Trumps Executive order Fu+ks People with Pre-Existing Conditions

Previously I had drug coverage. Under Obamacare I didn't. Which is better?

Whether I'm being "selfish" isn't the issue here. Everyone who wants free shit from the government is being selfish.

What a fucking moron.

Think about if you had to get chemo for $20,000 a bag and come back and get the horrible shot neulesta for $30,000 the next day. This is what Obamacare is for..The corrupt Big Pharma who can charge you whatever they want and line the pockets of the FDA and congress.

Most people don't see that until they get sucked into the corruption..

that was all covered in the past. what is it you're trying to say here?

The moron doesn't know what insurance actually does. are embarrassing yourself ... Back in the 1990's insurance covered just about everything .. 100% of prescriptions..

No one gets free prescriptions anymore unless maybe welfare people..or you met your deductible .

I just got on medicare for disabilities ( cancer survivor side effects x 2 ) , and pay extra for AARP prescription coverage and I still pay over $200.00 a month for drugs that used to be free after I met my deduction..

I know exactly what insurance does .. I also have seen people before Obamacare lose their insurance because they were too sick to work, have their life savings sucked dry and then treatment stopped and died..

At least obamacare will close your donut hole by 2020, if the orange dick head doesn't destroy that, which by the way after he is done with ACA he will move on to Medicare with Ryan standing behind him this time instead of Rand Paul.

I seriously think Trump is satan ..
The Obamacare policy I had paid 0% of my prescriptions, dumbass. Promising a bunch of free shit is exactly what the supporters of Obamacare did. Unfornutely only a select bunch of moochers got the free shit. The rest of us have to pay for it with dramatically higher premiums and worse coverage.

The issue here is whether Obamacare is better than what was available previously. For that vast majority of Americans, it's far worse.

So now the real truth comes out, IT PAID 0% OF YOUR DRUGS, in it for yourself? It's all about patty cakes whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Cry you baby.
Previously I had drug coverage. Under Obamacare I didn't. Which is better?

Whether I'm being "selfish" isn't the issue here. Everyone who wants free shit from the government is being selfish.

What a fucking moron.

No you are the fucking moron, insurance companies change formularies once or twice a year. Drugs are taken off that are deemed unsafe, have gone way up in cost or have gone generic and they won't pay for brand anymore. There are many reasons drugs come on and go off. Take Medicare they have deemed a shit load of drugs unsafe for senior's and won't cover them anymore.

A stupid allergy pill that I take just went up 75% , these guys go after the consumer not the corrupt FDA/ and big Pharma..


Use when you get in donut hole.

I will check that out..Thanks Debbie
My son already bought a very inexpensive insurance last are believing the lies .


And your son can keep his plan what are you bitching about?

My other son is in college and is a type 1 Juvenile diabetic insulin dependent ... We are screwing over our younger generation so bad.

Do you know what a pre-existing illness is? I will get the list for you..


I don't think you know how Obamacare is funded. Young healthy people who don't have a lot of money this early in their careers are paying for your son's pre-existing condition how is that fair?

No, you don't understand how it works, young people not making much money if they have insurance are enjoying a pretty decent subsidy.


Do you have any idea what you are talking about?

Do you? Probably not since you just ran an insurance office at a corporation, what was that at&t? Are you one of the people who help put their screwed up Med Advantage in place to pay with HRA dollars and then dictated to these poor aged retirees who they could use? If it wasn't you I apologize in advance.

I have plenty of young people making around $25,000 per year enjoying a damn good subsidy on your dime or should I say advanced premium tax credit. Remember we are from different parts of the country what goes in your state might not necessarily go in mine. Now I know you're a teacher and will correct my writing, but this is a gd forum and I will write however I want on here.
I'll just cut to the chase since it's taking mr half the night to catch up in this thread. No the advanced premium tax credit (subsidies) were not cut today just a little word triggery by the trumpster and all the media. He cut cost share reductions. So all you happy people that wanted to fuck over everyone can call me a liar, but the aptc is part of the law. This almost gives me a woodie laughing at all of you.

Of course, the csr's are gone, but some insurance companies had planned for that in their astronomical rate increase for next year and some will still cover them.
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Why would he do this to millions of sick people getting treatments for survival , including young children?.

Separately, the order would allow consumers to buy short-term policies, which don't have to comply with Obamacare's protections for those with pre-existing conditions. Also, it looks to broaden the ability of employers to give workers money to buy their own coverage through health reimbursement arrangements, known as HRAs.

Trump begins Obamacare dismantling with executive order - CNNPolitics


it screws everyone ...

but isn't that what the internet troll as president wants.... that's what makes his disgusting "base" happy.

They are literally cheering their own demise as long as Trump is happy it seems they will side with any action. Trumps feelings mean more than their own bottom line.

