Trumps Executive order Fu+ks People with Pre-Existing Conditions

Wait you just said, "Why should his life be fucked up because the insurances want to call him a pre-excisting condition?" which is saying someone else should pay your son's healthcare bills. are making shit up..Where is your anger for the corruption going on..?

BTW... my son is financially in a good place..I was making a point .


Oh God the accuse me of making shit up, then admit you were lying about your son. Here's your rating :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Interesting how you try to win your A baby born with a health issue now goes through life branded..
While you pay for the wealthiest people to scam you..


Spare me your faux concern lib, untold millions of kids in this country are born with various types of disadvantages, billions more in other countries. There's not enough money on planet earth to gift everyone a free ride, just stop voting until you become better informed and find a math tutor.

Yeah I bet you have signs all over your front yard for Pro-life.. what a hypocrite..


I smell the rotted festering stench of libtroll. are making shit up..Where is your anger for the corruption going on..?

BTW... my son is financially in a good place..I was making a point .


Oh God the accuse me of making shit up, then admit you were lying about your son. Here's your rating :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Interesting how you try to win your A baby born with a health issue now goes through life branded..
While you pay for the wealthiest people to scam you..


Spare me your faux concern lib, untold millions of kids in this country are born with various types of disadvantages, billions more in other countries. There's not enough money on planet earth to gift everyone a free ride, just stop voting until you become better informed and find a math tutor.

I bet you would be first in line crying for FEMA to save you... Crying for your home insurance to fix your home..or Running to the auto insurance companies to buy you a new car..

View attachment 154110


Now you are just trolling, typical when a liberal loses an argument.

Why should I pay for your car crash ? This is how insurance works moron..

I pay over $2,000 a month with a high deductible.. as a small business owner.

I now have medicare ... but still pay that amount for my family. Like I said you are sucked into the lies...Enjoy..

Welcome to trumpcare, folks!

Pottery Barn Rules ~ You break it, you bought it

You are about to find out why Congress refused to repeal & replace

And the best part. trump cannot blame Congress for this. He did it all by himself. are making shit up..Where is your anger for the corruption going on..?

BTW... my son is financially in a good place..I was making a point .


Oh God the accuse me of making shit up, then admit you were lying about your son. Here's your rating :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Interesting how you try to win your A baby born with a health issue now goes through life branded..
While you pay for the wealthiest people to scam you..


Spare me your faux concern lib, untold millions of kids in this country are born with various types of disadvantages, billions more in other countries. There's not enough money on planet earth to gift everyone a free ride, just stop voting until you become better informed and find a math tutor.

Yeah I bet you have signs all over your front yard for Pro-life.. what a hypocrite..


I smell the rotted festering stench of libtroll.

Guess what , I supported Trump this time last year..He is a master manipulating salesman.. You are in such a coma it is funny..

Its the red states who will be screwed...

To date as reported by The Buisnessinsider
Trump signed 90 executive actions in his first 100 days — here's what each one does
Go take a stroll through the pediatric ward of any hospital and get a reality check..


Well.....You are creating false stats. People (or children in a hospital) do not represent the entire U.S. population. Sure....If you 'take a stroll' through a pediatric ward, you are only seeing the sick. They do no represent most of the population and could be well taken care of IF the government would STOP giving $$ to the able bodied.

I am a cancer survivor x 2 and have seen a lot .. Sometimes it takes someone to get sick to really see what is going on. Millions are getting chemo everyday..a bag of chemo is $20,000

It is much worse than you think, and once you hear the word cancer you are on a conveyor belt into the scams Cha Ching..

Good Doctors hands are legally bound by the FDA who is in bed with The Big Pharma, and the Medical industry. who fill the pockets of our congress to vote in their favor ...

Why punish healthy people?

You are retarded.
Cancer can not exist in an non-acidic body...

Would that be basic if it is non-acidic?
Trump's EO allows younger, healthier people to purchase less expensive plans. Young people say its about time, they are tired of subsidizing the moochers and sick old people.

My son already bought a very inexpensive insurance last are believing the lies .


And your son can keep his plan what are you bitching about?

My other son is in college and is a type 1 Juvenile diabetic insulin dependent ... We are screwing over our younger generation so bad.

Do you know what a pre-existing illness is? I will get the list for you..


I don't think you know how Obamacare is funded. Young healthy people who don't have a lot of money this early in their careers are paying for your son's pre-existing condition how is that fair?

No, you don't understand how it works, young people not making much money if they have insurance are enjoying a pretty decent subsidy.


