Trumps Executive order Fu+ks People with Pre-Existing Conditions

Why would he do this to millions of sick people getting treatments for survival , including young children?.

Separately, the order would allow consumers to buy short-term policies, which don't have to comply with Obamacare's protections for those with pre-existing conditions. Also, it looks to broaden the ability of employers to give workers money to buy their own coverage through health reimbursement arrangements, known as HRAs.

Trump begins Obamacare dismantling with executive order - CNNPolitics


It is amazing how the only way snowflakes can find a way to attack the president is to lie their asses off.

Trump's executive order did nothing to the status of insurance for pre-existing conditions.

His executive order stopped the illegal subsidies being paid to the insurance companies, money Congress never authorized to be spent - which makes it unconstitutional and illegal.

And in case you forgot it was Barack Obama that violated the Constitution and broke the law by stealing tax dollars and giving it to insurance companies without Congressional approval.

Congress, not the president, controls the purse strings and spending. I guess the self-proclaimed Constitutional scholar forgot about did snowflakes.

If Congress deems the subsidies critical, fires what Congress can do to restore them? Somehow, that's not a part of the hand wringing hysteria.

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Instead of the absurd propaganda being pushed by Eaglewings - take a look at what President Trump is actually doing with healthcare. All he is doing is restoring constitutional government (the federal government has absolutely no authority to subsidize healthcare) and allowing the free market to drastically improve healthcare (after Barack Insane Obama and his cronies messed it all up).
“The competition will be staggering,” Trump said before signing the order. “Insurance companies will be fighting to get every single person signed up, and you will be hopefully negotiating, negotiating, negotiating, and you’ll get such low prices for such great care.”

Trump, Paul Unite for Big 'Free-Market Reform of Health Care'
During war, innocent people get harmed. Trump is our General at war for the American people, so some people will need to pay the price of war, its better casualties be on their side not ours. Besides its dead beats and liberals that will loose their health coverage because Trump will protect people who voted for him. Those who didn't vote for him should be suffering, what else should they expect from Trump. Do they really expect him to help them when they didn't vote for him? Of course they should be suffering for voting for the enemy, next time they will know the costs of not voting the right person, and be afraid to vote against him. Trump destroys those who do not follow him.

Nice to see that the Trumps have gone full Fascists...
...and they hate this country...
jillian revealing how she really feels deep down. I’ve known this for years because it’s so painfully obvious. When one bashes the founders, rejects the U.S. Constitution, and wants to “fundamentally alter” everything about the U.S., it’s painfully obvious that person hates the U.S. And that is Jillian to her core.
Let them die the right screams as they hand trillions to the insurance industry!

Sad that we have to be the only first world country on earth that puts greed above what is right.

Of course, shitteriot is going to side with the greedy bastards.
Sad that we have to be the only first world country on earth that puts greed above what is right.
Well...that’s exactly why our healthcare is so superior to any other nation in the world. When you socialize something, you destroy it. If you weren’t such a greedy, lazy, prick, you would understand that reality.
Let them die the right screams as they hand trillions to the insurance industry!

Sad that we have to be the only first world country on earth that puts greed above what is right.

Of course, shitteriot is going to side with the greedy bastards.

You do realize, don't you, that it was obamadon'tcare that illegally pumped a lot of money into the insurance companies and Trump that took that away until Congress can do it legally?

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Let them die the right screams as they hand trillions to the insurance industry!
It’s a shame you are so ignorant (but it does explain why you vote Dumbocrat) - or you would realize that what you are crying about is exactly what Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats did to the American people...
With fewer and fewer choices as know-it-all Obamacare bureaucrats decimated the individual market here and across the country, we enrolled in a high-deductible Bronze HSA EPO (Health Savings Account Exclusive Provider Organization) offered by Minneapolis-based startup Bright Health.

Now, here we are barely a year later: Deja screwed times four. Our current plan will be discontinued on Jan. 1, 2018.

Universal Coverage? My Fourth Health Care Plan Just Died Thanks to Obamacare
Last I read, there are already 15 states that are filing suits against the Trump healthcare Executive Orders and his decision not to pay the subsidies.
Last I read, there are already 15 states that are filing suits against the Trump healthcare Executive Orders and his decision not to pay the subsidies.

Purely political move with no care for We The People. Obamacare is dying.
Last I read, there are already 15 states that are filing suits against the Trump healthcare Executive Orders and his decision not to pay the subsidies.

Purely political move with no care for We The People. Obamacare is dying.

You can't say that Obamacare is dying when Trump continues to make moves that undermines it. The number of states suing is up to 18.
Last I read, there are already 15 states that are filing suits against the Trump healthcare Executive Orders and his decision not to pay the subsidies.

