Trump's Debate Lie Fest

China simply pays their worker class $13.00/day at gun point.
That's why we love China.

They pay a wage that is better than they used to have. It's not done at gun point. Labor laws are very biased in favor of businesses, but still not gun point. Workers can just leave.
Schmuck...they use nets to prevent employees from committing suicide.

Insults, wow.
You're a schmuck because you think FoxConn employees are living the life of Riley.
They are humans and they are being worked to death.
China simply pays their worker class $13.00/day at gun point.
That's why we love China.

They pay a wage that is better than they used to have. It's not done at gun point. Labor laws are very biased in favor of businesses, but still not gun point. Workers can just leave.
Schmuck...they use nets to prevent employees from committing suicide.

Insults, wow.
You're a schmuck because you think FoxConn employees are living the life of Riley.
They are humans and they are being worked to death.

Insults, wow.
Trump was crapping his pants. He stepped into the big league where facts matter and substance matters and he knew he was unarmed. He ran into a buzz saw of facts and got chewed up and spat out.

China simply pays their worker class $13.00/day at gun point.
That's why we love China.

They pay a wage that is better than they used to have. It's not done at gun point. Labor laws are very biased in favor of businesses, but still not gun point. Workers can just leave.
Schmuck...they use nets to prevent employees from committing suicide.

Insults, wow.
You're a schmuck because you think FoxConn employees are living the life of Riley.
They are humans and they are being worked to death.

Insults, wow.
If need be.
It takes a lot of "dumb" on your part to make me do that.
At least I woke you up.
They pay a wage that is better than they used to have. It's not done at gun point. Labor laws are very biased in favor of businesses, but still not gun point. Workers can just leave.
Schmuck...they use nets to prevent employees from committing suicide.

Insults, wow.
You're a schmuck because you think FoxConn employees are living the life of Riley.
They are humans and they are being worked to death.

Insults, wow.
If need be.
It takes a lot of "dumb" on your part to make me do that.
At least I woke you up.

If needs be? You mean, your argument is so bad that you then need to resort to insults?
Schmuck...they use nets to prevent employees from committing suicide.

Insults, wow.
You're a schmuck because you think FoxConn employees are living the life of Riley.
They are humans and they are being worked to death.

Insults, wow.
If need be.
It takes a lot of "dumb" on your part to make me do that.
At least I woke you up.

If needs be? You mean, your argument is so bad that you then need to resort to insults? are stuck on Trump when hundreds of other business people you LOVE do EXACTLY what Trump does?
THAT'S normal?
Insults, wow.
You're a schmuck because you think FoxConn employees are living the life of Riley.
They are humans and they are being worked to death.

Insults, wow.
If need be.
It takes a lot of "dumb" on your part to make me do that.
At least I woke you up.

If needs be? You mean, your argument is so bad that you then need to resort to insults? are stuck on Trump when hundreds of other business people you LOVE do EXACTLY what Trump does?
THAT'S normal?

Love? Which business people do I love?

Again, baseless, pointless nonsense that replaces what should be an argument.

Why don't you try sticking to facts, instead of trying to tell me what I think, when you don't know?

You seem to be lacking in an argument and you're fumbling around looking for some way out of it. Either that or you like hiding behind a computer insulting and attacking people.
It's as binary race....

Trump = America lives

Hitlery = America dies

Trump at least promises to make America great again.

The only promises we get out of this Crooked Hillary bitch is higher taxes, more Muslims, more illegals, more dismal economy, more welfare and having to payback the IOUs that foreign government and corporations are holding on her.
I believe he will at least try....

At 20 trillion in debt, the game is over anyway....but we are Americans, and we have to go down fighting....

I am not voting for Trump because he is a big government Liberal and will not do the necessary things to dismantle this bloated corrupt out of control welfare state Federal government like we need to have done.

However, between him and Crooked Hillary it is a no brainier. He will do a much better job than that shithead Crooked Hillary. She will be a disaster for this country. Even worse than this Obama jackass.
You're a schmuck because you think FoxConn employees are living the life of Riley.
They are humans and they are being worked to death.

Insults, wow.
If need be.
It takes a lot of "dumb" on your part to make me do that.
At least I woke you up.

If needs be? You mean, your argument is so bad that you then need to resort to insults? are stuck on Trump when hundreds of other business people you LOVE do EXACTLY what Trump does?
THAT'S normal?

Love? Which business people do I love?

Again, baseless, pointless nonsense that replaces what should be an argument.

Why don't you try sticking to facts, instead of trying to tell me what I think, when you don't know?

You seem to be lacking in an argument and you're fumbling around looking for some way out of it. Either that or you like hiding behind a computer insulting and attacking people.
So I guess you would never vote for Bill Gates for President.
And you consider all MNCs that have left America to be traitors.
Insults, wow.
If need be.
It takes a lot of "dumb" on your part to make me do that.
At least I woke you up.

