Trumps FDA Nominee Could Mean Cheaper, Faster Drugs for the Future


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
I have posted many times about my experience in the industry, today it takes hundreds of millions of dollars to risk in an R&D effort of a drug that will at best get approved in ten years. And many times it can get rejected simply because someone in the FDA gets a wild hair up their ass.
Most people with that kind of money smartly invest in safer places that give faster payoffs. We all complain about the costs of drugs, well it is because a big payout had to be promised to get investors interested. Hopefully the FDA can be reigned in to a reasonable level that will again allow America to be a leader in medical development.

President Trump’s FDA nominee could mean better drugs sooner at lower cost
I oppose Chinese generics of poor quality. Drugs cost too much, but importing generics is not a good idea.
Then get behind Trumps plan to streamline the FDA. It was really bad 30 years ago, it is a hundred times worse today as the FDA has simply become an obstacle opposed to progress.

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