Trump's first full day in office: What should he do?

If George Bush made any mistakes when he took over it was trying to play nice with democrats and keep on Bill Clinton's inept appointees. I doubt if Trump makes that mistake. The first thing he needs to do is "drain the swamp".
Wipe his ass with every Executive Order Obama ever signed?

How many press conferences will Trump hold in his first 100 days? Guesses anyone? He can't handle people asking him questions in a forum. He only knows how to make speeches where everyone listens, or else a brief interview with a preferably far right anchor person from Fox.

When George Stephanopoulos asked why he wouldn't release his tax returns many months ago, Trump snapped back, "It's none of your business!" Oh boy, so how many press conferences will Fuckface von ClownStick have....ever?
I agree. As long as he is not breaking any tax laws and is answering to the IRS, it's no one else's business what he pays in taxes. If he wants to let everyone know, that's fine. But it really isn't anyone else's business.

So don't complain if Trump has a very opaque/dark administration. He's got you rubes trained so well.
His tax returns have nothing to do with having a "transparent" administration. His tax returns are no more any one else's business than my tax returns or your tax returns. That being said, I hope he does much better than the Obama administration with FOIA requests.
1.) Nominate a conservative to the Supreme Court. Trump is not a conservative, and his nominations will be far more like Garland than Scalia.

2.) Put together a team of congressmen to craft a replacement (with few regulations) to Obamacare. This will be interesting. Trump is not a conservative and likes the idea of single payer.

3.) Issue Executive Orders to build the Wall on our southern border. Congressional GOP will not permit it without its pork.

4.) Start repealing Obama’s Executive Orders that restricted oil exploration, workplaces, etc. Good.
1) Whoever he nominates, it'll be better than anyone Hillary would have chosen.
2) It shouldn't be difficult for him to come up with something better than Obamacare.
3) Trump knows how to make things happen. We just saw that when he won the election.
4) Wow! I can't believe you finally posted something I can agree with. lol :)
1.) Nominate a conservative to the Supreme Court. Trump is not a conservative, and his nominations will be far more like Garland than Scalia.

2.) Put together a team of congressmen to craft a replacement (with few regulations) to Obamacare. This will be interesting. Trump is not a conservative and likes the idea of single payer.

3.) Issue Executive Orders to build the Wall on our southern border. Congressional GOP will not permit it without its pork.

4.) Start repealing Obama’s Executive Orders that restricted oil exploration, workplaces, etc. Good.
1) Whoever he nominates, it'll be better than anyone Hillary would have chosen.
2) It shouldn't be difficult for him to come up with something better than Obamacare.
3) Trump knows how to make things happen. We just saw that when he won the election.
4) Wow! I can't believe you finally posted something I can agree with. lol :)
1. I thought you loved Comey.
2. It has always been possible to come up with something better than ACA; that's the problem.
3. Can't argue that.
4. Don't get comfortable.
Why not work on the very first day to bring those jobs back home to America?
I think massive infrastructure improvements, including The Great Wall Of Mexico, are what Trump needs to do most.

It would also make sense to build a Great Wall Of Canada while he is at it.

Trump will need to find employment for all the non college educated blue collar workers who have elected him, or else he won't get re-elected in 4 more years.
If George Bush made any mistakes when he took over it was trying to play nice with democrats and keep on Bill Clinton's inept appointees. I doubt if Trump makes that mistake. The first thing he needs to do is "drain the swamp".
You people don't want to "drain the swamp"....if you really believed that, you wouldn't have voted so many incumbents back into office.

Dubya spent 490 days in Crawford. How many days will Trump spend in Trump Tower? I bet he doubles that number.
Trump won't have time for golf.

BHO will have plenty of time now though.
Trump will get his golf in. He is much older and will take more holidays than bush and obama combined.
Golf is good for potuses. Get's them outside. Gives them a chance to think. And they have these portable phone thingees.
1.) Nominate a conservative to the Supreme Court.

2.) Put together a team of congressmen to craft a replacement (with few regulations) to Obamacare.

3.) Issue Executive Orders to build the Wall on our southern border.

4.) Start repealing Obama’s Executive Orders that restricted oil exploration, workplaces, etc.


Long versions:

1.) Nominate a genuine Constitutional conservative, in the mold of Scalia, to the Supreme Court. Then start making speeches explaining why you nominated him, and asking the American people to contact their Senators and tell them to approve him.

2.) Executive Orders can’t undo an Act of Congress. (This may be news to Democrats and other failed leftists.) Congress must pass the replacement for Obamacare. So it’s up to them to figure out how to do it. The liberal fanatics kicked a great many Americans off their medical plans and forced them onto high-cost, high-deductible plans they didn’t want. Now if Republicans repeal Obamacare, you can be sure the media and other liberals will scream, “Look! Look! The heartless Republicans are taking away your health care!”, and the rest of their litany of lies they have been inventing for the last decade or two. So Congress must write a bill that (a) repeals Ocare, and (b) puts in place a replacement. The replacement shouldn’t merely be another big-govt health care plan as bad as Ocare – it must start lifting restrictions, mandates, and penaties. And most importantly, he must lay out a plan to talk to the American people and ask them to contact their Congressmen to pass his program repealing and replacing Obamacare. "The power of the Bully Pulpit" Is a president's best weapon... IF he is doing things the American people want. Obama couldn't use that power, but Trump can. And must.

3.) Executive Orders must be designed to implement things Congress has already passed and a President has signed into law. Well, Congress passed laws decades ago, saying that no foreigner can come into the country without a properly issued visa. Those laws have been ignored and violated terribly for the last 30+ years. Building a wall will directly help to bring us into conformance with those laws, and should be started immediately.

4.) What an Executive Order did, an Executive Order can undo. Many of Obama’s did things never passed by Congress, and in some cases actually violate laws passed by Congress or implement things Congress voted against. Trump must start sorting through (he probably already has) existing EOs and writing his own to repeal the ones that do not directly implement what Congress wanted.
1.) Probably not.

2.) A replacement for ACA that will continue affordable and accessible health insurance for Americans.

3.) The federal courts will immediately stay that order and point out such a matter is for Congress.

4.) Fine.
1. Go into the women's dressing room
2. Fuck his wife
3. Sign a executive order to fund infrastructure.

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