Trump's Debate Lie Fest

China simply pays their worker class $13.00/day at gun point.
That's why we love China.

On Mr. Trump’s claim that Ford is leaving the United States and taking “thousands of jobs” with it.

Mr. Trump dishonestly described a dire situation for the United States’ industrial economy, saying that “Ford is leaving,” referring to the auto giant, and that “thousands of jobs are leaving Michigan, leaving Ohio. They’re all leaving.”

Ford is moving its manufacturing of many smaller cars to Mexico, but has said that the move will not result in job losses in the United States.

Ohio and Michigan have, indeed, suffered major manufacturing job losses over the past generation. But in the past year, Ohio has gained 78,300 jobs, and Michigan has gained 75,800 jobs. In August, the unemployment rate was 4.9 percent in Michigan and 4.7 percent in Ohio, both in line with the national rate.


Mrs. Clinton on Mr. Trump’s tax plan:

Mrs. Clinton said that Mr. Trump’s tax plan would increase the federal debt by “over $5 trillion,” and that it would penalize middle-income families.

The conservative Tax Foundation estimates that Mr. Trump’s plan would cost a minimum of $4.4 trillion. A liberal group, Citizens for Tax Justice, pegs the minimum cost a t$4.8 trillion. But the final bill could be significantly greater. Mr. Trump has offered multiple versions of some elements of his plan. A tax break for small businesses, in particular, could add more than $1 trillion to the final bill.

The Trump campaign, however, insists that the final cost would be just $2.6 trillion. This is based on a stripped-down version of Mr. Trump’s plan — one that is inconsistent with his campaign’s public promises. It also assumes that lower tax rates would encourage much stronger economic growth, reducing the cost.

Would it hurt the middle class? Mr. Trump’s plan would reduce the average tax burden for low-income, middle-income and upper-income households — but it would not cut everyone’s taxes. Indeed, a new analysis finds roughly 7.8 million families with children would pay higher taxes under Mr. Trump’s plan.


10:49 p.m. Donald Trump claims that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) controls a lot of the oil in Libya.

ISIS has “oil all over the place, including the oil, a lot of the oil, in Libya.”

According to a Bloomberg analysis, Libyan oil fields and pipelines are controlled by a combination of the Government of National Accord, allies of the Tripoli Petroleum Facilities Guard, and the Libyan National Army (and groups aligned with them).
Claudia Gazzini, a Tripoli-based senior analyst at the International Crisis Group, told the Washington Post that it was simply not true that the Islamic State has control of any Libyan oil.

“While it is true that ISIS has attacked oil fields in the Sirte basin area and destroyed key equipment there, they have not sought to keep control of the oil fields,” Gazzini said.

Either he lied or he's misinformed like every usmb Republican.

Did he lie when he denied being a global warming denier nutjob? How about him being a birther?
This is a partial list of Trump's lies in the first debate. READ ALL TRUMP'S LIES HERE

11:28 p.m. Donald Trump claims that NATO countries -- along with Japan and South Korea -- don’t pay the United States for the defense our country provides them.
TRUMP STATEMENT: “We defend Japan. We defend Germany. We defend South Korea. We defend Saudi Arabia. We defend countries. They do not pay us what they should be paying us because we are providing a tremendous service. And we’re losing a fortune. That’s why we’re losing. We lose on everything. All I said is that it is very possible that if they don’t pay us, because this isn’t 40 years ago… they may have to defend themselves or they have to help us out.”

FACT CHECK: According to the Wall Street Journal, South Korea paid about $866.6 million in 2014 to the U.S. for the American military presence in the country (which is meant to deter North Korea). That’s about 40 percent of the total cost.
For Japan this year, the country actually covers 90 percent of the cost of Japanese nationals employed by U.S. military bases, including most of the utility costs, rent, and noise abatement. Altogether, the Japanese pay $4 billion of U.S. “base-related expenses.”
On the whole, Trump’s comment about the U.S. shouldering an undue burden under NATO in defense expenditures is not entirely off base. U.S. expenditures as a share of GDP is 3.61 percent, whereas the next closest contributor is Greece’s share (2.38 percent of Greece’s GDP). Most of the partner nations pay quite a bit less than the suggested two percent of GDP that NATO puts in its guidelines.


