Trumps campaign based on "Springtime for Hitler"

As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it
Nothing was revealed yesterday other than the ravings of a lunatic who tells lies to sell books.
Look at this lunatic calling a long respected writer “ a lunatic.”
All because he exposed how Trump’s staff and Bannon really felt about him.
You can’t put the genie back into the bottle Corky, it’s out for everyone to see.
Just wait until Trump’s token black, Omarisa writes her book. It won’t be as literate as Wolff’s but it will reveal even more juicy facts on the worst president BY FAR, this country has ever seen.

What's amusing is how you on the left now constitute a virtual "ride off into the sunset filthy rich!" fund for anyone who writes a negative book about Trump! All they have to do is pen it...and you lemmings will fall all over yourselves buying it! You did the same thing when W. was in office as well.
There’s never been a book where a writer had such access to a president’s staff. There’s also never been a staff that hated the president as much as this one.
You should own up to your biases and admit this president is unfit for the job.
We now have dozens of people confirming it.

Everything the left has said about the pussygrabber has been confirmed by the very people that work for him.
We now have a clear picture of what Trump is really like in the White House.
Loathed by his staff, screaming all day, no exercise whatsoever( he’s actually said exercise “ shortens one’s life”)
more and more paranoid, petrified of what Mueller has on him, refusing to read his intelligence briefing for the simple reason he HATES TO READ ANYTHING, a wife that can’t stand him nor sleeps in the same room with him, tears his bed apart each night because he’s in constant fear of someone trying to kill him etc.

Without a doubt this is the most mentally disturbed and incompetent president we’ ve ever had.
Fortunately the American people have noticed which is why he has the lowest approval rating of any president in history.

He shows signs of increasing mental instability

I don't blame Trump for all this. We knew what we were voting for
The blame lies entirely with the American voter believing in a cartoon character
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it
Revealed? You mean that media bullshit that he didn't want to win? You trolls believe in the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny don't you?
View attachment 169592
bs meter.jpg
Has Mexico paid for the wall yet?
Does the country have “ better and more affordable healthcare than Obamacare?”
You were duped by a con artist.
They are getting ready to start the wall. He just started to work on Obama care. He is doing it.
No monies have been approved for the wall and there won’t be any because the rich needed their tax cuts and they’ve done nothing on healthcare.
You’re funny.

I hate to burst your bubble, Reasonable but it's looking like the building of better border security will be what Trump asks for in return for allowing DACA changes to become law.
i know the blackmail Trump’s trying to pull but it won’t work. There will never be a wall. Never.

Blackmail? It's called political compromise, Sparky and it's been going on since the nation was created! There already IS a wall by the simply needs to be strengthened so it works...something that should have been done LONG AGO!
There’s a fence only partially along the border.
Congress will NEVER approve the $60 billion needed for this stupid wall.
Is Mexico paying for it?
You were constantly lied to and you loved it.
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it
Nothing was revealed yesterday other than the ravings of a lunatic who tells lies to sell books.
Look at this lunatic calling a long respected writer “ a lunatic.”
All because he exposed how Trump’s staff and Bannon really felt about him.
You can’t put the genie back into the bottle Corky, it’s out for everyone to see.
Just wait until Trump’s token black, Omarisa writes her book. It won’t be as literate as Wolff’s but it will reveal even more juicy facts on the worst president BY FAR, this country has ever seen.

What's amusing is how you on the left now constitute a virtual "ride off into the sunset filthy rich!" fund for anyone who writes a negative book about Trump! All they have to do is pen it...and you lemmings will fall all over yourselves buying it! You did the same thing when W. was in office as well.
There’s never been a book where a writer had such access to a president’s staff. There’s also never been a staff that hated the president as much as this one.
You should own up to your biases and admit this president is unfit for the job.
We now have dozens of people confirming it.

Everything the left has said about the pussygrabber has been confirmed by the very people that work for him.
And yet he keeps getting the job done? How do you explain that, Reasonable? How is this totally incompetent man...who you claim never wanted the job in the first place...who you further claim is hated by everyone who works for is THAT guy getting things like the tax cuts pushed through?
Why not, it was proven by many aids to hillary being abusive to them. You called that fake news.
Can’t deal with Trump’s staff calling him a moron so you run to Hillary where it’s warm and cuddly for you.
I could careless, he is doing what he said he was going to do. He is a very successful man, and is very demanding. Probably hard to work for, if they can't take it. Quit.
Has Mexico paid for the wall yet?
Does the country have “ better and more affordable healthcare than Obamacare?”
You were duped by a con artist.
They are getting ready to start the wall. He just started to work on Obama care. He is doing it.
No monies have been approved for the wall and there won’t be any because the rich needed their tax cuts and they’ve done nothing on healthcare.
You’re funny.
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it
Revealed? You mean that media bullshit that he didn't want to win? You trolls believe in the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny don't you?
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View attachment 169595
In the battle of the wits, poor lil Mikey always loses.
You almost have to feel sorry for him.
They are getting ready to start the wall. He just started to work on Obama care. He is doing it.
No monies have been approved for the wall and there won’t be any because the rich needed their tax cuts and they’ve done nothing on healthcare.
You’re funny.