I know. If I didn't feel for some of the ones that will lose in 2019 I'd be rolling in joy on the floor that they are cheering for themselves to take up the ass. But I will be ridiculed and called a libtard, nope just a smart ex republican that is now independent. But who knows I see no one on the right worthy of every being a President in the rest of my lifetime. The dems better come up with someone good or I am back to voting for someone else again.
During war, innocent people get harmed. Trump is our General at war for the American people, so some people will need to pay the price of war, its better casualties be on their side not ours. Besides its dead beats and liberals that will loose their health coverage because Trump will protect people who voted for him. Those who didn't vote for him should be suffering, what else should they expect from Trump. Do they really expect him to help them when they didn't vote for him? Of course they should be suffering for voting for the enemy, next time they will know the costs of not voting the right person, and be afraid to vote against him. Trump destroys those who do not follow him.

That is funny, trump couldn't be latrine queen.
During war, innocent people get harmed. Trump is our General at war for the American people, so some people will need to pay the price of war, its better casualties be on their side not ours. Besides its dead beats and liberals that will loose their health coverage because Trump will protect people who voted for him. Those who didn't vote for him should be suffering, what else should they expect from Trump. Do they really expect him to help them when they didn't vote for him? Of course they should be suffering for voting for the enemy, next time they will know the costs of not voting the right person, and be afraid to vote against him. Trump destroys those who do not follow him.

That is funny, trump couldn't be latrine queen.
He's the President of the United States, dingbat.
I'll just cut to the chase since it's taking mr half the night to catch up in this thread. No the advanced premium tax credit (subsidies) were not cut today just a little word triggery by the trumpster and all the media. He cut cost share reductions. So all you happy people that wanted to fuck over everyone can call me a liar, but the aptc is part of the law. This almost gives me a woodie laughing at all of you.

Of course, the csr's are gone, but some insurance companies had planned for that in their astronomical rate increase for next year and some will still cover them.

Someone said that this can be fought in court somewhere in this thread.. Do you know anything about that.? Also it is the states who keep or take the pre-excisting laws right?

During war, innocent people get harmed. Trump is our General at war for the American people, so some people will need to pay the price of war, its better casualties be on their side not ours. Besides its dead beats and liberals that will loose their health coverage because Trump will protect people who voted for him. Those who didn't vote for him should be suffering, what else should they expect from Trump. Do they really expect him to help them when they didn't vote for him? Of course they should be suffering for voting for the enemy, next time they will know the costs of not voting the right person, and be afraid to vote against him. Trump destroys those who do not follow him.

That is funny, trump couldn't be latrine queen.
He's the President of the United States, dingbat.

I think we are seeing Citizen Kane right before our eyes..

Why would he do this to millions of sick people getting treatments for survival , including young children?.

Separately, the order would allow consumers to buy short-term policies, which don't have to comply with Obamacare's protections for those with pre-existing conditions. Also, it looks to broaden the ability of employers to give workers money to buy their own coverage through health reimbursement arrangements, known as HRAs.

Trump begins Obamacare dismantling with executive order - CNNPolitics

They can still buy Obamacare, so how are they being screwed?

there is no such insurance policy as "Obamacare".... but diminishing the coverage and creating higher prices screws people who who need coverage most.

you just aren't smart enough to understand that.... or decent enough to cared.


Then they need to do it right. Pass a law authorizing the expense and have Congress appropriate the funds. A president is not authorized to spend money.

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And your son can keep his plan what are you bitching about?

My other son is in college and is a type 1 Juvenile diabetic insulin dependent ... We are screwing over our younger generation so bad.

Do you know what a pre-existing illness is? I will get the list for you..


I don't think you know how Obamacare is funded. Young healthy people who don't have a lot of money this early in their careers are paying for your son's pre-existing condition how is that fair?

No, you don't understand how it works, young people not making much money if they have insurance are enjoying a pretty decent subsidy.


Do you have any idea what you are talking about?

Do you? Probably not since you just ran an insurance office at a corporation, what was that at&t? Are you one of the people who help put their screwed up Med Advantage in place to pay with HRA dollars and then dictated to these poor aged retirees who they could use? If it wasn't you I apologize in advance.

I have plenty of young people making around $25,000 per year enjoying a damn good subsidy on your dime or should I say advanced premium tax credit. Remember we are from different parts of the country what goes in your state might not necessarily go in mine. Now I know you're a teacher and will correct my writing, but this is a gd forum and I will write however I want on here.

Just an insurance office? Right!
Why would he do this to millions of sick people getting treatments for survival , including young children?.

Separately, the order would allow consumers to buy short-term policies, which don't have to comply with Obamacare's protections for those with pre-existing conditions. Also, it looks to broaden the ability of employers to give workers money to buy their own coverage through health reimbursement arrangements, known as HRAs.

Trump begins Obamacare dismantling with executive order - CNNPolitics


it screws everyone ...

but isn't that what the internet troll as president wants.... that's what makes his disgusting "base" happy.

They are literally cheering their own demise as long as Trump is happy it seems they will side with any action. Trumps feelings mean more than their own bottom line.

I know. If I didn't feel for some of the ones that will lose in 2019 I'd be rolling in joy on the floor that they are cheering for themselves to take up the ass. But I will be ridiculed and called a libtard, nope just a smart ex republican that is now independent. But who knows I see no one on the right worthy of every being a President in the rest of my lifetime. The dems better come up with someone good or I am back to voting for someone else again.

