Trump's claim that Biden called black youth "Super predators" is rated false by Politifact

Trump simply made it up.

False, as usual. What Biden really called blacks was 'Predators'.

President Trump, if he claimed Biden said this, is confusing Joe Biden with Hillary Clinton, who DID call blacks 'super-predators'.

Biden just called blacks 'predators', claimed they are not 'diverse', stated 'you ain't black if you don't vote 'Biden''.

Nothing wrong with that if its not taken out of context.
A black reporter asked Joe Biden if he had taken a cognitive test. Joe Biden's response:

“No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test? Come on, man! That’s like saying you, before you got in this program, you’re taking a test whether you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think, huh? Are you a junkie?”

Biden to Latinos:

“Unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community, with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things.”

"Though Biden has a liberal reputation today, he spent the majority of his political career opposed to abortion, gay rights, and even integration. During a Congressional hearing on school busing in 1977, Biden warned of a future where his children would be forced into a "racial jungle."

Joe Biden's Opinion About Obama, the 1st Black Man to Be Nominated For President:

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden once said of former President Barack Obama. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

* 1st articulate, bright, clean mainstream black man...oh, and nice-looking?

* Finding an articulate, bright, clean, nice-looking mainstream black male is so rare, according to Joe, that it is a 'storybook'? Really?

* On The Daily Show Biden said his mistake in that comment was not using the term 'fresh' instead of 'clean'. :p

Biden stated the reason he could remain in his bunker was because some Black woman stocked shelves at the local Wal Mart / store....

'If you're not voting for Biden you ain't black'...

Kamala Harris savaged Joe Biden during the DNC Primary, attacking him for his stance on busing ' 'I was that little girl'....amazing how quickly she went from calling Joe an undeniable racist to 'Joe is NOT a racist' after getting the VP position....

-- In opposition to busing, Biden said:
“Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point. We have got to make some move on this.”

Biden insinuated that 'poor kids' ' BLACK kids in this comment:

“We should challenge students in these schools. We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”

"I’ve had a great relationship. In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking,”

30 Joe Biden Quotes You Have To Read To Believe

Trump simply made it up.
The independent fact-checking website continues to keep Trump's BS from being believed:
In a Nov. 18, 1993, Senate floor speech pushing for the bill, Biden spoke about doing something for young people who did not have supervision or structure and who did not have opportunities. He said the country needed to focus on them, because otherwise, a portion of them would "become the predators 15 years from now."

The context of what Biden said shows that he was talking about people hypothetically becoming predators, and it shows he did not single out Blacks, African Americans, or any other racial or ethnic group.

Politifraud are notorious liars and partisan hacks.

Biden is on video talking about black youth as predators.

Fuck the liars at Politifraud.
Trump simply made it up.
The independent fact-checking website continues to keep Trump's BS from being believed:
In a Nov. 18, 1993, Senate floor speech pushing for the bill, Biden spoke about doing something for young people who did not have supervision or structure and who did not have opportunities. He said the country needed to focus on them, because otherwise, a portion of them would "become the predators 15 years from now."

The context of what Biden said shows that he was talking about people hypothetically becoming predators, and it shows he did not single out Blacks, African Americans, or any other racial or ethnic group.
Fuck off.
From the OP

In a Nov. 18, 1993, Senate floor speech pushing for the bill, Biden spoke about doing something for young people who did not have supervision or structure and who did not have opportunities. He said the country needed to focus on them, because otherwise, a portion of them would "become the predators 15 years from now."

The context of what Biden said shows that he was talking about people hypothetically becoming predators, and it shows he did not single out Blacks, African Americans, or any other racial or ethnic group.
Trump simply made it up.
The independent fact-checking website continues to keep Trump's BS from being believed:
In a Nov. 18, 1993, Senate floor speech pushing for the bill, Biden spoke about doing something for young people who did not have supervision or structure and who did not have opportunities. He said the country needed to focus on them, because otherwise, a portion of them would "become the predators 15 years from now."

The context of what Biden said shows that he was talking about people hypothetically becoming predators, and it shows he did not single out Blacks, African Americans, or any other racial or ethnic group.
/——/ Tell us who Joe was talking about then. Biden in 1993 speech pushing crime bill warned of 'predators on our streets' who were 'beyond the pale'
Trump simply made it up.

False, as usual. What Biden really called blacks was 'Predators'.

President Trump, if he claimed Biden said this, is confusing Joe Biden with Hillary Clinton, who DID call blacks 'super-predators'.

Biden just called blacks 'predators', claimed they are not 'diverse', stated 'you ain't black if you don't vote 'Biden''.

Nothing wrong with that if its not taken out of context.

Describe the Context that would make saying that black people prey on others - acceptable.
I haven't seen where Trump said this but it wouldn't surprise me but yeah, Hillary said it.

Biden calling black youth predators is fact.

Politifraud are a bunch of fucking liars.

That isn't what Trump said.

It's exactly what he said.

Comrade Traitor pyetro is a fucking liar, as all democrats are. He turned to the ministry of truth at Politifraud who had their fact changers rewriting history to meet party goals. You have been busted.
Trump simply made it up.
The independent fact-checking website continues to keep Trump's BS from being believed:
In a Nov. 18, 1993, Senate floor speech pushing for the bill, Biden spoke about doing something for young people who did not have supervision or structure and who did not have opportunities. He said the country needed to focus on them, because otherwise, a portion of them would "become the predators 15 years from now."

The context of what Biden said shows that he was talking about people hypothetically becoming predators, and it shows he did not single out Blacks, African Americans, or any other racial or ethnic group.

Politifraud are notorious liars and partisan hacks.

Biden is on video talking about black youth as predators.

Fuck the liars at Politifraud.

According to you...

Could you provide evidence of them being "notorious liars"....

You see now people think you are a bullshitter and we don't want that... You tell us why you are not a bullshitter now...

Just like Poltifact how about you provide evidence for your assertion... Show us Poltifact lying...

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