I hate to burst your bubble, Reasonable but it's looking like the building of better border security will be what Trump asks for in return for allowing DACA changes to become law.
i know the blackmail Trump’s trying to pull but it won’t work. There will never be a wall. Never.

Blackmail? It's called political compromise, Sparky and it's been going on since the nation was created! There already IS a wall by the simply needs to be strengthened so it works...something that should have been done LONG AGO!
There’s a fence only partially along the border.
Congress will NEVER approve the $60 billion needed for this stupid wall.
Is Mexico paying for it?
You were constantly lied to and you loved it.

Why is protecting our borders "stupid", Reasonable? It isn't to the people that live along the border? Why is it to you?
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it
I think it was more like "Bedtime for the Beast".
Can’t deal with Trump’s staff calling him a moron so you run to Hillary where it’s warm and cuddly for you.
I could careless, he is doing what he said he was going to do. He is a very successful man, and is very demanding. Probably hard to work for, if they can't take it. Quit.
Has Mexico paid for the wall yet?
Does the country have “ better and more affordable healthcare than Obamacare?”
You were duped by a con artist.
They are getting ready to start the wall. He just started to work on Obama care. He is doing it.
No monies have been approved for the wall and there won’t be any because the rich needed their tax cuts and they’ve done nothing on healthcare.
You’re funny.
View attachment 169596
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it
Nothing was revealed yesterday other than the ravings of a lunatic who tells lies to sell books.
Look at this lunatic calling a long respected writer “ a lunatic.”
All because he exposed how Trump’s staff and Bannon really felt about him.
You can’t put the genie back into the bottle Corky, it’s out for everyone to see.
Just wait until Trump’s token black, Omarisa writes her book. It won’t be as literate as Wolff’s but it will reveal even more juicy facts on the worst president BY FAR, this country has ever seen.

What's amusing is how you on the left now constitute a virtual "ride off into the sunset filthy rich!" fund for anyone who writes a negative book about Trump! All they have to do is pen it...and you lemmings will fall all over yourselves buying it! You did the same thing when W. was in office as well.
There’s never been a book where a writer had such access to a president’s staff. There’s also never been a staff that hated the president as much as this one.
You should own up to your biases and admit this president is unfit for the job.
We now have dozens of people confirming it.

Everything the left has said about the pussygrabber has been confirmed by the very people that work for him.
And yet he keeps getting the job done? How do you explain that, Reasonable? How is this totally incompetent man...who you claim never wanted the job in the first place...who you further claim is hated by everyone who works for is THAT guy getting things like the tax cuts pushed through?
Elfin magic! ;)
What's amusing about this narrative is that it more or less signals the end of the liberal claim that Hillary really won the election except it was "stolen" from her by Russian collusion! So instead of pushing THAT fairy you liberals are going to push this NEW fairy tale that Trump never wanted to be President? Think about that entire concept for a're saying that a man who WANTED to lose actually won against a woman who desperately wanted to win...spent three times the amount of money her opponent did...and had the main stream media in her back pocket the whole time? Are you SURE you want to go with this? Because basically you're now labeling Hillary Clinton the most inept candidate of all time! Just saying...

Amazing isn't it?

Never underestimate the gullibility of the voting public

So you really ARE going to claim that Hillary was such an abysmal candidate that she couldn't win even though her opponent wanted her to? LOL Wow, I guess we're all lucky we didn't get a loser like that in the Oval Office...aren't we!

For some odd reason, Hillary believed the American voter would somehow regain their sanity, wake up and say.........Trump is fucking crazy
No monies have been approved for the wall and there won’t be any because the rich needed their tax cuts and they’ve done nothing on healthcare.
You’re funny.

I hate to burst your bubble, Reasonable but it's looking like the building of better border security will be what Trump asks for in return for allowing DACA changes to become law.
i know the blackmail Trump’s trying to pull but it won’t work. There will never be a wall. Never.

Blackmail? It's called political compromise, Sparky and it's been going on since the nation was created! There already IS a wall by the simply needs to be strengthened so it works...something that should have been done LONG AGO!
There’s a fence only partially along the border.
Congress will NEVER approve the $60 billion needed for this stupid wall.
Is Mexico paying for it?
You were constantly lied to and you loved it.

Why is protecting our borders "stupid", Reasonable? It isn't to the people that live along the border? Why is it to you?
There is no need for further protection. More Mexicans have been leaving than coming in since 2009.
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it
Nothing was revealed yesterday other than the ravings of a lunatic who tells lies to sell books.
Look at this lunatic calling a long respected writer “ a lunatic.”
All because he exposed how Trump’s staff and Bannon really felt about him.
You can’t put the genie back into the bottle Corky, it’s out for everyone to see.
Just wait until Trump’s token black, Omarisa writes her book. It won’t be as literate as Wolff’s but it will reveal even more juicy facts on the worst president BY FAR, this country has ever seen.

