Trump's election lies are an attempted coup. Biden/ Dems should say so

Words have meaning. It’s not a coup. It’s just Trump being the same inveterate liar he has always been. It may destabilize and delegitimize the nation, but that’s basically been his play the whole time.

Not a coup.

How is he a liar if he thinks he's being cheated?
True. Maybe he isn’t a liar. Maybe he’s just that delusional.

Personally, I pray that he’s just a liar.

Maybe he thinks he's being cheated because he's being cheated.

You don't care because you got the result you wanted, and even if actual evidence is thrust in your face you will find a way to ignore it, because for progressive losers like you, the ends always justify the means.
He’s not being cheated. He just can’t accept he lost. This is what he does. Nothing new.

Says you, again someone who got what they wanted and has every excuse to bury your head in the sand.

To people like you cheating is just business as usual.
Says every state that certified their votes.

Trump never admits defeat. You know that about him, don’t you? That’s the problem with being fundamentally dishonest. No one actually cares what you say anymore because there’s no reason to.

Votes in the past have been certified when cheating occurred, or are you denying things like Tammany Hall never existed?

Trump is a fighter, and he is still fighting. After 4 years of your side accusing him and us of being evil incarnate why are you surprised by this?

Progressives are far more dishonest, they just use softer tones, and their lies actually harm people.
I’m not surprised by this at all.

Trump would be claiming he was cheated regardless of any facts. It makes zero difference what actually happened, Trump’s behavior is detached from reality.

If he had lost the States cleanly and by 5% or more there wouldn't be a case. Instead we had miraculous Biden count increases from Heavy Dem controlled areas that pushed Biden over the edge. meanwhile Republicans elsewhere increased their House count, will probably hold the Senate, and increased their control of several State legislatures.

This is fishy, but you will ignore it, because, again, you go what you wanted.
Major cities with large minority populations voted heavily for the democratic candidate. That’s not a miracle. That’s literally what happens EVERY ELECTION.

And those counts just happened to put Biden enough over the top to win those states by slim margins....

And those States allowed ballots to keep being accepted past the normal acceptance times. And those States allowed mass vote by mail which creates more windows for cheating.
80k votes in Pennsylvania is a lot more than what Trump won it by in 2020. The few votes received after Election Day had no determinative effect.

What’s the argument then? They counted the votes and Biden won, which is “suspicious”.

The argument is all these little things add up to me questioning the integrity of our election system, especially in Democrat controlled areas.

But you ignore it because you got what you wanted.
Kinda hard to take these things seriously when you’re suspicious that a lot of people in Philadelphia voted for Biden. A “miracle” you called it.

I'm suspicious of the vote numbers that came in, not that they voted for Biden.

Again, you don't care because you got what you wanted.
Yes. The vote numbers are suspicious because they were enough to give Biden the win

Again, nothing inherently suspicious, it’s just that you don’t like the outcome.

Add that to the other indicators, and you have a case for suspicion. Republican gains in the House, maybe not losing the Senate despite a favorable Democratic map, gaining State legislature controls. The bell-weather counties being wrong for the first time. The massive increase in mail voting, which makes it easier to stuff ballots.

They were just enough to give Biden the win.

If Trump is/was as bad as your side says, isn't cheating justified to get rid of him?
Trump is on the ballot, why would you expect this election to follow any set of assumptions about bell weather counties or house races?

One or the other is one thing, but all these little indicators being off at the same time?

Biden has the worst coat-tails for a supposed winner in decades, and Trump has the best for a supposed loser.

All these little things continue to make me question the results.
Not as surprising when you consider who Trump is.

He's someone that got over 73 million votes. He's someone who's party improved in the House, may control the senate still, and improved in many States.
And Trump is just like any other Republican? Of course not.

It’s not surprising that the Republican Party outperforms Trump given his behavior the last four years.
Words have meaning. It’s not a coup. It’s just Trump being the same inveterate liar he has always been. It may destabilize and delegitimize the nation, but that’s basically been his play the whole time.

Not a coup.

How is he a liar if he thinks he's being cheated?
True. Maybe he isn’t a liar. Maybe he’s just that delusional.

Personally, I pray that he’s just a liar.

Maybe he thinks he's being cheated because he's being cheated.

You don't care because you got the result you wanted, and even if actual evidence is thrust in your face you will find a way to ignore it, because for progressive losers like you, the ends always justify the means.
He tried to get the PA and other legislators to disregard their constituents' votes and choose their own Trump electors, which is against their laws. He is collecting donations to support all his lawsuits, but that money is actually going to pay his campaign debts. He is spreading debunked lies on twitter all day every day. That's for starters.

And he has now bilked over 150 million bucks out of his loyal flock.

Your disdain of your fellow citizens is telling.

I have no distain for anyone who has fallen victim to a cult of personality.
I'm here to help you come to grips with your current situation ...
AKA - YOU LOST .. Time to move on.
Words have meaning. It’s not a coup. It’s just Trump being the same inveterate liar he has always been. It may destabilize and delegitimize the nation, but that’s basically been his play the whole time.

