Trump’s Economy: Super Saturday Recorded Highest Sales Of Any Day In U.S. History

"I am pro-life."
— Officially reversing his position in a CPAC speech in February 2011.

Yea, so? Trump is pro-life, you and Obama are pro chopping up babies into little pieces.

Funny. Trump is only pro-Trump. He just sells what the rubes will buy.

Trump is selling historically low unemployment rates and steady growth in people's take home pay. What are Democrats selling?
..and stupid fuck republicans deregulated the industry allowing the banks to do it.

Why do you support the federal government being in the loan business? Is there anything you don't want the government involved in?

the answer to your question is, "2008".

Why are you in the socialized agriculture business, or do you consider farmer bail-outs to be capitalism?

While I'm not in favor of bail outs of any kind...I can understand why we're bailing out the farmers that China is targeting with their trade retaliation. It's not the farmer's fault that China isn't playing fair and needs to be punished to get it to play fair. I don't think it's fair to bankrupt farmers who are simply being used by the Chinese.
With all due respect, do you erase a debt that you don't really control? Spending is controlled by the House. Overspending by Congress is both a GOP and Democratic problem.

He's going to parrot the narrative that it's Trump's fault, Bush's fault, Republican's fault, etc.
Your crusade is over, and lost, pal.

You serve your master, Satan, well.

You obviously have me confused with a Trump supporter.

...and Trump has no impact on that, at all, does he? He is throwing money at the military like there is no tomorrow, and bragging about it, while taking it away with his other hand to build a wall to keep immigrants from overstaying their visa's. He has spent $125m just playing golf. The promises to delete the debt, and instead, offers absolutely no suggestions on how to do that. He is singlehandedly responsible for keeping over 200 military bases around the world operating, although communalism is all but dead. Other people's money means nothing to trump. On the other hand, both the Clinton and Obama administrations succeeded in decreasing deficit spending.
..and stupid fuck republicans deregulated the industry allowing the banks to do it.

Why do you support the federal government being in the loan business? Is there anything you don't want the government involved in?

the answer to your question is, "2008".

Why are you in the socialized agriculture business, or do you consider farmer bail-outs to be capitalism?

While I'm not in favor of bail outs of any kind...I can understand why we're bailing out the farmers that China is targeting with their trade retaliation. It's not the farmer's fault that China isn't playing fair and needs to be punished to get it to play fair. I don't think it's fair to bankrupt farmers who are simply being used by the Chinese.

China is accused to dumping products on America at a loss because they are subsidized by the government. Please explain to me what is different about that, and Trump subsidizing American farmers.
Your crusade is over, and lost, pal.

You serve your master, Satan, well.

You obviously have me confused with a Trump supporter.

...and Trump has no impact on that, at all, does he? He is throwing money at the military like there is no tomorrow, and bragging about it, while taking it away with his other hand to build a wall to keep immigrants from overstaying their visa's. He has spent $125m just playing golf. The promises to delete the debt, and instead, offers absolutely no suggestions on how to do that. He is singlehandedly responsible for keeping over 200 military bases around the world operating, although communalism is all but dead. Other people's money means nothing to trump. On the other hand, both the Clinton and Obama administrations succeeded in decreasing deficit spending.

If you want me to take you seriously, need to stop with the 125 million playing golf nonsense! Trump does a lot of business at golf resorts he owns. That isn't "playing golf"...that's visiting a golf resort where you have meetings with people.
..and stupid fuck republicans deregulated the industry allowing the banks to do it.

Why do you support the federal government being in the loan business? Is there anything you don't want the government involved in?

the answer to your question is, "2008".

Why are you in the socialized agriculture business, or do you consider farmer bail-outs to be capitalism?

While I'm not in favor of bail outs of any kind...I can understand why we're bailing out the farmers that China is targeting with their trade retaliation. It's not the farmer's fault that China isn't playing fair and needs to be punished to get it to play fair. I don't think it's fair to bankrupt farmers who are simply being used by the Chinese.

China is accused to dumping products on America at a loss because they are subsidized by the government. Please explain to me what is different about that, and Trump subsidizing American farmers.

