Trumps Executive order Fu+ks People with Pre-Existing Conditions

It doesn't work, dumbass. It's worse than what we had before. Premiums are far higher. Deductibles are far higher. Prescriptions and doctor visits aren't covered. It's virtually worthless.

You don't buy insurance to get free buy it for accidents . Medicare prescription coverage doesn't even pay for your prescriptions 100% when you are old.


The Obamacare policy I had paid 0% of my prescriptions, dumbass. Promising a bunch of free shit is exactly what the supporters of Obamacare did. Unfornutely only a select bunch of moochers got the free shit. The rest of us have to pay for it with dramatically higher premiums and worse coverage.

The issue here is whether Obamacare is better than what was available previously. For that vast majority of Americans, it's far worse.

So now the real truth comes out, IT PAID 0% OF YOUR DRUGS, in it for yourself? It's all about patty cakes whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Cry you baby.
Previously I had drug coverage. Under Obamacare I didn't. Which is better?

Whether I'm being "selfish" isn't the issue here. Everyone who wants free shit from the government is being selfish.

What a fucking moron.

No you are the fucking moron, insurance companies change formularies once or twice a year. Drugs are taken off that are deemed unsafe, have gone way up in cost or have gone generic and they won't pay for brand anymore. There are many reasons drugs come on and go off. Take Medicare they have deemed a shit load of drugs unsafe for senior's and won't cover them anymore.

A stupid allergy pill that I take just went up 75% , these guys go after the consumer not the corrupt FDA/ and big Pharma..

This coming from a dolt who defends Obamacare. Does it work?

It works, but like anything else, it needs tweaking to make it better. Think of it like a ferrari. It doesn't run right, unless you keep it tuned up.
It doesn't work, dumbass. It's worse than what we had before. Premiums are far higher. Deductibles are far higher. Prescriptions and doctor visits aren't covered. It's virtually worthless.

You don't buy insurance to get free buy it for accidents . Medicare prescription coverage doesn't even pay for your prescriptions 100% when you are old.


The Obamacare policy I had paid 0% of my prescriptions, dumbass. Promising a bunch of free shit is exactly what the supporters of Obamacare did. Unfornutely only a select bunch of moochers got the free shit. The rest of us have to pay for it with dramatically higher premiums and worse coverage.

The issue here is whether Obamacare is better than what was available previously. For that vast majority of Americans, it's far worse.

So now the real truth comes out, IT PAID 0% OF YOUR DRUGS, in it for yourself? It's all about patty cakes whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Cry you baby.
He's a libertarian. Need I say more?
It doesn't work, dumbass. It's worse than what we had before. Premiums are far higher. Deductibles are far higher. Prescriptions and doctor visits aren't covered. It's virtually worthless.

You don't buy insurance to get free buy it for accidents . Medicare prescription coverage doesn't even pay for your prescriptions 100% when you are old.


The Obamacare policy I had paid 0% of my prescriptions, dumbass. Promising a bunch of free shit is exactly what the supporters of Obamacare did. Unfornutely only a select bunch of moochers got the free shit. The rest of us have to pay for it with dramatically higher premiums and worse coverage.

The issue here is whether Obamacare is better than what was available previously. For that vast majority of Americans, it's far worse.

So now the real truth comes out, IT PAID 0% OF YOUR DRUGS, in it for yourself? It's all about patty cakes whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Cry you baby.
Previously I had drug coverage. Under Obamacare I didn't. Which is better?

Whether I'm being "selfish" isn't the issue here. Everyone who wants free shit from the government is being selfish.

What a fucking moron.

No you are the fucking moron, insurance companies change formularies once or twice a year. Drugs are taken off that are deemed unsafe, have gone way up in cost or have gone generic and they won't pay for brand anymore. There are many reasons drugs come on and go off. Take Medicare they have deemed a shit load of drugs unsafe for senior's and won't cover them anymore.
We are not talking about "formularies." Obamacare forced insurance companies to include coverage for things like maternity care, sex change operations and substance abuse counseling that many people didn't have because they didn't want it or need it. So they canceled your old policy and issued a new one with vastly higher premiums and vastly higher deductives and fewer benefits.
It works, but like anything else, it needs tweaking to make it better. Think of it like a ferrari. It doesn't run right, unless you keep it tuned up.
It doesn't work, dumbass. It's worse than what we had before. Premiums are far higher. Deductibles are far higher. Prescriptions and doctor visits aren't covered. It's virtually worthless.