Not a coup.

How is he a liar if he thinks he's being cheated?
True. Maybe he isn’t a liar. Maybe he’s just that delusional.

Personally, I pray that he’s just a liar.

Maybe he thinks he's being cheated because he's being cheated.

You don't care because you got the result you wanted, and even if actual evidence is thrust in your face you will find a way to ignore it, because for progressive losers like you, the ends always justify the means.
He tried to get the PA and other legislators to disregard their constituents' votes and choose their own Trump electors, which is against their laws. He is collecting donations to support all his lawsuits, but that money is actually going to pay his campaign debts. He is spreading debunked lies on twitter all day every day. That's for starters.

And he has now bilked over 150 million bucks out of his loyal flock.

Your disdain of your fellow citizens is telling.
Disdain for fellow citizens is pleading for the court to rob them of one of the things we hold most dear, our right to make our voices heads through elections.
SO true - And enough is ENOUGH!

President Donald Trump is not trying to simply undermine President-elect Joe Biden's presidency, nor is he primarily trying to position himself for a 2024 presidential run, as many have suggested. No, Trump's No. 1 goal is to overturn the results of the 2020 election. It's time for Biden and other Democratic leaders to describe his actions in the most forceful and universally understandable language possible. And that means, in this case, calling them part of an attempted coup to illegally overthrow the Biden presidency.​
In the past few days, several experts have noted that Trump's actions do not technically constitute a "coup" in the academic sense. According to Michael Albertus, an associate professor of political science at the University of Chicago, for example, a coup "typically connotes a violent takeover of government." Yet these same experts warn that Trump's actions are a threat to our democracy.​
Regardless of how you define the word, now is not the time for academic debates. Trump's wildly effective communications strategy proves that sometimes simpler is better. Biden's response, in contrast, has been far too careful and far too polite. On Thursday, Biden called Trump's efforts to undermine the election results "totally irresponsible," adding that his message to immigrants worried about Trump's electoral attacks was "Hang on. I'm on my way." Other leading Democrats have, for the most part, followed Biden's lead.​
This message is not surprising given Biden's campaign strategy, which emphasized unity. Such sentiment was also at the heart of Biden's victory speech Nov. 7. But it is nevertheless a very bad strategy.​
Italy's Benito Mussolini and Russia's Vladimir Putin amassed power through bullying. These types of leaders treat silence or muted responses as a sign of weakness, emboldening them to push further with their authoritarian goals.​


The Democrat strategy, accuse others of what you do
You have that bassackwards. That is what Trump does.
Disdain for fellow citizens is pleading for the court to rob them of one of the things we hold most dear, our right to make our voices heads through elections.

They're calling for the USSC to become "activist judges". Writing law, instead of following it.
All the lower courts when they viewed the evidence, said there was no widespread voter fraud.

Now they lay there hopes on a packed court, overturning the lower courts
Words have meaning. It’s not a coup. It’s just Trump being the same inveterate liar he has always been. It may destabilize and delegitimize the nation, but that’s basically been his play the whole time.

Not a coup.

How is he a liar if he thinks he's being cheated?
True. Maybe he isn’t a liar. Maybe he’s just that delusional.

Personally, I pray that he’s just a liar.

Maybe he thinks he's being cheated because he's being cheated.

You don't care because you got the result you wanted, and even if actual evidence is thrust in your face you will find a way to ignore it, because for progressive losers like you, the ends always justify the means.
He’s not being cheated. He just can’t accept he lost. This is what he does. Nothing new.

Says you, again someone who got what they wanted and has every excuse to bury your head in the sand.

To people like you cheating is just business as usual.
Says every state that certified their votes.

Trump never admits defeat. You know that about him, don’t you? That’s the problem with being fundamentally dishonest. No one actually cares what you say anymore because there’s no reason to.

Votes in the past have been certified when cheating occurred, or are you denying things like Tammany Hall never existed?

Trump is a fighter, and he is still fighting. After 4 years of your side accusing him and us of being evil incarnate why are you surprised by this?

Progressives are far more dishonest, they just use softer tones, and their lies actually harm people.
I’m not surprised by this at all.

Trump would be claiming he was cheated regardless of any facts. It makes zero difference what actually happened, Trump’s behavior is detached from reality.

If he had lost the States cleanly and by 5% or more there wouldn't be a case. Instead we had miraculous Biden count increases from Heavy Dem controlled areas that pushed Biden over the edge. meanwhile Republicans elsewhere increased their House count, will probably hold the Senate, and increased their control of several State legislatures.

This is fishy, but you will ignore it, because, again, you go what you wanted.
Major cities with large minority populations voted heavily for the democratic candidate. That’s not a miracle. That’s literally what happens EVERY ELECTION.

And those counts just happened to put Biden enough over the top to win those states by slim margins....

