Trumps economy is Exploding upwards... total doom for the deep state !!

Ancient Greece


South Africa

All showed what happens when the unwise gets freedom to make decisions

Only ones with high logic ability should makes the decisions even for the blind unwise people

I'm pretty sure I can write a random-post-bot to produce more intelligent content.
trump now has the police union endorsing him

More power to bring his real help and stop the crookedness of the Democrats
It’s foolish to waste time with blind low logic people

The men agrees with trump and me and disagrees with you foolish people
I just can't resist. Someone well deserves a Twat Waffle Trophy this wonderful day. Way to go greenandblue, take a fucking bow.

It’s foolish to waste time with blind low logic people

The men agrees with trump and me and disagrees with you foolish people
You said this,
Democrats are totally blind people electing crooks

and you ought to know, you hired a huge crook for the Potus, as he sits in the oval office or at one of golf courses just know he lived off his daddy , then Russia, and now is living off of the taxpayers.

He has over 300llcs and you know why so many, they hide money, and he has 6 bankruptcies and you know why, he sucked them dry to pad his wallet.
Here we go again. 2.0% is "exploding" now.


Look at the workers wages increasing upwards with each month over 4 % this last month

This is over twice infation And on track to become 3 times inflation and on and on

This will prove once and for all the democrats as total crooks against their own voters !!

Wage growth lat ten years...


Considering borrowing is >$1 Trillion this is not that good...

Look at Clinton... Higher numbers and not borrowing... There is a real good president after that he probably deserved a blowjob... Difference Clinton didn't have to pay $130k...


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It’s foolish to waste time with blind low logic people

The men agrees with trump and me and disagrees with you foolish people
You said this,
Democrats are totally blind people electing crooks

and you ought to know, you hired a huge crook for the Potus, as he sits in the oval office or at one of golf courses just know he lived off his daddy , then Russia, and now is living off of the taxpayers.

He has over 300llcs and you know why so many, they hide money, and he has 6 bankruptcies and you know why, he sucked them dry to pad his wallet.

Again who is doing the judging of good and bad ??

Who is it ??

Men with the higher logic ability and a landslide by the highest logic ability of all. White men

They have judged trump as right

No other judgement is as important
It’s foolish to waste time with blind low logic people

The men agrees with trump and me and disagrees with you foolish people
You said this,
Democrats are totally blind people electing crooks

and you ought to know, you hired a huge crook for the Potus, as he sits in the oval office or at one of golf courses just know he lived off his daddy , then Russia, and now is living off of the taxpayers.

He has over 300llcs and you know why so many, they hide money, and he has 6 bankruptcies and you know why, he sucked them dry to pad his wallet.

Again who is doing the judging of good and bad ??

Who is it ??

Men with the higher logic ability and a landslide by the highest logic ability of all. White men

They have judged trump as right

No other judgement is as important
Now this guy is epic crazy.
It’s foolish to waste time with blind low logic people

The men agrees with trump and me and disagrees with you foolish people
You said this,
Democrats are totally blind people electing crooks

and you ought to know, you hired a huge crook for the Potus, as he sits in the oval office or at one of golf courses just know he lived off his daddy , then Russia, and now is living off of the taxpayers.

He has over 300llcs and you know why so many, they hide money, and he has 6 bankruptcies and you know why, he sucked them dry to pad his wallet.

Again who is doing the judging of good and bad ??

Who is it ??

Men with the higher logic ability and a landslide by the highest logic ability of all. White men

They have judged trump as right

No other judgement is as important

Who judged tramp as right? Oh white men, well I'm white.
It’s foolish to waste time with blind low logic people

The men agrees with trump and me and disagrees with you foolish people
You said this,
Democrats are totally blind people electing crooks

and you ought to know, you hired a huge crook for the Potus, as he sits in the oval office or at one of golf courses just know he lived off his daddy , then Russia, and now is living off of the taxpayers.

He has over 300llcs and you know why so many, they hide money, and he has 6 bankruptcies and you know why, he sucked them dry to pad his wallet.

Again who is doing the judging of good and bad ??

Who is it ??

Men with the higher logic ability and a landslide by the highest logic ability of all. White men

They have judged trump as right

No other judgement is as important
Now this guy is epic crazy.
Totally agree. Reminds me of that dude that had a complete meltdown on USMB over the Democrats taking the House. Epic craziness. I think Golfing Gator has the link if I remember correctly. Good stuff.
It’s foolish to waste time with blind low logic people

The men agrees with trump and me and disagrees with you foolish people
You said this,
Democrats are totally blind people electing crooks

and you ought to know, you hired a huge crook for the Potus, as he sits in the oval office or at one of golf courses just know he lived off his daddy , then Russia, and now is living off of the taxpayers.

He has over 300llcs and you know why so many, they hide money, and he has 6 bankruptcies and you know why, he sucked them dry to pad his wallet.

Again who is doing the judging of good and bad ??

Who is it ??

Men with the higher logic ability and a landslide by the highest logic ability of all. White men

They have judged trump as right

No other judgement is as important

Who judged tramp as right? Oh white men, well I'm white.

White men with their higher logic
It’s foolish to waste time with blind low logic people

The men agrees with trump and me and disagrees with you foolish people
You said this,
Democrats are totally blind people electing crooks

and you ought to know, you hired a huge crook for the Potus, as he sits in the oval office or at one of golf courses just know he lived off his daddy , then Russia, and now is living off of the taxpayers.

