Trump's Druid Army: A Fan-Fic?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a comic book adapted tale I cooked up about patriotic crusaders (aka, 'G.I. Joes') vying with a terrorism-abomination known as Magneto and initiating a civilization debate symbolic of the consumption-angst of our arguably commerce-biased 'TrumpUSA.'

If we Americans generate our own federalism-criticism dialogue, we will stop hearing the cries of anti-Western fundamentalist terrorism groups such as ISIS and the Taliban in the over-flooded media...

This suggests to me that President Trump has the unique opportunity to use this media-confetti age to circulate profitable 'pedestrianism dialogue.'

Besides, we're only in Year One of TrumpUSA.


Scarlett, Duke, Sgt. Slaughter, Mara, and Snake-Eyes were the last G.I. Joes remaining from the original paramilitary crusader team established by the Trump Administration during America's great dual campaign in Syria and Iran to negotiate with Sunni-Shia relations in a global NATO-based petroleum war. The five valiant remaining G.I. Joes called themselves the Final Five and went to New Orleans for the FBI and NSA to investigate sightings of a strange entity looming around power-plants and creating electric-field disturbances leading to power-outages all over Louisiana.

The Final Five discovered the electric culprit was a demon from Venus named Magneto who had the power to manipulate electromagnetism, which he did to prove that our universe was not secure and safe from the turbulent forces of electrophysiological and gaseous poisons that create the violent wind and electric storms on Jupiter. The Final Five met Magneto who presented himself to them as a master of chaos on Earth, so the Final Five combined forces (Scarlett's telekinesis, Duke's liquid-nitrogen guns, Sgt. Slaughter's giant combat-club, Mara's cloaking-device, and Snake-Eyes' mist-device) to confound Magneto and chase him to Jupiter.

MAGNETO: I will remain on Jupiter till kingdom-come...
DUKE: Don't return with your brand of 'physics terrorism' in New Orleans!
MAGNETO: That place is a swamp of power-plants and gluttony (not multiculturalism).
DUKE: What do you know/care about multiculturalism and/or democracy, Magneto?
MAGNETO: I know, Duke, that human beings revel in profiteerism and piracy.
DUKE: You are not humanity's judge. You're a basic 'monster.'
MAGNETO: I will awake the universe to the reality of metaphysics fragility!
DUKE: With your electric storms? Just stay on Jupiter and let the laborers 'care' for destiny...
MAGNETO: I care about the destiny of our universe too.
DUKE: You only care about revolution through fear, but sentient beings have to work together!
MAGNETO: Have you never contemplated the pragmatism of survivalism?
DUKE: I'm not a terrorist or a cannibal...
MAGNETO: What's cannibalism but a rationale for consumption, and haven't humans consumed too much?
DUKE: Human civilization has created toxic waste, a cholesterol bazaar, and eco-pollution, but we pray.
MAGNETO: You pray and prey...on Earth's natural resources, and my subtle 'electric-shock' was therapy.
DUKE: Electro-shock therapy is not proven to be spiritually motivating...
MAGNETO: You're a lawyer. I will stay on Jupiter, but if Trump initiates a nuclear war, I'll return!
DUKE: We'll be waiting for you with messages about defending the work of President Trump.


G.I. JOE (Scarlett, Duke, Sgt. Slaughter, Mara, Snake-Eyes):






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