And those States allowed ballots to keep being accepted past the normal acceptance times. And those States allowed mass vote by mail which creates more windows for cheating.
80k votes in Pennsylvania is a lot more than what Trump won it by in 2020. The few votes received after Election Day had no determinative effect.

What’s the argument then? They counted the votes and Biden won, which is “suspicious”.

The argument is all these little things add up to me questioning the integrity of our election system, especially in Democrat controlled areas.

But you ignore it because you got what you wanted.
Kinda hard to take these things seriously when you’re suspicious that a lot of people in Philadelphia voted for Biden. A “miracle” you called it.

I'm suspicious of the vote numbers that came in, not that they voted for Biden.

Again, you don't care because you got what you wanted.
Yes. The vote numbers are suspicious because they were enough to give Biden the win

Again, nothing inherently suspicious, it’s just that you don’t like the outcome.

Add that to the other indicators, and you have a case for suspicion. Republican gains in the House, maybe not losing the Senate despite a favorable Democratic map, gaining State legislature controls. The bell-weather counties being wrong for the first time. The massive increase in mail voting, which makes it easier to stuff ballots.

They were just enough to give Biden the win.

If Trump is/was as bad as your side says, isn't cheating justified to get rid of him?
Trump is on the ballot, why would you expect this election to follow any set of assumptions about bell weather counties or house races?

One or the other is one thing, but all these little indicators being off at the same time?

Biden has the worst coat-tails for a supposed winner in decades, and Trump has the best for a supposed loser.

All these little things continue to make me question the results.
Not as surprising when you consider who Trump is.

He's someone that got over 73 million votes. He's someone who's party improved in the House, may control the senate still, and improved in many States.
And Trump is just like any other Republican? Of course not.

It’s not surprising that the Republican Party outperforms Trump given his behavior the last four years.

Trump is the reason for those increases, you really think NeverTrump milquetoasts are getting people out to vote?
Words have meaning. It’s not a coup. It’s just Trump being the same inveterate liar he has always been. It may destabilize and delegitimize the nation, but that’s basically been his play the whole time.

Not a coup.

How is he a liar if he thinks he's being cheated?
True. Maybe he isn’t a liar. Maybe he’s just that delusional.

Personally, I pray that he’s just a liar.

Maybe he thinks he's being cheated because he's being cheated.

You don't care because you got the result you wanted, and even if actual evidence is thrust in your face you will find a way to ignore it, because for progressive losers like you, the ends always justify the means.
He tried to get the PA and other legislators to disregard their constituents' votes and choose their own Trump electors, which is against their laws. He is collecting donations to support all his lawsuits, but that money is actually going to pay his campaign debts. He is spreading debunked lies on twitter all day every day. That's for starters.

And he has now bilked over 150 million bucks out of his loyal flock.

Your disdain of your fellow citizens is telling.

I have no distain for anyone who has fallen victim to a cult of personality.
I'm here to help you come to grips with your current situation ...
AKA - YOU LOST .. Time to move on.

Lol, an un-earned sense nobleese oblige from a bottom feeding scumsucker like you is comical.

This isn't a battle, it's a war.
Words have meaning. It’s not a coup. It’s just Trump being the same inveterate liar he has always been. It may destabilize and delegitimize the nation, but that’s basically been his play the whole time.

Not a coup.

How is he a liar if he thinks he's being cheated?
True. Maybe he isn’t a liar. Maybe he’s just that delusional.

Personally, I pray that he’s just a liar.

Maybe he thinks he's being cheated because he's being cheated.

You don't care because you got the result you wanted, and even if actual evidence is thrust in your face you will find a way to ignore it, because for progressive losers like you, the ends always justify the means.
He tried to get the PA and other legislators to disregard their constituents' votes and choose their own Trump electors, which is against their laws. He is collecting donations to support all his lawsuits, but that money is actually going to pay his campaign debts. He is spreading debunked lies on twitter all day every day. That's for starters.

And he has now bilked over 150 million bucks out of his loyal flock.

Your disdain of your fellow citizens is telling.
Disdain for fellow citizens is pleading for the court to rob them of one of the things we hold most dear, our right to make our voices heads through elections.

No, the pleas are from people who suspect they were cheated out of an election victory.

Again, you don't care if the votes were fraudulent because you got what you wanted.
Words have meaning. It’s not a coup. It’s just Trump being the same inveterate liar he has always been. It may destabilize and delegitimize the nation, but that’s basically been his play the whole time.

Not a coup.

How is he a liar if he thinks he's being cheated?
True. Maybe he isn’t a liar. Maybe he’s just that delusional.

Personally, I pray that he’s just a liar.

Maybe he thinks he's being cheated because he's being cheated.

You don't care because you got the result you wanted, and even if actual evidence is thrust in your face you will find a way to ignore it, because for progressive losers like you, the ends always justify the means.
He’s not being cheated. He just can’t accept he lost. This is what he does. Nothing new.

Says you, again someone who got what they wanted and has every excuse to bury your head in the sand.

