Trumps campaign based on "Springtime for Hitler"

So basically what you're saying, that you don't think we should have secure borders and that it's wrong that we get to keep more of our hard earned money instead of giving it to the government? Run for political office on that and see how far you get!

I don't believe our borders are enough of a threat to us to justify expending hundreds of billions of dollars

We have better use for our money
So basically what you're saying, that you don't think we should have secure borders and that it's wrong that we get to keep more of our hard earned money instead of giving it to the government? Run for political office on that and see how far you get!
Many people will pay more taxes but you’re too dishonest to admit it. Ever wonder why the Uber rich’s Tax cuts are permanent but the middle class’ isn’t?
Ever wonder why America hates this tax scam by a 2-1 margin?
No probably not.
oh looky here everyone, another butthurt thread by none other than USMB's resident troll,cant tell if he is MORE butthurt over his hero mass murderer Hellery losing or the fact he is so butthurt in denial on his prediction the rams would never come back to LA,they are BOTH comical as hell.:rofl:
Idiot got crumbs while the Uber rich who didn’t need an extra penny got the bulk of the tax cuts.
Do you use lube when Trump gets you from behind?
Even a moronic imbecile of your highly rated caliber must know that the more you pay the more you get. lol
But but but Trump said he’d” LOSE MONEY ON THE TAX DEAL”
Do you have the balls to call him a liar, no balls Mikey?
Oh man stfu you little troll. I'm fixing your sorry lying ass once and for all.
Look at this guy threatening me.
Where are the mods? Asleep?

That really threatened you? :itsok:
The pussy is running to the mods as we speak.
Funny you don’t have the balls to call out this jerk.
So basically what you're saying, that you don't think we should have secure borders and that it's wrong that we get to keep more of our hard earned money instead of giving it to the government? Run for political office on that and see how far you get!
Many people will pay more taxes but you’re too dishonest to admit it. Ever wonder why the Uber rich’s Tax cuts are permanent but the middle class’ isn’t?
Ever wonder why America hates this tax scam by a 2-1 margin?
No probably not.

Who's paying more now?
I really don't care how Trump got there, who helped him, or what his motivations were to run for president.

He has turn out to be the best president America has had in decades. ... :thup:
Because he is so level headed and thoughtful.

His best policies are the ones that fuk over ALL of America, not just a few million.
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it

With stupid shit like this these Moon Bats wonder why we ridicule them so much.
Another deplorable playing deaf dumb and blind with what’s happening in the White House.
We know what's happening in the WH. Trump is turning the market into a money making machine, bringing more jobs than ever, shrinking government, removing unneeded regulations, and making thumb suckers like you wet themselves.

Theses stupid Moon Bats like this Rightwiger asshole is scared to death of Trump. Trump is doing great things for the economy and they hate it because it just shows what a failure Obama and the Democrats were.

Today the DOW is over 25K and we have had three straight quarters of more than 3% growth that the failure Obama was never able to achieve. Unemployment lower than for decades and lower taxes and outlook is bright. All. the bane of the Left Wingers after eight years of that Obama disaster.

Trump is showing America that Left economics is a failure and the Left Wingers can't stand it and that is why we see this silly "Springtime for Hitler" hate nonsense.
The president’s own Secretary of State called him a “ fucking moron” yet the Trump cultists think they know him better than the people that work with him every day.

I think anytime someone in the White House utters "Fucking Moron" there is no question to whom they are speaking about

The fact that Trump is a moron is well documented. He fails to understand the most basic concepts, is incapable of studying, does not listen and is emotionally unstable
Like this should surprise anyone about the serially sex offender.

Trump loved 'pursuing' friends' wives
According to another excerpt from the book, obtained by US media, Mr Trump used to boast that sleeping with his friends' wives made "life worth living".

"In pursuing a friend's wife, he would try to persuade the wife that her husband was perhaps not what she thought," Wolff quotes a Trump friend as saying.

He would invite the wife to secretly listen on speakerphone to a conversation that Mr Trump would have in his office with her husband, according to the book.

Mr Trump would allegedly engage in sexual banter with the husband in the hope that he might say something indiscreet, asking questions such as: "Do you still like having sex with your wife? How often?"
Even a moronic imbecile of your highly rated caliber must know that the more you pay the more you get. lol
But but but Trump said he’d” LOSE MONEY ON THE TAX DEAL”
Do you have the balls to call him a liar, no balls Mikey?
Oh man stfu you little troll. I'm fixing your sorry lying ass once and for all.
Look at this guy threatening me.
Where are the mods? Asleep?

That really threatened you? :itsok:
The pussy is running to the mods as we speak.
Funny you don’t have the balls to call out this jerk.

What I find amusing, that you seem to have no problem referring to conservatives as don't seem to consider that something beyond the pale but you do have a problem when your inflammatory posts get a heated response. It doesn't take "balls" to call someone out nor does it take "balls" to insult people as you do! It's the internet...
Even though Trump is a rich man, he's the first "common man" to be in the White House since Truman.

I.E. He has the typical American mindset.
/—-/ Actually he’s the first private citizen to be elected. All others were career politicians or Generals. Although Truman was a common man so was Lincoln
The president’s own Secretary of State called him a “ fucking moron” yet the Trump cultists think they know him better than the people that work with him every day.

I think anytime someone in the White House utters "Fucking Moron" there is no question to whom they are speaking about

The fact that Trump is a moron is well documented. He fails to understand the most basic concepts, is incapable of studying, does not listen and is emotionally unstable
Yes... and everything you said was documented by his own staff.