11:19 p.m. Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton has spent “hundreds of millions of dollars” on negative ads against him and that he is now “winning or tied” in the polls after spending “practically nothing.”

TRUMP STATEMENT: “She spent hundreds of millions of dollars on negative ads on me, many of which are absolutely untrue, they’re untrue and they’re misrepresentations and I will tell you this, Lester, it’s not nice and I don’t deserve that. But it’s certainly not a nice thing that she’s done. It’s hundreds of millions of ads and the only gratifying thing is, I saw the the polls come in today and with all of that money over $200 million spent and I’m either winning or tied and I’ve spent practically nothing.”

FACT CHECK: This is mostly false. Clinton has not yet spent “hundreds of millions of dollars” on advertising – she has spent just about $100 million overall. Clinton spent $109.4 million on ads through Sept. 13, according to Bloomberg, compared to Trump’s $18.7 million. A Politico article from Aug. 23 cited data from Advertising Analytics as saying that 55 percent of Clinton’s ads were attacks on Trump and 45 percent were positive spots.


Your NATO Trump quote is true.
Your explanation of why it is a lie is a fact, your explained why it's a lie.

Campaign Ads...Trump said NOTHING about the positive ads, so why did you?
If Trump said Hillary spent $100,000,000.00 on ads would you be happy?
Who cares when she has been part of why America is out TRILLIONS of dollars.

I wish there were a bounty on liars. I'd be richer than Mark Cuban.


Hillary was right along side Bill creating a budget surplus while recovering from Bush 1.
Debate Check: 12 Hillary Lies Debunked

Debate Check: 12 Hillary Lies Debunked
Clinton's debate performance was riddled with mistruths that got a pass from Lester Holt

While the moderator focused on interrupting and fact-checking Trump, Hillary Clinton offered a litany of lies to the nation on Monday night during her first debate against Donald Trump.


Stop lying Flash you typical CON.
Debate Check: 12 Hillary Lies Debunked

Debate Check: 12 Hillary Lies Debunked
Clinton's debate performance was riddled with mistruths that got a pass from Lester Holt

While the moderator focused on interrupting and fact-checking Trump, Hillary Clinton offered a litany of lies to the nation on Monday night during her first debate against Donald Trump.


Stop lying Flash you typical CON.
You're the gold standard of fucktard liberal...:lol:
This is a partial list of Trump's lies in the first debate. READ ALL TRUMP'S LIES HERE

11:28 p.m. Donald Trump claims that NATO countries -- along with Japan and South Korea -- don’t pay the United States for the defense our country provides them.
TRUMP STATEMENT: “We defend Japan. We defend Germany. We defend South Korea. We defend Saudi Arabia. We defend countries. They do not pay us what they should be paying us because we are providing a tremendous service. And we’re losing a fortune. That’s why we’re losing. We lose on everything. All I said is that it is very possible that if they don’t pay us, because this isn’t 40 years ago… they may have to defend themselves or they have to help us out.”

FACT CHECK: According to the Wall Street Journal, South Korea paid about $866.6 million in 2014 to the U.S. for the American military presence in the country (which is meant to deter North Korea). That’s about 40 percent of the total cost.
For Japan this year, the country actually covers 90 percent of the cost of Japanese nationals employed by U.S. military bases, including most of the utility costs, rent, and noise abatement. Altogether, the Japanese pay $4 billion of U.S. “base-related expenses.”
On the whole, Trump’s comment about the U.S. shouldering an undue burden under NATO in defense expenditures is not entirely off base. U.S. expenditures as a share of GDP is 3.61 percent, whereas the next closest contributor is Greece’s share (2.38 percent of Greece’s GDP). Most of the partner nations pay quite a bit less than the suggested two percent of GDP that NATO puts in its guidelines.


11:19 p.m. Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton has spent “hundreds of millions of dollars” on negative ads against him and that he is now “winning or tied” in the polls after spending “practically nothing.”

TRUMP STATEMENT: “She spent hundreds of millions of dollars on negative ads on me, many of which are absolutely untrue, they’re untrue and they’re misrepresentations and I will tell you this, Lester, it’s not nice and I don’t deserve that. But it’s certainly not a nice thing that she’s done. It’s hundreds of millions of ads and the only gratifying thing is, I saw the the polls come in today and with all of that money over $200 million spent and I’m either winning or tied and I’ve spent practically nothing.”