To people like you cheating is just business as usual.
Says every state that certified their votes.

Trump never admits defeat. You know that about him, don’t you? That’s the problem with being fundamentally dishonest. No one actually cares what you say anymore because there’s no reason to.

Votes in the past have been certified when cheating occurred, or are you denying things like Tammany Hall never existed?

Trump is a fighter, and he is still fighting. After 4 years of your side accusing him and us of being evil incarnate why are you surprised by this?

Progressives are far more dishonest, they just use softer tones, and their lies actually harm people.
I’m not surprised by this at all.

Trump would be claiming he was cheated regardless of any facts. It makes zero difference what actually happened, Trump’s behavior is detached from reality.

If he had lost the States cleanly and by 5% or more there wouldn't be a case. Instead we had miraculous Biden count increases from Heavy Dem controlled areas that pushed Biden over the edge. meanwhile Republicans elsewhere increased their House count, will probably hold the Senate, and increased their control of several State legislatures.

This is fishy, but you will ignore it, because, again, you go what you wanted.
Major cities with large minority populations voted heavily for the democratic candidate. That’s not a miracle. That’s literally what happens EVERY ELECTION.

And those counts just happened to put Biden enough over the top to win those states by slim margins....

And those States allowed ballots to keep being accepted past the normal acceptance times. And those States allowed mass vote by mail which creates more windows for cheating.
80k votes in Pennsylvania is a lot more than what Trump won it by in 2020. The few votes received after Election Day had no determinative effect.

What’s the argument then? They counted the votes and Biden won, which is “suspicious”.

The argument is all these little things add up to me questioning the integrity of our election system, especially in Democrat controlled areas.

But you ignore it because you got what you wanted.

No,we ignore it because we know the election system was fair, no matter how Trump tried to undermine it. There are still honest Republican Politicians out there to help make it so.
Words have meaning. It’s not a coup. It’s just Trump being the same inveterate liar he has always been. It may destabilize and delegitimize the nation, but that’s basically been his play the whole time.

Not a coup.

How is he a liar if he thinks he's being cheated?
True. Maybe he isn’t a liar. Maybe he’s just that delusional.

Personally, I pray that he’s just a liar.

Maybe he thinks he's being cheated because he's being cheated.

You don't care because you got the result you wanted, and even if actual evidence is thrust in your face you will find a way to ignore it, because for progressive losers like you, the ends always justify the means.
He’s not being cheated. He just can’t accept he lost. This is what he does. Nothing new.

Says you, again someone who got what they wanted and has every excuse to bury your head in the sand.

To people like you cheating is just business as usual.
Says every state that certified their votes.

Trump never admits defeat. You know that about him, don’t you? That’s the problem with being fundamentally dishonest. No one actually cares what you say anymore because there’s no reason to.

Votes in the past have been certified when cheating occurred, or are you denying things like Tammany Hall never existed?

Trump is a fighter, and he is still fighting. After 4 years of your side accusing him and us of being evil incarnate why are you surprised by this?

Progressives are far more dishonest, they just use softer tones, and their lies actually harm people.
I’m not surprised by this at all.

Trump would be claiming he was cheated regardless of any facts. It makes zero difference what actually happened, Trump’s behavior is detached from reality.

If he had lost the States cleanly and by 5% or more there wouldn't be a case. Instead we had miraculous Biden count increases from Heavy Dem controlled areas that pushed Biden over the edge. meanwhile Republicans elsewhere increased their House count, will probably hold the Senate, and increased their control of several State legislatures.

This is fishy, but you will ignore it, because, again, you go what you wanted.
Major cities with large minority populations voted heavily for the democratic candidate. That’s not a miracle. That’s literally what happens EVERY ELECTION.

And those counts just happened to put Biden enough over the top to win those states by slim margins....

And those States allowed ballots to keep being accepted past the normal acceptance times. And those States allowed mass vote by mail which creates more windows for cheating.
80k votes in Pennsylvania is a lot more than what Trump won it by in 2020. The few votes received after Election Day had no determinative effect.

What’s the argument then? They counted the votes and Biden won, which is “suspicious”.

The argument is all these little things add up to me questioning the integrity of our election system, especially in Democrat controlled areas.

But you ignore it because you got what you wanted.

No,we ignore it because we know the election system was fair, no matter how Trump tried to undermine it. There are still honest Republican Politicians out there to help make it so.

Bullshit. You don't even try to understand because you got what you wanted. Again, if Trump is as evil as you say he is, isn't cheating justified to get rid of him?
Words have meaning. It’s not a coup. It’s just Trump being the same inveterate liar he has always been. It may destabilize and delegitimize the nation, but that’s basically been his play the whole time.

Not a coup.

How is he a liar if he thinks he's being cheated?
True. Maybe he isn’t a liar. Maybe he’s just that delusional.

Personally, I pray that he’s just a liar.

Maybe he thinks he's being cheated because he's being cheated.

