Trumps economy is Exploding upwards... total doom for the deep state !!

Partisan economists are worthless.........

I agree. You show me one who is not. I believe Kudlow is fair and honest despite his personal politics. He would not have been on the same network for so many years if he were not. But YOU tell me one who is not
A vast majority of them, because most of them are not in politics.

Politicians, politicos, pundits and partisans are liars.

Democrats are the liars

Wake up and quit being blind
You're just making stuff up as you go. Wild and zany predictions that mean nothing.

By the way, how are those "logic tests" and convictions for "high treason" coming along?

. is a great site for anti-Trumpers to learn about economic basics!
You're welcome.....
What "economics basics" are being missed?

GDP at 2.0%?

Treasury yields crashing by 55%?

No growth-push inflation?

Manufacturing index down?

The Fed having to cut interest rates before it wanted to?

The President pissed that the Fed didn't cut more?

Lay some of that Investopedia wisdom on us.

Understand some basics HERE!!!

Trumps wage increase for workers are increasing ...increasing faster and faster than inflation

That brings more money to spend which then speeds up this increase


Look at what trump has done

He has stopped the international situations that can stop our advancing with big increases in oil prices ... trump has stopped that and has set much more money coming in by exporting oil

Democrats have been proven as crooks it would be wise to hide like rats before it’s too late to hide
The proof is in the pudding - GDP. Right now the middle class doesn't have enough money to spend to push this. That's why growth is so low, even though unemployment is so low.

If wage growth can continue, this can certainly improve. If some kind of real breakthrough with China happens -- although China may be playing out the string for 2020 -- that would be a big boost, both in terms of psychology and real economics. The Fed doesn't have enough room to make a significant dent by lowering rates, but it may be able to help in some way.

But we don't know yet. We can hope for the best. However, right now, at this very moment, we're teetering, and making bold & proud predictions is nothing more than guessing.

Are you blind ??

This is not guessing

What a but !!

There are real data that proves all of this

The speeding up of the increase in wages over

The speeding up proves this comes from trump

And proves democrats are crooks

What a blind nut to speak so crazy
Well, when you've been a financial advisor for over 20 years, neck deep in this stuff, you know not to make silly extrapolations, shallow analyses or goofy predictions.

I'm sure it's fun and all, but there is always conflicting data. You're just ignoring it, because you're trained to.

Wrong your low logic has been proven

You do not understand what it means when wage increase increases

You cannot understand that simple thing

Increasing means increasing

You are blind and don’t know it

That increasing means this comes from trump
Trump has set up major help in all areas

Even while the crooks tries to stop

The art of the deal of his is the best chance for the world to stop big wars

Trump proves this in all of his endeavors

The black athletes abilities was brought front and center to help all

He helped bring the interest for black peoples unique abilities

He can do this with the world

Men are on his side because of their higher logic ability that makes them understand better
Kudlow: America Is Working, Household Survey Shows People Reentering Labor Force

Exploding upwards and expanding faster and faster with the increase in workers wages


The democrats will now be proven as crooks for not helping the minorities with good jobs

The speeding up of the increase of workers wages over inflation is rising faster and faster Over 4 % increase

This will prove the democrats were the minorities enemy !!

Wow really? "Exploding"?

in 2019 job growth is 158k a month, making it the SLOWEST JOB GROWTH RATE SINCE 2010. Couple that with 2.x% GDP growth and you will understand perfectly clear why you are just mindless parrot, repeating baseless Trump propaganda.
Partisan economists are worthless.........

I agree. You show me one who is not. I believe Kudlow is fair and honest despite his personal politics. He would not have been on the same network for so many years if he were not. But YOU tell me one who is not
A vast majority of them, because most of them are not in politics.

Politicians, politicos, pundits and partisans are liars.

Democrats are the liars

Wake up and quit being blind
You're just making stuff up as you go. Wild and zany predictions that mean nothing.

By the way, how are those "logic tests" and convictions for "high treason" coming along?


Look at who the men supports.

You are so blind that you cannot understand what that means

That means this all is indeed coming

See how blind you are. Low logic makes you blind
Again the big news

Workers wage growth over inflation is increasing

Proving this is all from trump
What "economics basics" are being missed?

GDP at 2.0%?

Treasury yields crashing by 55%?

No growth-push inflation?

Manufacturing index down?

The Fed having to cut interest rates before it wanted to?

The President pissed that the Fed didn't cut more?

Lay some of that Investopedia wisdom on us.

Understand some basics HERE!!!

Trumps wage increase for workers are increasing ...increasing faster and faster than inflation

That brings more money to spend which then speeds up this increase


Look at what trump has done

He has stopped the international situations that can stop our advancing with big increases in oil prices ... trump has stopped that and has set much more money coming in by exporting oil

Democrats have been proven as crooks it would be wise to hide like rats before it’s too late to hide
The proof is in the pudding - GDP. Right now the middle class doesn't have enough money to spend to push this. That's why growth is so low, even though unemployment is so low.

If wage growth can continue, this can certainly improve. If some kind of real breakthrough with China happens -- although China may be playing out the string for 2020 -- that would be a big boost, both in terms of psychology and real economics. The Fed doesn't have enough room to make a significant dent by lowering rates, but it may be able to help in some way.

But we don't know yet. We can hope for the best. However, right now, at this very moment, we're teetering, and making bold & proud predictions is nothing more than guessing.

Are you blind ??

This is not guessing

What a but !!

There are real data that proves all of this

The speeding up of the increase in wages over

The speeding up proves this comes from trump

And proves democrats are crooks

What a blind nut to speak so crazy
Well, when you've been a financial advisor for over 20 years, neck deep in this stuff, you know not to make silly extrapolations, shallow analyses or goofy predictions.

