trump’s Gestapo Unable to Force Black Lives Matter “Anarchists” To Knuckle Under

trump’s Gestapo Unable to Force Black Lives Matter “Anarchists” To Knuckle Under

It’s apparent the impeached president trump will need to send reinforcements to Portland, OR, the few currently deployed are insufficiently vicious.

If increasing the number of U.S. marshals fails to turn the trick, it’s certain the impeached president trump’s good buddy, Vladimir Putin would loan him a couple hundred enforcers, trained in KGB-style tactics.

The Battle of Portland: Trump's escalating tactics against protesters are backfiring in Oregon

Trumps gestapo?? Man are you a flaming idiot. How bout the leaders of Portland who tell the cops to stand down and not interfere with rioters and arsonists. Talk about gestapo.

The only thing the Feds are there for is to defend FEDERAL buildings.

All of Portland can burn down and they won't do anything to stop it.

Hope the voters vote whoever is running Portland right out of office. Oh and not one dime of tax money should be spent rebuilding Portland.
Even if they are “PR stunts,” especially if they are, then they don’t deserve to be treated as armed insurrection — which they most certainly are NOT.

Democracy is messy. Those who preach “civil war” or unrequested federal military intervention against peaceful, or even not so peaceful, local crowds ... just want to create trouble. The federal government of course can defend federal facilities, but the feds should never be used to serve as uninvited storm troopers to suppress local demonstrations, or to act as political tools of a single party.

GTFOH with that. Now keeping the peace is a partisan issue? Yeah ok. If there are people rioting I want my government to put a stop to it any which way they can.
as they cry in the gutter, they declare they are winning

But there is little evidence the tactical escalation is working. The noisy show of force I witnessed Tuesday night left hundreds of people, including me, choking on tear gas.
BLM more George Soros paid Communist Domestic Terrorists
Retaliation against the abuses of the police state..
I'll happy when they're crushed along with Antifa and that day is coming very soon.
Don't bet on it.
I think they will be crushed and Civil War is coming and nothing probably can be done to stop it and the Communists will lose
There will be no civil war only elections and policy changes.
A shooting Civil War is coming and i think it's beyond stopping and i think it will start in the at the end of 2020-beginning of 2021 after President Trump is reelected. I would take Civil War over being ruled by the Communists taking over the Democratic Party.
Your fantasies of “Communists taking over the Democratic Party” are dangerous delusions. Nobody cares what you personally would or would not “take.”

There may be some political violence, even attempts at disruption of normal Constitutional rule in some areas or even in Washington, D.C. if the November election is close — but they will almost certainly come from the right, from rightwing politicians like Trump mobilizing rightwing police security forces in a de facto Bonapartist coup. But no “Civil War.” Only the right in this country is seriously armed, and the vast majority of Americans would be horrified by such a coup attempt. The best the extreme right could do is DESTROY. Hopefully only itself. But possibly also the United States as a democratic republic.
Already done.AOC runs the House, and Commie Bernie has his puppet hand up Crazy Joe’s ass.
trump’s Gestapo Unable to Force Black Lives Matter “Anarchists” To Knuckle Under

It’s apparent the impeached president trump will need to send reinforcements to Portland, OR, the few currently deployed are insufficiently vicious.

If increasing the number of U.S. marshals fails to turn the trick, it’s certain the impeached president trump’s good buddy, Vladimir Putin would loan him a couple hundred enforcers, trained in KGB-style tactics.

The Battle of Portland: Trump's escalating tactics against protesters are backfiring in Oregon

Very similar to Poland in the 1930's.
It's time to crush the Communists Antifa,BLM and other Communist groups who are causing absolute anarchy in the cities in an effort to foment a communist revolution:mad-61:
It is the rump lovers who are the threat to America and we, the true lovers of America, we will prevail and put you unAmerican p++++ys into the garbage can of history.
trump’s Gestapo Unable to Force Black Lives Matter “Anarchists” To Knuckle Under

It’s apparent the impeached president trump will need to send reinforcements to Portland, OR, the few currently deployed are insufficiently vicious.

If increasing the number of U.S. marshals fails to turn the trick, it’s certain the impeached president trump’s good buddy, Vladimir Putin would loan him a couple hundred enforcers, trained in KGB-style tactics.

The Battle of Portland: Trump's escalating tactics against protesters are backfiring in Oregon

Very similar to Poland in the 1930's.
It's time to crush the Communists Antifa,BLM and other Communist groups who are causing absolute anarchy in the cities in an effort to foment a communist revolution:mad-61:
It is the rump lovers who are the threat to America and we, the true lovers of America, we will prevail and put you unAmerican p++++ys into the garbage can of history.

Lmao...just lmao.
"I like how the antifa pussies are too afraid to pull this crap any place other than the TWO WHITEST CITIES IN AMERICA, Portland and Seattle."
trump’s Gestapo Unable to Force Black Lives Matter “Anarchists” To Knuckle Under

It’s apparent the impeached president trump will need to send reinforcements to Portland, OR, the few currently deployed are insufficiently vicious.

If increasing the number of U.S. marshals fails to turn the trick, it’s certain the impeached president trump’s good buddy, Vladimir Putin would loan him a couple hundred enforcers, trained in KGB-style tactics.

The Battle of Portland: Trump's escalating tactics against protesters are backfiring in Oregon

Brownshirt the protesters are protesting the cities policing policy
woke up dumbass
trump’s Gestapo Unable to Force Black Lives Matter “Anarchists” To Knuckle Under

It’s apparent the impeached president trump will need to send reinforcements to Portland, OR, the few currently deployed are insufficiently vicious.

If increasing the number of U.S. marshals fails to turn the trick, it’s certain the impeached president trump’s good buddy, Vladimir Putin would loan him a couple hundred enforcers, trained in KGB-style tactics.

The Battle of Portland: Trump's escalating tactics against protesters are backfiring in Oregon


Man you a grumpy fella.
Did not read, no need to waste time. Choose a side......

Burning, rioting and looting or enforce the law. It's that simple.
BLM more George Soros paid Communist Domestic Terrorists
American citizens.
Communist domestic terrorists who hate America along with fellow Communists Antifa and want to destroy it.
I get think anti-fascism is bad. I know some other people about 80 years ago who thought the same thing.

Sho is an anti fascist. You are a moron.
I get don't like it that there are anti-fascists out there.
bunker boy wants to send 50,000 troops into American cities....where are all those 2nd Amendment supporters that insist it's all about protecting citizens from an overreaching government. I guess it wasn't about that after all.

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