Trumps Executive order Fu+ks People with Pre-Existing Conditions

Yep, it sure did. It ripped off the 22 year old who had an insulin pump that could not get insurance before it sure ripped the kid off born with hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy, not to mention all the childhood cancers. WTF do we care, right?

I guess in these instances it would be ok by your standards to abort.
No one should be forced to pay for other people shit, that is what a collective is all about.
There are worse things than dying... Like being forced into shit you don’t want anything to do with.
here's an analogy of your post. Go out to dinner with four people. let's say for the sake of this analogy, there is one bill for the meal and drinks. Let's say that one of the four had five $9 drinks and everyone else had but one of those $9 drinks. Is it fair for the three that had the one, to pay for the fourth dudes four other drinks? Anyone ever experience that? I have. That is exactly what pre-existing is all about in a nutshell.

And the answer is no. The three tell the one to pay for the four other drinks out of his own money. The rest is split between the four.

Yes, we all paid for people receiving subsidies and when this all began I was pretty outraged myself, but my taxes didn't go up my life financially didn't change and over the past 4 years have seen hundreds who were uninsurable before. In this business, over 20 years I have seen at least 40% of applicants declined or have a certain part of the body ridered (not covered) you tend to think after a while they just may deserve what you have, good health care. Don't know what the answer is, well I think I do but not many agree and no it's not single payer for all.

My area is 99% Republican and as long as I have lived here have never leaned left. Most people here are enjoying large subsidies for their health insurance, in fact 90% of the state receive subsidies. and it's all Red. Which way do you think they'll lean in 2018 2020? They don't want to lose what they have.

Ok, then 'splain this to me Lucy!

My brother was laid off at work and had no income. He applied for ObamaCare and got put into Medicaid. His out of pocket costs for almost every thing was zero. Then, he found another job. They kicked him off Medicare, put him on an ObamaCare plan that would literally cost him half his paycheck, plus it had a huge deductible. What is the advantage in him paying out thousands of dollars per year and receiving zero benefits? He paid the penalty and paid out of pocket, and still came out thousands in the black!
That is the major social miscalculation by the liberals. Of course, Trump just cut your BiL again. But he probably can afford to pay out of pocket for a shitty plan. It won't pay for preventive care or drugs, with Obamacare providded with no copay or deductible, but if he does get really sick, he'll be eligible for Medicaid again.

Yes, as soon as he get's laid off again.
Yep, it sure did. It ripped off the 22 year old who had an insulin pump that could not get insurance before it sure ripped the kid off born with hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy, not to mention all the childhood cancers. WTF do we care, right?

I guess in these instances it would be ok by your standards to abort.
No one should be forced to pay for other people shit, that is what a collective is all about.
There are worse things than dying... Like being forced into shit you don’t want anything to do with.
here's an analogy of your post. Go out to dinner with four people. let's say for the sake of this analogy, there is one bill for the meal and drinks. Let's say that one of the four had five $9 drinks and everyone else had but one of those $9 drinks. Is it fair for the three that had the one, to pay for the fourth dudes four other drinks? Anyone ever experience that? I have. That is exactly what pre-existing is all about in a nutshell.

And the answer is no. The three tell the one to pay for the four other drinks out of his own money. The rest is split between the four.

Yes, we all paid for people receiving subsidies and when this all began I was pretty outraged myself, but my taxes didn't go up my life financially didn't change and over the past 4 years have seen hundreds who were uninsurable before. In this business, over 20 years I have seen at least 40% of applicants declined or have a certain part of the body ridered (not covered) you tend to think after a while they just may deserve what you have, good health care. Don't know what the answer is, well I think I do but not many agree and no it's not single payer for all.

My area is 99% Republican and as long as I have lived here have never leaned left. Most people here are enjoying large subsidies for their health insurance, in fact 90% of the state receive subsidies. and it's all Red. Which way do you think they'll lean in 2018 2020? They don't want to lose what they have.

Ok, then 'splain this to me Lucy!

My brother was laid off at work and had no income. He applied for ObamaCare and got put into Medicaid. His out of pocket costs for almost every thing was zero. Then, he found another job. They kicked him off Medicare, put him on an ObamaCare plan that would literally cost him half his paycheck, plus it had a huge deductible. What is the advantage in him paying out thousands of dollars per year and receiving zero benefits? He paid the penalty and paid out of pocket, and still came out thousands in the black!
That is the major social miscalculation by the liberals. Of course, Trump just cut your BiL again. But he probably can afford to pay out of pocket for a shitty plan. It won't pay for preventive care or drugs, with Obamacare providded with no copay or deductible, but if he does get really sick, he'll be eligible for Medicaid again.
well we should let the people decide what they want rather than the government. eh? seems like a novel idea.
Insurance is the problem, not the solution.