If needs be? You mean, your argument is so bad that you then need to resort to insults? are stuck on Trump when hundreds of other business people you LOVE do EXACTLY what Trump does?
THAT'S normal?

Love? Which business people do I love?

Again, baseless, pointless nonsense that replaces what should be an argument.

Why don't you try sticking to facts, instead of trying to tell me what I think, when you don't know?

You seem to be lacking in an argument and you're fumbling around looking for some way out of it. Either that or you like hiding behind a computer insulting and attacking people.
So I guess you would never vote for Bill Gates for President.
And you consider all MNCs that have left America to be traitors.

No, probably not.

No, I don't consider those who have left the US to be traitors. I think the US needs to adapt to the climate.
It is absolutely astounding at how Trump supporter will deny the truth and support Donald Trump, the biggest liar to ever run for president. Trump supporters are way beyond deplorable. They lie and distort facts. Liars are worse than thieves. In some parts of the world liars get their lying tongues cut out!

On Mrs. Clinton’s accusation that Mr. Trump said climate change was a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese.

Mr. Trump responded, “I do not say that.” Trump LIED!

But in 2012, Mr. Trump tweeted, “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing noncompetitive.” Over the past year, Mr. Trump has repeatedly called climate change a hoax, and said that he is “not a believer” in the established science of human-caused climate change.

This is a partial list of Trump's lies in the first debate. READ ALL TRUMP'S LIES HERE

11:28 p.m. Donald Trump claims that NATO countries -- along with Japan and South Korea -- don’t pay the United States for the defense our country provides them.
TRUMP STATEMENT: “We defend Japan. We defend Germany. We defend South Korea. We defend Saudi Arabia. We defend countries. They do not pay us what they should be paying us because we are providing a tremendous service. And we’re losing a fortune. That’s why we’re losing. We lose on everything. All I said is that it is very possible that if they don’t pay us, because this isn’t 40 years ago… they may have to defend themselves or they have to help us out.”

FACT CHECK: According to the Wall Street Journal, South Korea paid about $866.6 million in 2014 to the U.S. for the American military presence in the country (which is meant to deter North Korea). That’s about 40 percent of the total cost.
For Japan this year, the country actually covers 90 percent of the cost of Japanese nationals employed by U.S. military bases, including most of the utility costs, rent, and noise abatement. Altogether, the Japanese pay $4 billion of U.S. “base-related expenses.”
On the whole, Trump’s comment about the U.S. shouldering an undue burden under NATO in defense expenditures is not entirely off base. U.S. expenditures as a share of GDP is 3.61 percent, whereas the next closest contributor is Greece’s share (2.38 percent of Greece’s GDP). Most of the partner nations pay quite a bit less than the suggested two percent of GDP that NATO puts in its guidelines.


11:19 p.m. Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton has spent “hundreds of millions of dollars” on negative ads against him and that he is now “winning or tied” in the polls after spending “practically nothing.”

TRUMP STATEMENT: “She spent hundreds of millions of dollars on negative ads on me, many of which are absolutely untrue, they’re untrue and they’re misrepresentations and I will tell you this, Lester, it’s not nice and I don’t deserve that. But it’s certainly not a nice thing that she’s done. It’s hundreds of millions of ads and the only gratifying thing is, I saw the the polls come in today and with all of that money over $200 million spent and I’m either winning or tied and I’ve spent practically nothing.”

FACT CHECK: This is mostly false. Clinton has not yet spent “hundreds of millions of dollars” on advertising – she has spent just about $100 million overall. Clinton spent $109.4 million on ads through Sept. 13, according to Bloomberg, compared to Trump’s $18.7 million. A Politico article from Aug. 23 cited data from Advertising Analytics as saying that 55 percent of Clinton’s ads were attacks on Trump and 45 percent were positive spots.


Posting nonsense in a giant bold font doesn't make it credible.

Just sayin'.

Poor Boedicca, she hates fact checking so much.

Poor Syfte. Can't distinguish Facts from Prog Secular Big Goverment Religious Voodoo. (blah blah blah yawn zzzzzz)
This is a partial list of Trump's lies in the first debate. READ ALL TRUMP'S LIES HERE

11:28 p.m. Donald Trump claims that NATO countries -- along with Japan and South Korea -- don’t pay the United States for the defense our country provides them.
TRUMP STATEMENT: “We defend Japan. We defend Germany. We defend South Korea. We defend Saudi Arabia. We defend countries. They do not pay us what they should be paying us because we are providing a tremendous service. And we’re losing a fortune. That’s why we’re losing. We lose on everything. All I said is that it is very possible that if they don’t pay us, because this isn’t 40 years ago… they may have to defend themselves or they have to help us out.”