You don't buy insurance to get free buy it for accidents . Medicare prescription coverage doesn't even pay for your prescriptions 100% when you are old.


The Obamacare policy I had paid 0% of my prescriptions, dumbass. Promising a bunch of free shit is exactly what the supporters of Obamacare did. Unfornutely only a select bunch of moochers got the free shit. The rest of us have to pay for it with dramatically higher premiums and worse coverage.

The issue here is whether Obamacare is better than what was available previously. For that vast majority of Americans, it's far worse.

So now the real truth comes out, IT PAID 0% OF YOUR DRUGS, in it for yourself? It's all about patty cakes whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Cry you baby.
He's a libertarian. Need I say more?
In other words, I'm not a dumbass like you who thinks the government is going to solve your problems.
You don't buy insurance to get free buy it for accidents . Medicare prescription coverage doesn't even pay for your prescriptions 100% when you are old.


The Obamacare policy I had paid 0% of my prescriptions, dumbass. Promising a bunch of free shit is exactly what the supporters of Obamacare did. Unfornutely only a select bunch of moochers got the free shit. The rest of us have to pay for it with dramatically higher premiums and worse coverage.

The issue here is whether Obamacare is better than what was available previously. For that vast majority of Americans, it's far worse.

So now the real truth comes out, IT PAID 0% OF YOUR DRUGS, in it for yourself? It's all about patty cakes whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Cry you baby.
Previously I had drug coverage. Under Obamacare I didn't. Which is better?

Whether I'm being "selfish" isn't the issue here. Everyone who wants free shit from the government is being selfish.

What a fucking moron.

No you are the fucking moron, insurance companies change formularies once or twice a year. Drugs are taken off that are deemed unsafe, have gone way up in cost or have gone generic and they won't pay for brand anymore. There are many reasons drugs come on and go off. Take Medicare they have deemed a shit load of drugs unsafe for senior's and won't cover them anymore.
We are not talking about "formularies." Obamacare forced insurance companies to include coverage for things like maternity care, sex change operations and substance abuse counseling that many people didn't have because they didn't want it or need it. So they canceled your old policy and issued a new one with vastly higher premiums and vastly higher deductives and fewer benefits.

That's the problem with one size fits all government care. Under Obamacare the middle class get raped subsidizing the moochers so Dem's can buy moocher votes in exchange for low/no cost health insurance paid for by the middle class.
ah look at you. can't debate. here.....:itsok:

I can debate and I also deleted what the mods would anyway. How should I know what they paid for the pump? I didn't ask all I know that particular person had gone 6 years without insurance and paying for it herself or her parents.
perhaps she was on her parents insurance. and on pre existing conditions in the past, they merely asked for a year deferment covering that preexisting condition ahead of covering it. I know. I had a diabetic wife under my insurance prior to obummerfail. so please, idiots like you who have no fking idea about what you're talking about are the worst. The fact is, the one time payment of the pump may or may not have been covered. Did you know that? see, you just like to spew bumper sticker propaganda from the DNC and hope we all ignore it. NOPE!!!

Sorry to hear about your wife who is a diabetic.. My son is a juvenile type one diabetic who gets new pumps and insulin covered by the insurance..

He is just starting out in life..He works his ass off in college. Why should his life be fucked up because the insurances want to call him a pre-excisting condition?


Why should other people be forced to pay your son's medical bills? Why don't you pay them he's your kid.

Insurance companies used to pay for people with diabetes for years... before all of the corruption.

BTW..I pay a lot for insurance a month ...small business personal insurance kicks your ass..I pay for my son..
Not looking for anything free.


