trump’s Gestapo Unable to Force Black Lives Matter “Anarchists” To Knuckle Under

This article — featured in the OP — is in my opinion worth reading. I was never concerned that the political theater in Portland would lead to serious property damage or casualties ... before Trump’s federal escalation.

I hope this article is accurate in its assumption that Trump’s provocation & electoral gamble will backfire, and remain mostly theater, but I fear it will not. There are many possible bad scenarios, including possible emerging use of provocateurs or armed rightwing militia from rural Oregon. I suppose it is a good sign, as this article implies, that the state’s armed rightwing militia groups seem to also be opposed to Trump’s use of federal forces:

“In reality, the protests occupy an area of just two to four square blocks, with little effect on the rest of Portland, already a ghost town due to Oregon’s strict lockdown procedures against COVID-19. Black Lives Matter and antiracism protests were already routine in the city, and traffic flowed normally just a block from the teargassing I witnessed. Even as protests surged toward the front of the federal courthouse, I found the street behind it completely empty.

“It’s worth comparing the treatment of protesters in Portland with those in other cities. In Lansing, Mich., anti-lockdown protesters carried rifles into the state Capitol and menaced legislators in session, without any police response at all. Militia groups, freelance gunmen and Bikers for Trump have threatened BLM protesters everywhere from Bethel, Ohio, to Spokane, Wash. Police departments rarely do anything unless shots are fired, a deference not extended to the Mom Wall, where I saw federal agents beat unarmed women in bicycle helmets just for refusing to move....

“The last time I had been at a protest here, it featured countless American flags and a cowboy on a beautiful bay horse, all to support Ammon Bundy, the right-wing rancher on trial here in 2017 for his role in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupation.

“But even Bundy has now condemned the use of federal law enforcement in local protests, and the Three Percent Militia, arguably the most powerful in America, criticized Donald Trump for suggesting that looters be shot. Trump’s overreach is causing schisms inside these ultra-right movements; at an Idaho militia rally I attended in June, hundreds of armed men and women applauded as a speaker from Black Lives Matter condemned the police murder of George Floyd. If Trump can’t hold the Coeur d’Alene fairgrounds, he won’t take downtown Portland.

“The conflict in Oregon — one step in a presidential law-and-order reelection tour — is coming down to a nightly clash between a few hundred police officers, some persistent BLM activists and a thousand moms holding flowers.

“Trump can deploy the same forces to Chicago and elsewhere. But if the Portland model spreads, it’s unlikely he can win this fight.”

The Battle of Portland: Trump's escalating tactics against protesters are backfiring in Oregon

Excellant article - puts things in perspective. area of just two to four square blocks...

That Mom Wall sure is violent.


It's a great PR stunt.

If it were not for the fact that some of these shit-for-brains are recognizable by their spare tires when dressed in face covering antifa garb, we might not get who they really are.

A PR stunt? that is what non-violent protests are?

When the fat-asses who hide behind antifa garb and participate in violent rallies...then don yellow t-shirts (which need to be a lot bigger......gross) to march in peaceful I really need to tell you the answer ?

Doesn't look like a violent rally to me...they are standing there. know...standing.

I suspect they are walking. The males (and I use that term loosely) in antifa need to hide behind shit like masks and their oversized women.

They aren't Antifa.

They are Portland residents.

I read bored cause-seekers with unfulfilled lives, who are easily led astray by a dirty establishment. I forgot anarchists & fascists too, and those who remain the spoiled young children their parents raised them to be.
This article — featured in the OP — is in my opinion worth reading. I was never concerned that the political theater in Portland would lead to serious property damage or casualties ... before Trump’s federal escalation.

I hope this article is accurate in its assumption that Trump’s provocation & electoral gamble will backfire, and remain mostly theater, but I fear it will not. There are many possible bad scenarios, including possible emerging use of provocateurs or armed rightwing militia from rural Oregon. I suppose it is a good sign, as this article implies, that the state’s armed rightwing militia groups seem to also be opposed to Trump’s use of federal forces:

“In reality, the protests occupy an area of just two to four square blocks, with little effect on the rest of Portland, already a ghost town due to Oregon’s strict lockdown procedures against COVID-19. Black Lives Matter and antiracism protests were already routine in the city, and traffic flowed normally just a block from the teargassing I witnessed. Even as protests surged toward the front of the federal courthouse, I found the street behind it completely empty.

