Trumps Executive order Fu+ks People with Pre-Existing Conditions

Instead of the absurd propaganda being pushed by Eaglewings - take a look at what President Trump is actually doing with healthcare. All he is doing is restoring constitutional government (the federal government has absolutely no authority to subsidize healthcare) and allowing the free market to drastically improve healthcare (after Barack Insane Obama and his cronies messed it all up).
“The competition will be staggering,” Trump said before signing the order. “Insurance companies will be fighting to get every single person signed up, and you will be hopefully negotiating, negotiating, negotiating, and you’ll get such low prices for such great care.”

Trump, Paul Unite for Big 'Free-Market Reform of Health Care'

"Free market" healthcare assumes that some insurer will sell insurance to someone with cancer. There is no "free market" healthcare, and never has been. As a career health insurance underwriter, it was my job to make sure that nobody was sold health insurance who was likely to cost us more in claims than they paid in premiums. We all used the same consulting actuarial underwriting books. "Free market health care" to us insurers meant that we we free to tell you that you were SOL.
And? :dunno:

So, you would be more honest and credible if you would drop the "free market" BS, and just call it like it is: "We don't give a shit if you live or die, because we have ours".
Why would he do this to millions of sick people getting treatments for survival , including young children?.

Separately, the order would allow consumers to buy short-term policies, which don't have to comply with Obamacare's protections for those with pre-existing conditions. Also, it looks to broaden the ability of employers to give workers money to buy their own coverage through health reimbursement arrangements, known as HRAs.

Trump begins Obamacare dismantling with executive order - CNNPolitics

They can still buy Obamacare, so how are they being screwed?

Did you read the link, the new law would make it where the insurance companies do not have to comply with the Obamacare rules for Pre-existing.. States choose which insurance companies will pick up Obamacare. So the insurance companies can make their own rules again.


What about the millions who got screwed and are paying more than they can afford or lost their insurance?

There are more uninsured now than before Obamacare.

Big Pharms wrote the fucking law and it passed without Dems reading it. Of course, they wanted everything covered so they could soak the tax payers and that's exactly what they did. The mess was created under Obama. All the promises were outright lies. And they continue to lie.

People will be denied if the left gets their way because the doled out healthcare plan would mean longer and longer waiting lists. As it is, even people who have the Obamacare insurance are not always getting healthcare because so many don't accept the plans.
Last I read, there are already 15 states that are filing suits against the Trump healthcare Executive Orders and his decision not to pay the subsidies.

Purely political move with no care for We The People. Obamacare is dying.

You can't say that Obamacare is dying when Trump continues to make moves that undermines it. The number of states suing is up to 18.

Obamacare is dying on its own. Millions refuse to pay, subsidies are illegal and unconstitutional. Obamacare was a boondoggle foist on US by a fool.

Pretty hard to say that isn't it? Since Trump has taken every opportunity to push it into the grave? I mean he canceled ads that were already paid for and non-refundable. Not to mention all the other things he's done.

Most Americans think that Congress and Trump should be working to fix Obamacare, not tear it down and repeal it.

But.....Trump is fixing it. Taking the unconstitutional part out with surgical precision for one. Making it legal to buy insurance across State lines, stopping our tax dollars from going to politically selected health care providers. Also, I believe, making catastrophic more available. Obamacare thwarted that insurance industry by disallowing catastrophic care under Obamacare.

Obama thought that the young would pay for the older citizens but, instead, 10's of millions of young adults decided to opt out and pay a penalty. You see, If Obama was a dictator, there would be people in jail for not paying 'their fair share'.....Equal misery for everybody. Most real Americans rejected that out of hand. Especially when we were told to pass the 2.000 page bill without anyone actually READING it.

Obama was a freaking IDIOT!! Still is too.....His 'legacy' will be (and should be) as a failed Marxist-party U.S. President pretending to be 'Democrat'......You Dimmies have really gone off the deep end....

Obama made it legal Jan 1, 2016 to sell insurance across state lines. Trumps EO was for show.
Why would he do this to millions of sick people getting treatments for survival , including young children?.