Wait you just said, "Why should his life be fucked up because the insurances want to call him a pre-excisting condition?" which is saying someone else should pay your son's healthcare bills.
I can debate and I also deleted what the mods would anyway. How should I know what they paid for the pump? I didn't ask all I know that particular person had gone 6 years without insurance and paying for it herself or her parents.
perhaps she was on her parents insurance. and on pre existing conditions in the past, they merely asked for a year deferment covering that preexisting condition ahead of covering it. I know. I had a diabetic wife under my insurance prior to obummerfail. so please, idiots like you who have no fking idea about what you're talking about are the worst. The fact is, the one time payment of the pump may or may not have been covered. Did you know that? see, you just like to spew bumper sticker propaganda from the DNC and hope we all ignore it. NOPE!!!

Sorry to hear about your wife who is a diabetic.. My son is a juvenile type one diabetic who gets new pumps and insulin covered by the insurance..

He is just starting out in life..He works his ass off in college. Why should his life be fucked up because the insurances want to call him a pre-excisting condition?


Why should other people be forced to pay your son's medical bills? Why don't you pay them he's your kid.

Insurance companies used to pay for people with diabetes for years... before all of the corruption.

BTW..I pay a lot for insurance a month ...small business personal insurance kicks your ass..I pay for my son..
Not looking for anything free.


Wait you just said, "Why should his life be fucked up because the insurances want to call him a pre-excisting condition?" which is saying someone else should pay your son's healthcare bills. are making shit up..Where is your anger for the corruption going on..?

BTW... my son is financially in a good place..I was making a point .


We don't fucking give a rat fuck about those worthless POS losers. They can fucking die a painful, worthless, sad death and be buried in an unmarked grave.



I hope more worthless people die and get off the government tit. Thin the fucking herd!!!!

Some people are just too worthless to save.
That's what the Vegas Shooter thought also!
perhaps she was on her parents insurance. and on pre existing conditions in the past, they merely asked for a year deferment covering that preexisting condition ahead of covering it. I know. I had a diabetic wife under my insurance prior to obummerfail. so please, idiots like you who have no fking idea about what you're talking about are the worst. The fact is, the one time payment of the pump may or may not have been covered. Did you know that? see, you just like to spew bumper sticker propaganda from the DNC and hope we all ignore it. NOPE!!!

Sorry to hear about your wife who is a diabetic.. My son is a juvenile type one diabetic who gets new pumps and insulin covered by the insurance..

He is just starting out in life..He works his ass off in college. Why should his life be fucked up because the insurances want to call him a pre-excisting condition?


Why should other people be forced to pay your son's medical bills? Why don't you pay them he's your kid.

Insurance companies used to pay for people with diabetes for years... before all of the corruption.

BTW..I pay a lot for insurance a month ...small business personal insurance kicks your ass..I pay for my son..
Not looking for anything free.


Wait you just said, "Why should his life be fucked up because the insurances want to call him a pre-excisting condition?" which is saying someone else should pay your son's healthcare bills. are making shit up..Where is your anger for the corruption going on..?

BTW... my son is financially in a good place..I was making a point .


Oh God the accuse me of making shit up, then admit you were lying about your son. Here's your rating :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
The Obamacare policy I had paid 0% of my prescriptions, dumbass. Promising a bunch of free shit is exactly what the supporters of Obamacare did. Unfornutely only a select bunch of moochers got the free shit. The rest of us have to pay for it with dramatically higher premiums and worse coverage.

The issue here is whether Obamacare is better than what was available previously. For that vast majority of Americans, it's far worse.

So now the real truth comes out, IT PAID 0% OF YOUR DRUGS, in it for yourself? It's all about patty cakes whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Cry you baby.
Previously I had drug coverage. Under Obamacare I didn't. Which is better?

Whether I'm being "selfish" isn't the issue here. Everyone who wants free shit from the government is being selfish.

What a fucking moron.

No you are the fucking moron, insurance companies change formularies once or twice a year. Drugs are taken off that are deemed unsafe, have gone way up in cost or have gone generic and they won't pay for brand anymore. There are many reasons drugs come on and go off. Take Medicare they have deemed a shit load of drugs unsafe for senior's and won't cover them anymore.
We are not talking about "formularies." Obamacare forced insurance companies to include coverage for things like maternity care, sex change operations and substance abuse counseling that many people didn't have because they didn't want it or need it. So they canceled your old policy and issued a new one with vastly higher premiums and vastly higher deductives and fewer benefits.