FACT CHECK: This is mostly false. Clinton has not yet spent “hundreds of millions of dollars” on advertising – she has spent just about $100 million overall. Clinton spent $109.4 million on ads through Sept. 13, according to Bloomberg, compared to Trump’s $18.7 million. A Politico article from Aug. 23 cited data from Advertising Analytics as saying that 55 percent of Clinton’s ads were attacks on Trump and 45 percent were positive spots.


Posting nonsense in a giant bold font doesn't make it credible.

Just sayin'.

Poor Boedicca, she hates fact checking so much.
Debate Check: 12 Hillary Lies Debunked

Debate Check: 12 Hillary Lies Debunked
Clinton's debate performance was riddled with mistruths that got a pass from Lester Holt

While the moderator focused on interrupting and fact-checking Trump, Hillary Clinton offered a litany of lies to the nation on Monday night during her first debate against Donald Trump.


Stop lying Flash you typical CON.
You're the gold standard of fucktard liberal...:lol:

So this is the pinnacle of the Trumpbots Fact checking.....

Next defense will be the 'But, but, but, Hillary.......
Debate Check: 12 Hillary Lies Debunked
Clinton's debate performance was riddled with mistruths that got a pass from Lester Holt

While the moderator focused on interrupting and fact-checking Trump, Hillary Clinton offered a litany of lies to the nation on Monday night during her first debate against Donald Trump.


Here comes your ass kicking liar!

On Mr. Trump’s claim that the United States is “not updating” its nuclear arsenal and the Iran nuclear deal.

Mr. Trump is wrong. The United States has a major nuclear modernization program underway, at a cost of tens of billions of dollars. On the Iran nuclear deal, he complained that the United States paid $1.7 billion in cash to Iran. It did. But it was Iran’s money, for military goods never delivered to Iran after the Iranian Revolution. (The principal was $400 million; the remaining $1.3 billion was interest owed in the ensuing three decades.)


On Mr. Trump saying that the United States should have taken Iraq’s oil.

It is an assertion that he made a few weeks ago, and one that was roundly criticized at the time. Seizing Iraq’s oil — or the resources of any country — is illegal under international law, and doing so would have likely prompted condemnation from around the world. In purely practical terms, seizing Iraq’s oil would have required tens of thousands of American troops to protect Iraq’s oil infrastructure, which is spread out across the country and largely above ground. It also is probably safe to assume that Iraqis themselves would have objected to their country’s main source of wealth being used to enrich another country.

Like most CONS Trumpanzee is talking out of his ass and TRUMP IS LYING!

On Mr. Trump saying the Islamic State would never have come into power if the United States had stayed in Iraq.

The assertion is impossible to disprove, but it’s unlikely that 10,000 troops remaining in Iraq would have made much of a difference — especially in Syria and Libya, where the United States never had troops.


On Mr. Trump saying Mrs. Clinton had been “fighting ISIS your entire adult life.”

In reality, (CONS HATE REALITY) the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, began as an Al Qaeda affiliate that sprang up in Iraq as the Sunni insurgency amid the power vacuum created by the American invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein’s government in 2003. It was largely defeated and pushed into Syria during the Obama administration’s first term, when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state. It eventually split from the original Al Qaeda and rebranded itself as ISIS, sweeping back into Iraq in 2014, when she was out of office.

TRUMP LIED and so do his treasonous supporters

On Mrs. Clinton blaming Russia for conducting cyberattacks, saying Russia and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia were playing a “long game.”

She’s right, even though United States has not yet publicly named Russia as the attacker against the Democratic National Committee, much less the State Department, the White House and the Joint Chiefs.

“The United States has much greater capacity,” she said, seeming to threaten that the United States could respond in kind. She appeared to be referring to Washington’s offensive cyberability, made clear in the American attacks on Iran’s nuclear program, code-named “Olympic Games,” which played out while she was secretary of state. Again, the United States has never admitted to that cyberoffensive action.

Mr. Trump seemed to try to deflect responsibility away from Moscow. “It could be Russia,” he said, “but it could also be China.” United States intelligence officials disagree: This most recent round of attacks, they concluded with “high confidence,” indeed originated from Russia.


On Mr. Trump’s assertion that many NATO countries do not contribute their full share to NATO.