Separately, the order would allow consumers to buy short-term policies, which don't have to comply with Obamacare's protections for those with pre-existing conditions. Also, it looks to broaden the ability of employers to give workers money to buy their own coverage through health reimbursement arrangements, known as HRAs.

Trump begins Obamacare dismantling with executive order - CNNPolitics

They can still buy Obamacare, so how are they being screwed?

Did you read the link, the new law would make it where the insurance companies do not have to comply with the Obamacare rules for Pre-existing.. States choose which insurance companies will pick up Obamacare. So the insurance companies can make their own rules again.


What about the millions who got screwed and are paying more than they can afford or lost their insurance?

There are more uninsured now than before Obamacare.

Big Pharms wrote the fucking law and it passed without Dems reading it. Of course, they wanted everything covered so they could soak the tax payers and that's exactly what they did. The mess was created under Obama. All the promises were outright lies. And they continue to lie.

People will be denied if the left gets their way because the doled out healthcare plan would mean longer and longer waiting lists. As it is, even people who have the Obamacare insurance are not always getting healthcare because so many don't accept the plans.

So if you make things up then in your mind it is true, you clearly don't know what you are talking about... Back yourself up with some factual links.....on the Democrats not reading the pharmaceutical laws..Big Pharms don't write laws...

I personally know a obama hater who had 0 insurance, had his appendix burst and was in the hospital over a week.. He got slammed by the bills from the hospital and lost everything.. He got on obamacare for catastrophes like that one,not to make his monthly medication cheaper..

I also have a son on the east coast buying a very inexpensive obamacare plan for emergency's,he is healthy and the high deductible is there for just emergencies..
Give it a day or two, and once all the experts are able to sift through it and the destructiveness, it will be challenged in court. There will be an injunction placed on it until a final decision is made.

Just thought I would bump this post... from last Thursday I made.
Why would he do this to millions of sick people getting treatments for survival , including young children?.

Separately, the order would allow consumers to buy short-term policies, which don't have to comply with Obamacare's protections for those with pre-existing conditions. Also, it looks to broaden the ability of employers to give workers money to buy their own coverage through health reimbursement arrangements, known as HRAs.

Trump begins Obamacare dismantling with executive order - CNNPolitics

They can still buy Obamacare, so how are they being screwed?
Your arrested development toddler prez continues to sabatoge the ACA because he can't handle its better than the load of crap he just put out.
Of course he doesn't understand the details of it. Add that to every other issue he also doesn't understand.
Why would he do this to millions of sick people getting treatments for survival , including young children?.

Separately, the order would allow consumers to buy short-term policies, which don't have to comply with Obamacare's protections for those with pre-existing conditions. Also, it looks to broaden the ability of employers to give workers money to buy their own coverage through health reimbursement arrangements, known as HRAs.

Trump begins Obamacare dismantling with executive order - CNNPolitics


it screws everyone ...

but isn't that what the internet troll as president wants.... that's what makes his disgusting "base" happy.
No facts, just brag.
Want facts?
Trump approval hits record-low 32 percent in AP poll
Why would he do this to millions of sick people getting treatments for survival , including young children?.

Separately, the order would allow consumers to buy short-term policies, which don't have to comply with Obamacare's protections for those with pre-existing conditions. Also, it looks to broaden the ability of employers to give workers money to buy their own coverage through health reimbursement arrangements, known as HRAs.

Trump begins Obamacare dismantling with executive order - CNNPolitics


it screws everyone ...

but isn't that what the internet troll as president wants.... that's what makes his disgusting "base" happy.
No facts, just brag.
Want facts?
Trump approval hits record-low 32 percent in AP poll
Yes I want facts, not some bullcrap poll by a lying media news site.
here read up:

"It’s ironic. Notwithstanding the many outrageous, mendacious things the president says and tweets, the press is aghast that his “fake news” tropes against mainstream-media stalwarts resonate with much of the country. Well, if you want to know why, this latest Obamacare coverage is why. What Trump has actually done is end the illegal payoffs without which insurance companies have no rational choice but to jack up premiums or flee the Obamacare exchanges. The culprits here are the charlatans who gave us Obamacare. To portray Trump as the bad guy is not merely fake news. It’s an out-and-out lie."