So what you are driving without car insurance? Or own a home without home insurance...?


Let me amend that to "Group insurance is the problem". That's where things went south with health care.

Car insurance and home insurance policies work fine because they are purchased individually.

Actually, my car insurance, and homeowners insurance are group insurance and have the lowest rates in the country.

Group insurance is rare outside health care, which minimizes the damage it causes. If it did become the norm, we'd see the same problems in those markets that we see in health care - adverse selection, inflation, etc.


Group insurance is always less costly. You don't understand the basic concept of insurance.

Really? Educate me. What do you think the basic concept of insurance is?
No one should be forced to pay for other people shit, that is what a collective is all about.
There are worse things than dying... Like being forced into shit you don’t want anything to do with.
here's an analogy of your post. Go out to dinner with four people. let's say for the sake of this analogy, there is one bill for the meal and drinks. Let's say that one of the four had five $9 drinks and everyone else had but one of those $9 drinks. Is it fair for the three that had the one, to pay for the fourth dudes four other drinks? Anyone ever experience that? I have. That is exactly what pre-existing is all about in a nutshell.

And the answer is no. The three tell the one to pay for the four other drinks out of his own money. The rest is split between the four.

Yes, we all paid for people receiving subsidies and when this all began I was pretty outraged myself, but my taxes didn't go up my life financially didn't change and over the past 4 years have seen hundreds who were uninsurable before. In this business, over 20 years I have seen at least 40% of applicants declined or have a certain part of the body ridered (not covered) you tend to think after a while they just may deserve what you have, good health care. Don't know what the answer is, well I think I do but not many agree and no it's not single payer for all.

My area is 99% Republican and as long as I have lived here have never leaned left. Most people here are enjoying large subsidies for their health insurance, in fact 90% of the state receive subsidies. and it's all Red. Which way do you think they'll lean in 2018 2020? They don't want to lose what they have.

Ok, then 'splain this to me Lucy!

My brother was laid off at work and had no income. He applied for ObamaCare and got put into Medicaid. His out of pocket costs for almost every thing was zero. Then, he found another job. They kicked him off Medicare, put him on an ObamaCare plan that would literally cost him half his paycheck, plus it had a huge deductible. What is the advantage in him paying out thousands of dollars per year and receiving zero benefits? He paid the penalty and paid out of pocket, and still came out thousands in the black!
That is the major social miscalculation by the liberals. Of course, Trump just cut your BiL again. But he probably can afford to pay out of pocket for a shitty plan. It won't pay for preventive care or drugs, with Obamacare providded with no copay or deductible, but if he does get really sick, he'll be eligible for Medicaid again.
well we should let the people decide what they want rather than the government. eh? seems like a novel idea.

And if they choose nothing are you going to let them die?
here's an analogy of your post. Go out to dinner with four people. let's say for the sake of this analogy, there is one bill for the meal and drinks. Let's say that one of the four had five $9 drinks and everyone else had but one of those $9 drinks. Is it fair for the three that had the one, to pay for the fourth dudes four other drinks? Anyone ever experience that? I have. That is exactly what pre-existing is all about in a nutshell.

And the answer is no. The three tell the one to pay for the four other drinks out of his own money. The rest is split between the four.

Yes, we all paid for people receiving subsidies and when this all began I was pretty outraged myself, but my taxes didn't go up my life financially didn't change and over the past 4 years have seen hundreds who were uninsurable before. In this business, over 20 years I have seen at least 40% of applicants declined or have a certain part of the body ridered (not covered) you tend to think after a while they just may deserve what you have, good health care. Don't know what the answer is, well I think I do but not many agree and no it's not single payer for all.

My area is 99% Republican and as long as I have lived here have never leaned left. Most people here are enjoying large subsidies for their health insurance, in fact 90% of the state receive subsidies. and it's all Red. Which way do you think they'll lean in 2018 2020? They don't want to lose what they have.

Ok, then 'splain this to me Lucy!

My brother was laid off at work and had no income. He applied for ObamaCare and got put into Medicaid. His out of pocket costs for almost every thing was zero. Then, he found another job. They kicked him off Medicare, put him on an ObamaCare plan that would literally cost him half his paycheck, plus it had a huge deductible. What is the advantage in him paying out thousands of dollars per year and receiving zero benefits? He paid the penalty and paid out of pocket, and still came out thousands in the black!
That is the major social miscalculation by the liberals. Of course, Trump just cut your BiL again. But he probably can afford to pay out of pocket for a shitty plan. It won't pay for preventive care or drugs, with Obamacare providded with no copay or deductible, but if he does get really sick, he'll be eligible for Medicaid again.
well we should let the people decide what they want rather than the government. eh? seems like a novel idea.