Purely political move with no care for We The People. Obamacare is dying.

You can't say that Obamacare is dying when Trump continues to make moves that undermines it. The number of states suing is up to 18.

Obamacare is dying on its own. Millions refuse to pay, subsidies are illegal and unconstitutional. Obamacare was a boondoggle foist on US by a fool.
Last I read, there are already 15 states that are filing suits against the Trump healthcare Executive Orders and his decision not to pay the subsidies.

Purely political move with no care for We The People. Obamacare is dying.

You can't say that Obamacare is dying when Trump continues to make moves that undermines it. The number of states suing is up to 18.

Obamacare is dying on its own. Millions refuse to pay, subsidies are illegal and unconstitutional. Obamacare was a boondoggle foist on US by a fool.

Pretty hard to say that isn't it? Since Trump has taken every opportunity to push it into the grave? I mean he canceled ads that were already paid for and non-refundable. Not to mention all the other things he's done.

Most Americans think that Congress and Trump should be working to fix Obamacare, not tear it down and repeal it.
Last I read, there are already 15 states that are filing suits against the Trump healthcare Executive Orders and his decision not to pay the subsidies.

Purely political move with no care for We The People. Obamacare is dying.

You can't say that Obamacare is dying when Trump continues to make moves that undermines it. The number of states suing is up to 18.

Obamacare is dying on its own. Millions refuse to pay, subsidies are illegal and unconstitutional. Obamacare was a boondoggle foist on US by a fool.

Pretty hard to say that isn't it? Since Trump has taken every opportunity to push it into the grave? I mean he canceled ads that were already paid for and non-refundable. Not to mention all the other things he's done.

Most Americans think that Congress and Trump should be working to fix Obamacare, not tear it down and repeal it.

But.....Trump is fixing it. Taking the unconstitutional part out with surgical precision for one. Making it legal to buy insurance across State lines, stopping our tax dollars from going to politically selected health care providers. Also, I believe, making catastrophic more available. Obamacare thwarted that insurance industry by disallowing catastrophic care under Obamacare.

Obama thought that the young would pay for the older citizens but, instead, 10's of millions of young adults decided to opt out and pay a penalty. You see, If Obama was a dictator, there would be people in jail for not paying 'their fair share'.....Equal misery for everybody. Most real Americans rejected that out of hand. Especially when we were told to pass the 2.000 page bill without anyone actually READING it.

Obama was a freaking IDIOT!! Still is too.....His 'legacy' will be (and should be) as a failed Marxist-party U.S. President pretending to be 'Democrat'......You Dimmies have really gone off the deep end....
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Instead of the absurd propaganda being pushed by Eaglewings - take a look at what President Trump is actually doing with healthcare. All he is doing is restoring constitutional government (the federal government has absolutely no authority to subsidize healthcare) and allowing the free market to drastically improve healthcare (after Barack Insane Obama and his cronies messed it all up).
“The competition will be staggering,” Trump said before signing the order. “Insurance companies will be fighting to get every single person signed up, and you will be hopefully negotiating, negotiating, negotiating, and you’ll get such low prices for such great care.”

Trump, Paul Unite for Big 'Free-Market Reform of Health Care'

"Free market" healthcare assumes that some insurer will sell insurance to someone with cancer. There is no "free market" healthcare, and never has been. As a career health insurance underwriter, it was my job to make sure that nobody was sold health insurance who was likely to cost us more in claims than they paid in premiums. We all used the same consulting actuarial underwriting books. "Free market health care" to us insurers meant that we we free to tell you that you were SOL.
Instead of the absurd propaganda being pushed by Eaglewings - take a look at what President Trump is actually doing with healthcare. All he is doing is restoring constitutional government (the federal government has absolutely no authority to subsidize healthcare) and allowing the free market to drastically improve healthcare (after Barack Insane Obama and his cronies messed it all up).
“The competition will be staggering,” Trump said before signing the order. “Insurance companies will be fighting to get every single person signed up, and you will be hopefully negotiating, negotiating, negotiating, and you’ll get such low prices for such great care.”

Trump, Paul Unite for Big 'Free-Market Reform of Health Care'

"Free market" healthcare assumes that some insurer will sell insurance to someone with cancer. There is no "free market" healthcare, and never has been. As a career health insurance underwriter, it was my job to make sure that nobody was sold health insurance who was likely to cost us more in claims than they paid in premiums. We all used the same consulting actuarial underwriting books. "Free market health care" to us insurers meant that we we free to tell you that you were SOL.
And? :dunno:
Why would he do this to millions of sick people getting treatments for survival , including young children?.

