Trumps Executive order Fu+ks People with Pre-Existing Conditions

Cancer? Diabetes. Considering our food supply and fast goo consumption anything can go wrong. It's sin a gamble. But if you get sick perhaps too bad. No insurance no doctor?

Cancer and diabetes are NOT common among young people. Please find another excuse for your pathetic argument.

Go take a stroll through the pediatric ward of any hospital and get a reality check..


Well.....You are creating false stats. People (or children in a hospital) do not represent the entire U.S. population. Sure....If you 'take a stroll' through a pediatric ward, you are only seeing the sick. They do no represent most of the population and could be well taken care of IF the government would STOP giving $$ to the able bodied.

I am a cancer survivor x 2 and have seen a lot .. Sometimes it takes someone to get sick to really see what is going on. Millions are getting chemo everyday..a bag of chemo is $20,000

It is much worse than you think, and once you hear the word cancer you are on a conveyor belt into the scams Cha Ching..

Good Doctors hands are legally bound by the FDA who is in bed with The Big Pharma, and the Medical industry. who fill the pockets of our congress to vote in their favor ...


Fact is, thanks to trump and the Repubs, a lot of Americans will die, including the trumpanzees.
A spoiled, entitled little child was humiliated by President Obama (at the correspondents dinner) and the little orange moron will do whatever he can to erase President Obama's work and accomplishments on behalf of the working class.

In that respect, he is in complete agreement with most of the GOP. Even though it means harming millions and even killing some Americans, the Repubs have been openly intent on fighting everything Obama did, then and now. What we're seeing now is the same impotence the Repubs are known for - they have done nothing for working class Americans for more than fifty years and that's not going to change now.

Amazingly, the RWNJs are still singing his praises. Apparently they don't need health care and don't have spouses, children, parents and friends who do either.
how can one erase someone's achievements unless they really weren't? just saying.
If they have no insurance and they get sick will you let them die?
again, why would they die?

So you are saying that people who have no insurance and no ability to pay for care that they need will:
1. Get it for free
2. Pay until Bankrupt and die
3. Refuse care and thus they die
4. other, please explain

Pick please
what I'm saying is the christian organizations will help them. they are exempt for gd sake. It's what was done prior to subsidizing. I will ask but one question, do these families own cell phones and multiple cell phones?

We are talking about a $100k for bypass surgery... By saying charity you are passing the buck, charities will run out of money fast and if they don't, why get health insurance when lovely organisation will pay your health bill for free..

When did a cell phone become luxury... How you supposed to get a job with no phone...
charities never run out of money. ever hear of Jerry Lewis telethon? shriners, many others, along with Catholic Charities. the fact that you ignore this is libturd 101.

So you want give out free heart bypasses... Why does anyone need to buy insurance?
again, why would they die?

So you are saying that people who have no insurance and no ability to pay for care that they need will:
1. Get it for free
2. Pay until Bankrupt and die
3. Refuse care and thus they die
4. other, please explain

Pick please
what I'm saying is the christian organizations will help them. they are exempt for gd sake. It's what was done prior to subsidizing. I will ask but one question, do these families own cell phones and multiple cell phones?

We are talking about a $100k for bypass surgery... By saying charity you are passing the buck, charities will run out of money fast and if they don't, why get health insurance when lovely organisation will pay your health bill for free..

When did a cell phone become luxury... How you supposed to get a job with no phone...
charities never run out of money. ever hear of Jerry Lewis telethon? shriners, many others, along with Catholic Charities. the fact that you ignore this is libturd 101.

So you want give out free heart bypasses... Why does anyone need to buy insurance?
through the use of the appropriate businesses that do that sure, why not?
Cancer? Diabetes. Considering our food supply and fast goo consumption anything can go wrong. It's sin a gamble. But if you get sick perhaps too bad. No insurance no doctor?

Cancer and diabetes are NOT common among young people. Please find another excuse for your pathetic argument.

Go take a stroll through the pediatric ward of any hospital and get a reality check..


Well.....You are creating false stats. People (or children in a hospital) do not represent the entire U.S. population. Sure....If you 'take a stroll' through a pediatric ward, you are only seeing the sick. They do no represent most of the population and could be well taken care of IF the government would STOP giving $$ to the able bodied.

I am a cancer survivor x 2 and have seen a lot .. Sometimes it takes someone to get sick to really see what is going on. Millions are getting chemo everyday..a bag of chemo is $20,000

It is much worse than you think, and once you hear the word cancer you are on a conveyor belt into the scams Cha Ching..

Good Doctors hands are legally bound by the FDA who is in bed with The Big Pharma, and the Medical industry. who fill the pockets of our congress to vote in their favor ...


Fact is, thanks to trump and the Repubs, a lot of Americans will die, including the trumpanzees.
They are dying in droves right now because of Obamacare, fool.
Cancer and diabetes are NOT common among young people. Please find another excuse for your pathetic argument.

Go take a stroll through the pediatric ward of any hospital and get a reality check..