I'm sure it's fun and all, but there is always conflicting data. You're just ignoring it, because you're trained to.

Wrong your low logic has been proven

You do not understand what it means when wage increase increases

You cannot understand that simple thing

Increasing means increasing

You are blind and don’t know it

That increasing means this comes from trump
Been a lotta min wage increases,
Here we go again. 2.0% is "exploding" now.


It would be stupid if it was not so sad, how their cult leader misleads them.:laugh2:
With 3.7 percent unemployment and employers getting a huge tax cut, a 2 percent raise is an insult
And trillion dollar deficits.

The big debt brought earlier by the democrats

Trump is bringing down that harmful increase

What brings that rate down ??

Trumps ever increasing wage growth over inflation

Inflation is that debt that democrats brought

Now trump is bringing real help to workers with increase of wages over inflation debt

Democrats are totally blind people electing crooks
Kudlow: America Is Working, Household Survey Shows People Reentering Labor Force

Exploding upwards and expanding faster and faster with the increase in workers wages


The democrats will now be proven as crooks for not helping the minorities with good jobs

The speeding up of the increase of workers wages over inflation is rising faster and faster Over 4 % increase

This will prove the democrats were the minorities enemy !!
And you say this all unironically and in the face of convincing evidence to the contrary.
Again let this sink in

Inflation comes from the democrats harm and is the debt

When wages increases faster than inflation that brings a movement with less debt compared to real income and makes life better

This increase of the increase of wages over inflation proves this comes from trump

Anyone that cannot understand that men are for a certain person does not understand power and success
Kudlow: America Is Working, Household Survey Shows People Reentering Labor Force

Exploding upwards and expanding faster and faster with the increase in workers wages


The democrats will now be proven as crooks for not helping the minorities with good jobs

The speeding up of the increase of workers wages over inflation is rising faster and faster Over 4 % increase

This will prove the democrats were the minorities enemy !!
And you say this all unironically and in the face of convincing evidence to the contrary.

Wrong Dead Wrong

Evidence can only be seen by people with logic

Anyone can say something is a fsct or evidence ... only the ones that has logic knows

And that’s why the men with the higher logic agrees with trump

This waste of time debating blind people will stop with trumps high logic ability tests coming for voters

Trump has got the men

The law enforcement

The military

Trump will save this nation by stopping the unwise from debating and wasting time and lowering the nations productivity
Again let this sink in

Inflation comes from the democrats harm and is the debt

....What. The. Fuck. ?

1. There has been no correlation between national debt increases and inflation rates.
2. Trump policy has INCREASED debt with spending increases and cuts to revenues.
3. Inflation DECREASES real debt load by devaluing it.
4. Inflation is INCREASED by trade wars, because that increases the price of imported goods.
Again let this sink in

Inflation comes from the democrats harm and is the debt

....What. The. Fuck. ?

1. There has been no correlation between national debt increases and inflation rates.
2. Trump policy has INCREASED debt with spending increases and cuts to revenues.
3. Inflation DECREASES real debt load by devaluing it.

Wrong Dead Wrong

Inflation comes from debt

Totally wrong again

Democrats lying are just crazy lying !!
Here we go again. 2.0% is "exploding" now.


It would be stupid if it was not so sad, how their cult leader misleads them.:laugh2:
With 3.7 percent unemployment and employers getting a huge tax cut, a 2 percent raise is an insult
And trillion dollar deficits.

The big debt brought earlier by the democrats

Trump is bringing down that harmful increase

What brings that rate down ??

Trumps ever increasing wage growth over inflation

Inflation is that debt that democrats brought

Now trump is bringing real help to workers with increase of wages over inflation debt

Democrats are totally blind people electing crooks
You have some imagination. He has been increasing deficits.
Again let this sink in

Inflation comes from the democrats harm and is the debt

....What. The. Fuck. ?

1. There has been no correlation between national debt increases and inflation rates.
2. Trump policy has INCREASED debt with spending increases and cuts to revenues.
3. Inflation DECREASES real debt load by devaluing it.

Wrong Dead Wrong

Inflation comes from debt

Totally wrong again

Democrats lying are just crazy lying !!

...can you rationally explain why you think that?

Here is a graph of public national debt since the 90's:


Here is a graph of inflation:


Clearly there is no correlation....except maybe INVERSE correlation, where more debt correlates to less inflation.

Debt causes inflation

Can you not understand??

You cannot learn with low logic you will keep spinning wheels and losing productivity

That not learning also increases the debt
Here we go again. 2.0% is "exploding" now.


It would be stupid if it was not so sad, how their cult leader misleads them.:laugh2:
With 3.7 percent unemployment and employers getting a huge tax cut, a 2 percent raise is an insult
And trillion dollar deficits.

The big debt brought earlier by the democrats

Trump is bringing down that harmful increase

What brings that rate down ??

Trumps ever increasing wage growth over inflation

Inflation is that debt that democrats brought

Now trump is bringing real help to workers with increase of wages over inflation debt

Democrats are totally blind people electing crooks
You have some imagination. He has been increasing deficits.

Look again

Increasing wages over inflation is the real help

Trump is doing this perfectly

Democrats exploded the debt for the future trump is bringing it down compared to wages

Foolish blind democrats who increases debt with no income growth to pay for the increase debt

Debt causes inflation

Can you not understand??

You cannot learn with low logic you will keep spinning wheels and losing productivity

That not learning also increases the debt

Moron, thats not a rational explaintion, thats just you baselessly repeating the same (refuted with economic data) assertion.

There is absolutely no way for me to understand a counterfactual to be true, because it isn't.

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