Do you have any idea what you are talking about?
ah look at you. can't debate. here.....:itsok:

I can debate and I also deleted what the mods would anyway. How should I know what they paid for the pump? I didn't ask all I know that particular person had gone 6 years without insurance and paying for it herself or her parents.
perhaps she was on her parents insurance. and on pre existing conditions in the past, they merely asked for a year deferment covering that preexisting condition ahead of covering it. I know. I had a diabetic wife under my insurance prior to obummerfail. so please, idiots like you who have no fking idea about what you're talking about are the worst. The fact is, the one time payment of the pump may or may not have been covered. Did you know that? see, you just like to spew bumper sticker propaganda from the DNC and hope we all ignore it. NOPE!!!

So now you're call me the fucking idiot? Well look in the mirror different rules in different states and vary from insurance company to insurance company. Just how long have you been working for a corporate insurance company?
well you are one fking idiot. you can't debate. You have offered up zero to your fking claim. that makes you one. I gave you examples and you can't debate what I gave you. I told you I personally had to deal with existing conditions and how they worked in the past and you came back with this post. so, again. what is it you actually know or are you just spewing bumper stick DNC talk? I want to know who I'm dealing with. a parrot or a person.

As usual we can put facts right in front of your face but you refuse to see anything unless you want to see it..
facts like? post them.
It doesn't prove anything but that you are a right wing hack who has no understanding of insurance. These companies knew this was coming, they could have created a policy that met the new requirements and replaced the old one with those 10 million customers.
No they couldn’t, you ignorant left-wing partisan hack. They couldn’t increase service as the same cost. Life all wing-nuts, you’re not only ignorant of legislation, you’re ignorant of business (especially insurance).

Barack Insane Obama adamantly promised over and over “if you like your policy, you can keep your policy”. If the insurance company had to cancel an existing policy and create a new one like you keep crowing about, then that was an egregious lie.

The insurance companies DID NOT have to cancel grandfathered plans some chose to do so. Don't blame that one on obama. Put the credit where it belongs.

Most of those grandfathered plans were not allowed because they did not meet ObamaCare's minimum standards.
Oh God the accuse me of making shit up, then admit you were lying about your son. Here's your rating :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Interesting how you try to win your A baby born with a health issue now goes through life branded..
While you pay for the wealthiest people to scam you..


Spare me your faux concern lib, untold millions of kids in this country are born with various types of disadvantages, billions more in other countries. There's not enough money on planet earth to gift everyone a free ride, just stop voting until you become better informed and find a math tutor.

I bet you would be first in line crying for FEMA to save you... Crying for your home insurance to fix your home..or Running to the auto insurance companies to buy you a new car..

View attachment 154110


Now you are just trolling, typical when a liberal loses an argument.

Why should I pay for your car crash ? This is how insurance works moron..

I pay over $2,000 a month with a high deductible.. as a small business owner.

I now have medicare ... but still pay that amount for my family. Like I said you are sucked into the lies...Enjoy..


Idiot, you have been blabbering about what insurance does not pay good lord get a brain.
If you thought your insurance premiums were high before? The government just decided not to pay the insurance subsidies. So a shit ton of people will now not be able to afford their insurance.

Insurance is the problem, not the solution.

So what you are driving without car insurance? Or own a home without home insurance...?


Let me amend that to "Group insurance is the problem". That's where things went south with health care.

Car insurance and home insurance policies work fine because they are purchased individually.

Actually, my car insurance, and homeowners insurance are group insurance and have the lowest rates in the country.
Well.....You are creating false stats. People (or children in a hospital) do not represent the entire U.S. population. Sure....If you 'take a stroll' through a pediatric ward, you are only seeing the sick. They do no represent most of the population and could be well taken care of IF the government would STOP giving $$ to the able bodied.

I am a cancer survivor x 2 and have seen a lot .. Sometimes it takes someone to get sick to really see what is going on. Millions are getting chemo everyday..a bag of chemo is $20,000

It is much worse than you think, and once you hear the word cancer you are on a conveyor belt into the scams Cha Ching..

Good Doctors hands are legally bound by the FDA who is in bed with The Big Pharma, and the Medical industry. who fill the pockets of our congress to vote in their favor ...

Why punish healthy people?

You are retarded.
Cancer can not exist in an non-acidic body...

Would that be basic if it is non-acidic?

Rustic is correct.. at least I have heard this from an oncologist...

But keep in mind that estrogen's cause cancer too..we have an overabundance of estrogen's in our dairy,meat, air and plastics..If you get into a hot car you are breathing tons of estrogen's and so on.
Drinking the Koolaide I see.. No one is a moocher on Obamacare, everyone pays a lot. The reason for Obamacare is for illnesses that take your life savings.. not a cold..
Now that’s funny, Obama care is a fucking joke. It rips young healthy people off… Fact

Yep, it sure did. It ripped off the 22 year old who had an insulin pump that could not get insurance before it sure ripped the kid off born with hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy, not to mention all the childhood cancers. WTF do we care, right?

