Trumps first order: Anyone caught burning American flag charge with treason

Trumps Second Order: any teen ager attempting to light a match to any cow in heat, will be sent to detention for 10 days !!!!
You got a flag and you wanna burn it light er up. It can only offend low iq people who are beneath me anyway.
I would love any of you to try and deport me...I am american born citizen.....white heterosexual 78 year old one and this is fun.....cmon.
I haven't ever burned a flag deathbat, never will but I hoped I touched a nerve. This is fun. Now, cmon.


It was a Republican/Conservative Supreme Court back in 1989, when the SC made the 5 to 4 decision in Texas vs Johnson, the Flag Burning being Free speech, there were 6 Republicans and 3 Democrats as justices with Rehnquist being Chief....

Two Republican justices supported the burning of flags as free speech along with 3 of the Republican Supreme Court Justices that SUPPORTED burning the flag and other objects as being an expression of free speech, was Justice Anthony Scalia.... can't get any more conservative than Scalia...
Another fake news site and story?
Yeah. I agree. There are Trump supporters who are doing exactly what Obama's blind followers did. Obama was a blank canvas to those who didn't follow politics. He was, to these people, whatever THEY wanted him to be.

Trump is no Conservative. He's far more conservative than Hillary, but he's not Ronald Reagan. Some only see what they want to see in him.

That is another new "news" site. I'm HOPING he will pick decent Supreme Court Justices, but I'm not expecting much.

That fake "news" site makes a lot of assumptions.
It was a Republican/Conservative Supreme Court back in 1989, when the SC made the 5 to 4 decision in Texas vs Johnson, the Flag Burning being Free speech, there were 6 Republicans and 3 Democrats....
Republican does NOT equal Conservative. Most Republicans today are Progressives. Today's Demonrats is nearly always COMMUNIST, but among Republicans, the conservatives are a minority.
I haven't ever burned a flag deathbat, never will but I hoped I touched a nerve. This is fun. Now, cmon.
I honestly don't care if you do, or don't. In the AME way, I wouldn't care if some vet exercised his "free speech" when he puta you in the hospital.

In both cases, I wouldn't care. You're the one who seems upset.
Just think now...I am white...I owners my own construction two brothers served in our died in noncombat duties.....i speak out. You got nothing....suck it.
I break no laws, don't protest...nothing. Send em all at me ain't one who could put me in the hospital.

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