Trumps deportation plan would cost $100-$200 BILLION

The numbers Democrats are throwing around are utter BS. All you have to do is what was done for over a century in this country. You put a bounty on the heads of illegals of about $200 per adult, $100 for kids, delivered healthy, and intact in the case of families, to collection facilities throughout the country. From these facilities they are bussed under armed guard to the boarder where they are returned to Mexico. If they aren't from Mexico, too bad. That's where they entered from, that's where we send them back. They obviously got to Mexico somehow.

Democrats will scream and wail that we are all a bunch of Hitlers. So we ask if they would like to leave in their place because someone's going. I bet those Dems decide to stay.
Did anyone told you here you are dumb, stupid and ignorant?
If no one told you that then. I'm telling you , you are dumb, stupid and ignorant. Now go cut woods.
Your argument is weak so you resort to ad hominem attack. Liberals are like teenagers who just never grow up. The way you view the world, the maturity of your minds, and your ability tolerate opposition to your opinions is very much like that of spoiled juveniles.

I'll waste no more time with your childish machinations.

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
Childish? Juvenile? Look at your post.
Now go away.
One, brief and very debatable annual surpus. One. It was made of the same stuff the dot com bubble was made of and the same stuff Obama's 5% unemployment is made of. Pure and utter BS. By putting forth such an argument you have exposed you ignorance. You are a model liberal in that you display a possession of only enough information to justify your ill-conceived ideas for the world. Trying to attempt a conversation with you will be of no benefit to anyone but comic writers and I don't feel like doing their job for them.

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
Someone brought up surplus and yes we did have a surplus. And I'm not making any excuses or what so ever Dot com blah blah blah whatever. We did have a surplus that's the bottom line. Bush gave it away to help improve the economy and actually it was a good idea.
You're a moron. We did not have a surplus, dumb ass. And Bush didn't give shit away, WE FUCKING EARN OUR INCOME YOU PIECE OF SHIT.
Then you explain. How some of my warehouse and clerks employees received unexpected checks from the government? Why would I even waste my time bring this up? Your toilet mouth is impressing me.
Did I made you cry because I insulted your knowledge?
One, brief and very debatable annual surpus. One. It was made of the same stuff the dot com bubble was made of and the same stuff Obama's 5% unemployment is made of. Pure and utter BS. By putting forth such an argument you have exposed you ignorance. You are a model liberal in that you display a possession of only enough information to justify your ill-conceived ideas for the world. Trying to attempt a conversation with you will be of no benefit to anyone but comic writers and I don't feel like doing their job for them.

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
Someone brought up surplus and yes we did have a surplus. And I'm not making any excuses or what so ever Dot com blah blah blah whatever. We did have a surplus that's the bottom line. Bush gave it away to help improve the economy and actually it was a good idea.
You're a moron. We did not have a surplus, dumb ass. And Bush didn't give shit away, WE FUCKING EARN OUR INCOME YOU PIECE OF SHIT.
Then you explain. How some of my warehouse and clerks employees received unexpected checks from the government? Why would I even waste my time bring this up? Your toilet mouth is impressing me.
Did I made you cry because I insulted your knowledge?
The checks were tax rebates, dumb ass. It's make you cry.. not made.
How are you going to round up 12 to at least 30 millions illegals? And their anchor babies? Are you going to issue national ID to check ALL I mean ALL citizens living in U.S.?
You need a martial law to accomplish this and tank going to barrios rounding up people like the Nazis did in WW2.
There are no civilized country in this world that will let that happen.

First of all, no one has proposed we round up anyone. Illegals who are reported or caught committing a crime are going back home. They are probably going to take their anchor babies. No one is proposing national IDs, in fact, only liberal Democrats want to register us like the gestapo did back in WW2... you know, when they rounded up people because they were JEWS and not because they were criminals?