You don't care because you got the result you wanted, and even if actual evidence is thrust in your face you will find a way to ignore it, because for progressive losers like you, the ends always justify the means.
He’s not being cheated. He just can’t accept he lost. This is what he does. Nothing new.

Says you, again someone who got what they wanted and has every excuse to bury your head in the sand.

To people like you cheating is just business as usual.
Says every state that certified their votes.

Trump never admits defeat. You know that about him, don’t you? That’s the problem with being fundamentally dishonest. No one actually cares what you say anymore because there’s no reason to.

Votes in the past have been certified when cheating occurred, or are you denying things like Tammany Hall never existed?

Trump is a fighter, and he is still fighting. After 4 years of your side accusing him and us of being evil incarnate why are you surprised by this?

Progressives are far more dishonest, they just use softer tones, and their lies actually harm people.
I’m not surprised by this at all.

Trump would be claiming he was cheated regardless of any facts. It makes zero difference what actually happened, Trump’s behavior is detached from reality.

If he had lost the States cleanly and by 5% or more there wouldn't be a case. Instead we had miraculous Biden count increases from Heavy Dem controlled areas that pushed Biden over the edge. meanwhile Republicans elsewhere increased their House count, will probably hold the Senate, and increased their control of several State legislatures.

This is fishy, but you will ignore it, because, again, you go what you wanted.
Major cities with large minority populations voted heavily for the democratic candidate. That’s not a miracle. That’s literally what happens EVERY ELECTION.

And those counts just happened to put Biden enough over the top to win those states by slim margins....

And those States allowed ballots to keep being accepted past the normal acceptance times. And those States allowed mass vote by mail which creates more windows for cheating.
80k votes in Pennsylvania is a lot more than what Trump won it by in 2020. The few votes received after Election Day had no determinative effect.

What’s the argument then? They counted the votes and Biden won, which is “suspicious”.

The argument is all these little things add up to me questioning the integrity of our election system, especially in Democrat controlled areas.

But you ignore it because you got what you wanted.
Kinda hard to take these things seriously when you’re suspicious that a lot of people in Philadelphia voted for Biden. A “miracle” you called it.

I'm suspicious of the vote numbers that came in, not that they voted for Biden.

Again, you don't care because you got what you wanted.
Yes. The vote numbers are suspicious because they were enough to give Biden the win

Again, nothing inherently suspicious, it’s just that you don’t like the outcome.

Add that to the other indicators, and you have a case for suspicion. Republican gains in the House, maybe not losing the Senate despite a favorable Democratic map, gaining State legislature controls. The bell-weather counties being wrong for the first time. The massive increase in mail voting, which makes it easier to stuff ballots.

They were just enough to give Biden the win.

If Trump is/was as bad as your side says, isn't cheating justified to get rid of him?
Trump is on the ballot, why would you expect this election to follow any set of assumptions about bell weather counties or house races?

One or the other is one thing, but all these little indicators being off at the same time?

Biden has the worst coat-tails for a supposed winner in decades, and Trump has the best for a supposed loser.

All these little things continue to make me question the results.
Not as surprising when you consider who Trump is.

He's someone that got over 73 million votes. He's someone who's party improved in the House, may control the senate still, and improved in many States.
And Trump is just like any other Republican? Of course not.

It’s not surprising that the Republican Party outperforms Trump given his behavior the last four years.

Trump is the reason for those increases, you really think NeverTrump milquetoasts are getting people out to vote?
How popular do you think Trump is? I mean, really?
Words have meaning. It’s not a coup. It’s just Trump being the same inveterate liar he has always been. It may destabilize and delegitimize the nation, but that’s basically been his play the whole time.

Not a coup.

How is he a liar if he thinks he's being cheated?
True. Maybe he isn’t a liar. Maybe he’s just that delusional.

Personally, I pray that he’s just a liar.

Maybe he thinks he's being cheated because he's being cheated.

You don't care because you got the result you wanted, and even if actual evidence is thrust in your face you will find a way to ignore it, because for progressive losers like you, the ends always justify the means.
He’s not being cheated. He just can’t accept he lost. This is what he does. Nothing new.

Says you, again someone who got what they wanted and has every excuse to bury your head in the sand.

To people like you cheating is just business as usual.
Says every state that certified their votes.

Trump never admits defeat. You know that about him, don’t you? That’s the problem with being fundamentally dishonest. No one actually cares what you say anymore because there’s no reason to.

Votes in the past have been certified when cheating occurred, or are you denying things like Tammany Hall never existed?

Trump is a fighter, and he is still fighting. After 4 years of your side accusing him and us of being evil incarnate why are you surprised by this?

Progressives are far more dishonest, they just use softer tones, and their lies actually harm people.
I’m not surprised by this at all.

Trump would be claiming he was cheated regardless of any facts. It makes zero difference what actually happened, Trump’s behavior is detached from reality.