I guess in these instances it would be ok by your standards to abort.
No one should be forced to pay for other people shit, that is what a collective is all about.
There are worse things than dying... Like being forced into shit you don’t want anything to do with.
here's an analogy of your post. Go out to dinner with four people. let's say for the sake of this analogy, there is one bill for the meal and drinks. Let's say that one of the four had five $9 drinks and everyone else had but one of those $9 drinks. Is it fair for the three that had the one, to pay for the fourth dudes four other drinks? Anyone ever experience that? I have. That is exactly what pre-existing is all about in a nutshell.

And the answer is no. The three tell the one to pay for the four other drinks out of his own money. The rest is split between the four.

Yes, we all paid for people receiving subsidies and when this all began I was pretty outraged myself, but my taxes didn't go up my life financially didn't change and over the past 4 years have seen hundreds who were uninsurable before. In this business, over 20 years I have seen at least 40% of applicants declined or have a certain part of the body ridered (not covered) you tend to think after a while they just may deserve what you have, good health care. Don't know what the answer is, well I think I do but not many agree and no it's not single payer for all.

My area is 99% Republican and as long as I have lived here have never leaned left. Most people here are enjoying large subsidies for their health insurance, in fact 90% of the state receive subsidies. and it's all Red. Which way do you think they'll lean in 2018 2020? They don't want to lose what they have.

Ok, then 'splain this to me Lucy!

My brother was laid off at work and had no income. He applied for ObamaCare and got put into Medicaid. His out of pocket costs for almost every thing was zero. Then, he found another job. They kicked him off Medicare, put him on an ObamaCare plan that would literally cost him half his paycheck, plus it had a huge deductible. What is the advantage in him paying out thousands of dollars per year and receiving zero benefits? He paid the penalty and paid out of pocket, and still came out thousands in the black!
that was all covered in the past. what is it you're trying to say here?

The moron doesn't know what insurance actually does. are embarrassing yourself ... Back in the 1990's insurance covered just about everything .. 100% of prescriptions..

No one gets free prescriptions anymore unless maybe welfare people..or you met your deductible .

I just got on medicare for disabilities ( cancer survivor side effects x 2 ) , and pay extra for AARP prescription coverage and I still pay over $200.00 a month for drugs that used to be free after I met my deduction..

I know exactly what insurance does .. I also have seen people before Obamacare lose their insurance because they were too sick to work, have their life savings sucked dry and then treatment stopped and died..
Back in the 1990's insurance covered just about everything .. 100% of prescriptions..

stop it please. you have no fking idea what you're talking about. you just made a fking fool of yourself.

You are the dumb ass... I had 2 children back in the 1990's 100% covered... Forget getting that now...

you had what 100% covered? So you're saying you never paid deductibles?

In the past, for my coverage, I had copays and no deductibles at all.
It doesn't prove anything but that you are a right wing hack who has no understanding of insurance. These companies knew this was coming, they could have created a policy that met the new requirements and replaced the old one with those 10 million customers.
No they couldn’t, you ignorant left-wing partisan hack. They couldn’t increase service as the same cost. Life all wing-nuts, you’re not only ignorant of legislation, you’re ignorant of business (especially insurance).

Barack Insane Obama adamantly promised over and over “if you like your policy, you can keep your policy”. If the insurance company had to cancel an existing policy and create a new one like you keep crowing about, then that was an egregious lie.

The insurance companies DID NOT have to cancel grandfathered plans some chose to do so. Don't blame that one on obama. Put the credit where it belongs.

Most of those grandfathered plans were not allowed because they did not meet ObamaCare's minimum standards.
I tried to tell her that but then she lost her mind.
The moron doesn't know what insurance actually does. are embarrassing yourself ... Back in the 1990's insurance covered just about everything .. 100% of prescriptions..

No one gets free prescriptions anymore unless maybe welfare people..or you met your deductible .

I just got on medicare for disabilities ( cancer survivor side effects x 2 ) , and pay extra for AARP prescription coverage and I still pay over $200.00 a month for drugs that used to be free after I met my deduction..

I know exactly what insurance does .. I also have seen people before Obamacare lose their insurance because they were too sick to work, have their life savings sucked dry and then treatment stopped and died..
Back in the 1990's insurance covered just about everything .. 100% of prescriptions..

stop it please. you have no fking idea what you're talking about. you just made a fking fool of yourself.