And no country is going to let it happen? LMAO... What are they going to do about it? I certainly hope it is more than whine and blubber on a message board like you! I really hope some country DOES decide to jump on us, I'd love to see Trump lay the smack down on their ass!

Did anyone told you here you are dumb, stupid and ignorant?

Did anyone "told you here" you are illiterate and shouldn't be calling anyone dumb?
How the hell do you have "12 to at least 30 million?"
Massive budget surpluses? Hello? What country do you live in?

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
We did have surpluses after Clinton left office then Bush gave it to the public.
Bullshit. We had a dot com boom that was followed by a dot com bust at the very end of Clinton's term both of which clinton HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH. Libs are so dumb.
we had massive federal budget surpluses when that political major did a better job than an Ivy League MBA.
Massive budget surpluses? Hello? What country do you live in?

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
We did have surpluses after Clinton left office then Bush gave it to the public.
Bullshit. We had a dot com boom that was followed by a dot com bust at the very end of Clinton's term both of which clinton HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH. Libs are so dumb.
Nope. You may want to research. Some of my employees even received checks. Surprised you coming in shooting your mouth with no knowledge.
like usual for the right; they even have the chics doing it.
Massive budget surpluses? Hello? What country do you live in?

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
We did have surpluses after Clinton left office then Bush gave it to the public.
Bullshit. We had a dot com boom that was followed by a dot com bust at the very end of Clinton's term both of which clinton HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH. Libs are so dumb.
Nope. You may want to research. Some of my employees even received checks. Surprised you coming in shooting your mouth with no knowledge.
Huh? What are you smoking?
the pipe of sublime Truth (value) through argumentation. how is it that you can be so wrong, even without the use of drugs?
One, brief and very debatable annual surpus. One. It was made of the same stuff the dot com bubble was made of and the same stuff Obama's 5% unemployment is made of. Pure and utter BS. By putting forth such an argument you have exposed you ignorance. You are a model liberal in that you display a possession of only enough information to justify your ill-conceived ideas for the world. Trying to attempt a conversation with you will be of no benefit to anyone but comic writers and I don't feel like doing their job for them.

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
Someone brought up surplus and yes we did have a surplus. And I'm not making any excuses or what so ever Dot com blah blah blah whatever. We did have a surplus that's the bottom line. Bush gave it away to help improve the economy and actually it was a good idea.
You're a moron. We did not have a surplus, dumb ass. And Bush didn't give shit away, WE FUCKING EARN OUR INCOME YOU PIECE OF SHIT.
Yes, we did have a surplus. why am i not surprised the right doesn't understand simple economics.
One, brief and very debatable annual surpus. One. It was made of the same stuff the dot com bubble was made of and the same stuff Obama's 5% unemployment is made of. Pure and utter BS. By putting forth such an argument you have exposed you ignorance. You are a model liberal in that you display a possession of only enough information to justify your ill-conceived ideas for the world. Trying to attempt a conversation with you will be of no benefit to anyone but comic writers and I don't feel like doing their job for them.

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
Someone brought up surplus and yes we did have a surplus. And I'm not making any excuses or what so ever Dot com blah blah blah whatever. We did have a surplus that's the bottom line. Bush gave it away to help improve the economy and actually it was a good idea.
You're a moron. We did not have a surplus, dumb ass. And Bush didn't give shit away, WE FUCKING EARN OUR INCOME YOU PIECE OF SHIT.
Then you explain. How some of my warehouse and clerks employees received unexpected checks from the government? Why would I even waste my time bring this up? Your toilet mouth is impressing me.
Did I made you cry because I insulted your knowledge?
The checks were tax rebates, dumb ass. It's make you cry.. not made.
rebates from a surplus; otherwise, it would be welfare.
How are you going to round up 12 to at least 30 millions illegals? And their anchor babies? Are you going to issue national ID to check ALL I mean ALL citizens living in U.S.?
You need a martial law to accomplish this and tank going to barrios rounding up people like the Nazis did in WW2.
There are no civilized country in this world that will let that happen.

