Trump's Extortion of Ukraine: A Complete Government Shakedown


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
So, please focus on the last part: A Complete Government Shakedown.
When you have corruption at the very top, then it filters down to every one else taking orders from the criminal in charge. In becomes the entire political framework of your Presidency.

Rudy Guiliani
VP Mike Pence
AG William Barr
SoS Mike Pompeo
Director, Office of Management and Budget Mick Mulvaney
Sec. of Treasury Steven Mnuchin
Sec. of Energy Rick Perry
Acting Director, Office of Mgmt and Budget Russell Vought

If any of them would answer the following questions, that would be great.

Wow, this would be really bad if we didn't already know it was Biden that extorted Ukraine to protect his business interests.
The truth hurts, don't it?

BTW- that is from 2019.
Have you been biting a pillow for 4 years & decided to catch up on what you missed?

So, please focus on the last part: A Complete Government Shakedown.
When you have corruption at the very top, then it filters down to every one else taking orders from the criminal in charge. In becomes the entire political framework of your Presidency.

Rudy Guiliani
VP Mike Pence
AG William Barr
SoS Mike Pompeo
Director, Office of Management and Budget Mick Mulvaney
Sec. of Treasury Steven Mnuchin
Sec. of Energy Rick Perry
Acting Director, Office of Mgmt and Budget Russell Vought

If any of them would answer the following questions, that would be great.

oh look,, todays leftist talking point for the brain dead,,
Biden's son was collecting a million dollars a year in a no show job on the Ukraine energy board although he had no experience in the field and you think Trump was extorting money? Surely you jest.
The same Ukraine bragging today about the Millions they received from American banks?
He was holding hostage $250 million dollars, and his entire corrupt framework of fellow cronies, grifters, and opportunists made it happen.
of course you have your own delusions of this thing that didnt happen several yrs ago but dont you think the current bank failures is more important??

Wow, this would be really bad if we didn't already know it was Biden that extorted Ukraine to protect his business interests.
The truth hurts, don't it?

BTW- that is from 2019.
Have you been biting a pillow for 4 years & decided to catch up on what you missed?

That was Joe carrying out US foreign policy objectives getting rid of that corrupt Russian aligned prosecutor who wasn't doing his job.

Nice Job carrying those Russian water bottles.
So, please focus on the last part: A Complete Government Shakedown.
When you have corruption at the very top, then it filters down to every one else taking orders from the criminal in charge. In becomes the entire political framework of your Presidency.

Rudy Guiliani
VP Mike Pence
AG William Barr
SoS Mike Pompeo
Director, Office of Management and Budget Mick Mulvaney
Sec. of Treasury Steven Mnuchin
Sec. of Energy Rick Perry
Acting Director, Office of Mgmt and Budget Russell Vought

If any of them would answer the following questions, that would be great.


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