Trump's Dieselgate?: How The GOP/BigOil Powers Intend To Smash Efficient Cars Again

In another respect, however, the scandal has been counterproductive. It may have started the demise of diesel cars and spurred the expansion of electric vehicles and hybrids, but it hasn't convinced governments -- as it should have -- that a carbon tax would work better than tough emission standards for cars.

Electric vehicles and hybrids are great; if they hone how to power them up. I've suggested linear fresnel solar thermal arrays to power "juicing" stations. Would be especially wonderful in areas like the Southwest, Southern California. I hear they have a few vehicles 6 lanes packed bumper to bumper at rush hour would be better with solar/electric cars.

Diesels mitigate their emissions by how much more efficient they are. And they've become cleaner. How much smog do you remember seeing in European cities recently? All they drive over there are efficient small diesel cars. Either electric or diesel would be great. Diesel is what delivers low-end torque needed for larger loads and hauling so? I'd have one of both actually. Electric daily-driver and also a diesel for hauling hay and larger groups of passengers/luggage.
There have been a lot of problems with pollution in Paris and other places, especially due to diesel. The horrible two strokes engines contribute, too, but as all internal combustion engines are so inefficient, the fault is common. Until we get past the dependence on this archaic technology, automobiles should be limited to no more than 1 liter displacement and 100 horsepower.
Not going to happen. But there's nothing stopping you from driving something like this.
Buzz off... I love my Suburban. If I'm OK with 16 mpg, what business is it of yours?
The problem is if the wide variety of economical cars are squeezed off the market. That's BigOil's aim. You're free to do as you like. But if the selections are removed, are you really free if all you can find is a piece of shit Chevy Suburban that only gets a max of 16 mpg highway...or it's equivalent in an SUV?

It's why the VW thing happened. Yet oddly, American powers that be WILL trust VW importing a new inefficient gasoline SUV they were told was all they were allowed to import. It has a little 2.0 liter engine in a big heavy body. Wow. Their brand will be dead by the time people figure that scam out. Someone in Detroit's/BigOil snake den sure was mad at VW. Not like we need Germany as an ally or anything. Best to scrap that relationship as a favor to BigOil...

Again, your post has no validity. To quote you..."The problem is IF

IF a frog had wings it wouldn't bust its ass everytime it hit the ground.

There is NO IF. No one is squeezing out ANY car. The market decides what will be produced. You are most welcome to ride around in your Yugo!

Just so you don't get tempted to tell me that I cannot drive my '66 custom Goat I've had and have driven since 1971. It actually gets worse mileage than it did when it was built.
All that diesel has done for Europe is to destroy air quality, so it's a great idea to stop using it here.

The rise of diesel in Europe: the impact on health and pollution
why does it seem; like there was not enough emphasis on the equivalent to "rebreathers" for cars that run diesel? They could scrub pollutants from the final emission from the tailpipe.

Instead of subsidies for a lot of whacky things that are decades in the future. Subsidies to encourage trucking companies to convert their diesel engines to natural gas. I might even live to see driverless cars and trucks which would increase mileage too.
Hopefully this also means the return of the real American muscle car!
Yeah cuz at $6/gallon + for gas in Europe & Asia, the foreign markets will be buying those from us like hot cakes.....


I thought the way we did cars was supposed to be the foundation of how we were going to work ourselves out of foreign debt?
Hopefully this also means the return of the real American muscle car!
Yeah cuz at $6/gallon + for gas in Europe & Asia, the foreign markets will be buying those from us like hot cakes.....


I thought the way we did cars was supposed to be the foundation of how we were going to work ourselves out of foreign debt?
I don't give a shit what we sell them. We can sell them a roller skate with a windshield for all the shits I give. I want a badass muscle car dammit!
Hopefully this also means the return of the real American muscle car!
Yeah cuz at $6/gallon + for gas in Europe & Asia, the foreign markets will be buying those from us like hot cakes.....


I thought the way we did cars was supposed to be the foundation of how we were going to work ourselves out of foreign debt?
I don't give a shit what we sell them. We can sell them a roller skate with a windshield for all the shits I give. I want a badass muscle car dammit!

Well you're not in charge of developing a policy for auto manufacturing to help dig the US out of debt. If you were, we'd be screwed...

So BigOil/Detroit's handling of people who want efficient cars is to paint them out as fat, ridiculous women who ineffectively fight for the environment. Message: "If you want good mileage out of your car, you're a pansy woman loser."

It's debut? The Superbowl..... They're grooming Americans to buy big cars again that get 12mpg. Unfortunately most big strapping men I know have efficient daily drivers so their tightening family budget can let them still go to the pub a couple times a week. Otherwise, they'd have to make the hard choice not to..