And if they choose nothing are you going to let them die?
why would they die?
Oh Gawd, more Democrat Fake News hysterical incitement. Its followers are such gullible sheep. They really do believe anything their Democrat Fake News tells em. Pretty sad.
Little like I don't want entitlements any more than you do....can you not read?
Yet you want the government to pay for everything.

BINGO we have a winner! Government should dole out free health insurance to everyone, paid for by you know the 'rich' and the tooth fairy.

this is the most economical way.... Explains why almost every other country does that way
wow, the tooth fairy pays for everyone's health insurance, who knew.
Yes, we all paid for people receiving subsidies and when this all began I was pretty outraged myself, but my taxes didn't go up my life financially didn't change and over the past 4 years have seen hundreds who were uninsurable before. In this business, over 20 years I have seen at least 40% of applicants declined or have a certain part of the body ridered (not covered) you tend to think after a while they just may deserve what you have, good health care. Don't know what the answer is, well I think I do but not many agree and no it's not single payer for all.

My area is 99% Republican and as long as I have lived here have never leaned left. Most people here are enjoying large subsidies for their health insurance, in fact 90% of the state receive subsidies. and it's all Red. Which way do you think they'll lean in 2018 2020? They don't want to lose what they have.

Ok, then 'splain this to me Lucy!

My brother was laid off at work and had no income. He applied for ObamaCare and got put into Medicaid. His out of pocket costs for almost every thing was zero. Then, he found another job. They kicked him off Medicare, put him on an ObamaCare plan that would literally cost him half his paycheck, plus it had a huge deductible. What is the advantage in him paying out thousands of dollars per year and receiving zero benefits? He paid the penalty and paid out of pocket, and still came out thousands in the black!
That is the major social miscalculation by the liberals. Of course, Trump just cut your BiL again. But he probably can afford to pay out of pocket for a shitty plan. It won't pay for preventive care or drugs, with Obamacare providded with no copay or deductible, but if he does get really sick, he'll be eligible for Medicaid again.
well we should let the people decide what they want rather than the government. eh? seems like a novel idea.

And if they choose nothing are you going to let them die?
why would they die?

If they have no insurance and they get sick will you let them die?
Ok, then 'splain this to me Lucy!

My brother was laid off at work and had no income. He applied for ObamaCare and got put into Medicaid. His out of pocket costs for almost every thing was zero. Then, he found another job. They kicked him off Medicare, put him on an ObamaCare plan that would literally cost him half his paycheck, plus it had a huge deductible. What is the advantage in him paying out thousands of dollars per year and receiving zero benefits? He paid the penalty and paid out of pocket, and still came out thousands in the black!
That is the major social miscalculation by the liberals. Of course, Trump just cut your BiL again. But he probably can afford to pay out of pocket for a shitty plan. It won't pay for preventive care or drugs, with Obamacare providded with no copay or deductible, but if he does get really sick, he'll be eligible for Medicaid again.
well we should let the people decide what they want rather than the government. eh? seems like a novel idea.

And if they choose nothing are you going to let them die?
why would they die?

If they have no insurance and they get sick will you let them die?
again, why would they die? they have access to medical care. you seem to live life on doom and gloom of life without thinking it through.
So what you are driving without car insurance? Or own a home without home insurance...?


Let me amend that to "Group insurance is the problem". That's where things went south with health care.

Car insurance and home insurance policies work fine because they are purchased individually.

Actually, my car insurance, and homeowners insurance are group insurance and have the lowest rates in the country.

Group insurance is rare outside health care, which minimizes the damage it causes. If it did become the norm, we'd see the same problems in those markets that we see in health care - adverse selection, inflation, etc.


Group insurance is always less costly. You don't understand the basic concept of insurance.

Really? Educate me. What do you think the basic concept of insurance is?

Sorry! Not my job, unless you are one of my customers.

You could refrain from spreading misinformation.
That is the major social miscalculation by the liberals. Of course, Trump just cut your BiL again. But he probably can afford to pay out of pocket for a shitty plan. It won't pay for preventive care or drugs, with Obamacare providded with no copay or deductible, but if he does get really sick, he'll be eligible for Medicaid again.
well we should let the people decide what they want rather than the government. eh? seems like a novel idea.

And if they choose nothing are you going to let them die?
why would they die?

If they have no insurance and they get sick will you let them die?
again, why would they die?

So you are saying that people who have no insurance and no ability to pay for care that they need will:
1. Get it for free
2. Pay until Bankrupt and die
3. Refuse care and thus they die
4. other, please explain

Pick please
well we should let the people decide what they want rather than the government. eh? seems like a novel idea.

And if they choose nothing are you going to let them die?
why would they die?

If they have no insurance and they get sick will you let them die?
again, why would they die?

