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Trump’s Firing of Comey ‘a Big Mistake’

Yeah, Comey did a BRILLIANT job of prosecuting the Hildebeast when he stood up at the podium listing the numerous infractions she committed via her private server and what e-mails that they recovered that were of national security imporatnce but decided there would be no prosecution because the elites are not subject to the rule of law. Bush Sr, Bush Jr, Clinton, Obama got away with crimes that mirrors that of Adolf Hitler in scope but nothing ever happens ....yeah, Comey was a REAL "just-us" warrior (insert sarcasm here). This is nothing but theater for the dumbed down masses. It's a script that not even the writers of the WWF could pull off to their white trash followers.

#1 Even if Russia DID hack the DNC database and sent those e-mails to Julian Assange.....(which they didn't but allow me to play the devil's advocate for a moment). It doesn't change a fucking thing that was revealed in them and the utter corruption of the DNC and you can bet that the same corruption permeates the neocon side even though at the end of the day, they are on the same team.

#2 What we do have is division that causes us to be at each other's throats because that is and has always been their end game......keep the people divided, keep them mistrusting of each other....skew the information given to us by the bought and paid for "Operation Mockingbird" media to deflect attention away from what is really going on which is the implosion of this debt based financial system....create phantom enemies, do a "false flag" type event to cause war and watch us scurry like little ants to either join the fight or oppose it while never realizing that the "man behind the curtain" is pulling the levers....wake up, people....wake the fuck up and see how you are being manipulated and used.
‘Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-New York: "Earlier this afternoon President Trump called me and informed me he was firing Director Comey. I told the president, 'Mr. President with all due respect you are making a big mistake.' The first question the administration has to answer is why now? If Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein does not appoint an independent special prosecutor every American will rightly suspect that the decision to fire Director Comey was part of a coverup."’

Reaction pours in over sudden firing of FBI Director James Comey


The American people deserve the appointment of an independent special prosecutor so that they might learn the truth.

Neither the administration nor Congressional Republicans have any desire to search for the truth.

Yeah....we should do exactly what Chuckie shumer wants.......you been hitting the bottle again?

The worst mistake Trump made was not removing every single individual hired by or kept by obama.....they are nothing but anti Trump, corrupt assholes and needed to go day one...
“The question before us now is whether Trump will get away with it. There is no question that the President has the legal authority to remove the FBI director. But there’s also no question that removing the FBI Director in the midst of a high-stakes investigation of Russian influence in the inner circle of the President’s campaign and White House is a horrifying breach of every expectation we have of the relationship between the White House and federal law enforcement.”

The Nightmare Scenario: Trump Fires Comey, the One Man Who Would Stand Up to Him

The question is rhetorical – of course Trump will get away with it; the blind, partisan right will protect and defend Trump regardless the facts and evidence.

It is the final outing of the Republican party. They put their party above the country and all else. There is no higher authority to them than their party just as it was with the Communist Party in the old Soviet Union. The Republicans in government are the Politburo now.

They will even cover up Russian interference in our elections and now in the election in France. No need to guess why the world views the US as weak now, the Republicans have shown in broad daylight that they will sell out the country to anyone for political gain. You have to see these people for who they really are, they are not Americans anymore. This we must now accept. Their political party is their one and only god.

Wow...you really are clueless......when the spying on Americans by obama comes out......it will be huge.......the increase in unmasking of Americans in the last years of the obama Presidency was insane...and needs to be prosecuted...
Was Trump lying when he praised Comey or today when he fired him in such a way as to produce the most humiliation?
Wow dumbasses what happened to your "Comey politically wrecked Hillary's election" and all that crap.

Astounding you can drop all that (and ignore how dangerous it is to have a politicized FBI) just to bitch at Trump lol

Comey is a crooked bitch. He and the Russians stole the election from Hillary. That still doesn't excuse Trump from firing the head of the investigation into that orange fool's connections with Russia.
The head of the investigation into Russia was never Comey. After Jeff Sessions recused himself the head of the investigation is deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein the same man who recommended Jim Comey be shitcanned. Jim Comey reports to the AG the same way he reported to Loretta Lynch.
Remember when liberals all wanted him fired for bringing up the email investigation before the election?

Now suddenly it's a mistake because Trump is the one firing him.
Harry Reid: Comey Should Resign

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) speaks with reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., September 27, 2016.

In the wake of a “soul-crushing” report on Russia’s meddling in the presidential election, Sen. Harry Reid has called for FBI Director James Comey to resign for allegedly withholding information on President-elect Donald Trump’s ties to Russia. Reid, who was a fierce opponent of Comey’s handling of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, which many believe cost her the election, told MSNBC on Saturday that he believes the FBI knew all along that Russia was helping Trump and deliberately did nothing about it. “This is not fake news. Intelligence officials are hiding connections to the Russian government. There is no question,” Reid said. “Comey knew and deliberately kept this info a secret,” he said. Asked whether he believes Comey should step down over the matter, Reid replied, “Of course, yes.” A report released late Friday concluded that Russia interfered with the election to help Trump win, a fact which staffers for Hillary Clinton said was “soul-crushing.” The report has triggered calls for further investigation, with incoming Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer on Saturday calling for a congressional probe.

Harry Reid: Comey Should Resign
Here's a neat little "we hate Comey" video to remind folks (The only one speaking up for Comey then? Obama)

Wow dumbasses what happened to your "Comey politically wrecked Hillary's election" and all that crap.

Astounding you can drop all that (and ignore how dangerous it is to have a politicized FBI) just to bitch at Trump lol

Comey is a crooked bitch. He and the Russians stole the election from Hillary. That still doesn't excuse Trump from firing the head of the investigation into that orange fool's connections with Russia.

It's okay dipstick, he can still come in and testify in your precious scape-goat of collusion investigation. Nothing's stopping them.

Also, please direct your angst to the AG and DAG, they're the ones who requested Comey's firing. Trump just followed their recommendations.
Harry Reid: Comey Should Resign

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) speaks with reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., September 27, 2016.

In the wake of a “soul-crushing” report on Russia’s meddling in the presidential election, Sen. Harry Reid has called for FBI Director James Comey to resign for allegedly withholding information on President-elect Donald Trump’s ties to Russia. Reid, who was a fierce opponent of Comey’s handling of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, which many believe cost her the election, told MSNBC on Saturday that he believes the FBI knew all along that Russia was helping Trump and deliberately did nothing about it. “This is not fake news. Intelligence officials are hiding connections to the Russian government. There is no question,” Reid said. “Comey knew and deliberately kept this info a secret,” he said. Asked whether he believes Comey should step down over the matter, Reid replied, “Of course, yes.” A report released late Friday concluded that Russia interfered with the election to help Trump win, a fact which staffers for Hillary Clinton said was “soul-crushing.” The report has triggered calls for further investigation, with incoming Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer on Saturday calling for a congressional probe.

Harry Reid: Comey Should Resign
Someone tell asshole's treadmill to beat the shit out of him again. Thanks.

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