He has over 300llcs and you know why so many, they hide money, and he has 6 bankruptcies and you know why, he sucked them dry to pad his wallet.

Again who is doing the judging of good and bad ??

Who is it ??

Men with the higher logic ability and a landslide by the highest logic ability of all. White men

They have judged trump as right

No other judgement is as important
Now this guy is epic crazy.
Totally agree. Reminds me of that dude that had a complete meltdown on USMB over the Democrats taking the House. Epic craziness. I think Golfing Gator has the link if I remember correctly. Good stuff.

The real meltdown is the democrats seeing that the men agrees with trump

And now they are in a panic !!!
Kudlow: America Is Working, Household Survey Shows People Reentering Labor Force

Exploding upwards and expanding faster and faster with the increase in workers wages


The democrats will now be proven as crooks for not helping the minorities with good jobs

The speeding up of the increase of workers wages over inflation is rising faster and faster Over 4 % increase

This will prove the democrats were the minorities enemy !!
And you say this all unironically and in the face of convincing evidence to the contrary.

Wrong Dead Wrong

Evidence can only be seen by people with logic

Anyone can say something is a fsct or evidence ... only the ones that has logic knows

And that’s why the men with the higher logic agrees with trump

This waste of time debating blind people will stop with trumps high logic ability tests coming for voters

Trump has got the men

The law enforcement

The military

Trump will save this nation by stopping the unwise from debating and wasting time and lowering the nations productivity
That's nice kid, but it doesn't address my post.

Wipe your chin, take a deep breath, and try again.
Kudlow: America Is Working, Household Survey Shows People Reentering Labor Force

Exploding upwards and expanding faster and faster with the increase in workers wages


The democrats will now be proven as crooks for not helping the minorities with good jobs

The speeding up of the increase of workers wages over inflation is rising faster and faster Over 4 % increase

This will prove the democrats were the minorities enemy !!

The OP is dead on and unrefuted!!

The Economy is Exploding upwards and expanding faster and faster with the increase in workers wages
Kudlow: America Is Working, Household Survey Shows People Reentering Labor Force

Exploding upwards and expanding faster and faster with the increase in workers wages


The democrats will now be proven as crooks for not helping the minorities with good jobs

The speeding up of the increase of workers wages over inflation is rising faster and faster Over 4 % increase

This will prove the democrats were the minorities enemy !!

The OP is dead on and unrefuted!!

The Economy is Exploding upwards and expanding faster and faster with the increase in workers wages
And you are greenandblues backup? terri?

LMFAO! The biggest and bestest Wall Believing USMB Bot meets the biggest USMB Sock. Perfect fucking Pussy Grabbing event of The Orange Dungs career so far in the WH.

You folks have no depths of repudiation.
Kudlow: America Is Working, Household Survey Shows People Reentering Labor Force

Exploding upwards and expanding faster and faster with the increase in workers wages


The democrats will now be proven as crooks for not helping the minorities with good jobs

The speeding up of the increase of workers wages over inflation is rising faster and faster Over 4 % increase

This will prove the democrats were the minorities enemy !!
Private Industry Workers Compensation costs for private industry workers increased 2.6 percent over the year, compared with a compensation cost increase of 2.9 percentin June 2018. Wages and salaries increased 3.0 percent for the 12-month period ending in June 2019 and increased 2.9 percent in June 2018.Jul 31, 2019

Employment Cost Index Summary


  • upload_2019-9-10_18-12-43.png
    386 bytes · Views: 10
Kudlow: America Is Working, Household Survey Shows People Reentering Labor Force

Exploding upwards and expanding faster and faster with the increase in workers wages


The democrats will now be proven as crooks for not helping the minorities with good jobs

The speeding up of the increase of workers wages over inflation is rising faster and faster Over 4 % increase

This will prove the democrats were the minorities enemy !!
Private Industry Workers Compensation costs for private industry workers increased 2.6 percent over the year, compared with a compensation cost increase of 2.9 percentin June 2018. Wages and salaries increased 3.0 percent for the 12-month period ending in June 2019 and increased 2.9 percent in June 2018.Jul 31, 2019

Employment Cost Index Summary

Wages increased there 3% in 2018

Higher than inflation meaning trumps workers are gaining

And this last quarter the wages have kept increasing more and more. Now up to 4.2%

This proves the democrats have been crooks all along to the worker class

Democrats are toast !!
Kudlow: America Is Working, Household Survey Shows People Reentering Labor Force

Exploding upwards and expanding faster and faster with the increase in workers wages


The democrats will now be proven as crooks for not helping the minorities with good jobs

The speeding up of the increase of workers wages over inflation is rising faster and faster Over 4 % increase

This will prove the democrats were the minorities enemy !!

The OP is dead on and unrefuted!!

The Economy is Exploding upwards and expanding faster and faster with the increase in workers wages
And you are greenandblues backup? terri?

LMFAO! The biggest and bestest Wall Believing USMB Bot meets the biggest USMB Sock. Perfect fucking Pussy Grabbing event of The Orange Dungs career so far in the WH.

You folks have no depths of repudiation.

You fell for the lies of the crooked deep state

They omitted what trump said to billy bush on the bus

What did he say ??

He said if one is a star you can do anything to women

Trump was upset to find out how that all worked and upset that a lot of women gives their interests to Rock stars and not their real heroes the patriot fighters

This has got the military solid for trump
And gives him the power to totally stop this crooked govt and lock up the crooked Democrats

There may not now be a 2020 election. Trump now has the power to set up a new govt

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