trump asks for in return for allowing DACA changes to become law.
i know the blackmail Trump’s trying to pull but it won’t work. There will never be a wall. Never.

Blackmail? It's called political compromise, Sparky and it's been going on since the nation was created! There already IS a wall by the simply needs to be strengthened so it works...something that should have been done LONG AGO!
There’s a fence only partially along the border.
Congress will NEVER approve the $60 billion needed for this stupid wall.
Is Mexico paying for it?
You were constantly lied to and you loved it.

Why is protecting our borders "stupid", Reasonable? It isn't to the people that live along the border? Why is it to you?
There is no need for further protection. More Mexicans have been leaving than coming in since 2009.

So basically what you're saying, that you don't think we should have secure borders and that it's wrong that we get to keep more of our hard earned money instead of giving it to the government? Run for political office on that and see how far you get!

I don't believe our borders are enough of a threat to us to justify expending hundreds of billions of dollars

We have better use for our money

The wall is only supposed to cost $22 billion, moron. We spend about $120 billion / year on illegals, so it's well worth. Why can't you snowflake traitors just admit you want to flood this country with low wage labor from Mexico?
Like this should surprise anyone about the serially sex offender.

Trump loved 'pursuing' friends' wives
According to another excerpt from the book, obtained by US media, Mr Trump used to boast that sleeping with his friends' wives made "life worth living".

"In pursuing a friend's wife, he would try to persuade the wife that her husband was perhaps not what she thought," Wolff quotes a Trump friend as saying.

He would invite the wife to secretly listen on speakerphone to a conversation that Mr Trump would have in his office with her husband, according to the book.

Mr Trump would allegedly engage in sexual banter with the husband in the hope that he might say something indiscreet, asking questions such as: "Do you still like having sex with your wife? How often?"

It doesn't suprise me that a douchebag like you would quote it.
Like this should surprise anyone about the serially sex offender.

Trump loved 'pursuing' friends' wives
According to another excerpt from the book, obtained by US media, Mr Trump used to boast that sleeping with his friends' wives made "life worth living".

"In pursuing a friend's wife, he would try to persuade the wife that her husband was perhaps not what she thought," Wolff quotes a Trump friend as saying.

He would invite the wife to secretly listen on speakerphone to a conversation that Mr Trump would have in his office with her husband, according to the book.

Mr Trump would allegedly engage in sexual banter with the husband in the hope that he might say something indiscreet, asking questions such as: "Do you still like having sex with your wife? How often?"

Is there anything sleazier than someone using anonymous quotes to smear another person?
Dope has no idea how information is gathered.
Sources don’t want to be revealed because they don’t want to lose their jobs.
Plus Wolff named names from Trump’s staff that called him an imbecile.
Funny how little you know.

What are their names?
i know the blackmail Trump’s trying to pull but it won’t work. There will never be a wall. Never.

Blackmail? It's called political compromise, Sparky and it's been going on since the nation was created! There already IS a wall by the simply needs to be strengthened so it works...something that should have been done LONG AGO!
There’s a fence only partially along the border.
Congress will NEVER approve the $60 billion needed for this stupid wall.
Is Mexico paying for it?
You were constantly lied to and you loved it.

Why is protecting our borders "stupid", Reasonable? It isn't to the people that live along the border? Why is it to you?
There is no need for further protection. More Mexicans have been leaving than coming in since 2009.

The 300th time I caught you not knowing simple facts. You make a habit out it.
Like this should surprise anyone about the serially sex offender.

Trump loved 'pursuing' friends' wives
According to another excerpt from the book, obtained by US media, Mr Trump used to boast that sleeping with his friends' wives made "life worth living".

"In pursuing a friend's wife, he would try to persuade the wife that her husband was perhaps not what she thought," Wolff quotes a Trump friend as saying.

He would invite the wife to secretly listen on speakerphone to a conversation that Mr Trump would have in his office with her husband, according to the book.

Mr Trump would allegedly engage in sexual banter with the husband in the hope that he might say something indiscreet, asking questions such as: "Do you still like having sex with your wife? How often?"

Is there anything sleazier than someone using anonymous quotes to smear another person?
Dope has no idea how information is gathered.
Sources don’t want to be revealed because they don’t want to lose their jobs.
Plus Wolff named names from Trump’s staff that called him an imbecile.
Funny how little you know.

What are their names?
HR McMaster, Gary Cohn. Reince preibus and a host of others.
Like this should surprise anyone about the serially sex offender.

Trump loved 'pursuing' friends' wives
According to another excerpt from the book, obtained by US media, Mr Trump used to boast that sleeping with his friends' wives made "life worth living".

"In pursuing a friend's wife, he would try to persuade the wife that her husband was perhaps not what she thought," Wolff quotes a Trump friend as saying.

He would invite the wife to secretly listen on speakerphone to a conversation that Mr Trump would have in his office with her husband, according to the book.

Mr Trump would allegedly engage in sexual banter with the husband in the hope that he might say something indiscreet, asking questions such as: "Do you still like having sex with your wife? How often?"