If he had lost the States cleanly and by 5% or more there wouldn't be a case. Instead we had miraculous Biden count increases from Heavy Dem controlled areas that pushed Biden over the edge. meanwhile Republicans elsewhere increased their House count, will probably hold the Senate, and increased their control of several State legislatures.

This is fishy, but you will ignore it, because, again, you go what you wanted.
Major cities with large minority populations voted heavily for the democratic candidate. That’s not a miracle. That’s literally what happens EVERY ELECTION.

And those counts just happened to put Biden enough over the top to win those states by slim margins....

And those States allowed ballots to keep being accepted past the normal acceptance times. And those States allowed mass vote by mail which creates more windows for cheating.
80k votes in Pennsylvania is a lot more than what Trump won it by in 2020. The few votes received after Election Day had no determinative effect.

What’s the argument then? They counted the votes and Biden won, which is “suspicious”.

The argument is all these little things add up to me questioning the integrity of our election system, especially in Democrat controlled areas.

But you ignore it because you got what you wanted.
Kinda hard to take these things seriously when you’re suspicious that a lot of people in Philadelphia voted for Biden. A “miracle” you called it.

I'm suspicious of the vote numbers that came in, not that they voted for Biden.

Again, you don't care because you got what you wanted.
Yes. The vote numbers are suspicious because they were enough to give Biden the win

Again, nothing inherently suspicious, it’s just that you don’t like the outcome.

Add that to the other indicators, and you have a case for suspicion. Republican gains in the House, maybe not losing the Senate despite a favorable Democratic map, gaining State legislature controls. The bell-weather counties being wrong for the first time. The massive increase in mail voting, which makes it easier to stuff ballots.

They were just enough to give Biden the win.

If Trump is/was as bad as your side says, isn't cheating justified to get rid of him?
Trump is on the ballot, why would you expect this election to follow any set of assumptions about bell weather counties or house races?

One or the other is one thing, but all these little indicators being off at the same time?

Biden has the worst coat-tails for a supposed winner in decades, and Trump has the best for a supposed loser.

All these little things continue to make me question the results.
Not as surprising when you consider who Trump is.

He's someone that got over 73 million votes. He's someone who's party improved in the House, may control the senate still, and improved in many States.
And Trump is just like any other Republican? Of course not.

It’s not surprising that the Republican Party outperforms Trump given his behavior the last four years.
Some of them do, not all.
SO true - And enough is ENOUGH!

President Donald Trump is not trying to simply undermine President-elect Joe Biden's presidency, nor is he primarily trying to position himself for a 2024 presidential run, as many have suggested. No, Trump's No. 1 goal is to overturn the results of the 2020 election. It's time for Biden and other Democratic leaders to describe his actions in the most forceful and universally understandable language possible. And that means, in this case, calling them part of an attempted coup to illegally overthrow the Biden presidency.​
In the past few days, several experts have noted that Trump's actions do not technically constitute a "coup" in the academic sense. According to Michael Albertus, an associate professor of political science at the University of Chicago, for example, a coup "typically connotes a violent takeover of government." Yet these same experts warn that Trump's actions are a threat to our democracy.​
Regardless of how you define the word, now is not the time for academic debates. Trump's wildly effective communications strategy proves that sometimes simpler is better. Biden's response, in contrast, has been far too careful and far too polite. On Thursday, Biden called Trump's efforts to undermine the election results "totally irresponsible," adding that his message to immigrants worried about Trump's electoral attacks was "Hang on. I'm on my way." Other leading Democrats have, for the most part, followed Biden's lead.​
This message is not surprising given Biden's campaign strategy, which emphasized unity. Such sentiment was also at the heart of Biden's victory speech Nov. 7. But it is nevertheless a very bad strategy.​
Italy's Benito Mussolini and Russia's Vladimir Putin amassed power through bullying. These types of leaders treat silence or muted responses as a sign of weakness, emboldening them to push further with their authoritarian goals.​


Trump was elected because of Prog bullying. He gives it back and deserves more support then what he has gotten.
Words have meaning. It’s not a coup. It’s just Trump being the same inveterate liar he has always been. It may destabilize and delegitimize the nation, but that’s basically been his play the whole time.

Not a coup.

How is he a liar if he thinks he's being cheated?
True. Maybe he isn’t a liar. Maybe he’s just that delusional.

Personally, I pray that he’s just a liar.

Maybe he thinks he's being cheated because he's being cheated.

You don't care because you got the result you wanted, and even if actual evidence is thrust in your face you will find a way to ignore it, because for progressive losers like you, the ends always justify the means.
He’s not being cheated. He just can’t accept he lost. This is what he does. Nothing new.

Says you, again someone who got what they wanted and has every excuse to bury your head in the sand.

To people like you cheating is just business as usual.
Says every state that certified their votes.

Trump never admits defeat. You know that about him, don’t you? That’s the problem with being fundamentally dishonest. No one actually cares what you say anymore because there’s no reason to.

Votes in the past have been certified when cheating occurred, or are you denying things like Tammany Hall never existed?