FACT CHECK: According to the Wall Street Journal, South Korea paid about $866.6 million in 2014 to the U.S. for the American military presence in the country (which is meant to deter North Korea). That’s about 40 percent of the total cost.
For Japan this year, the country actually covers 90 percent of the cost of Japanese nationals employed by U.S. military bases, including most of the utility costs, rent, and noise abatement. Altogether, the Japanese pay $4 billion of U.S. “base-related expenses.”
On the whole, Trump’s comment about the U.S. shouldering an undue burden under NATO in defense expenditures is not entirely off base. U.S. expenditures as a share of GDP is 3.61 percent, whereas the next closest contributor is Greece’s share (2.38 percent of Greece’s GDP). Most of the partner nations pay quite a bit less than the suggested two percent of GDP that NATO puts in its guidelines.


11:19 p.m. Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton has spent “hundreds of millions of dollars” on negative ads against him and that he is now “winning or tied” in the polls after spending “practically nothing.”

TRUMP STATEMENT: “She spent hundreds of millions of dollars on negative ads on me, many of which are absolutely untrue, they’re untrue and they’re misrepresentations and I will tell you this, Lester, it’s not nice and I don’t deserve that. But it’s certainly not a nice thing that she’s done. It’s hundreds of millions of ads and the only gratifying thing is, I saw the the polls come in today and with all of that money over $200 million spent and I’m either winning or tied and I’ve spent practically nothing.”

FACT CHECK: This is mostly false. Clinton has not yet spent “hundreds of millions of dollars” on advertising – she has spent just about $100 million overall. Clinton spent $109.4 million on ads through Sept. 13, according to Bloomberg, compared to Trump’s $18.7 million. A Politico article from Aug. 23 cited data from Advertising Analytics as saying that 55 percent of Clinton’s ads were attacks on Trump and 45 percent were positive spots.


Posting nonsense in a giant bold font doesn't make it credible.

Just sayin'.

Nonsense = what you don't want to believe?

I'd prefer not to believe that our Republic has been destroyed and replaced by a Secular Prog Imperial Autocracy, but that would be delusional.
This is a partial list of Trump's lies in the first debate. READ ALL TRUMP'S LIES HERE

11:28 p.m. Donald Trump claims that NATO countries -- along with Japan and South Korea -- don’t pay the United States for the defense our country provides them.
TRUMP STATEMENT: “We defend Japan. We defend Germany. We defend South Korea. We defend Saudi Arabia. We defend countries. They do not pay us what they should be paying us because we are providing a tremendous service. And we’re losing a fortune. That’s why we’re losing. We lose on everything. All I said is that it is very possible that if they don’t pay us, because this isn’t 40 years ago… they may have to defend themselves or they have to help us out.”

FACT CHECK: According to the Wall Street Journal, South Korea paid about $866.6 million in 2014 to the U.S. for the American military presence in the country (which is meant to deter North Korea). That’s about 40 percent of the total cost.
For Japan this year, the country actually covers 90 percent of the cost of Japanese nationals employed by U.S. military bases, including most of the utility costs, rent, and noise abatement. Altogether, the Japanese pay $4 billion of U.S. “base-related expenses.”
On the whole, Trump’s comment about the U.S. shouldering an undue burden under NATO in defense expenditures is not entirely off base. U.S. expenditures as a share of GDP is 3.61 percent, whereas the next closest contributor is Greece’s share (2.38 percent of Greece’s GDP). Most of the partner nations pay quite a bit less than the suggested two percent of GDP that NATO puts in its guidelines.


11:19 p.m. Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton has spent “hundreds of millions of dollars” on negative ads against him and that he is now “winning or tied” in the polls after spending “practically nothing.”

TRUMP STATEMENT: “She spent hundreds of millions of dollars on negative ads on me, many of which are absolutely untrue, they’re untrue and they’re misrepresentations and I will tell you this, Lester, it’s not nice and I don’t deserve that. But it’s certainly not a nice thing that she’s done. It’s hundreds of millions of ads and the only gratifying thing is, I saw the the polls come in today and with all of that money over $200 million spent and I’m either winning or tied and I’ve spent practically nothing.”

FACT CHECK: This is mostly false. Clinton has not yet spent “hundreds of millions of dollars” on advertising – she has spent just about $100 million overall. Clinton spent $109.4 million on ads through Sept. 13, according to Bloomberg, compared to Trump’s $18.7 million. A Politico article from Aug. 23 cited data from Advertising Analytics as saying that 55 percent of Clinton’s ads were attacks on Trump and 45 percent were positive spots.


Posting nonsense in a giant bold font doesn't make it credible.

Just sayin'.

Of course it does, just ask him!!!
Ole John of Ark here is the pathway to God doncha know?
Remember, Republicans must always lie, steal & cheat, or repeat a lie unwittingly. If they know the truth they lie, if they claim they are not lying, they still are, they are just not smart enough to know. If Republicans are typing, writing or talking, they are Lying!!!

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