Mr. Trump was correct in asserting that many NATO countries do not contribute their full share to NATO — a complaint that Mr. Obama and a former secretary of defense, Robert Gates, have also voiced.But he was wrong about NATO failing to fight terrorism. NATO was in Afghanistan starting in 2003 — part of the battle against Al Qaeda.


On Mr. Trump’s opposition to the Iraq war.

Mr. Trump said he opposed the war in Iraq before it began. But during the buildup to the war, he expressed his support in an interview with Howard Stern, according to audio unearthed by BuzzFeed.


On Mr. Trump saying that China is “devaluing their currency” to gain an economic advantage.

This is an outdated accusation. Countries that hold down the value of their currency can sell goods in other countries more cheaply. And many economists see evidence that China suppressed the value of its currency for years, contributing to its rise as an industrial power. But in recent years, China has sought to stabilize and even increase the value of its currency, part of a broader shift in its economic policies. There is no evidence that China is presently engaging in currency devaluation.



LOL! The link was in the post. You are simply too stupid to click on it.

Of course that level of stupidity is normal for some jackass that thinks Crooked Hillary is honest and will make a Jim Dandy Commander in Chief.

I am not voting for Trump you moron so you hate rage is wasted on me. However, your inability to understand or acknowledge the massive corruption, dishonesty and incompetency of Crooked Hillary speaks volumes to your Libtard Moon Bat stupidity.
Debate Check: 12 Hillary Lies Debunked
Clinton's debate performance was riddled with mistruths that got a pass from Lester Holt

While the moderator focused on interrupting and fact-checking Trump, Hillary Clinton offered a litany of lies to the nation on Monday night during her first debate against Donald Trump.


Here comes your ass kicking liar!

On Mr. Trump’s claim that the United States is “not updating” its nuclear arsenal and the Iran nuclear deal.

Mr. Trump is wrong. The United States has a major nuclear modernization program underway, at a cost of tens of billions of dollars. On the Iran nuclear deal, he complained that the United States paid $1.7 billion in cash to Iran. It did. But it was Iran’s money, for military goods never delivered to Iran after the Iranian Revolution. (The principal was $400 million; the remaining $1.3 billion was interest owed in the ensuing three decades.)


On Mr. Trump saying that the United States should have taken Iraq’s oil.

It is an assertion that he made a few weeks ago, and one that was roundly criticized at the time. Seizing Iraq’s oil — or the resources of any country — is illegal under international law, and doing so would have likely prompted condemnation from around the world. In purely practical terms, seizing Iraq’s oil would have required tens of thousands of American troops to protect Iraq’s oil infrastructure, which is spread out across the country and largely above ground. It also is probably safe to assume that Iraqis themselves would have objected to their country’s main source of wealth being used to enrich another country.

Like most CONS Trumpanzee is talking out of his ass and TRUMP IS LYING!

On Mr. Trump saying the Islamic State would never have come into power if the United States had stayed in Iraq.

The assertion is impossible to disprove, but it’s unlikely that 10,000 troops remaining in Iraq would have made much of a difference — especially in Syria and Libya, where the United States never had troops.


On Mr. Trump saying Mrs. Clinton had been “fighting ISIS your entire adult life.”

In reality, (CONS HATE REALITY) the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, began as an Al Qaeda affiliate that sprang up in Iraq as the Sunni insurgency amid the power vacuum created by the American invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein’s government in 2003. It was largely defeated and pushed into Syria during the Obama administration’s first term, when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state. It eventually split from the original Al Qaeda and rebranded itself as ISIS, sweeping back into Iraq in 2014, when she was out of office.

TRUMP LIED and so do his treasonous supporters

On Mrs. Clinton blaming Russia for conducting cyberattacks, saying Russia and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia were playing a “long game.”

She’s right, even though United States has not yet publicly named Russia as the attacker against the Democratic National Committee, much less the State Department, the White House and the Joint Chiefs.

“The United States has much greater capacity,” she said, seeming to threaten that the United States could respond in kind. She appeared to be referring to Washington’s offensive cyberability, made clear in the American attacks on Iran’s nuclear program, code-named “Olympic Games,” which played out while she was secretary of state. Again, the United States has never admitted to that cyberoffensive action.