“It’s worth comparing the treatment of protesters in Portland with those in other cities. In Lansing, Mich., anti-lockdown protesters carried rifles into the state Capitol and menaced legislators in session, without any police response at all. Militia groups, freelance gunmen and Bikers for Trump have threatened BLM protesters everywhere from Bethel, Ohio, to Spokane, Wash. Police departments rarely do anything unless shots are fired, a deference not extended to the Mom Wall, where I saw federal agents beat unarmed women in bicycle helmets just for refusing to move....

“The last time I had been at a protest here, it featured countless American flags and a cowboy on a beautiful bay horse, all to support Ammon Bundy, the right-wing rancher on trial here in 2017 for his role in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupation.

“But even Bundy has now condemned the use of federal law enforcement in local protests, and the Three Percent Militia, arguably the most powerful in America, criticized Donald Trump for suggesting that looters be shot. Trump’s overreach is causing schisms inside these ultra-right movements; at an Idaho militia rally I attended in June, hundreds of armed men and women applauded as a speaker from Black Lives Matter condemned the police murder of George Floyd. If Trump can’t hold the Coeur d’Alene fairgrounds, he won’t take downtown Portland.

“The conflict in Oregon — one step in a presidential law-and-order reelection tour — is coming down to a nightly clash between a few hundred police officers, some persistent BLM activists and a thousand moms holding flowers.

“Trump can deploy the same forces to Chicago and elsewhere. But if the Portland model spreads, it’s unlikely he can win this fight.”

The Battle of Portland: Trump's escalating tactics against protesters are backfiring in Oregon

Excellant article - puts things in perspective. area of just two to four square blocks...

That Mom Wall sure is violent.


It's a great PR stunt.

If it were not for the fact that some of these shit-for-brains are recognizable by their spare tires when dressed in face covering antifa garb, we might not get who they really are.

A PR stunt? that is what non-violent protests are?

When the fat-asses who hide behind antifa garb and participate in violent rallies...then don yellow t-shirts (which need to be a lot bigger......gross) to march in peaceful I really need to tell you the answer ?

Doesn't look like a violent rally to me...they are standing there. know...standing.

I suspect they are walking. The males (and I use that term loosely) in antifa need to hide behind shit like masks and their oversized women.

They aren't Antifa.

They are Portland residents.

I read bored cause-seekers with unfulfilled lives, who are easily led astray by a dirty establishment. I forgot anarchists & fascists too, and those who remain the spoiled young children their parents raised them to be.

Jenny Craig dropouts who have boyfriends in antifa....if there any boys in antifa.
This article — featured in the OP — is in my opinion worth reading. I was never concerned that the political theater in Portland would lead to serious property damage or casualties ... before Trump’s federal escalation.

I hope this article is accurate in its assumption that Trump’s provocation & electoral gamble will backfire, and remain mostly theater, but I fear it will not. There are many possible bad scenarios, including possible emerging use of provocateurs or armed rightwing militia from rural Oregon. I suppose it is a good sign, as this article implies, that the state’s armed rightwing militia groups seem to also be opposed to Trump’s use of federal forces:

“In reality, the protests occupy an area of just two to four square blocks, with little effect on the rest of Portland, already a ghost town due to Oregon’s strict lockdown procedures against COVID-19. Black Lives Matter and antiracism protests were already routine in the city, and traffic flowed normally just a block from the teargassing I witnessed. Even as protests surged toward the front of the federal courthouse, I found the street behind it completely empty.

“It’s worth comparing the treatment of protesters in Portland with those in other cities. In Lansing, Mich., anti-lockdown protesters carried rifles into the state Capitol and menaced legislators in session, without any police response at all. Militia groups, freelance gunmen and Bikers for Trump have threatened BLM protesters everywhere from Bethel, Ohio, to Spokane, Wash. Police departments rarely do anything unless shots are fired, a deference not extended to the Mom Wall, where I saw federal agents beat unarmed women in bicycle helmets just for refusing to move....

“The last time I had been at a protest here, it featured countless American flags and a cowboy on a beautiful bay horse, all to support Ammon Bundy, the right-wing rancher on trial here in 2017 for his role in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupation.

“But even Bundy has now condemned the use of federal law enforcement in local protests, and the Three Percent Militia, arguably the most powerful in America, criticized Donald Trump for suggesting that looters be shot. Trump’s overreach is causing schisms inside these ultra-right movements; at an Idaho militia rally I attended in June, hundreds of armed men and women applauded as a speaker from Black Lives Matter condemned the police murder of George Floyd. If Trump can’t hold the Coeur d’Alene fairgrounds, he won’t take downtown Portland.

“The conflict in Oregon — one step in a presidential law-and-order reelection tour — is coming down to a nightly clash between a few hundred police officers, some persistent BLM activists and a thousand moms holding flowers.