Well.....You are creating false stats. People (or children in a hospital) do not represent the entire U.S. population. Sure....If you 'take a stroll' through a pediatric ward, you are only seeing the sick. They do no represent most of the population and could be well taken care of IF the government would STOP giving $$ to the able bodied.

I am a cancer survivor x 2 and have seen a lot .. Sometimes it takes someone to get sick to really see what is going on. Millions are getting chemo everyday..a bag of chemo is $20,000

It is much worse than you think, and once you hear the word cancer you are on a conveyor belt into the scams Cha Ching..

Good Doctors hands are legally bound by the FDA who is in bed with The Big Pharma, and the Medical industry. who fill the pockets of our congress to vote in their favor ...


Fact is, thanks to trump and the Repubs, a lot of Americans will die, including the trumpanzees.
They are dying in droves right now because of Obamacare, fool.
The biggest losers will be doctor/pushers for big pharma. One guy we know locally here was on 32 different medications. I gave the list this guy was taking to a friend of mine who is a doctor and he stated, "That is patient abuse". That kind of abuse has been going on all over the nation due to the medical policies adopted by our lawmakers and regulators.
Drinking the Koolaide I see.. No one is a moocher on Obamacare, everyone pays a lot. The reason for Obamacare is for illnesses that take your life savings.. not a cold..
Now that’s funny, Obama care is a fucking joke. It rips young healthy people off… Fact

Yep, it sure did. It ripped off the 22 year old who had an insulin pump that could not get insurance before it sure ripped the kid off born with hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy, not to mention all the childhood cancers. WTF do we care, right?

I guess in these instances it would be ok by your standards to abort.
No one should be forced to pay for other people shit, that is what a collective is all about.
There are worse things than dying... Like being forced into shit you don’t want anything to do with.
here's an analogy of your post. Go out to dinner with four people. let's say for the sake of this analogy, there is one bill for the meal and drinks. Let's say that one of the four had five $9 drinks and everyone else had but one of those $9 drinks. Is it fair for the three that had the one, to pay for the fourth dudes four other drinks? Anyone ever experience that? I have. That is exactly what pre-existing is all about in a nutshell.

And the answer is no. The three tell the one to pay for the four other drinks out of his own money. The rest is split between the four.

Yes, we all paid for people receiving subsidies and when this all began I was pretty outraged myself, but my taxes didn't go up my life financially didn't change and over the past 4 years have seen hundreds who were uninsurable before. In this business, over 20 years I have seen at least 40% of applicants declined or have a certain part of the body ridered (not covered) you tend to think after a while they just may deserve what you have, good health care. Don't know what the answer is, well I think I do but not many agree and no it's not single payer for all.

My area is 99% Republican and as long as I have lived here have never leaned left. Most people here are enjoying large subsidies for their health insurance, in fact 90% of the state receive subsidies. and it's all Red. Which way do you think they'll lean in 2018 2020? They don't want to lose what they have.
Fuck the collective
what I want is your fking stories to be accurate. first tell us what the 22 year old was paying for the pump prior to paying for insurance and what her total costs were before and after insurance. I don't want to hear your rants. I want evidence. or is this just a DNC bumper sticker.

You know we have come head to head too many times and if we were face to face I'd beat the absolute fuck out of you punk.
ah look at you. can't debate. here.....:itsok:

I can debate and I also deleted what the mods would anyway. How should I know what they paid for the pump? I didn't ask all I know that particular person had gone 6 years without insurance and paying for it herself or her parents.
perhaps she was on her parents insurance. and on pre existing conditions in the past, they merely asked for a year deferment covering that preexisting condition ahead of covering it. I know. I had a diabetic wife under my insurance prior to obummerfail. so please, idiots like you who have no fking idea about what you're talking about are the worst. The fact is, the one time payment of the pump may or may not have been covered. Did you know that? see, you just like to spew bumper sticker propaganda from the DNC and hope we all ignore it. NOPE!!!

Sorry to hear about your wife who is a diabetic.. My son is a juvenile type one diabetic who gets new pumps and insulin covered by the insurance..

He is just starting out in life..He works his ass off in college. Why should his life be fucked up because the insurances want to call him a pre-excisting condition?

No one else should be paying for it though…

Do you know that you are paying millions for people without insurance?.. Hospitals charge 70% more to the uninsured.. We pay for that..
Do you know how many pre-existing conditions there are?
90% of those supporting Trump on this thread will find their ass without insurance charging the tax payer ..

Do you know that 90% of the shitheads that voted for Crooked Hillary are on welfare?

Why should anybody that hasn't paid into an insurance policy get treatment for free? That makes insurance nothing more than welfare and that is despicable.

You pay your health care bills and I will pay mine. Stop being greedy and demanding something for nothing. That makes you look like an asshole.
Cancer and diabetes are NOT common among young people. Please find another excuse for your pathetic argument.

Go take a stroll through the pediatric ward of any hospital and get a reality check..


Well.....You are creating false stats. People (or children in a hospital) do not represent the entire U.S. population. Sure....If you 'take a stroll' through a pediatric ward, you are only seeing the sick. They do no represent most of the population and could be well taken care of IF the government would STOP giving $$ to the able bodied.