Mr. Trump seemed to try to deflect responsibility away from Moscow. “It could be Russia,” he said, “but it could also be China.” United States intelligence officials disagree: This most recent round of attacks, they concluded with “high confidence,” indeed originated from Russia.


On Mr. Trump’s assertion that many NATO countries do not contribute their full share to NATO.

Mr. Trump was correct in asserting that many NATO countries do not contribute their full share to NATO — a complaint that Mr. Obama and a former secretary of defense, Robert Gates, have also voiced.But he was wrong about NATO failing to fight terrorism. NATO was in Afghanistan starting in 2003 — part of the battle against Al Qaeda.


On Mr. Trump’s opposition to the Iraq war.

Mr. Trump said he opposed the war in Iraq before it began. But during the buildup to the war, he expressed his support in an interview with Howard Stern, according to audio unearthed by BuzzFeed.


On Mr. Trump saying that China is “devaluing their currency” to gain an economic advantage.

This is an outdated accusation. Countries that hold down the value of their currency can sell goods in other countries more cheaply. And many economists see evidence that China suppressed the value of its currency for years, contributing to its rise as an industrial power. But in recent years, China has sought to stabilize and even increase the value of its currency, part of a broader shift in its economic policies. There is no evidence that China is presently engaging in currency devaluation.



The link was in the post. You are simply too stupid to click on it.

Of course that level of stupidity is normal for some jackass that thinks Crooked Hillary is honest and will make a Jim Dandy Commander in Chief.

I am not voting for Trump you moron so you hate rage is wasted on me. However, your inability to understand or acknowledge the massive corruption, dishonesty and incompetency of Crooked Hillary speaks volumes to your Libtard Moon Bat stupidity.

Who are you voting for? Don't say Gary "I have a screw loose" Johnson....
Debate Check: 12 Hillary Lies Debunked

Debate Check: 12 Hillary Lies Debunked
Clinton's debate performance was riddled with mistruths that got a pass from Lester Holt

While the moderator focused on interrupting and fact-checking Trump, Hillary Clinton offered a litany of lies to the nation on Monday night during her first debate against Donald Trump.


Stop lying Flash you typical CON.
You're the gold standard of fucktard liberal...:lol:

So this is the pinnacle of the Trumpbots Fact checking.....

Next defense will be the 'But, but, but, Hillary.......

Both candidates lied last night and I am not voting for either one of them.

Your inability to understand that Crooked Hillary was lying her fat diseased ass off also is just another textbook example of Libtard stupidity.

That filthy ass bitch, just like her scumbag husband, has never told the truth in her life. Last night was no exception and the article exposed her lies.
On Mr. Trump and NAFTA DISTORTED and LIED:

Mr. Trump said that the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, “is the worst trade deal” in American history, and possibly in world history.

More than 20 years after its passage, NAFTA remains a political lightning rod. But the evidence suggests it wasn’t a big deal in economic terms. Indeed, the Congressional Research Service concluded in 2015 that the “net overall effect of NAFTA on the U.S. economy appears to have been relatively modest.” The reason: Trade with Canada and Mexico comprises a small portion of American economic activity.


Hey CONS, I have many more lies of TRUMP!



Debate Check: 12 Hillary Lies Debunked

Debate Check: 12 Hillary Lies Debunked
Clinton's debate performance was riddled with mistruths that got a pass from Lester Holt

While the moderator focused on interrupting and fact-checking Trump, Hillary Clinton offered a litany of lies to the nation on Monday night during her first debate against Donald Trump.


Stop lying Flash you typical CON.
You're the gold standard of fucktard liberal...:lol:

So this is the pinnacle of the Trumpbots Fact checking.....

Next defense will be the 'But, but, but, Hillary.......

Both candidates lied last night and I am not voting for either one of them.

Your inability to understand that Crooked Hillary was lying her fat diseased ass off also is just another textbook example of Libtard stupidity.

That filthy ass bitch, just like her scumbag husband, has never told the truth in her life. Last night was no exception and the article exposed her lies.
It's as binary race....