“Trump can deploy the same forces to Chicago and elsewhere. But if the Portland model spreads, it’s unlikely he can win this fight.”

The Battle of Portland: Trump's escalating tactics against protesters are backfiring in Oregon

Excellant article - puts things in perspective. area of just two to four square blocks...

That Mom Wall sure is violent.


It's a great PR stunt.

If it were not for the fact that some of these shit-for-brains are recognizable by their spare tires when dressed in face covering antifa garb, we might not get who they really are.

A PR stunt? that is what non-violent protests are?

When the fat-asses who hide behind antifa garb and participate in violent rallies...then don yellow t-shirts (which need to be a lot bigger......gross) to march in peaceful I really need to tell you the answer ?

Doesn't look like a violent rally to me...they are standing there. know...standing.

I suspect they are walking. The males (and I use that term loosely) in antifa need to hide behind shit like masks and their oversized women.

They aren't Antifa.

They are Portland residents.

You verified their addresses ?

I'll bet you did.

Which one are you.

2nd to the left from you.

No indication they aren't Portlanders or that they are Antifa. You lot are so obsessed with Antifa you can't conceive of residents protesting on their own.
This article — featured in the OP — is in my opinion worth reading. I was never concerned that the political theater in Portland would lead to serious property damage or casualties ... before Trump’s federal escalation.

I hope this article is accurate in its assumption that Trump’s provocation & electoral gamble will backfire, and remain mostly theater, but I fear it will not. There are many possible bad scenarios, including possible emerging use of provocateurs or armed rightwing militia from rural Oregon. I suppose it is a good sign, as this article implies, that the state’s armed rightwing militia groups seem to also be opposed to Trump’s use of federal forces:

“In reality, the protests occupy an area of just two to four square blocks, with little effect on the rest of Portland, already a ghost town due to Oregon’s strict lockdown procedures against COVID-19. Black Lives Matter and antiracism protests were already routine in the city, and traffic flowed normally just a block from the teargassing I witnessed. Even as protests surged toward the front of the federal courthouse, I found the street behind it completely empty.

“It’s worth comparing the treatment of protesters in Portland with those in other cities. In Lansing, Mich., anti-lockdown protesters carried rifles into the state Capitol and menaced legislators in session, without any police response at all. Militia groups, freelance gunmen and Bikers for Trump have threatened BLM protesters everywhere from Bethel, Ohio, to Spokane, Wash. Police departments rarely do anything unless shots are fired, a deference not extended to the Mom Wall, where I saw federal agents beat unarmed women in bicycle helmets just for refusing to move....

“The last time I had been at a protest here, it featured countless American flags and a cowboy on a beautiful bay horse, all to support Ammon Bundy, the right-wing rancher on trial here in 2017 for his role in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupation.

“But even Bundy has now condemned the use of federal law enforcement in local protests, and the Three Percent Militia, arguably the most powerful in America, criticized Donald Trump for suggesting that looters be shot. Trump’s overreach is causing schisms inside these ultra-right movements; at an Idaho militia rally I attended in June, hundreds of armed men and women applauded as a speaker from Black Lives Matter condemned the police murder of George Floyd. If Trump can’t hold the Coeur d’Alene fairgrounds, he won’t take downtown Portland.

“The conflict in Oregon — one step in a presidential law-and-order reelection tour — is coming down to a nightly clash between a few hundred police officers, some persistent BLM activists and a thousand moms holding flowers.

“Trump can deploy the same forces to Chicago and elsewhere. But if the Portland model spreads, it’s unlikely he can win this fight.”

The Battle of Portland: Trump's escalating tactics against protesters are backfiring in Oregon

Excellant article - puts things in perspective. area of just two to four square blocks...

That Mom Wall sure is violent.


It's a great PR stunt.

If it were not for the fact that some of these shit-for-brains are recognizable by their spare tires when dressed in face covering antifa garb, we might not get who they really are.

A PR stunt? that is what non-violent protests are?

When the fat-asses who hide behind antifa garb and participate in violent rallies...then don yellow t-shirts (which need to be a lot bigger......gross) to march in peaceful I really need to tell you the answer ?

Doesn't look like a violent rally to me...they are standing there. know...standing.
and federal law enforcement is not harassing them either !proof that law enforcement are not rounding up peaceful protesters ! they are only locking up violent rioters. the guy they shot in the face for holding a boombox over his head.