Trump is a fighter, and he is still fighting. After 4 years of your side accusing him and us of being evil incarnate why are you surprised by this?

Progressives are far more dishonest, they just use softer tones, and their lies actually harm people.
I’m not surprised by this at all.

Trump would be claiming he was cheated regardless of any facts. It makes zero difference what actually happened, Trump’s behavior is detached from reality.

If he had lost the States cleanly and by 5% or more there wouldn't be a case. Instead we had miraculous Biden count increases from Heavy Dem controlled areas that pushed Biden over the edge. meanwhile Republicans elsewhere increased their House count, will probably hold the Senate, and increased their control of several State legislatures.

This is fishy, but you will ignore it, because, again, you go what you wanted.
Major cities with large minority populations voted heavily for the democratic candidate. That’s not a miracle. That’s literally what happens EVERY ELECTION.

And those counts just happened to put Biden enough over the top to win those states by slim margins....

And those States allowed ballots to keep being accepted past the normal acceptance times. And those States allowed mass vote by mail which creates more windows for cheating.
80k votes in Pennsylvania is a lot more than what Trump won it by in 2020. The few votes received after Election Day had no determinative effect.

What’s the argument then? They counted the votes and Biden won, which is “suspicious”.

The argument is all these little things add up to me questioning the integrity of our election system, especially in Democrat controlled areas.

But you ignore it because you got what you wanted.
Kinda hard to take these things seriously when you’re suspicious that a lot of people in Philadelphia voted for Biden. A “miracle” you called it.

I'm suspicious of the vote numbers that came in, not that they voted for Biden.

Again, you don't care because you got what you wanted.
Yes. The vote numbers are suspicious because they were enough to give Biden the win

Again, nothing inherently suspicious, it’s just that you don’t like the outcome.

Add that to the other indicators, and you have a case for suspicion. Republican gains in the House, maybe not losing the Senate despite a favorable Democratic map, gaining State legislature controls. The bell-weather counties being wrong for the first time. The massive increase in mail voting, which makes it easier to stuff ballots.

They were just enough to give Biden the win.

If Trump is/was as bad as your side says, isn't cheating justified to get rid of him?
Trump is on the ballot, why would you expect this election to follow any set of assumptions about bell weather counties or house races?

One or the other is one thing, but all these little indicators being off at the same time?

Biden has the worst coat-tails for a supposed winner in decades, and Trump has the best for a supposed loser.

All these little things continue to make me question the results.
Not as surprising when you consider who Trump is.

He's someone that got over 73 million votes. He's someone who's party improved in the House, may control the senate still, and improved in many States.
And Trump is just like any other Republican? Of course not.

It’s not surprising that the Republican Party outperforms Trump given his behavior the last four years.

Trump is the reason for those increases, you really think NeverTrump milquetoasts are getting people out to vote?
How popular do you think Trump is? I mean, really?

Popular enough to get 73 million votes.

Popular enough to draw thousands of people to rallies.

Popular enough to make inroads into the minority vote in mostly non urban settings.
Words have meaning. It’s not a coup. It’s just Trump being the same inveterate liar he has always been. It may destabilize and delegitimize the nation, but that’s basically been his play the whole time.

Not a coup.

How is he a liar if he thinks he's being cheated?
True. Maybe he isn’t a liar. Maybe he’s just that delusional.

Personally, I pray that he’s just a liar.

Maybe he thinks he's being cheated because he's being cheated.

You don't care because you got the result you wanted, and even if actual evidence is thrust in your face you will find a way to ignore it, because for progressive losers like you, the ends always justify the means.
He’s not being cheated. He just can’t accept he lost. This is what he does. Nothing new.

Says you, again someone who got what they wanted and has every excuse to bury your head in the sand.

To people like you cheating is just business as usual.
Says every state that certified their votes.

Trump never admits defeat. You know that about him, don’t you? That’s the problem with being fundamentally dishonest. No one actually cares what you say anymore because there’s no reason to.

Votes in the past have been certified when cheating occurred, or are you denying things like Tammany Hall never existed?

Trump is a fighter, and he is still fighting. After 4 years of your side accusing him and us of being evil incarnate why are you surprised by this?

Progressives are far more dishonest, they just use softer tones, and their lies actually harm people.
I’m not surprised by this at all.

Trump would be claiming he was cheated regardless of any facts. It makes zero difference what actually happened, Trump’s behavior is detached from reality.

If he had lost the States cleanly and by 5% or more there wouldn't be a case. Instead we had miraculous Biden count increases from Heavy Dem controlled areas that pushed Biden over the edge. meanwhile Republicans elsewhere increased their House count, will probably hold the Senate, and increased their control of several State legislatures.

This is fishy, but you will ignore it, because, again, you go what you wanted.
Major cities with large minority populations voted heavily for the democratic candidate. That’s not a miracle. That’s literally what happens EVERY ELECTION.

And those counts just happened to put Biden enough over the top to win those states by slim margins....

