Trump's Chivalry: Men gotta rape when women are near

Trump is doomed in the debates.

He is a dream come true for Hillary's strategists and campaign consulting team.

Hillary is a lousy debater, and Trump is going to be worse.

His loose lipped babbling is going to lose him the election
Yesterday Hillary needed an earpiece feeding her answers to appear knowledgeable at a townhall.

If she can't cheat, she can't win.
It almost doesn't matter what Hillary says.

All everyone can hear is Trump, and for everything inspiring and spot on that he says....he continues till he says something that overshadows anything rational
Stupid Military! Dont they know that men are going to rape...its natural. Cant expect dudes to keep it in their pants. Sometimes you just gotta hold a bitch down
Apparently this is all we can expect from the liberals any more: Make up something the Republican never said, pretend he said it anyway, and bash him for it.

Remember the old days when liberals actually cited facts? And tried to argue honestly?

Naah, neither do I.

Stupid Military! Dont they know that men are going to rape...its natural. Cant expect dudes to keep it in their pants. Sometimes you just gotta hold a bitch down :dunno:

Hey you!

Clinton site removed 'believe rape victims' pledge after Bill allegations
This makes men look like we have very little control over ourselfs. This is very insulting.
Look at the bright side. Trump never said it. It was only liberals who said that. Maybe you should have a serious discussion with them, if you want the insults and lies to stop. Since liberals are the source of them all.
This makes men look like we have very little control over ourselfs. This is very insulting.

And? What do YOU have to worry about? In order to be insulted, you'd have to be one. . .
This makes men look like we have very little control over ourselfs. This is very insulting.
Why have rapes in the military increased with the increase in women in military units? Could it be that there are a lot of men that refuse to take no for an answer?
Trump is doomed in the debates.

He is a dream come true for Hillary's strategists and campaign consulting team.

Hillary is a lousy debater, and Trump is going to be worse.

His loose lipped babbling is going to lose him the election
Yesterday Hillary needed an earpiece feeding her answers to appear knowledgeable at a townhall.

If she can't cheat, she can't win.

So you are still sticking with that Alex Jones claim?
My DIL was raped at BAGRAM you piece of filth. It's a fucking free for all on the female soldiers that piece of shit cowards like YOU think should be available at all battle stations.

sorry for your dil, but i don't think blaming her for being there is the answer

Stupid Military! Dont they know that men are going to rape...its natural. Cant expect dudes to keep it in their pants. Sometimes you just gotta hold a bitch down :dunno:

Trump pointing out a fact and someone going ape shit again...

How many times has this happened before?

Stupid Military! Dont they know that men are going to rape...its natural. Cant expect dudes to keep it in their pants. Sometimes you just gotta hold a bitch down :dunno:

Hey you!

Clinton site removed 'believe rape victims' pledge after Bill allegations

This would be the same Juanita Brodderick who swore out an affadavit saying she never had sex with Clinton.

I guess she should have qualified it as saying, "you have a right to be believed, unless you've made numerous conflicting statements and a 70 million dollar investigation fails to substantiate your claims," but that might have been a mouthful...
Isn't there a rape charge hanging over DJT in NY?....

A copy of the California lawsuit (filed on 26 April 2016) shared via the Scribd web site outlined the allegations, which included the accusation that Trump and Epstein had (over 20 years earlier) "sexually and physically" abused the then 13-year-old plaintiff and forced her "to engage in various perverted and depraved sex acts" — including being “forced to manually stimulate Defendant Trump with the use of her hand upon Defendant Trump’s erect penis until he reached sexual orgasm,” and being “forced to engage in an unnatural lesbian sex act with her fellow minor and sex slave, Maria Doe, age 12, for the sexual enjoyment of Defendant Trump” — after luring her to a "series of underage sex parties" by promising her "money and a modeling career":
That is actually the narrative that is taught in a lot classrooms. Men are naturally rapist and oppress women. I believe it is called white-male privelidge or something like that so I don't see how Donald is saying anything that contradicts what women have been saying about men for years.
Isn't there a rape charge hanging over DJT in NY?....

A copy of the California lawsuit (filed on 26 April 2016) shared via the Scribd web site outlined the allegations, which included the accusation that Trump and Epstein had (over 20 years earlier) "sexually and physically" abused the then 13-year-old plaintiff and forced her "to engage in various perverted and depraved sex acts" — including being “forced to manually stimulate Defendant Trump with the use of her hand upon Defendant Trump’s erect penis until he reached sexual orgasm,” and being “forced to engage in an unnatural lesbian sex act with her fellow minor and sex slave, Maria Doe, age 12, for the sexual enjoyment of Defendant Trump” — after luring her to a "series of underage sex parties" by promising her "money and a modeling career":

Keep cut and pasting that because that is going to get you so far.

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