Trumps Executive order Fu+ks People with Pre-Existing Conditions

Why would he do this to millions of sick people getting treatments for survival , including young children?
Your post is what happens when emotional, knee-jerk reactionary progressives buy into the propaganda instead of researching facts...
"As I have previously reported, I have been working with President Trump to expand access to Association Health Plans and help provide Americans with more options and insurance that better fits their needs". - Senator Rand Paul
You people are such drama queens. The sky is not falling. Nobody is going to die. And life will go on post-Obamacare. You people screwed up healthcare. The American people sent conservatives to Washington to correct it (by repealing the idiotic legislation).

Not being a dick, have they laid out at all how they plan on going about this?
Are the Democrats still 100% committed to obstructing anything and everything?
there is no such insurance policy as "Obamacare".... but diminishing the coverage and creating higher prices screws people who who need coverage most.
Nobody gets screwed" because there are bleeding-heart progressives such as yourself that will cover the healthcare costs of those who need it the most, right?

Oh wait....that's're a greedy, selfish piece of shit who only "cares" when it is someone else's money.
Not being a dick, have they laid out at all how they plan on going about this?
Yes...on many occasions since around 2012. Now, where Republicans have failed miserably is actually executing their plan (i.e. passing it). But they absolutely have laid out their plan.

Never heard of an actual plan that they have gotten behind since they have power to make changes. Sorry thought you were talking about something within last week or so. Have been on vacation and not kept up with the real world.
Never heard of an actual plan that they have gotten behind since they have power to make changes. Sorry thought you were talking about something within last week or so. Have been on vacation and not kept up with the real world.
Well, again, that's where they have failed. Immature assholes like John McCain (who is throwing a tantrum because he got crushed in his run for President while Donald Trump - who he hates - actually won) keep voting against it instead of doing what his constituents want.
That is the plan of the republicans .
No...the plan of the Republicans is to recognize that the U.S. Constitution does not permit federal government to control healthcare or force citizens to purchase a good or service. It also recognizes that communism is failed ideology and that people such as yourself are simply too stupid to realize it.
That is the plan of the republicans .
No...the plan of the Republicans is to recognize that the U.S. Constitution does not permit federal government to control healthcare or force citizens to purchase a good or service. It also recognizes that communism is failed ideology and that people such as yourself are simply too stupid to realize it.

It is? Do you have any proof that such a plan exists?
Do you mean like the cons were for the previous 8 years?
Conservatives were doing what the American people sent them to Washington to do - stop the failure of the Barack Insane Obama agenda, and reverse the failure. They did a spectacular job of that under the circumstances.

Contrary to idiotic progressive belief, President of the United States is not a dictator. Congress has the responsibility of legislation and budget. Sadly, you lefties think that ONE man should hold all power and everyone else should just bow to them. It's ignorant, but that's what we've come to expect from the left.
Never heard of an actual plan that they have gotten behind since they have power to make changes. Sorry thought you were talking about something within last week or so. Have been on vacation and not kept up with the real world.
Well, again, that's where they have failed. Immature assholes like John McCain (who is throwing a tantrum because he got crushed in his run for President while Donald Trump - who he hates - actually won) keep voting against it instead of doing what his constituents want.

Again I may be mistaken, but I thought Arizona as a state had gotten behind the ACA after seeing what had been rolled out.

I was hoping for something different, hopefully in time!
That is the plan of the republicans .
No...the plan of the Republicans is to recognize that the U.S. Constitution does not permit federal government to control healthcare or force citizens to purchase a good or service. It also recognizes that communism is failed ideology and that people such as yourself are simply too stupid to realize it.

It is? Do you have any proof that such a plan exists?
Yes. They've discussed it ad-nauseam. How out of touch are you with your own government and the news? No wonder you vote Dumbocrat.
That is the plan of the republicans .
No...the plan of the Republicans is to recognize that the U.S. Constitution does not permit federal government to control healthcare or force citizens to purchase a good or service. It also recognizes that communism is failed ideology and that people such as yourself are simply too stupid to realize it.

It is? Do you have any proof that such a plan exists?
Yes. They've discussed it ad-nauseam. How out of touch are you with your own government and the news? No wonder you vote Dumbocrat.

Talk is cheap.

What is Dumbocrat?
Do you mean like the cons were for the previous 8 years?
Conservatives were doing what the American people sent them to Washington to do - stop the failure of the Barack Insane Obama agenda, and reverse the failure. They did a spectacular job of that under the circumstances.

Contrary to idiotic progressive belief, President of the United States is not a dictator. Congress has the responsibility of legislation and budget. Sadly, you lefties think that ONE man should hold all power and everyone else should just bow to them. It's ignorant, but that's what we've come to expect from the left.

I agree about the dictator part, now somebody inform Trump as well because he has stated that the constitution is out dated. Scary stuff coming from two sides that refuse to negotiate or compromise when needed!
I agree about the dictator part, now somebody inform Trump as well because he has stated that the constitution is out dated. Scary stuff coming from two sides that refuse to negotiate or compromise when needed!
No argument there! You know what is even scarier (after all - he is entitled to his opinion about the U.S. Constitution just like anyone else): the fact that he publicly Tweeted this week that we need to think about NBC's license to broadcast.

Now that is scary shit. He's the sitting President and is actually thinking - and publicly stating - such as scary, fascist view.
That is the plan of the republicans .
No...the plan of the Republicans is to recognize that the U.S. Constitution does not permit federal government to control healthcare or force citizens to purchase a good or service. It also recognizes that communism is failed ideology and that people such as yourself are simply too stupid to realize it.

It is? Do you have any proof that such a plan exists?
Yes. They've discussed it ad-nauseam. How out of touch are you with your own government and the news? No wonder you vote Dumbocrat.

Talk is cheap.

What is Dumbocrat?
Talk is cheap. That's why so many are rightfully fed up with the Republicans. They had a golden opportunity to set things straight, and immature assholes like John McCain stood in the way of constitutional government because of his tantrum.

A Dumbocrat is one of the two major parties in America. They are made up of people on the left who are infants that can't take care of themselves, and as such, want government to take care of them.
I agree about the dictator part, now somebody inform Trump as well because he has stated that the constitution is out dated. Scary stuff coming from two sides that refuse to negotiate or compromise when needed!
No argument there! You know what is even scarier (after all - he is entitled to his opinion about the U.S. Constitution just like anyone else): the fact that he publicly Tweeted this week that we need to think about NBC's license to broadcast.

Now that is scary shit. He's the sitting President and is actually thinking - and publicly stating - such as scary, fascist view.

Yes sir bad juju from both sides or as I see it one ruling class party that keeps the normal Joe and Jane fighting about mostly unimportant stuff while they pick our pockets.
That is the plan of the republicans .
No...the plan of the Republicans is to recognize that the U.S. Constitution does not permit federal government to control healthcare or force citizens to purchase a good or service. It also recognizes that communism is failed ideology and that people such as yourself are simply too stupid to realize it.

It is? Do you have any proof that such a plan exists?
Yes. They've discussed it ad-nauseam. How out of touch are you with your own government and the news? No wonder you vote Dumbocrat.

Talk is cheap.

What is Dumbocrat?
Talk is cheap. That's why so many are rightfully fed up with the Republicans. They had a golden opportunity to set things straight, and immature assholes like John McCain stood in the way of constitutional government because of his tantrum.

A Dumbocrat is one of the two major parties in America. They are made up of people on the left who are infants that can't take care of themselves, and as such, want government to take care of them.

And what makes you think I voted for them?
Kind of an oxymoron, republicans doing healthcare or any kind of care but taking care of the super rich.

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