Read more at: Trump Faithfully Executes Obamacare; Media, Democrats Go Nuts
Why would he do this to millions of sick people getting treatments for survival , including young children?.

Separately, the order would allow consumers to buy short-term policies, which don't have to comply with Obamacare's protections for those with pre-existing conditions. Also, it looks to broaden the ability of employers to give workers money to buy their own coverage through health reimbursement arrangements, known as HRAs.

Trump begins Obamacare dismantling with executive order - CNNPolitics


it screws everyone ...

but isn't that what the internet troll as president wants.... that's what makes his disgusting "base" happy.
No facts, just brag.
Want facts?
Trump approval hits record-low 32 percent in AP poll
Yes I want facts, not some bullcrap poll by a lying media news site.
There you go again... totally embarrassing yourself putting down the AP.
Agent Orange's base has dwindled to 32% and your fit to be tied.
There's more talk of the 25th amendment being accessed, of his fitness for office than anything else.
Even Bannon is predicting T only has a 30% chance of finish his term.
Steve Bannon reportedly thinks Trump only has a 30% chance of finishing his term
Didn't your lying media cover that story?
Not surprised.
here read up:

"It’s ironic. Notwithstanding the many outrageous, mendacious things the president says and tweets, the press is aghast that his “fake news” tropes against mainstream-media stalwarts resonate with much of the country. Well, if you want to know why, this latest Obamacare coverage is why. What Trump has actually done is end the illegal payoffs without which insurance companies have no rational choice but to jack up premiums or flee the Obamacare exchanges. The culprits here are the charlatans who gave us Obamacare. To portray Trump as the bad guy is not merely fake news. It’s an out-and-out lie."

Read more at: Trump Faithfully Executes Obamacare; Media, Democrats Go Nuts
you're an idiot.
Trump is sabatoging Obamacare.

Steve Bannon Says President Cut Off Obamacare Payments To Destroy Health Law | HuffPost
here read up:

"It’s ironic. Notwithstanding the many outrageous, mendacious things the president says and tweets, the press is aghast that his “fake news” tropes against mainstream-media stalwarts resonate with much of the country. Well, if you want to know why, this latest Obamacare coverage is why. What Trump has actually done is end the illegal payoffs without which insurance companies have no rational choice but to jack up premiums or flee the Obamacare exchanges. The culprits here are the charlatans who gave us Obamacare. To portray Trump as the bad guy is not merely fake news. It’s an out-and-out lie."

Read more at: Trump Faithfully Executes Obamacare; Media, Democrats Go Nuts
you're an idiot.
Trump is sabatoging Obamacare.

Steve Bannon Says President Cut Off Obamacare Payments To Destroy Health Law | HuffPost
you didn't read the piece I see. you should read it. all trump did was what obummer intended. the ACA was doomed from day fking one. fk, read something other than MSM propaganda. you might actually learn something.
"Free market" healthcare assumes that some insurer will sell insurance to someone with cancer. ...

No it doesn't. Where did you get that idea?

That is so elementary that it does not even warrant a serious response. But, I will give you a hint. In the free market of automobiles, if Ford does not produce a pickup truck that meets your needs, you can always by a GMC instead.
Why would he do this to millions of sick people getting treatments for survival , including young children?.

Separately, the order would allow consumers to buy short-term policies, which don't have to comply with Obamacare's protections for those with pre-existing conditions. Also, it looks to broaden the ability of employers to give workers money to buy their own coverage through health reimbursement arrangements, known as HRAs.

Trump begins Obamacare dismantling with executive order - CNNPolitics

They can still buy Obamacare, so how are they being screwed?
Your arrested development toddler prez continues to sabatoge the ACA because he can't handle its better than the load of crap he just put out.
Of course he doesn't understand the details of it. Add that to every other issue he also doesn't understand.

Obamacare is a huge pile of shit. The more Trumps dismantles it, the better.
Purely political move with no care for We The People. Obamacare is dying.

You can't say that Obamacare is dying when Trump continues to make moves that undermines it. The number of states suing is up to 18.