And those States allowed ballots to keep being accepted past the normal acceptance times. And those States allowed mass vote by mail which creates more windows for cheating.
80k votes in Pennsylvania is a lot more than what Trump won it by in 2020. The few votes received after Election Day had no determinative effect.

What’s the argument then? They counted the votes and Biden won, which is “suspicious”.

The argument is all these little things add up to me questioning the integrity of our election system, especially in Democrat controlled areas.

But you ignore it because you got what you wanted.

No,we ignore it because we know the election system was fair, no matter how Trump tried to undermine it. There are still honest Republican Politicians out there to help make it so.

Bullshit. You don't even try to understand because you got what you wanted. Again, if Trump is as evil as you say he is, isn't cheating justified to get rid of him?
No,we ignore it because we know the election system was fair, no matter how Trump tried to undermine it. There are still honest Republican Politicians out there to help make it so.
In 2016 Trump said the election was rigged.
Before 2020, Trump said the election was rigged
During the 2020 election Trump said the election was rigged.
And post 2020 election, Trump continues to say the election was rigged.

Yet Trump did nothing about election security.

Real news - from The Epoch Times? :laugh:

  • Overall, we rate The Epoch Times Right Biased and Questionable based on the publication of pseudoscience and the promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories as well as numerous failed fact checks.

Oops indeed!

The Epoch Times is a far-right[12] international multi-language newspaper and media company affiliated with the Falun Gong new religious movement, based in the United States.[17] The newspaper is part of the Epoch Media Group, which also operates New Tang Dynasty (NTD) Television.[18] The Epoch Times has websites in 35 countries[19] but is blocked in mainland China.[19]

The Epoch Times opposes the Chinese Communist Party,[20] and promotes far-right politicians in Europe,[3][5] and backs President Donald Trump in the U.S.;[21] a 2019 report by NBC News showed it to be the second-largest funder of pro-Trump Facebook advertising after the Trump campaign.[18][22][23] The Epoch Media Group's news sites and YouTube channels have spread conspiracy theories such as QAnon and anti-vaccination propaganda.[18][24][25] The organization frequently promotes other Falun Gong affiliated groups, such as the performing arts company, Shen Yun.[14][21]
Words have meaning. It’s not a coup. It’s just Trump being the same inveterate liar he has always been. It may destabilize and delegitimize the nation, but that’s basically been his play the whole time.

Not a coup.

How is he a liar if he thinks he's being cheated?
True. Maybe he isn’t a liar. Maybe he’s just that delusional.

Personally, I pray that he’s just a liar.

Maybe he thinks he's being cheated because he's being cheated.

You don't care because you got the result you wanted, and even if actual evidence is thrust in your face you will find a way to ignore it, because for progressive losers like you, the ends always justify the means.
He’s not being cheated. He just can’t accept he lost. This is what he does. Nothing new.

Says you, again someone who got what they wanted and has every excuse to bury your head in the sand.

To people like you cheating is just business as usual.
Says every state that certified their votes.

Trump never admits defeat. You know that about him, don’t you? That’s the problem with being fundamentally dishonest. No one actually cares what you say anymore because there’s no reason to.

Votes in the past have been certified when cheating occurred, or are you denying things like Tammany Hall never existed?

Trump is a fighter, and he is still fighting. After 4 years of your side accusing him and us of being evil incarnate why are you surprised by this?

Progressives are far more dishonest, they just use softer tones, and their lies actually harm people.
I’m not surprised by this at all.

Trump would be claiming he was cheated regardless of any facts. It makes zero difference what actually happened, Trump’s behavior is detached from reality.

If he had lost the States cleanly and by 5% or more there wouldn't be a case. Instead we had miraculous Biden count increases from Heavy Dem controlled areas that pushed Biden over the edge. meanwhile Republicans elsewhere increased their House count, will probably hold the Senate, and increased their control of several State legislatures.

This is fishy, but you will ignore it, because, again, you go what you wanted.
Major cities with large minority populations voted heavily for the democratic candidate. That’s not a miracle. That’s literally what happens EVERY ELECTION.

And those counts just happened to put Biden enough over the top to win those states by slim margins....

And those States allowed ballots to keep being accepted past the normal acceptance times. And those States allowed mass vote by mail which creates more windows for cheating.
80k votes in Pennsylvania is a lot more than what Trump won it by in 2020. The few votes received after Election Day had no determinative effect.

What’s the argument then? They counted the votes and Biden won, which is “suspicious”.

The argument is all these little things add up to me questioning the integrity of our election system, especially in Democrat controlled areas.

But you ignore it because you got what you wanted.

No,we ignore it because we know the election system was fair, no matter how Trump tried to undermine it. There are still honest Republican Politicians out there to help make it so.

Bullshit. You don't even try to understand because you got what you wanted. Again, if Trump is as evil as you say he is, isn't cheating justified to get rid of him?

Then I guess he isn't as evil as you say he is.

So which lie will you admit to?

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