Still my favorite:

bwwaaahaaaahaaaa !
Democrats are Just evil. Flat out unapologetic evil.
Your categorizing fellow citizens supporting one of the two main political parties of the United States (usually the one with the largest number of supporters) as “flat out evil,” is only proof of your own sick, twisted mind. You need to see a psychiatrist.
Democrats are NOT my fellow citizens
This article — featured in the OP — is in my opinion worth reading. I was never concerned that the political theater in Portland would lead to serious property damage or casualties ... before Trump’s federal escalation.

I hope this article is accurate in its assumption that Trump’s provocation & electoral gamble will backfire, and remain mostly theater, but I fear it will not. There are many possible bad scenarios, including possible emerging use of provocateurs or armed rightwing militia from rural Oregon. I suppose it is a good sign, as this article implies, that the state’s armed rightwing militia groups seem to also be opposed to Trump’s use of federal forces:

“In reality, the protests occupy an area of just two to four square blocks, with little effect on the rest of Portland, already a ghost town due to Oregon’s strict lockdown procedures against COVID-19. Black Lives Matter and antiracism protests were already routine in the city, and traffic flowed normally just a block from the teargassing I witnessed. Even as protests surged toward the front of the federal courthouse, I found the street behind it completely empty.

“It’s worth comparing the treatment of protesters in Portland with those in other cities. In Lansing, Mich., anti-lockdown protesters carried rifles into the state Capitol and menaced legislators in session, without any police response at all. Militia groups, freelance gunmen and Bikers for Trump have threatened BLM protesters everywhere from Bethel, Ohio, to Spokane, Wash. Police departments rarely do anything unless shots are fired, a deference not extended to the Mom Wall, where I saw federal agents beat unarmed women in bicycle helmets just for refusing to move....

“The last time I had been at a protest here, it featured countless American flags and a cowboy on a beautiful bay horse, all to support Ammon Bundy, the right-wing rancher on trial here in 2017 for his role in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupation.

“But even Bundy has now condemned the use of federal law enforcement in local protests, and the Three Percent Militia, arguably the most powerful in America, criticized Donald Trump for suggesting that looters be shot. Trump’s overreach is causing schisms inside these ultra-right movements; at an Idaho militia rally I attended in June, hundreds of armed men and women applauded as a speaker from Black Lives Matter condemned the police murder of George Floyd. If Trump can’t hold the Coeur d’Alene fairgrounds, he won’t take downtown Portland.

“The conflict in Oregon — one step in a presidential law-and-order reelection tour — is coming down to a nightly clash between a few hundred police officers, some persistent BLM activists and a thousand moms holding flowers.

“Trump can deploy the same forces to Chicago and elsewhere. But if the Portland model spreads, it’s unlikely he can win this fight.”

The Battle of Portland: Trump's escalating tactics against protesters are backfiring in Oregon

Excellant article - puts things in perspective. area of just two to four square blocks...

That Mom Wall sure is violent.


It's a great PR stunt.

If it were not for the fact that some of these shit-for-brains are recognizable by their spare tires when dressed in face covering antifa garb, we might not get who they really are.

A PR stunt? that is what non-violent protests are?

When the fat-asses who hide behind antifa garb and participate in violent rallies...then don yellow t-shirts (which need to be a lot bigger......gross) to march in peaceful I really need to tell you the answer ?

Doesn't look like a violent rally to me...they are standing there. know...standing.

I suspect they are walking. The males (and I use that term loosely) in antifa need to hide behind shit like masks and their oversized women.

They aren't Antifa.

They are Portland residents.

You verified their addresses ?

I'll bet you did.

Which one are you.

2nd to the left from you.

No indication they aren't Portlanders or that they are Antifa. You lot are so obsessed with Antifa you can't conceive of residents protesting on their own.

Share your dimestore analysis with someone who believes you have a clue.

Here are you moms being peaceful.

Please tell me just why Portlanders (and their imports) see it necessary to break into federal buildings.

Federal agents are defending the courthouse. They have not engaged in any offense. If they did it would be over by now. These are anarchists they will not give up and go home.
I don’t know why our crazy rightwing fanatics here don’t argue that Portland is proof positive that Donald Trump is NOT a racist.

Look at that photo above of the standing Portland “moms.” Almost all white. Then again, quirky Portland is one of the whitest big cities in the U.S.A.

Not a great place for Trump to argue that mindless black mobs are threatening white lives. Or threatening white women!

I say, for God’s sake, just ... “Let Portland be Portland!“
I don’t know why our crazy rightwing fanatics here don’t argue that Portland is proof positive that Donald Trump is NOT a racist.

Look at that photo above of the standing Portland “moms.” Almost all white. Then again, quirky Portland is one of the whitest big cities in the U.S.A.