Trump = America lives

Hitlery = America dies
This is a partial list of Trump's lies in the first debate. READ ALL TRUMP'S LIES HERE

11:28 p.m. Donald Trump claims that NATO countries -- along with Japan and South Korea -- don’t pay the United States for the defense our country provides them.
TRUMP STATEMENT: “We defend Japan. We defend Germany. We defend South Korea. We defend Saudi Arabia. We defend countries. They do not pay us what they should be paying us because we are providing a tremendous service. And we’re losing a fortune. That’s why we’re losing. We lose on everything. All I said is that it is very possible that if they don’t pay us, because this isn’t 40 years ago… they may have to defend themselves or they have to help us out.”

FACT CHECK: According to the Wall Street Journal, South Korea paid about $866.6 million in 2014 to the U.S. for the American military presence in the country (which is meant to deter North Korea). That’s about 40 percent of the total cost.
For Japan this year, the country actually covers 90 percent of the cost of Japanese nationals employed by U.S. military bases, including most of the utility costs, rent, and noise abatement. Altogether, the Japanese pay $4 billion of U.S. “base-related expenses.”
On the whole, Trump’s comment about the U.S. shouldering an undue burden under NATO in defense expenditures is not entirely off base. U.S. expenditures as a share of GDP is 3.61 percent, whereas the next closest contributor is Greece’s share (2.38 percent of Greece’s GDP). Most of the partner nations pay quite a bit less than the suggested two percent of GDP that NATO puts in its guidelines.


11:19 p.m. Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton has spent “hundreds of millions of dollars” on negative ads against him and that he is now “winning or tied” in the polls after spending “practically nothing.”

TRUMP STATEMENT: “She spent hundreds of millions of dollars on negative ads on me, many of which are absolutely untrue, they’re untrue and they’re misrepresentations and I will tell you this, Lester, it’s not nice and I don’t deserve that. But it’s certainly not a nice thing that she’s done. It’s hundreds of millions of ads and the only gratifying thing is, I saw the the polls come in today and with all of that money over $200 million spent and I’m either winning or tied and I’ve spent practically nothing.”

FACT CHECK: This is mostly false. Clinton has not yet spent “hundreds of millions of dollars” on advertising – she has spent just about $100 million overall. Clinton spent $109.4 million on ads through Sept. 13, according to Bloomberg, compared to Trump’s $18.7 million. A Politico article from Aug. 23 cited data from Advertising Analytics as saying that 55 percent of Clinton’s ads were attacks on Trump and 45 percent were positive spots.


Posting nonsense in a giant bold font doesn't make it credible.

Just sayin'.

Nonsense = what you don't want to believe?
Debate Check: 12 Hillary Lies Debunked

Debate Check: 12 Hillary Lies Debunked
Clinton's debate performance was riddled with mistruths that got a pass from Lester Holt

While the moderator focused on interrupting and fact-checking Trump, Hillary Clinton offered a litany of lies to the nation on Monday night during her first debate against Donald Trump.


Stop lying Flash you typical CON.
You're the gold standard of fucktard liberal...:lol:

So this is the pinnacle of the Trumpbots Fact checking.....

Next defense will be the 'But, but, but, Hillary.......

The truth hurts, doesn't it?

Meanwhile you filthy ass Libtard Moon Bats post your silly convoluted trash on Trump while ignoring the tremendous dishonesty of that shithead Crooked Hillary. She is absolutely without a doubt the most dishonest person to ever run for office. That is saying a lot knowing that Slick Willy once held first place.

Hypocritical assholes.
China simply pays their worker class $13.00/day at gun point.
That's why we love China.

They pay a wage that is better than they used to have. It's not done at gun point. Labor laws are very biased in favor of businesses, but still not gun point. Workers can just leave.
Hillary supporter does not like lying.

Is there anything dumber than left wing pieces of shit like the OP?
It's as binary race....

Trump = America lives

Hitlery = America dies

Trump at least promises to make America great again.

The only promises we get out of this Crooked Hillary bitch is higher taxes, more Muslims, more illegals, more dismal economy, more welfare and having to payback the IOUs that foreign government and corporations are holding on her.
It's as binary race....

Trump = America lives

Hitlery = America dies

Trump at least promises to make America great again.

The only promises we get out of this Crooked Hillary bitch is higher taxes, more Muslims, more illegals, more dismal economy, more welfare and having to payback the IOUs that foreign government and corporations are holding on her.
I believe he will at least try....

At 20 trillion in debt, the game is over anyway....but we are Americans, and we have to go down fighting....

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