Trumps economy is Exploding upwards... total doom for the deep state !!

Foolish loser democrats are now in dire trouble

The military vote shows very strong for trump

He can now stop the 2020 election and set up a logic test for voters instead
[QUOTE="Erinwltr, post: 23090631, member: 68902"And you are greenandblues backup? terri?
LMFAO! The biggest and bestest Wall Believing USMB Bot meets the biggest USMB Sock. Perfect fucking Pussy Grabbing event of The Orange Dungs career so far in the WH.
You folks have no depths of repudiation.[/QUOTE]

Shove a sock up your bot and STFU.
We have the lowest unemployment in 50 years, a booming economy, and manufacturing is coming back. Trump fixed what the socialist Kenyan pig broke. Live with it, loser.

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