That's the problem with one size fits all government care. Under Obamacare the middle class get raped subsidizing the moochers so Dem's can buy moocher votes in exchange for low/no cost health insurance paid for by the middle class.

Yeah and social security is for moochers

Go look in a Emergency Room with lines going out the door..$500.00 to take your temperature..many skip the bill and you pay for it.

You are drinking the Kool aide right over the cliff.. Do you know how much money is spent to lie to you?

Mandatory requirement to pay the medical bills of people with pre existing conditions is just another form of despicable welfare.
Trumps Executive order Fu+ks People with Pre-Existing Conditions

That's been the GOP plan all along. For years.
Sorry to hear about your wife who is a diabetic.. My son is a juvenile type one diabetic who gets new pumps and insulin covered by the insurance..

He is just starting out in life..He works his ass off in college. Why should his life be fucked up because the insurances want to call him a pre-excisting condition?


Why should other people be forced to pay your son's medical bills? Why don't you pay them he's your kid.

Insurance companies used to pay for people with diabetes for years... before all of the corruption.

BTW..I pay a lot for insurance a month ...small business personal insurance kicks your ass..I pay for my son..
Not looking for anything free.


Wait you just said, "Why should his life be fucked up because the insurances want to call him a pre-excisting condition?" which is saying someone else should pay your son's healthcare bills. are making shit up..Where is your anger for the corruption going on..?

BTW... my son is financially in a good place..I was making a point .


Oh God the accuse me of making shit up, then admit you were lying about your son. Here's your rating :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Interesting how you try to win your A baby born with a health issue now goes through life branded..
While you pay for the wealthiest people to scam you..

So now the real truth comes out, IT PAID 0% OF YOUR DRUGS, in it for yourself? It's all about patty cakes whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Cry you baby.
Previously I had drug coverage. Under Obamacare I didn't. Which is better?

Whether I'm being "selfish" isn't the issue here. Everyone who wants free shit from the government is being selfish.

What a fucking moron.

No you are the fucking moron, insurance companies change formularies once or twice a year. Drugs are taken off that are deemed unsafe, have gone way up in cost or have gone generic and they won't pay for brand anymore. There are many reasons drugs come on and go off. Take Medicare they have deemed a shit load of drugs unsafe for senior's and won't cover them anymore.
We are not talking about "formularies." Obamacare forced insurance companies to include coverage for things like maternity care, sex change operations and substance abuse counseling that many people didn't have because they didn't want it or need it. So they canceled your old policy and issued a new one with vastly higher premiums and vastly higher deductives and fewer benefits.

That's the problem with one size fits all government care. Under Obamacare the middle class get raped subsidizing the moochers so Dem's can buy moocher votes in exchange for low/no cost health insurance paid for by the middle class.

Yeah and social security is for moochers

Go look in a Emergency Room with lines going out the door..$500.00 to take your temperature..many skip the bill and you pay for it.

You are drinking the Kool aide right over the cliff.. Do you know how much money is spent to lie to you?


Keep your greedy money grubbing mooching hands off my wallet libwit.
Mandatory requirement to pay the medical bills of people with pre existing conditions is just another form of despicable welfare.

Do you know that you are paying millions for people without insurance?.. Hospitals charge 70% more to the uninsured.. We pay for that..
Do you know how many pre-existing conditions there are?
90% of those supporting Trump on this thread will find their ass without insurance charging the tax payer ...

Why should other people be forced to pay your son's medical bills? Why don't you pay them he's your kid.

Insurance companies used to pay for people with diabetes for years... before all of the corruption.

BTW..I pay a lot for insurance a month ...small business personal insurance kicks your ass..I pay for my son..
Not looking for anything free.


Wait you just said, "Why should his life be fucked up because the insurances want to call him a pre-excisting condition?" which is saying someone else should pay your son's healthcare bills. are making shit up..Where is your anger for the corruption going on..?

BTW... my son is financially in a good place..I was making a point .


Oh God the accuse me of making shit up, then admit you were lying about your son. Here's your rating :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Interesting how you try to win your A baby born with a health issue now goes through life branded..
While you pay for the wealthiest people to scam you..