First of all, no one has proposed we round up anyone. Illegals who are reported or caught committing a crime are going back home. They are probably going to take their anchor babies. No one is proposing national IDs, in fact, only liberal Democrats want to register us like the gestapo did back in WW2... you know, when they rounded up people because they were JEWS and not because they were criminals?

And no country is going to let it happen? LMAO... What are they going to do about it? I certainly hope it is more than whine and blubber on a message board like you! I really hope some country DOES decide to jump on us, I'd love to see Trump lay the smack down on their ass!

Did anyone told you here you are dumb, stupid and ignorant?

Did anyone "told you here" you are illiterate and shouldn't be calling anyone dumb?
How the hell do you have "12 to at least 30 million?"
Nope. I also call you dumb.
12 to at least 30 millions? Maybe forgot you included anchors babies and their siblings that you are going to deport. Helloooo!
No one is proposing rounded up? So how are you going to force people to leave their homes without force? How do you determine which is illegal without a national ID?
So far all what you are saying is just a bully opinion without any SPECIFICS how to get this done, no reality, don't understand the consequences and irresponsible.
Anchor babies.. Bases from your post you are thinking 2 or 3 years old. NO...these anchor babies that have families of their own that never vote before but they will vote this time.
Also what made you think these illegals will take their kids with them? Why should they take their kids to a place where there's no food, no land, no home, no education, no future. When they can leave them behind here for tax payers to take care and with future. Don't even bother to mention the cost.
Let me give you an example. South American countries parents send their unaccompanied children as young as 4 years old to Texas borders. Between July/14 to Oct/15 total of 30 thousands of these kids in Texas. Not sure of the thousands before that. We as tax payers paying for these. Why do you think these parents did that? Who gave them the rights to do that?
You know what. Will build a wall and secure the border. If you can give me your responsible opinion ( not bully ). Then we can continue to talk. If not I'm out.
Nope. I also call you dumb.
12 to at least 30 millions? Maybe forgot you included anchors babies and their siblings that you are going to deport. Helloooo!

I am going to assume English isn't your first language?

"12 to at least 30" makes no logical sense. "at least 12, and as many as 30" is the correct way to state what you wanted to say, and that was what I referenced.

No one is proposing rounded up? So how are you going to force people to leave their homes without force? How do you determine which is illegal without a national ID?

So here, you asked me a question then proceeded to respond to my phantom answer.

No one that I am aware of has said anything about "rounding up" anyone. Maybe some extremist nuts on the Internet but not anyone in a prominent political position or running for office. Trump proposed we kick out the criminals... illegal aliens who commit crimes and are caught.

What about their kids? He was asked... he responded... the kids have to go too. Now, the kids might legitimately have some claim to citizenship... but still... do we have the right to withhold someone's children on the basis they are citizens? What are we going to do with the citizen kid once the illegal alien parent is deported? This is why Trump said the kids have to go... there's no other way, unless the parent wants to leave their child behind to be cared for by a legal family member or something.

But again, Trump has said nothing remotely close to "round up all illegals and their kids!"

So far all what you are saying is just a bully opinion without any SPECIFICS how to get this done, no reality, don't understand the consequences and irresponsible.
Anchor babies.. Bases from your post you are thinking 2 or 3 years old. NO...these anchor babies that have families of their own that never vote before but they will vote this time.
Also what made you think these illegals will take their kids with them? Why should they take their kids to a place where there's no food, no land, no home, no education, no future. When they can leave them behind here for tax payers to take care and with future. Don't even bother to mention the cost.
Let me give you an example. South American countries parents send their unaccompanied children as young as 4 years old to Texas borders. Between July/14 to Oct/15 total of 30 thousands of these kids in Texas. Not sure of the thousands before that. We as tax payers paying for these. Why do you think these parents did that? Who gave them the rights to do that?
You know what. Will build a wall and secure the border. If you can give me your responsible opinion ( not bully ). Then we can continue to talk. If not I'm out.