Not a great place for Trump to argue that mindless black mobs are threatening white lives. Or threatening white women!

I say, for God’s sake, just ... “Let Portland be Portland!“

Portland is Portland.

I have several friends who live in Oregon City who won't go downtown anymore because of all the human shit on the sidewalks.

Not to mention needles and other lovelies.

See the twitter post of the moms trying to break into a federal building ? Wonder just why in the fuck they think that is necessary.
Way to go Portland Moms....

Maybe those pathetic parents should concentrate on losing some weight instead of embarrassing themselves like this.

I don't know the sidewalk does not crack.

Way to go Portland Moms....

Maybe those pathetic parents should concentrate on losing some weight instead of embarrassing themselves like this.

I don't know the sidewalk does not crack.

Terrorists use women and children as human shields all the time.

Holy fuck....did you see the fatties that were helping their darling little children along.

Gonna need a much bigger shield than that.

Can't wait to hear about how Coyote spins these dirtbags.
BLM more George Soros paid Communist Domestic Terrorists
American citizens.

They are only American citizens if they protest peacefully and exercise their free speech in a way that does not infringe on the rights and safety of other people.

I hope you know the difference between a peaceful protester and a rioter.
Well, people are pissed now. But nobody got in. Nothing but some graffiti, and a garbage pail or two on fire put up against a courthouse wall. Minor property damage. Political theater. The demos were losing steam before Trump’s interference. The local cops are best at handling these matters. There is a state national guard still not mobilized which is always available if needed. If the public is angry, they can vote out their mayor and elect a Republican!
Last edited:
trump’s Gestapo Unable to Force Black Lives Matter “Anarchists” To Knuckle Under

It’s apparent the impeached president trump will need to send reinforcements to Portland, OR, the few currently deployed are insufficiently vicious.

If increasing the number of U.S. marshals fails to turn the trick, it’s certain the impeached president trump’s good buddy, Vladimir Putin would loan him a couple hundred enforcers, trained in KGB-style tactics.

The Battle of Portland: Trump's escalating tactics against protesters are backfiring in Oregon

Since you suffer from extreme ignorance, I will try to educate those two active brain cells between your ears.
1. Federal Law Enforcement personnel in camo, (with identifying patches on their clothing) were sent in to protect FEDERAL FACILITIES and FEDERALLY FUNDED MONUMENTS.
2. Federal Law Enforcement personnel only went after those individuals who were vandalizing FEDERAL FACILITIES, nothing else.
3. They made NO ATTEMPT to stop protesters who weren't vandalizing FEDERAL PROPERTY. So, your precious Marxist/Communist thugs that weren't vandalizing those same properties, were allowed to go along their mentally diminished way, screaming, throwing things (not at the Federal PERSONNEL), however, those that did attack FEDERAL PERSONNEL, were grabbed up along with the FEDERAL PROPERTY vandals.
4. Once the vandals left the FEDERAL PROPERTY, after their actions, the FEDERAL PERSONNEL have the entire United States and its territories in which to pursue them, as they are...FEDERAL.
The stupid Portland mayor found out how appreciative the rioters are for his not sending in the police to stop them.
He got gassed and hit with thrown objects. Stupid POS deserved it.
I don’t know why our crazy rightwing fanatics here don’t argue that Portland is proof positive that Donald Trump is NOT a racist.

Look at that photo above of the standing Portland “moms.” Almost all white. Then again, quirky Portland is one of the whitest big cities in the U.S.A.

Not a great place for Trump to argue that mindless black mobs are threatening white lives. Or threatening white women!

I say, for God’s sake, just ... “Let Portland be Portland!“

you are the one making it racist, not us, not trump.

none of us are confused by the antifa/white, blm/black distinction. two different groups with different demographics. i'm not sure why you seem to find it, noteworthy.

not being in favor of violent mobs ruling the streets, makes us the sane ones, and you the crazy ones.

just saying.
Well, people are pissed now. But nobody got in. Nothing but some graffiti, and a garbage pail or two on fire put up against a courthouse wall. Minor property damage. Political theater. The demos were losing steam before Trump’s interference. The local cops are best at handling these matters. There is a state national guard still not mobilized which is always available if needed. If the public is angry, they can vote out their mayor and elect a Republican!

i'm not sure if they can. once a dem machine takes a city, it seems to rarely lose control, no matter how bad it gets.

nyc? it was not until the mayor let black mobs kill jews in the streets that a republican won.

great story. he cleaned up the city, crime plummeted.

now, the dems are back in charge, and crime is skyrocketing.

funny, how that goes. it is a mystery.

no hint that it will effect voting.

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