China is deliberately targeting farmers from certain areas of the country to put pressure on Trump politically. They hope to affect the upcoming election by doing so. Trump is responding by subsidizing those who are being hurt in an economic dog fight. What's amazing to me is that the same liberals who are up in arms over alleged interference in our elections from Russia don't seem to have a problem at all with China trying to influence our next election in favor of someone who won't be tough on them. Why is that, Vandal?
But they do. Because trump didn't create the good economy..
Dude, just STOP. You are embarrassing yourself.

It was no accident that Barry, after promising the smoothest transition from one administration to another, resembled the Captain of the 'Titanic', having almost every appointee exposed for not having paid their taxes - to include his Secretary of the Treasury, Lil' Timmy 'ax Cheat' Geithner, providing a little 'foreshadowing' of economic things to come.

Barry was responsible for the 1st US Credit Down-grade in US history, set a record for creating the most economy-choking / job-killing regulations, and the most number of Americans on Food Stamps / Welfare in decades.

Despite being the 1st Black President, he did NOTHING for Blacks, whose unemployment rate grew to TWICE that of whites

He chased manufacturing jobs out of the country, advancing the rising Progressive Liberal Socialist Democrat Party's economic and 'power' policies of 'economic slavery' and 'dependence on the govt / Democrats for Handouts Just To Survive'. Instead of fighting for the hard-working men and women in this country he LITERTALLY told Americans those companies and jobs were GONE, were 'never coming back', that this was the 'new norm', and that they should get used to their new level of poverty and dependence on the Democrats. He stated Trump did not have a 'magic wand' to reverse that.

And we all know how THAT has turned out...


Barry had 8 years to affect the economy, and the nation suffered under him. For 8 years Democrats and snowflakes blamed Bus, claiming he and adopted a Bad economy rom President Bush....and, of course, ignorant dumbass snowflakes like you lapped up the lie.

President Bush and a GOP Congress - during 9/11/01, the economic shutdown after 9/11, and 2 wars - added only $1.5 Trillion to the debt over 6 years...compared to the last 2 years of the Bush Presidency, during which time the Democrats took over the House, which means THEY took over the Budget, the economy, the spending - the purse strings. During those last 2 years the DEMOCRATS added $2.5 Trillion in new debt in only 2 years. For the slow-thinking snowflake crowd, that means the Democrats added more than $1 Trillion more to the Deficit than the GOP in 1/3rd the time.

President Obama was RIGHT - he DID 'inherit' a bad, declining economy....but he 'inherited' it from his fellow DEMOCRATS who controlled the Budget / spending for Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years in office!

America was begging for a BUSINESSMAN for President after Barry, not another two-faced, Washington Establishment, crooked career politician...President Trump has surpassed all expectations.

Despite nearly 4 years of butt-hurt, anti-Trump, TDS-suffering, undermining, seditious treason by the Democrats - who have held this county hostage while dividing the nation more than the Russians ever dreamed possible by attempting to affect a coup / undo the results of the 2016 election, the President and his policies have created the strongest economy in DECADES. Imagine what could have been accomplished if the Democrats had not spent the last 4 years attempting to hurt the President.

The Democrats, however, only prosper when the nation suffers, when it has no other option but to rely on the Democrats. The cornerstone of their power is 'dependence' on the govt - the Democrats, dire economic conditions and a high unemployment rate where citizens are forced to rely on the Govt - Democrats for hand-outs just to survive. In this record-setting economy, the Democrats' 'solution' to the success is to 'un-do' everything that Trump has delivered - a return to their policies of 'Economic Slavery'.

The economic platform on which the Democrats are running is one literally of economic ruin. Fewer jobs, manufacturing jobs driven out of the country again, no more high-paying jobs, no more raises, no bonuses, stock market drop, higher regulations, higher unemployment, making privately-owned health insurance 'ILLEGAL', Open Borders, flooding the job market with cheap illegal labor that will drive wages down, more Americans on Welfare and Food Stamps, Sanders' 70% Tax rate, the 'Green New Deal' that even AOC admits will economically destroy the economy before ever getting close to accomplishing half of what the plan calls for...

The Democrats do not have a plan for success for the American people, can offer nothing to make things better, and have no candidate who can beat Trump...and they know it. Their best option is an old, creepy politician who gave a videotaped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM....another old, white, criminal Democrat - go figure. How'd that work out last time?


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