Obamacare is dying on its own. Millions refuse to pay, subsidies are illegal and unconstitutional. Obamacare was a boondoggle foist on US by a fool.

Pretty hard to say that isn't it? Since Trump has taken every opportunity to push it into the grave? I mean he canceled ads that were already paid for and non-refundable. Not to mention all the other things he's done.

Most Americans think that Congress and Trump should be working to fix Obamacare, not tear it down and repeal it.

But.....Trump is fixing it. Taking the unconstitutional part out with surgical precision for one. Making it legal to buy insurance across State lines, stopping our tax dollars from going to politically selected health care providers. Also, I believe, making catastrophic more available. Obamacare thwarted that insurance industry by disallowing catastrophic care under Obamacare.

Obama thought that the young would pay for the older citizens but, instead, 10's of millions of young adults decided to opt out and pay a penalty. You see, If Obama was a dictator, there would be people in jail for not paying 'their fair share'.....Equal misery for everybody. Most real Americans rejected that out of hand. Especially when we were told to pass the 2.000 page bill without anyone actually READING it.

Obama was a freaking IDIOT!! Still is too.....His 'legacy' will be (and should be) as a failed Marxist-party U.S. President pretending to be 'Democrat'......You Dimmies have really gone off the deep end....

Obama made it legal Jan 1, 2016 to sell insurance across state lines. Trumps EO was for show.
Pleeze quote the section of the bill that legalizes selling insurance across state lines.
Why would he do this to millions of sick people getting treatments for survival , including young children?.

Separately, the order would allow consumers to buy short-term policies, which don't have to comply with Obamacare's protections for those with pre-existing conditions. Also, it looks to broaden the ability of employers to give workers money to buy their own coverage through health reimbursement arrangements, known as HRAs.

Trump begins Obamacare dismantling with executive order - CNNPolitics

They can still buy Obamacare, so how are they being screwed?

Did you read the link, the new law would make it where the insurance companies do not have to comply with the Obamacare rules for Pre-existing.. States choose which insurance companies will pick up Obamacare. So the insurance companies can make their own rules again.


What about the millions who got screwed and are paying more than they can afford or lost their insurance?

There are more uninsured now than before Obamacare.

Big Pharms wrote the fucking law and it passed without Dems reading it. Of course, they wanted everything covered so they could soak the tax payers and that's exactly what they did. The mess was created under Obama. All the promises were outright lies. And they continue to lie.

People will be denied if the left gets their way because the doled out healthcare plan would mean longer and longer waiting lists. As it is, even people who have the Obamacare insurance are not always getting healthcare because so many don't accept the plans.

So if you make things up then in your mind it is true, you clearly don't know what you are talking about... Back yourself up with some factual links.....on the Democrats not reading the pharmaceutical laws..Big Pharms don't write laws...

I personally know a obama hater who had 0 insurance, had his appendix burst and was in the hospital over a week.. He got slammed by the bills from the hospital and lost everything.. He got on obamacare for catastrophes like that one,not to make his monthly medication cheaper..

I also have a son on the east coast buying a very inexpensive obamacare plan for emergency's,he is healthy and the high deductible is there for just emergencies..

The reason he had no insurance was Obamacare which made it too expensive for him to afford.
here read up:

"It’s ironic. Notwithstanding the many outrageous, mendacious things the president says and tweets, the press is aghast that his “fake news” tropes against mainstream-media stalwarts resonate with much of the country. Well, if you want to know why, this latest Obamacare coverage is why. What Trump has actually done is end the illegal payoffs without which insurance companies have no rational choice but to jack up premiums or flee the Obamacare exchanges. The culprits here are the charlatans who gave us Obamacare. To portray Trump as the bad guy is not merely fake news. It’s an out-and-out lie."

Read more at: Trump Faithfully Executes Obamacare; Media, Democrats Go Nuts
you're an idiot.
Trump is sabatoging Obamacare.

Steve Bannon Says President Cut Off Obamacare Payments To Destroy Health Law | HuffPost

You mean enforcing it to the letter is sabotaging it?
Trumps executive order that will allow you to buy alternative types of insurance not subject to the ACA regulations . coverage under these plans will cover less & not cover preexisting conditions.

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