Trump's claim that Biden called black youth "Super predators" is rated false by Politifact

Trump simply made it up.
The independent fact-checking website continues to keep Trump's BS from being believed:
In a Nov. 18, 1993, Senate floor speech pushing for the bill, Biden spoke about doing something for young people who did not have supervision or structure and who did not have opportunities. He said the country needed to focus on them, because otherwise, a portion of them would "become the predators 15 years from now."

The context of what Biden said shows that he was talking about people hypothetically becoming predators, and it shows he did not single out Blacks, African Americans, or any other racial or ethnic group.

All they have to do is write a different history...and it if suits your agenda.....VOILA !!!


Want to believe Mao Tse Tung was a kind and gentle soul? Just re-write history !!!
Want to believe Stalin was a gentle man? Just re-write history !!

I can say this without reservation....not every human deserves freedom.
There is no rewriting of history there. Just what he said.

Kind of goes to show you how internet crappola goes viral because no one bothers to check, statements are truncated or completely fabricated and context is left out. Sign of the times.

You need to find a new racist meme for Biden I guess.

I posted video of what he and Hillary said.

The fact changers at politifraud lied once again.

Bunch of partisan hacks.
The crime bill was not "targeted" at blacks - it disproportionately affected blacks, something that wasn't recognized at the time.


It was absolutely aimed at urban black thugs - and rightly so. The problem was that it took away reason from the process and imposed blanket penalties without considering circumstance. Biden brags about that.

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