It doesn't suprise me that a douchebag like you would quote it.
You hate the truth. That's obvious.
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it

With stupid shit like this these Moon Bats wonder why we ridicule them so much.
Another deplorable playing deaf dumb and blind with what’s happening in the White House.
We know what's happening in the WH. Trump is turning the market into a money making machine, bringing more jobs than ever, shrinking government, removing unneeded regulations, and making thumb suckers like you wet themselves.

Theses stupid Moon Bats like this Rightwiger asshole is scared to death of Trump. Trump is doing great things for the economy and they hate it because it just shows what a failure Obama and the Democrats were.

Today the DOW is over 25K and we have had three straight quarters of more than 3% growth that the failure Obama was never able to achieve. Unemployment lower than for decades and lower taxes and outlook is bright. All. the bane of the Left Wingers after eight years of that Obama disaster.

Trump is showing America that Left economics is a failure and the Left Wingers can't stand it and that is why we see this silly "Springtime for Hitler" hate nonsense.
Hmm, yea, which economy was better? The one Bush and the GOP left Obama or the one Obama left Trump?
If your starting your first term as President, then the one Bush left Obama is better. There was nowhere to go but up.
Like this should surprise anyone about the serially sex offender.

Trump loved 'pursuing' friends' wives
According to another excerpt from the book, obtained by US media, Mr Trump used to boast that sleeping with his friends' wives made "life worth living".

"In pursuing a friend's wife, he would try to persuade the wife that her husband was perhaps not what she thought," Wolff quotes a Trump friend as saying.

He would invite the wife to secretly listen on speakerphone to a conversation that Mr Trump would have in his office with her husband, according to the book.

Mr Trump would allegedly engage in sexual banter with the husband in the hope that he might say something indiscreet, asking questions such as: "Do you still like having sex with your wife? How often?"

It doesn't suprise me that a douchebag like you would quote it.
You hate the truth. That's obvious.
Precisely the opposite is the case.
So basically what you're saying, that you don't think we should have secure borders and that it's wrong that we get to keep more of our hard earned money instead of giving it to the government? Run for political office on that and see how far you get!

I don't believe our borders are enough of a threat to us to justify expending hundreds of billions of dollars

We have better use for our money

The wall is only supposed to cost $22 billion, moron. We spend about $120 billion / year on illegals, so it's well worth. Why can't you snowflake traitors just admit you want to flood this country with low wage labor from Mexico?
Still thinks Mexico is paying for the wall.
Still thinks Trumpcare was a rousing success.
Still thinks Trump is an honest president.
Like this should surprise anyone about the serially sex offender.

Trump loved 'pursuing' friends' wives
According to another excerpt from the book, obtained by US media, Mr Trump used to boast that sleeping with his friends' wives made "life worth living".

"In pursuing a friend's wife, he would try to persuade the wife that her husband was perhaps not what she thought," Wolff quotes a Trump friend as saying.

He would invite the wife to secretly listen on speakerphone to a conversation that Mr Trump would have in his office with her husband, according to the book.

Mr Trump would allegedly engage in sexual banter with the husband in the hope that he might say something indiscreet, asking questions such as: "Do you still like having sex with your wife? How often?"

It doesn't suprise me that a douchebag like you would quote it.
You hate the truth. That's obvious.
Precisely the opposite is the case.
You're the one that hated that it's reported that trump likes to hit on his friend's wives.
You're just way too easy.
Like this should surprise anyone about the serially sex offender.

Trump loved 'pursuing' friends' wives
According to another excerpt from the book, obtained by US media, Mr Trump used to boast that sleeping with his friends' wives made "life worth living".

"In pursuing a friend's wife, he would try to persuade the wife that her husband was perhaps not what she thought," Wolff quotes a Trump friend as saying.

He would invite the wife to secretly listen on speakerphone to a conversation that Mr Trump would have in his office with her husband, according to the book.

Mr Trump would allegedly engage in sexual banter with the husband in the hope that he might say something indiscreet, asking questions such as: "Do you still like having sex with your wife? How often?"

It doesn't suprise me that a douchebag like you would quote it.
You hate the truth. That's obvious.
Precisely the opposite is the case.
You're the one that hated that it's reported that trump likes to hit on his friend's wives.
You're just way too easy.

You're the one who bought into that story hook, line and sinker with nothing but "Trump friend" as proof? It's an anonymous quote from an author who's had a long history of being less than truthful in his use of both attributed quotes and anonymous ones! Who's really the "easy" one?
POTUS has an obligation to give information to the press based on their questions.
No he doesn't......legally or otherwise. .... :cool:
Doesn't understand the constitution....just like Trump.
They brought a legal expert in to school Trump on the Constitution. He got bored after the 4th amendment and walked away.
You love ignorance don't you.

I thought you said he fell asleep? Can't even keep your own narrative straight...can you, Reasonable?
Tapes of what, snowflake? Who has heard these imaginary tapes?

Moron.....NO publisher would ever print a damaging books such as this is, WITHOUT certifiable proof of what some critics have stated about the orange maniac........THERE ARE TAPES of the interviews......Go take a nap...

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