There are no federal elections in 2019! The midterms are 2018 and the next presidential election is in 2020.
Why would he do this to millions of sick people getting treatments for survival , including young children?.

Separately, the order would allow consumers to buy short-term policies, which don't have to comply with Obamacare's protections for those with pre-existing conditions. Also, it looks to broaden the ability of employers to give workers money to buy their own coverage through health reimbursement arrangements, known as HRAs.

Trump begins Obamacare dismantling with executive order - CNNPolitics


it screws everyone ...

but isn't that what the internet troll as president wants.... that's what makes his disgusting "base" happy.

They are literally cheering their own demise as long as Trump is happy it seems they will side with any action. Trumps feelings mean more than their own bottom line.

I know. If I didn't feel for some of the ones that will lose in 2019 I'd be rolling in joy on the floor that they are cheering for themselves to take up the ass. But I will be ridiculed and called a libtard, nope just a smart ex republican that is now independent. But who knows I see no one on the right worthy of every being a President in the rest of my lifetime. The dems better come up with someone good or I am back to voting for someone else again.

2019? Seems like neither side is missing your vote that year
ah look at you. can't debate. here.....:itsok:

I can debate and I also deleted what the mods would anyway. How should I know what they paid for the pump? I didn't ask all I know that particular person had gone 6 years without insurance and paying for it herself or her parents.
perhaps she was on her parents insurance. and on pre existing conditions in the past, they merely asked for a year deferment covering that preexisting condition ahead of covering it. I know. I had a diabetic wife under my insurance prior to obummerfail. so please, idiots like you who have no fking idea about what you're talking about are the worst. The fact is, the one time payment of the pump may or may not have been covered. Did you know that? see, you just like to spew bumper sticker propaganda from the DNC and hope we all ignore it. NOPE!!!

So now you're call me the fucking idiot? Well look in the mirror different rules in different states and vary from insurance company to insurance company. Just how long have you been working for a corporate insurance company?
well you are one fking idiot. you can't debate. You have offered up zero to your fking claim. that makes you one. I gave you examples and you can't debate what I gave you. I told you I personally had to deal with existing conditions and how they worked in the past and you came back with this post. so, again. what is it you actually know or are you just spewing bumper stick DNC talk? I want to know who I'm dealing with. a parrot or a person.

After I left the forum this morning and on the way to work I thought hey what if this stupid dick head was talking about group health? That was a possibility since his wife's pump was covered. You when have been correct. But if you were talking about an individual plan depending on what company and what part of the country your park your ass, that may have happened. I work for one of the largest insurance companies in the nation and pre obamacare they would not insure a diabetic on an individual plan whether you were on insulin, metformin or any other drug or just trying to control it by diet. Nope, over 25 years and I have never seen a diabetic insured on an individual plan by this company. So in your ugliness you may be right.

That's because your company had a monopoly because people could not buy health care across State lines. Perfect example of failed Socialism.
Why would he do this to millions of sick people getting treatments for survival , including young children?
Your post is what happens when emotional, knee-jerk reactionary progressives buy into the propaganda instead of researching facts...
"As I have previously reported, I have been working with President Trump to expand access to Association Health Plans and help provide Americans with more options and insurance that better fits their needs". - Senator Rand Paul
You people are such drama queens. The sky is not falling. Nobody is going to die. And life will go on post-Obamacare. You people screwed up healthcare. The American people sent conservatives to Washington to correct it (by repealing the idiotic legislation).
Why would he do this to millions of sick people getting treatments for survival , including young children?.

Separately, the order would allow consumers to buy short-term policies, which don't have to comply with Obamacare's protections for those with pre-existing conditions. Also, it looks to broaden the ability of employers to give workers money to buy their own coverage through health reimbursement arrangements, known as HRAs.

Trump begins Obamacare dismantling with executive order - CNNPolitics


It is amazing how the only way snowflakes can find a way to attack the president is to lie their asses off.

Trump's executive order did nothing to the status of insurance for pre-existing conditions.

His executive order stopped the illegal subsidies being paid to the insurance companies, money Congress never authorized to be spent - which makes it unconstitutional and illegal.

And in case you forgot it was Barack Obama that violated the Constitution and broke the law by stealing tax dollars and giving it to insurance companies without Congressional approval.

Congress, not the president, controls the purse strings and spending. I guess the self-proclaimed Constitutional scholar forgot about did snowflakes.
Why would he do this to millions of sick people getting treatments for survival , including young children?
Your post is what happens when emotional, knee-jerk reactionary progressives buy into the propaganda instead of researching facts...
"As I have previously reported, I have been working with President Trump to expand access to Association Health Plans and help provide Americans with more options and insurance that better fits their needs". - Senator Rand Paul
You people are such drama queens. The sky is not falling. Nobody is going to die. And life will go on post-Obamacare. You people screwed up healthcare. The American people sent conservatives to Washington to correct it (by repealing the idiotic legislation).

Not being a dick, have they laid out at all how they plan on going about this?
Not being a dick, have they laid out at all how they plan on going about this?
Yes...on many occasions since around 2012. Now, where Republicans have failed miserably is actually executing their plan (i.e. passing it). But they absolutely have laid out their plan.

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