Well, I have given all the specifics you can be given. We are going to build a fucking big ass wall on our southern border with Mexico to STOP illegal immigration. Trump says he will have Mexico pay for it one way or another. Regardless, it is going to be done... even if it DOES cost us $100-200 billion... which it WON'T! Once THAT is done, we start weeding out the criminals. The illegal aliens who didn't come here for jobs but rather to perpetrate crimes on innocent unsuspecting Americans. THEN, we make E-verify mandatory and punish those who knowingly hire illegal workers severely. THEN... when ALL of these things are done or being done, we can rationally discuss some options of what to do about the remaining "undocumented persons" within our borders. BUT... We START with the big ass wall.

So... there are your SPECIFICS!
Nope. I also call you dumb.
12 to at least 30 millions? Maybe forgot you included anchors babies and their siblings that you are going to deport. Helloooo!

I am going to assume English isn't your first language?

"12 to at least 30" makes no logical sense. "at least 12, and as many as 30" is the correct way to state what you wanted to say, and that was what I referenced.

No one is proposing rounded up? So how are you going to force people to leave their homes without force? How do you determine which is illegal without a national ID?

So here, you asked me a question then proceeded to respond to my phantom answer.

No one that I am aware of has said anything about "rounding up" anyone. Maybe some extremist nuts on the Internet but not anyone in a prominent political position or running for office. Trump proposed we kick out the criminals... illegal aliens who commit crimes and are caught.

What about their kids? He was asked... he responded... the kids have to go too. Now, the kids might legitimately have some claim to citizenship... but still... do we have the right to withhold someone's children on the basis they are citizens? What are we going to do with the citizen kid once the illegal alien parent is deported? This is why Trump said the kids have to go... there's no other way, unless the parent wants to leave their child behind to be cared for by a legal family member or something.

But again, Trump has said nothing remotely close to "round up all illegals and their kids!"

So far all what you are saying is just a bully opinion without any SPECIFICS how to get this done, no reality, don't understand the consequences and irresponsible.
Anchor babies.. Bases from your post you are thinking 2 or 3 years old. NO...these anchor babies that have families of their own that never vote before but they will vote this time.
Also what made you think these illegals will take their kids with them? Why should they take their kids to a place where there's no food, no land, no home, no education, no future. When they can leave them behind here for tax payers to take care and with future. Don't even bother to mention the cost.
Let me give you an example. South American countries parents send their unaccompanied children as young as 4 years old to Texas borders. Between July/14 to Oct/15 total of 30 thousands of these kids in Texas. Not sure of the thousands before that. We as tax payers paying for these. Why do you think these parents did that? Who gave them the rights to do that?
You know what. Will build a wall and secure the border. If you can give me your responsible opinion ( not bully ). Then we can continue to talk. If not I'm out.

Well, I have given all the specifics you can be given. We are going to build a fucking big ass wall on our southern border with Mexico to STOP illegal immigration. Trump says he will have Mexico pay for it one way or another. Regardless, it is going to be done... even if it DOES cost us $100-200 billion... which it WON'T! Once THAT is done, we start weeding out the criminals. The illegal aliens who didn't come here for jobs but rather to perpetrate crimes on innocent unsuspecting Americans. THEN, we make E-verify mandatory and punish those who knowingly hire illegal workers severely. THEN... when ALL of these things are done or being done, we can rationally discuss some options of what to do about the remaining "undocumented persons" within our borders. BUT... We START with the big ass wall.

So... there are your SPECIFICS!
We agreed on the wall.
Your specifics are brave and irresponsible. Not good enough.
Not good enough.

Well... hate to break it to ya like this but it's really not up to you!
But American people like me will decide that in coming election.
You got one vote........I've got one vote...............they cancel out.........