Separately, the order would allow consumers to buy short-term policies, which don't have to comply with Obamacare's protections for those with pre-existing conditions. Also, it looks to broaden the ability of employers to give workers money to buy their own coverage through health reimbursement arrangements, known as HRAs.

Trump begins Obamacare dismantling with executive order - CNNPolitics


This is just another one of Trump's executive orders that was put on for SHOW only. It's the congress that writes the legislation for Health Care, not TRUMP. In order for health insurers to change the mandates or policies that are currently in existence a bill would be required to pass in the house and Senate, and then signed into law.

Credible--licensed health care insurance companies are not going to sell insurance across state lines. If they did, they would double the premium--that a person could get in-state. Health insurers choose the states they opt into to provide insurance. FOR instance: Colorado considered the healiest state in this nation has multiple health insurance providers--who compete against one another, whereas unhealthier states have fewer health insurance companies there competeting. And insurers pay out millions of dollars to set up in states which is why they are very selective on which states they choose.

What Trump did do, is open the door wide open to FRAUD. There will be people opening up medical insurance business's on the internet selling crappy policies that won't cover anything. They'll leave out castastropic--(hospital coverage, surgery, etc.) and sell their insurance at a greatly reduced cost, but if you end up in the hospital you'll go bankrupt. There's already plenty of them out there.

Congress holds the purse strings in this country--(not Trump.) They aren't going to approve of any funding to make Trump's executive order happen.

It's just another :bsflag:executive order. Done only to throw a bone to some very--very--very STUPID PEOPLE.


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Instead of the absurd propaganda being pushed by Eaglewings - take a look at what President Trump is actually doing with healthcare. All he is doing is restoring constitutional government (the federal government has absolutely no authority to subsidize healthcare) and allowing the free market to drastically improve healthcare (after Barack Insane Obama and his cronies messed it all up).
“The competition will be staggering,” Trump said before signing the order. “Insurance companies will be fighting to get every single person signed up, and you will be hopefully negotiating, negotiating, negotiating, and you’ll get such low prices for such great care.”

Trump, Paul Unite for Big 'Free-Market Reform of Health Care'

"Free market" healthcare assumes that some insurer will sell insurance to someone with cancer. There is no "free market" healthcare, and never has been. As a career health insurance underwriter, it was my job to make sure that nobody was sold health insurance who was likely to cost us more in claims than they paid in premiums. We all used the same consulting actuarial underwriting books. "Free market health care" to us insurers meant that we we free to tell you that you were SOL.

We already have an example of free market health insurance. Atlas is one example.Atlas MD Press Room | Wichita's Premiere Cash-Only Clinic » | EMR Software for Direct Care Medicine It's an affordable healthcare option for primary care. $50 tpo $100 per month. Perfect for young adults, children, etc. It covers all the stuff, checkups, broken bones, stitches, etc. Everything your GP does. Now if you are paying as much as $100 per month you could well afford catastrophic coverage. I bet your total outlay for health insurance would be far below any Obamacare option.
Instead of the absurd propaganda being pushed by Eaglewings - take a look at what President Trump is actually doing with healthcare. All he is doing is restoring constitutional government (the federal government has absolutely no authority to subsidize healthcare) and allowing the free market to drastically improve healthcare (after Barack Insane Obama and his cronies messed it all up).
“The competition will be staggering,” Trump said before signing the order. “Insurance companies will be fighting to get every single person signed up, and you will be hopefully negotiating, negotiating, negotiating, and you’ll get such low prices for such great care.”

Trump, Paul Unite for Big 'Free-Market Reform of Health Care'

"Free market" healthcare assumes that some insurer will sell insurance to someone with cancer. There is no "free market" healthcare, and never has been. As a career health insurance underwriter, it was my job to make sure that nobody was sold health insurance who was likely to cost us more in claims than they paid in premiums. We all used the same consulting actuarial underwriting books. "Free market health care" to us insurers meant that we we free to tell you that you were SOL.

We already have an example of free market health insurance. Atlas is one example.Atlas MD Press Room | Wichita's Premiere Cash-Only Clinic » | EMR Software for Direct Care Medicine It's an affordable healthcare option for primary care. $50 tpo $100 per month. Perfect for young adults, children, etc. It covers all the stuff, checkups, broken bones, stitches, etc. Everything your GP does. Now if you are paying as much as $100 per month you could well afford catastrophic coverage. I bet your total outlay for health insurance would be far below any Obamacare option.

I used to write the fine print on those policies (legal minimum, 10 point type).

Have you read it?

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