& again, Europeans and Asians aren't going to buy the big gas guzzlers. So how are we going to offset foreign debt again? And how will we begin to divorce ourselves from the Middle East if we turn back the clock to last century?
Here's where we were before the spamming started ^^


Wrong. Turbos increase air flow which increases the aerosol effect (spread out, not dense!) of the air-fuel mix. Since oxygen is flammable, this incorporates more air into the explosion, which means LESS FUEL. This is why the turbo diesel is KING on fuel efficiency. Add biofuel to that diesel mix and you're really divorcing yourself from the Middle East...and fracking...and hence the reason this thread exists. Also, the cooler the air, the better it works to burn fuel more efficiently. So look for heaters to be installed in the fore areas of any turbo intakes in Detroit.. :cranky:

BigOil doesn't want you getting better mileage or understanding how cars and engine types really work.. If you use more fluffy fuel (less fuel, more air) and cut it with biofuels, they make less money. (unless they're smart and lobby their bed buddies in Congress to let them monopolize biofuels...duh...) And their cronies, heavy invested in the Middle East and carving our foreign policy and military budgets (which they also get VERY fat on for decades.. and have by overcharging the public), will also lose money. You want to know why our economy is in the septic tank and probably wont' crawl out? It's HOW WE MAKE CARS that is the root of it.

It's a similar situation with bigNuke. Nuclear plants don't want the public knowing that all their tax dollars going into that trough, that black hole... at a zero-profit (nuclear plants have never been profitable since they were built...relying 100% on subsidies to stay afloat) merely boil water. That's all nuclear plants do. And when we already have free radiation that boils water belting down from the sun, it makes them mad when people discover what a scam they are....and that the sun...and geothermal heat resources can be running these steam turbines with clean carbon as a backup.

Our energy is literally an elaborate scam, by a host of scam artists all piling up in line to siphon the US Treasury when they know how to do it more efficiently, cheaply AND STILL MAKE A TON OF getting their buddies in Congress to let them monopolize. Like the deal most energy companies struck to monopolize entire regions to produce power.

Go ahead...we'll pay the same at the pump. Or the meter at home. We don't care. Just use clean and efficient energy and save yourselves money charging the same...for fuck's sake. Our Treasury cannot take another decade of the BigOil BigEnergy scam rackets.. This corporate welfare program has gone on long enough. Rich people on welfare make me sick to my stomach. I don't know how they can look at themselves in the mirror knowing our beautiful and grand country is going down the tubes as they squeeze the last dollar out of her; as they buy private islands and offshore accounts...& strike backroom deals with the Russians and Arabs.. to tide themselves over into their golden years.. They got their horse farm and yacht. Fuck America.. Who cares? Well I do. And even if we wanted to let them continue, our economic situation says we can't.
No, Silly. Diesel engines use less fuel simply because diesel has note BTUs per gallon. Unfortunately, cleaning up diesel engine's particulate and NOX emissions pretty much kills the efficiency advantage.
just clamor for better technology at lower prices.

don't complain; be Patriotic.

the customer is always right.

The way you "clamor" is by REFUSING to buy one of their stupid big heavy clunky underpowered SUVs sitting on the new car lot. Let them collect dust while you shop for a used car that gets better mileage. *waits for the forced recall of every economical used car due to some magical malfunction "intrinsic to the car and impossible to fix!!" *
You do that, Silly. Buy that Smartcar and enjoy your miserable, cramped, underpowered, noisy tin can.
I don't give a shit what we sell them. We can sell them a roller skate with a windshield for all the shits I give. I want a badass muscle car dammit!

I don't much care for roller skates but I have had a '66 Goat since 1970. Total restoration about ten years ago. Love that car!
You do that, Silly. Buy that Smartcar and enjoy your miserable, cramped, underpowered, noisy tin can.
I liked the Jettas actually. The diesel Jettas are quiet, roomy (built for German-sized people) for a small sedan, have great power and many other nice features. One of which is getting excellent mileage. Could put a teaspoon of fuel in that car and drive for days. So, naturally, they had to be targeted for removal from American markets. That's really what the VW thing was all about. I maintain it was industrial sabotage. To drive the point home the American car mafiosos are trying to press criminal charges against VW bigwigs. Message: produce high efficiency cars that look good, sound good, run well and are loved and you'll end up in court if you try to sell them to Americans.

From a strategic standpoint, if your plans were to try to re-peddle the big ugly clunky underpowered gas guzzlers you'd have to muzzle the competition down tight. It's like a big ugly nasty tempered girl going after a guy who is interested in his long time beautiful svelt & sweet girlfriend. The big ugly gal has to slam that pretty girl down hard if she wants to rip that guy away from her.
Jettas really aren't small anymore. (IIRC, they're midsize.) And they kind of suck...cheapened interiors, weak reliability, and extremely-high service costs.

And, you know, the little thing about not actually meeting emission standards!

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