You are the dumb ass... I had 2 children back in the 1990's 100% covered... Forget getting that now...

you had what 100% covered? So you're saying you never paid deductibles?

In the past, for my coverage, I had copays and no deductibles at all.
the copays were the deductibles.
If you thought your insurance premiums were high before? The government just decided not to pay the insurance subsidies. So a shit ton of people will now not be able to afford their insurance.

Insurance is the problem, not the solution.

So what you are driving without car insurance? Or own a home without home insurance...?


Let me amend that to "Group insurance is the problem". That's where things went south with health care.

Car insurance and home insurance policies work fine because they are purchased individually.

Actually, my car insurance, and homeowners insurance are group insurance and have the lowest rates in the country.

Group insurance is rare outside health care, which minimizes the damage it causes. If it did become the norm, we'd see the same problems in those markets that we see in health care - adverse selection, inflation, etc.
If you thought your insurance premiums were high before? The government just decided not to pay the insurance subsidies. So a shit ton of people will now not be able to afford their insurance.

Insurance is the problem, not the solution.

So what you are driving without car insurance? Or own a home without home insurance...?


Let me amend that to "Group insurance is the problem". That's where things went south with health care.

Car insurance and home insurance policies work fine because they are purchased individually.

Actually, my car insurance, and homeowners insurance are group insurance and have the lowest rates in the country.

Group insurance is rare outside health care, which minimizes the damage it causes. If it did become the norm, we'd see the same problems in those markets that we see in health care - adverse selection, inflation, etc.


Group insurance is always less costly. You don't understand the basic concept of insurance.
Now that’s funny, Obama care is a fucking joke. It rips young healthy people off… Fact

Yep, it sure did. It ripped off the 22 year old who had an insulin pump that could not get insurance before it sure ripped the kid off born with hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy, not to mention all the childhood cancers. WTF do we care, right?

I guess in these instances it would be ok by your standards to abort.
No one should be forced to pay for other people shit, that is what a collective is all about.
There are worse things than dying... Like being forced into shit you don’t want anything to do with.
here's an analogy of your post. Go out to dinner with four people. let's say for the sake of this analogy, there is one bill for the meal and drinks. Let's say that one of the four had five $9 drinks and everyone else had but one of those $9 drinks. Is it fair for the three that had the one, to pay for the fourth dudes four other drinks? Anyone ever experience that? I have. That is exactly what pre-existing is all about in a nutshell.

And the answer is no. The three tell the one to pay for the four other drinks out of his own money. The rest is split between the four.

Yes, we all paid for people receiving subsidies and when this all began I was pretty outraged myself, but my taxes didn't go up my life financially didn't change and over the past 4 years have seen hundreds who were uninsurable before. In this business, over 20 years I have seen at least 40% of applicants declined or have a certain part of the body ridered (not covered) you tend to think after a while they just may deserve what you have, good health care. Don't know what the answer is, well I think I do but not many agree and no it's not single payer for all.

My area is 99% Republican and as long as I have lived here have never leaned left. Most people here are enjoying large subsidies for their health insurance, in fact 90% of the state receive subsidies. and it's all Red. Which way do you think they'll lean in 2018 2020? They don't want to lose what they have.

Ok, then 'splain this to me Lucy!

My brother was laid off at work and had no income. He applied for ObamaCare and got put into Medicaid. His out of pocket costs for almost every thing was zero. Then, he found another job. They kicked him off Medicare, put him on an ObamaCare plan that would literally cost him half his paycheck, plus it had a huge deductible. What is the advantage in him paying out thousands of dollars per year and receiving zero benefits? He paid the penalty and paid out of pocket, and still came out thousands in the black!
That is the major social miscalculation by the liberals. Of course, Trump just cut your BiL again. But he probably can afford to pay out of pocket for a shitty plan. It won't pay for preventive care or drugs, with Obamacare providded with no copay or deductible, but if he does get really sick, he'll be eligible for Medicaid again.
Why would he do this to millions of sick people getting treatments for survival , including young children?.

Separately, the order would allow consumers to buy short-term policies, which don't have to comply with Obamacare's protections for those with pre-existing conditions. Also, it looks to broaden the ability of employers to give workers money to buy their own coverage through health reimbursement arrangements, known as HRAs.

Trump begins Obamacare dismantling with executive order - CNNPolitics


it screws everyone ...

but isn't that what the internet troll as president wants.... that's what makes his disgusting "base" happy.

They are literally cheering their own demise as long as Trump is happy it seems they will side with any action. Trumps feelings mean more than their own bottom line.

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