Spare me your faux concern lib, untold millions of kids in this country are born with various types of disadvantages, billions more in other countries. There's not enough money on planet earth to gift everyone a free ride, just stop voting until you become better informed and find a math tutor.
Insurance companies used to pay for people with diabetes for years... before all of the corruption.

BTW..I pay a lot for insurance a month ...small business personal insurance kicks your ass..I pay for my son..
Not looking for anything free.


Wait you just said, "Why should his life be fucked up because the insurances want to call him a pre-excisting condition?" which is saying someone else should pay your son's healthcare bills. are making shit up..Where is your anger for the corruption going on..?

BTW... my son is financially in a good place..I was making a point .


Oh God the accuse me of making shit up, then admit you were lying about your son. Here's your rating :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Interesting how you try to win your A baby born with a health issue now goes through life branded..
While you pay for the wealthiest people to scam you..


Spare me your faux concern lib, untold millions of kids in this country are born with various types of disadvantages, billions more in other countries. There's not enough money on planet earth to gift everyone a free ride, just stop voting until you become better informed and find a math tutor.

I bet you would be first in line crying for FEMA to save you... Crying for your home insurance to fix your home..or Running to the auto insurance companies to buy you a new car..


Wait you just said, "Why should his life be fucked up because the insurances want to call him a pre-excisting condition?" which is saying someone else should pay your son's healthcare bills. are making shit up..Where is your anger for the corruption going on..?

BTW... my son is financially in a good place..I was making a point .


Oh God the accuse me of making shit up, then admit you were lying about your son. Here's your rating :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Interesting how you try to win your A baby born with a health issue now goes through life branded..
While you pay for the wealthiest people to scam you..


Spare me your faux concern lib, untold millions of kids in this country are born with various types of disadvantages, billions more in other countries. There's not enough money on planet earth to gift everyone a free ride, just stop voting until you become better informed and find a math tutor.

I bet you would be first in line crying for FEMA to save you... Crying for your home insurance to fix your home..or Running to the auto insurance companies to buy you a new car..

View attachment 154110


Now you are just trolling, typical when a liberal loses an argument.
Insurance companies used to pay for people with diabetes for years... before all of the corruption.

BTW..I pay a lot for insurance a month ...small business personal insurance kicks your ass..I pay for my son..
Not looking for anything free.


Wait you just said, "Why should his life be fucked up because the insurances want to call him a pre-excisting condition?" which is saying someone else should pay your son's healthcare bills. are making shit up..Where is your anger for the corruption going on..?

BTW... my son is financially in a good place..I was making a point .


Oh God the accuse me of making shit up, then admit you were lying about your son. Here's your rating :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Interesting how you try to win your A baby born with a health issue now goes through life branded..
While you pay for the wealthiest people to scam you..


Spare me your faux concern lib, untold millions of kids in this country are born with various types of disadvantages, billions more in other countries. There's not enough money on planet earth to gift everyone a free ride, just stop voting until you become better informed and find a math tutor.

Yeah I bet you have signs all over your front yard for Pro-life.. what a hypocrite..

It doesn't work, dumbass. It's worse than what we had before. Premiums are far higher. Deductibles are far higher. Prescriptions and doctor visits aren't covered. It's virtually worthless.

You don't buy insurance to get free buy it for accidents . Medicare prescription coverage doesn't even pay for your prescriptions 100% when you are old.


The Obamacare policy I had paid 0% of my prescriptions, dumbass. Promising a bunch of free shit is exactly what the supporters of Obamacare did. Unfornutely only a select bunch of moochers got the free shit. The rest of us have to pay for it with dramatically higher premiums and worse coverage.

The issue here is whether Obamacare is better than what was available previously. For that vast majority of Americans, it's far worse.

So now the real truth comes out, IT PAID 0% OF YOUR DRUGS, in it for yourself? It's all about patty cakes whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Cry you baby.
He's a libertarian. Need I say more?
In other words, I'm not a dumbass like you who thinks the government is going to solve your problems.
Your naivete might be considered charming if you weren't such a loathsome creature in every other way.

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