He’s the least qualified person to ever be president. A smart president, knowing this, would work their ass off learning as much as he can every single day but he took the opposite approach.
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it

With stupid shit like this these Moon Bats wonder why we ridicule them so much.
Another deplorable playing deaf dumb and blind with what’s happening in the White House.
We know what's happening in the WH. Trump is turning the market into a money making machine, bringing more jobs than ever, shrinking government, removing unneeded regulations, and making thumb suckers like you wet themselves.

Theses stupid Moon Bats like this Rightwiger asshole is scared to death of Trump. Trump is doing great things for the economy and they hate it because it just shows what a failure Obama and the Democrats were.

Today the DOW is over 25K and we have had three straight quarters of more than 3% growth that the failure Obama was never able to achieve. Unemployment lower than for decades and lower taxes and outlook is bright. All. the bane of the Left Wingers after eight years of that Obama disaster.

Trump is showing America that Left economics is a failure and the Left Wingers can't stand it and that is why we see this silly "Springtime for Hitler" hate nonsense.

Actually, yes
I am scared to death of Trump

We elected someone who is emotionally and intellectually incapable of filling the role of President. He demonstrates that on a daily basis.
His "My nukes are bigger than your nukes" tweet has alarmed the world
We can only hope that the damage of a Trump administration can be minimized
Like this should surprise anyone about the serially sex offender.

Trump loved 'pursuing' friends' wives
According to another excerpt from the book, obtained by US media, Mr Trump used to boast that sleeping with his friends' wives made "life worth living".

"In pursuing a friend's wife, he would try to persuade the wife that her husband was perhaps not what she thought," Wolff quotes a Trump friend as saying.

He would invite the wife to secretly listen on speakerphone to a conversation that Mr Trump would have in his office with her husband, according to the book.

Mr Trump would allegedly engage in sexual banter with the husband in the hope that he might say something indiscreet, asking questions such as: "Do you still like having sex with your wife? How often?"

Is there anything sleazier than someone using anonymous quotes to smear another person?
But but but Trump said he’d” LOSE MONEY ON THE TAX DEAL”
Do you have the balls to call him a liar, no balls Mikey?
Oh man stfu you little troll. I'm fixing your sorry lying ass once and for all.
Look at this guy threatening me.
Where are the mods? Asleep?

That really threatened you? :itsok:
The pussy is running to the mods as we speak.
Funny you don’t have the balls to call out this jerk.

What I find amusing, that you seem to have no problem referring to conservatives as don't seem to consider that something beyond the pale but you do have a problem when your inflammatory posts get a heated response. It doesn't take "balls" to call someone out nor does it take "balls" to insult people as you do! It's the internet...
Yes. Cowards like Mikey hide behind an anonymous internet.
And I don’t call conservatives nazis. Stop lying. I only call the ones that are like Steve Bannon.
Like this should surprise anyone about the serially sex offender.

Trump loved 'pursuing' friends' wives
According to another excerpt from the book, obtained by US media, Mr Trump used to boast that sleeping with his friends' wives made "life worth living".

"In pursuing a friend's wife, he would try to persuade the wife that her husband was perhaps not what she thought," Wolff quotes a Trump friend as saying.

He would invite the wife to secretly listen on speakerphone to a conversation that Mr Trump would have in his office with her husband, according to the book.

Mr Trump would allegedly engage in sexual banter with the husband in the hope that he might say something indiscreet, asking questions such as: "Do you still like having sex with your wife? How often?"

Is there anything sleazier than someone using anonymous quotes to smear another person?
Dope has no idea how information is gathered.
Sources don’t want to be revealed because they don’t want to lose their jobs.
Plus Wolff named names from Trump’s staff that called him an imbecile.
Funny how little you know.
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it

With stupid shit like this these Moon Bats wonder why we ridicule them so much.

It has become clear that Trump was running some type of publicity stunt when he decided to run for President

People would not be stupid enough to vote for me.....would they?

Guess they were
That is the truth. Trump ran to push his Trump TV project. He never expected to win. Never in his wildest imagination did he think there would be so many to believe his obvious lies, put up with his racism, mocking the handicapped... the whole sordid affair.

I love the idiotic Moon Bat "he never expected to win" bullshit. The man spent two years and a hundred million dollars to win and he won because he understood what the American people were really looking for. It was to make America great again and not Crooked Hillary's platform to raise taxes, demonize the NRA, bring in a million Muslim refugees and allow open borders. He also knew the EC picked the President.while Crooked Hillary must of been absent the day they discussed the Constitution in Law School.

On the other hand Crooked Hillary expected a coronation and couldn't understand why she wasn't 50% points ahead because she was the most qualified candidate in the history of the Galaxy.
Trump whores are fit to be tied that the veil was lifted on what kind of man and president the fat anus really is.
He’s exactly what we said he was.

Remember, SOME of them are "very fine people". If anyone should know, it would be the GOP.
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it

With stupid shit like this these Moon Bats wonder why we ridicule them so much.

It has become clear that Trump was running some type of publicity stunt when he decided to run for President

People would not be stupid enough to vote for me.....would they?

Guess they were
That is the truth. Trump ran to push his Trump TV project. He never expected to win. Never in his wildest imagination did he think there would be so many to believe his obvious lies, put up with his racism, mocking the handicapped... the whole sordid affair.

Democrats underestimated the gullibility of the American voter
Trump exploited it

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