So you are saying that people who have no insurance and no ability to pay for care that they need will:
1. Get it for free
2. Pay until Bankrupt and die
3. Refuse care and thus they die
4. other, please explain

Pick please
what I'm saying is the christian organizations will help them. they are exempt for gd sake. It's what was done prior to subsidizing. I will ask but one question, do these families own cell phones and multiple cell phones?
And if they choose nothing are you going to let them die?
why would they die?

If they have no insurance and they get sick will you let them die?
again, why would they die?

So you are saying that people who have no insurance and no ability to pay for care that they need will:
1. Get it for free
2. Pay until Bankrupt and die
3. Refuse care and thus they die
4. other, please explain

Pick please
what I'm saying is the christian organizations will help them. they are exempt for gd sake. It's what was done prior to subsidizing. I will ask but one question, do these families own cell phones and multiple cell phones?

We are talking about a $100k for bypass surgery... By saying charity you are passing the buck, charities will run out of money fast and if they don't, why get health insurance when lovely organisation will pay your health bill for free..

When did a cell phone become luxury... How you supposed to get a job with no phone...
well we should let the people decide what they want rather than the government. eh? seems like a novel idea.

And if they choose nothing are you going to let them die?
why would they die?

If they have no insurance and they get sick will you let them die?
again, why would they die?

So you are saying that people who have no insurance and no ability to pay for care that they need will:
1. Get it for free
2. Pay until Bankrupt and die
3. Refuse care and thus they die
4. other, please explain

Pick please
Pay until they suck you dry is how it was...they don't care unless it happens to them.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
And if they choose nothing are you going to let them die?
why would they die?

If they have no insurance and they get sick will you let them die?
again, why would they die?

So you are saying that people who have no insurance and no ability to pay for care that they need will:
1. Get it for free
2. Pay until Bankrupt and die
3. Refuse care and thus they die
4. other, please explain

Pick please
Pay until they suck you dry is how it was...they don't care unless it happens to them.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
christian charities paid for the poor. I wish you fks would educate yourselves.
why would they die?

If they have no insurance and they get sick will you let them die?
again, why would they die?

So you are saying that people who have no insurance and no ability to pay for care that they need will:
1. Get it for free
2. Pay until Bankrupt and die
3. Refuse care and thus they die
4. other, please explain

Pick please
what I'm saying is the christian organizations will help them. they are exempt for gd sake. It's what was done prior to subsidizing. I will ask but one question, do these families own cell phones and multiple cell phones?

We are talking about a $100k for bypass surgery... By saying charity you are passing the buck, charities will run out of money fast and if they don't, why get health insurance when lovely organisation will pay your health bill for free..

When did a cell phone become luxury... How you supposed to get a job with no phone...
charities never run out of money. ever hear of Jerry Lewis telethon? shriners, many others, along with Catholic Charities. the fact that you ignore this is libturd 101.
well we should let the people decide what they want rather than the government. eh? seems like a novel idea.

And if they choose nothing are you going to let them die?
why would they die?

If they have no insurance and they get sick will you let them die?
again, why would they die?

So you are saying that people who have no insurance and no ability to pay for care that they need will:
1. Get it for free
2. Pay until Bankrupt and die
3. Refuse care and thus they die
4. other, please explain

Pick please
Before Medicaid, how did doctors treat the poor?

"While Medicaid is the primary way to cover the poor, charity care used to be a far simpler proposition for doctors, said David S. Jones, the A. Bernard Ackerman professor of the culture of medicine at Harvard University.

In the era before modern surgery and antibiotics, care for all but the very elite was provided by unschooled healers such as midwives, "bone-setters," and apothecaries. Their fees were low, and many would barter their services for crops or food.

"The families would give what they could. Sometimes it was a chicken, sometimes it was a roll of cloth. Sometimes they would show up months later, when their fortunes had changed, and say, 'Here's a turkey. Thanks for taking care of us,' " Jones said.

On the eve of the American Revolution, there were only about 200 doctors who had actual medical degrees. Even as late as 1820, he said, there were only three hospitals in the whole country. The trustees of early hospitals had control over who would be admitted, and would routinely turn down patients they perceived as drunkards, prostitutes, or the contagious."
A spoiled, entitled little child was humiliated by President Obama (at the correspondents dinner) and the little orange moron will do whatever he can to erase President Obama's work and accomplishments on behalf of the working class.

In that respect, he is in complete agreement with most of the GOP. Even though it means harming millions and even killing some Americans, the Repubs have been openly intent on fighting everything Obama did, then and now. What we're seeing now is the same impotence the Repubs are known for - they have done nothing for working class Americans for more than fifty years and that's not going to change now.

Amazingly, the RWNJs are still singing his praises. Apparently they don't need health care and don't have spouses, children, parents and friends who do either.

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