trump’s Gestapo Unable to Force Black Lives Matter “Anarchists” To Knuckle Under

bunker boy wants to send 50,000 troops into American cities....where are all those 2nd Amendment supporters that insist it's all about protecting citizens from an overreaching government. I guess it wasn't about that after all.
I wouldn’t send a single troop to those cities, let them burn to the ground.
bunker boy wants to send 50,000 troops into American cities....where are all those 2nd Amendment supporters that insist it's all about protecting citizens from an overreaching government. I guess it wasn't about that after all.
I wouldn’t send a single troop to those cities, let them burn to the ground.
I agree 100% let them burn their cities if they want
I love it when the bitches start complaining about white flight too.
(((white flight))) More WS dog whistles.
Wrong again dumbass, the democrats came up with that just after they made Detroit unlivable.

The election of Democrat Coleman Young.

...under Young's tenure, whites fled Detroit for the suburbs....and Young's message was 'let 'em go...' and that blacks should get guns so that when whitey tried to come back and reclaim neighborhoods, the blacks would be ready for 'em.
SO tired of being forced to decide on or support one group of magical bat shit crazy people or the other magical bat shit crazy group. Am wishing some magic my self, that some grownups will appear & clean up the mess.
trump’s Gestapo Unable to Force Black Lives Matter “Anarchists” To Knuckle Under

It’s apparent the impeached president trump will need to send reinforcements to Portland, OR, the few currently deployed are insufficiently vicious.

If increasing the number of U.S. marshals fails to turn the trick, it’s certain the impeached president trump’s good buddy, Vladimir Putin would loan him a couple hundred enforcers, trained in KGB-style tactics.

The Battle of Portland: Trump's escalating tactics against protesters are backfiring in Oregon

time trump.jpg
trump’s Gestapo Unable to Force Black Lives Matter “Anarchists” To Knuckle Under

It’s apparent the impeached president trump will need to send reinforcements to Portland, OR, the few currently deployed are insufficiently vicious.

If increasing the number of U.S. marshals fails to turn the trick, it’s certain the impeached president trump’s good buddy, Vladimir Putin would loan him a couple hundred enforcers, trained in KGB-style tactics.

The Battle of Portland: Trump's escalating tactics against protesters are backfiring in Oregon


Yeah, they are lucky I'm not in charge. I would have live bullets, and get on TV with a live statement, ordering Federal Officers to shoot to kill any and all protesters who engage in any violence against Federal Officers, or Federal property. You throw a fire cracker into Federal Agents, I'd have you shot dead on the spot.

Trump is being way nicer than I would be, and by a massive margin.

This are evil terrible people, and honestly shooting them dead is the only solution.

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