Trump's First Commencement Speech: "In America We Don't Worship Government, We Worship God"

Sure it does. Every republican has to pass through that fanatical, fake University to secure the ignorant evangelical vote now. That's the only reason the orange buttfuck spoke there.
Don't you have a gay pride rally to go to?
No. What a dumb question.

So you're saying what, the parade is over?
You rubes are having a gay little parade over Trump's alzheimers-addled ramblings right here

LOL...that would be a different kind of gay.
No. I'm pretty sure the OP is ready to blow him.
How truthful and aspiring. What a patriotic speech that defined America to its core. All Americans should worship God. Our founders would be pleased with Donald Trump. He is the embodiment of our nation's founding principles.

Leftists hate our founding principles and despise a leader with deference to them and the people they serve.

They miss Obama's speeches full of: I I I me me me me I I I me me I.
Now...that's a king-sized helping of Irony right there. :rofl: :rofl:
How truthful and aspiring. What a patriotic speech that defined America to its core. All Americans should worship God. Our founders would be pleased with Donald Trump. He is the embodiment of our nation's founding principles.
Oh? That's manditory now?
It should! It's the only way to make America great again!
The only "God" Tramp worships is the Almighty Dollar!!!

Trump worships God?
Is that why he is pushing policies that destroy God's Earth?
All the way through the Bible, it talks about how we are supposed to take care of earth and that we are to be stewards of God's Earth. And in Revelations 11:18, it tell us that God will destroy those who destroy God's Earth.
Trump worships himself and money and could care less what the Bible says. He keeps on proving that over and over!
How truthful and aspiring. What a patriotic speech that defined America to its core. All Americans should worship God. Our founders would be pleased with Donald Trump. He is the embodiment of our nation's founding principles.

I put this on Mudwhistles thread as well..

I didn't see the speech but .....

Jerry Falwell University...:eek: :cuckoo:

Farwell blamed 9/11 on the gays, this crazy guy went on record during the 700 club crazy Pat Robertson hour..

He insulted the families , while they mourned for loved ones right after 9/11

Very far christian right school

Is Trump going to speak at other universities without the alt right views? - Falwell apologizes to gays, feminists, lesbians - September 14, 2001
LOL you think Liberty University is Alt Right? ROFLMAO! You obviously don't know what the Alt Right is then. I would consider sending my kids to Liberty if I was a christian but I am not so.
How truthful and aspiring. What a patriotic speech that defined America to its core. All Americans should worship God. Our founders would be pleased with Donald Trump. He is the embodiment of our nation's founding principles.
I don't worship either. People who worship either are nothing but sheeple.

It depends on who do you worship.

Sheeple are those lost souls communists, on the far left who worship big government and the likes of Hilarious Clinton and Obama, etc....

Those of us who venerate our Infinite and Eternal Creator are a different story.

My opinion only.
Trump Rube Loyalty Oath Leaked. Here is a transcript of it:

I, {print your name legibly here}, hereby pledge my total allegiance to Donald J. Trump, the legitimately elected President of the United States, who won with more electoral votes of any President. I pledge to support his policies, regardless of their stupidity, and to follow his orders, even if they might cause me to be prosecuted. By pledging my total, unreserved and undeserved loyalty, I also recognize the following statements to be true, and will honor them and defend them to the death:

1. Donald Trump is the smartest, most honest man ever born.
2. Donald Trump is the handsomest man ever.
3. Donald Trump has the physique of a Greek God and the largest hands of any man.
4. Donald Trump rose from the dead after three days and is immortal.
5. Donald Trump's word is his bond, except when he changes it.
6. Donald Trump is hereby granted permission to withhold my pay for any reason.
7. Donald Trump should be President for Life of the United States.
8. Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka is HAWT, but must not be touched by anyone but Donald Trump.
9. Donald Trump's adult sons are the salt of the earth, but are not allowed in the White House.
10. Donald Trump's decisions are final until he changes them.
11. Donald Trump must be obeyed at all times.
12. I will speak no words against Donald Trump, either in the White House or elsewhere.
13. I will praise Donald Trump without ceasing.
14. I accept Donald Trump as my Personal Savior.
15. Donald Trump can fire me at any time without cause or explanation.
16. If I fail to honor any of the statements above, I must pay Donald Trump $10,000,000.
17. I may never look Donald Trump in the eye, nor speak to him without permission.
18. I will love and honor Donald Trump until the day I die.

Date: {write today's date and NOT in military format. That confuses Donald Trump.}

{write your name here in cursive}
How truthful and aspiring. What a patriotic speech that defined America to its core. All Americans should worship God. Our founders would be pleased with Donald Trump. He is the embodiment of our nation's founding principles.
I don't worship either. People who worship either are nothing but sheeple.

It depends on who do you worship.

Sheeple are those lost souls communists, on the far left who worship big government and the likes of Hilarious Clinton and Obama, etc....

Those of us who venerate our Infinite and Eternal Creator are a different story.

My opinion only.
I don't worship any god. There is no god there is just people's imaginary made up ideas to make life a little more tolerable.
How truthful and aspiring. What a patriotic speech that defined America to its core. All Americans should worship God. Our founders would be pleased with Donald Trump. He is the embodiment of our nation's founding principles.
I don't worship either. People who worship either are nothing but sheeple.

It depends on who do you worship.

Sheeple are those lost souls communists, on the far left who worship big government and the likes of Hilarious Clinton and Obama, etc....

Those of us who venerate our Infinite and Eternal Creator are a different story.

My opinion only.
I don't worship any god. There is no god there is just people's imaginary made up ideas to make life a little more tolerable.

That's your opinion and while I don't agree with it I respect it.

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