I am a cancer survivor x 2 and have seen a lot .. Sometimes it takes someone to get sick to really see what is going on. Millions are getting chemo everyday..a bag of chemo is $20,000

It is much worse than you think, and once you hear the word cancer you are on a conveyor belt into the scams Cha Ching..

Good Doctors hands are legally bound by the FDA who is in bed with The Big Pharma, and the Medical industry. who fill the pockets of our congress to vote in their favor ...


Fact is, thanks to trump and the Repubs, a lot of Americans will die, including the trumpanzees.
They are dying in droves right now because of Obamacare, fool.

Please show some factual links ...I don't expect to see any because your claim is bogus...and funny..

Go take a stroll through the pediatric ward of any hospital and get a reality check..


Well.....You are creating false stats. People (or children in a hospital) do not represent the entire U.S. population. Sure....If you 'take a stroll' through a pediatric ward, you are only seeing the sick. They do no represent most of the population and could be well taken care of IF the government would STOP giving $$ to the able bodied.

I am a cancer survivor x 2 and have seen a lot .. Sometimes it takes someone to get sick to really see what is going on. Millions are getting chemo everyday..a bag of chemo is $20,000

It is much worse than you think, and once you hear the word cancer you are on a conveyor belt into the scams Cha Ching..

Good Doctors hands are legally bound by the FDA who is in bed with The Big Pharma, and the Medical industry. who fill the pockets of our congress to vote in their favor ...


Fact is, thanks to trump and the Repubs, a lot of Americans will die, including the trumpanzees.
They are dying in droves right now because of Obamacare, fool.

Please show some factual links ...I don't expect to see any because your claim is bogus...and funny..


I will after you prove people will die because of Trump's EO.
Pre-Existing conditions will NOT be dropped. The insurance companies will cease receiving government subsidies. This was intended (by Obama) to cover insurance company losses as they were being forced to cover everyone. Well....It didn't work....Insurance companies are more in debt now and are pulling out one by one and insurance coverage is more expensive than ever with many many folks dropping out.
If they have no insurance and they get sick will you let them die?
again, why would they die?

So you are saying that people who have no insurance and no ability to pay for care that they need will:
1. Get it for free
2. Pay until Bankrupt and die
3. Refuse care and thus they die
4. other, please explain

Pick please
what I'm saying is the christian organizations will help them. they are exempt for gd sake. It's what was done prior to subsidizing. I will ask but one question, do these families own cell phones and multiple cell phones?

We are talking about a $100k for bypass surgery... By saying charity you are passing the buck, charities will run out of money fast and if they don't, why get health insurance when lovely organisation will pay your health bill for free..

When did a cell phone become luxury... How you supposed to get a job with no phone...
charities never run out of money. ever hear of Jerry Lewis telethon? shriners, many others, along with Catholic Charities. the fact that you ignore this is libturd 101.

Seriously, telethons don't raise that type of cash... But lets play your game, why would any one pay for health insurance when you get free from charities (who some how magically raise billions per month).
Pre-Existing conditions will NOT be dropped. The insurance companies will cease receiving government subsidies. This was intended (by Obama) to cover insurance company losses as they were being forced to cover everyone. Well....It didn't work....Insurance companies are more in debt now and are pulling out one by one and insurance coverage is more expensive than ever with many many folks dropping out.

First line is a straight out lie... Rest is just garbage...
Pre-Existing conditions will NOT be dropped. The insurance companies will cease receiving government subsidies. This was intended (by Obama) to cover insurance company losses as they were being forced to cover everyone. Well....It didn't work....Insurance companies are more in debt now and are pulling out one by one and insurance coverage is more expensive than ever with many many folks dropping out.

First line is a straight out lie... Rest is just garbage...
Prove it....
Why would he do this to millions of sick people getting treatments for survival , including young children?.

Separately, the order would allow consumers to buy short-term policies, which don't have to comply with Obamacare's protections for those with pre-existing conditions. Also, it looks to broaden the ability of employers to give workers money to buy their own coverage through health reimbursement arrangements, known as HRAs.

Trump begins Obamacare dismantling with executive order - CNNPolitics


it screws everyone ...

but isn't that what the internet troll as president wants.... that's what makes his disgusting "base" happy.

They are literally cheering their own demise as long as Trump is happy it seems they will side with any action. Trumps feelings mean more than their own bottom line.

they love their internet troll as president. and they hate this country. and they hate anyone who isn't a trumptard
Pre-Existing conditions will NOT be dropped. The insurance companies will cease receiving government subsidies. This was intended (by Obama) to cover insurance company losses as they were being forced to cover everyone. Well....It didn't work....Insurance companies are more in debt now and are pulling out one by one and insurance coverage is more expensive than ever with many many folks dropping out.

First line is a straight out lie... Rest is just garbage...
Prove it....

try reading.... the facts are what they are.

life is funny that way.... facts exist whether you believe them or not, dum dum.
So um the very comes down to high wage earners versus low wage earners. We all know who wins but back class warfare should not be brought up because hey hey after all we are all Americans....lmao so hard it's unreal.

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