I'm not sold on Trump.................but on the illegal immigration issue..............I want it dealt do a vast number in this country.
NOt including the fence, that Mexico does not have the money to pay for, and would not pay for, even if they did, especially since a large % of illegals are from other countries.

"Back in 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deputy director Kumar Kibble said it costs $12,500 to deport an individual undocumented immigrant.

So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion."

Donald Trump s Deportation Plan Would Cost 100-200 Billion - NBC News

This is beyond silly. The vast majority of illegals would leave voluntarily if they could not longer get welfare benefits, if their kids could no longer attend public schools, if they could not get jobs because we were enforcing e-verify, and if they could not get free medical care in our hospital ERs.

For that matter, the flow of illegals across the border would slow to a trickle if we stopped the insane Anchor Baby policy and if they knew that they could get no welfare, no access to public schools, no free medical care, etc.

There would be no need to launch some massive deportation operation. Just enforce the laws and turn off the welfare, education, and medical benefits.
NOt including the fence, that Mexico does not have the money to pay for, and would not pay for, even if they did, especially since a large % of illegals are from other countries.

"Back in 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deputy director Kumar Kibble said it costs $12,500 to deport an individual undocumented immigrant.

So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion."

Donald Trump s Deportation Plan Would Cost 100-200 Billion - NBC News

This is beyond silly. The vast majority of illegals would leave voluntarily if they could not longer get welfare benefits, if their kids could no longer attend public schools, if they could not get jobs because we were enforcing e-verify, and if they could not get free medical care in our hospital ERs.

For that matter, the flow of illegals across the border would slow to a trickle if we stopped the insane Anchor Baby policy and if they knew that they could get no welfare, no access to public schools, no free medical care, etc.

There would be no need to launch some massive deportation operation. Just enforce the laws and turn off the welfare, education, and medical benefits.
only the right believes the laws of demand and supply stop for social reasons.
NOt including the fence, that Mexico does not have the money to pay for, and would not pay for, even if they did, especially since a large % of illegals are from other countries.

"Back in 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deputy director Kumar Kibble said it costs $12,500 to deport an individual undocumented immigrant.

So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion."

Donald Trump s Deportation Plan Would Cost 100-200 Billion - NBC News

This is beyond silly. The vast majority of illegals would leave voluntarily if they could not longer get welfare benefits, if their kids could no longer attend public schools, if they could not get jobs because we were enforcing e-verify, and if they could not get free medical care in our hospital ERs.

For that matter, the flow of illegals across the border would slow to a trickle if we stopped the insane Anchor Baby policy and if they knew that they could get no welfare, no access to public schools, no free medical care, etc.

There would be no need to launch some massive deportation operation. Just enforce the laws and turn off the welfare, education, and medical benefits.
You make it sound like my friend that lost his job in Yemen. I don't have anything here in Yemen I go back to US cause that's exactly what my friend did. His entire family are back in New York got another job and move on.
On the other hand. What made you think cutting all these benefits will make them move to Mexico? When they have nothing there to go home with. Nothing. No food, no home, no toilet, no land no future. Here in U.S. no matter what happened they will eat and have a shack to live. Kicking us citizens kids out of public schools cannot even imagine any human being can do that.
A murderer, illegals and people with no insurance will get treatment in any ER. There is no such thing as... Your illegal you will die in front of our hospital. Even a third world countries will NEVER allow that to happen.
The only way you can do a mass deportation is by force and I'm not stopping you. See what happen.
Illegals entering south of our borders has trickled when Obama took office.
BTW I offered 4 members of this board to get a real life view about deporting of illegals by border agents in Arizona or Texas at their choice but all declined.
The US would recoup the cost of deportation in a few years by removing all the illegals from the welfare rolls and not having to educate and take care of their damn anchor babies.

In the long run the country would be way ahead.

It is the right thing to do. We may not be able to get them all but we can sure get a bunch of them.

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