What's amusing is how you on the left now constitute a virtual "ride off into the sunset filthy rich!" fund for anyone who writes a negative book about Trump! All they have to do is pen it...and you lemmings will fall all over yourselves buying it! You did the same thing when W. was in office as well.
There’s never been a book where a writer had such access to a president’s staff. There’s also never been a staff that hated the president as much as this one.
You should own up to your biases and admit this president is unfit for the job.
We now have dozens of people confirming it.

Everything the left has said about the pussygrabber has been confirmed by the very people that work for him.
And yet he keeps getting the job done? How do you explain that, Reasonable? How is this totally incompetent man...who you claim never wanted the job in the first place...who you further claim is hated by everyone who works for is THAT guy getting things like the tax cuts pushed through?
Getting it done?
If you mean giving total approval of letting polluters pollute.. yup he’s doing that alright.
He has one legislative accomplishment in one year. Obama had over a dozen.
And that tax scam law is historically unpopular by a 2-1 margin by the American people.
I hate to burst your bubble, Reasonable but it's looking like the building of better border security will be what Trump asks for in return for allowing DACA changes to become law.
i know the blackmail Trump’s trying to pull but it won’t work. There will never be a wall. Never.

Blackmail? It's called political compromise, Sparky and it's been going on since the nation was created! There already IS a wall by the simply needs to be strengthened so it works...something that should have been done LONG AGO!
There’s a fence only partially along the border.
Congress will NEVER approve the $60 billion needed for this stupid wall.
Is Mexico paying for it?
You were constantly lied to and you loved it.

Why is protecting our borders "stupid", Reasonable? It isn't to the people that live along the border? Why is it to you?
There is no need for further protection. More Mexicans have been leaving than coming in since 2009.

That was the case because under Barry the economy sucked!

However many of the Mexicans that HAVE been coming in are connected to narco-terrorist cartels. Drug smuggling across our southern border is a problem. Why do you not want that stopped?
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it

With stupid shit like this these Moon Bats wonder why we ridicule them so much.
Nothing was revealed yesterday other than the ravings of a lunatic who tells lies to sell books.
Look at this lunatic calling a long respected writer “ a lunatic.”
All because he exposed how Trump’s staff and Bannon really felt about him.
You can’t put the genie back into the bottle Corky, it’s out for everyone to see.
Just wait until Trump’s token black, Omarisa writes her book. It won’t be as literate as Wolff’s but it will reveal even more juicy facts on the worst president BY FAR, this country has ever seen.

What's amusing is how you on the left now constitute a virtual "ride off into the sunset filthy rich!" fund for anyone who writes a negative book about Trump! All they have to do is pen it...and you lemmings will fall all over yourselves buying it! You did the same thing when W. was in office as well.
There’s never been a book where a writer had such access to a president’s staff. There’s also never been a staff that hated the president as much as this one.
You should own up to your biases and admit this president is unfit for the job.
We now have dozens of people confirming it.

Everything the left has said about the pussygrabber has been confirmed by the very people that work for him.
And yet he keeps getting the job done? How do you explain that, Reasonable? How is this totally incompetent man...who you claim never wanted the job in the first place...who you further claim is hated by everyone who works for is THAT guy getting things like the tax cuts pushed through?
Getting it done?
If you mean giving total approval of letting polluters pollute.. yup he’s doing that alright.
He has one legislative accomplishment in one year. Obama had over a dozen.
And that tax scam law is historically unpopular by a 2-1 margin by the American people.
Nothing has been polluted, everyone who pays taxes gets a cut. Next lie please.
Look at this lunatic calling a long respected writer “ a lunatic.”
All because he exposed how Trump’s staff and Bannon really felt about him.
You can’t put the genie back into the bottle Corky, it’s out for everyone to see.
Just wait until Trump’s token black, Omarisa writes her book. It won’t be as literate as Wolff’s but it will reveal even more juicy facts on the worst president BY FAR, this country has ever seen.

What's amusing is how you on the left now constitute a virtual "ride off into the sunset filthy rich!" fund for anyone who writes a negative book about Trump! All they have to do is pen it...and you lemmings will fall all over yourselves buying it! You did the same thing when W. was in office as well.
There’s never been a book where a writer had such access to a president’s staff. There’s also never been a staff that hated the president as much as this one.
You should own up to your biases and admit this president is unfit for the job.
We now have dozens of people confirming it.

Everything the left has said about the pussygrabber has been confirmed by the very people that work for him.
And yet he keeps getting the job done? How do you explain that, Reasonable? How is this totally incompetent man...who you claim never wanted the job in the first place...who you further claim is hated by everyone who works for is THAT guy getting things like the tax cuts pushed through?
Getting it done?
If you mean giving total approval of letting polluters pollute.. yup he’s doing that alright.
He has one legislative accomplishment in one year. Obama had over a dozen.
And that tax scam law is historically unpopular by a 2-1 margin by the American people.
Nothing has been polluted, everyone who pays taxes gets a cut. Next lie please.
There you go lying again. I’ve already provided about a dozen links PROVING Trump is letting Big Coal pollute our rivers and streams and all you could weakly muster was it was an “ opinion.”

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