Trump's "Go Back To Where You Came From" Comments Apply To Every Democrat

I'm not sure Trump's racist, but otherwise I'm with ya 100%.
Trump is an old elitist and he likes developed countries with ac and good roads for his limo. He likes people who agree with him. I'm not sure it's race that fuels his criticism. Look what he did to McCain. To Megan Kelly. To anyone who dares question him. This was a tantrum. There is every reason to excoriate him for telling them to go back where they came from, but the racist label was a mistake. It allows his supporters to ignore the main point. This is not "America, love it or leave it." Our Constitution makes it plain that this is "America, love it or fix it."
Ummm...I'm not sure Trump is racist either. In fact I'm pretty sure he is not and have never said otherwise.

In 2000 Donald Trump quit the Reform Party in protest over candidate David Duke, former Klan member. Would a "racist" do that? I think not.
I'm not sure Trump's racist, but otherwise I'm with ya 100%.
Trump is an old elitist and he likes developed countries with ac and good roads for his limo. He likes people who agree with him. I'm not sure it's race that fuels his criticism. Look what he did to McCain. To Megan Kelly. To anyone who dares question him. This was a tantrum. There is every reason to excoriate him for telling them to go back where they came from, but the racist label was a mistake. It allows his supporters to ignore the main point. This is not "America, love it or leave it." Our Constitution makes it plain that this is "America, love it or fix it."
Ummm...I'm not sure Trump is racist either. In fact I'm pretty sure he is not and have never said otherwise.

In 2000 Donald Trump quit the Reform Party in protest over candidate David Duke, former Klan member. Would a "racist" do that? I think not.
He left the Reform Party because it had become too dysfunctional to support his campaign.
Trump didn't name names...but they eventually self-identified.
If the shoe fits....wear it.

What he said could apply to every Democrat.
Democrats live in districts that are literally 3rd world shitholes.
Trump has been listening for months to Democrats complaining about how much America sucks.
So his answer to that was, "Before you complain about America....why don't you go back to where you live and fix it first".

Democrats love illegals and ignore the homeless living in the streets that surrounds their mansions back home.

What he said wasn't racist.
The 4 members of the Death Squad have been bitching and whining about America for months and doing nothing about it....other than making it worse.
He simply pointed out their hypocrisy.
Most people that don't like it here, that they'll leave. While back. Their were multi-millionaires leaving this country because of the high taxes. And so they didn't like it here, and they had left.

Will High Taxes Force the Rich to Leave America?

It's called "reading."
It's called making an unsubstantiated claim without any proof at all. "Reading" has nothing to do with it.
It's called passing off a personal biased opinion as fact. That's what it's called.
Well, kiss my grits, we all forget!!!


The four whores of the apocolypse.
Typical misogynistic Trumpette.

Women with whom you disagree are whores.

You supported & elected a whore as President.
Real Dave said: "You supported & elected a whore as President."
No he didn't. She lost the election. And you're the last supporter she had still crying.
Oh you Trumpettes are so clewver.

Where did Hillary Clinton cheat on her husbands or family.

You assfucks support an amoral piece of shit. What are you afraid to admit that?

Just repeat after me. " I, __________(insert your name), voted for & support Trump even though he cheated on all his wives, had an affair with a porn star, admitted to groping women, is accused by twenty women, and was accused of raping a 13 year old girl at an Epstein party."
Rolf. Apply that same to every candidate ever dim wit. I think you would be very hard pressed to find one president that did not fit that description. JFK had many affairs bothe before and during his presidency. Roosevelt was supposed to have had an ongoing affare with his secretary. Clinton was was accused of how many rapes, affairs?
I never voted for JFK, Roosevelt or Bill Clinton.

You voted for Trump. I see you are too chicken to take the pledge.
Lol funny idiot. I guess you never voted for any president that ever won.
Trump's the most recent racist incarnation of one of three factions that was dominant in US politics prior to the (first) US Civil War:
Trump's Racist Tweets Fan Hatred, Defining the Coming Election

" There was a pro-slavery faction in Dixie.

"There was a white man’s country faction that said that black people should not be part of the United States of America and the only people who should be part of the United States of America are those defined as white..."

" Now, the historians mostly focus on the third faction, the abolitionist faction— John Brown, Frederick Douglass of Baltimore, William Garrison of New England, etc.

"But that’s a misreading of history and I think what’s happening now is that Mr. Trump is bringing to the surface this white man’s country faction, which encompasses— I’m afraid to say— a goodly number of his 63 million-strong base that voted for him in 2016, and are probably going to vote for him again in November 2020."
You people claiming racism are all liars.
You people claiming racism are all liars.
White supremacy is a racist concept and it has been alive on this continent longer than the USA has existed.

Trump's Racist Tweets Fan Hatred, Defining the Coming Election

"If you look at the history of Oregon, for example, which comes into the Union right before the Civil War, they basically barred the admission of black people in particular well into the 20th century, which is one of the reasons why Portland even today has one of the smallest black populations in the United States of America."

Trump was born into a family of white supremacists, and the only reason he "won" the White House was by appealing to racist voters.

Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019
Nope. Trump won because Hitlery was a liar and feels she is above the law.

The reason his support is so unshakable is because nobody else in Washington is trustworthy enough to offer an alternative.

The reason he won was because he was less worse than Clinton.

The reason his support is unshakeable is because of fanatics. However Trump has driven away female, suburban and well educated voters. He has personally torn the Reagan coalition asunder.
Apparently he was better than all of those dickhead Republicans that lost to him too.

Not really. Trump got lucky. First of all the Republicans chased the wrong guy out of the race. They should have chased Jeb Bush out of the race instead of Mitt Romney. Also early voting has changed the complexion of the race. Normally supporters of another candidate would find another candidate to vote for. however due to early voting if your candidate dropped out, that vote was ignored. Also candidates who should have dropped out after not winning any of te 4 early contests should have dropped out. Rubio should have dropped out but he stayed in long enough to pick up enough votes for Trump to win several states.
I'm not sure Trump's racist, but otherwise I'm with ya 100%.
Trump is an old elitist and he likes developed countries with ac and good roads for his limo. He likes people who agree with him. I'm not sure it's race that fuels his criticism. Look what he did to McCain. To Megan Kelly. To anyone who dares question him. This was a tantrum. There is every reason to excoriate him for telling them to go back where they came from, but the racist label was a mistake. It allows his supporters to ignore the main point. This is not "America, love it or leave it." Our Constitution makes it plain that this is "America, love it or fix it."
Ummm...I'm not sure Trump is racist either. In fact I'm pretty sure he is not and have never said otherwise.

In 2000 Donald Trump quit the Reform Party in protest over candidate David Duke, former Klan member. Would a "racist" do that? I think not.

He claimed not to know who Duke was.
You people claiming racism are all liars.
You people claiming racism are all liars.
White supremacy is a racist concept and it has been alive on this continent longer than the USA has existed.

Trump's Racist Tweets Fan Hatred, Defining the Coming Election

"If you look at the history of Oregon, for example, which comes into the Union right before the Civil War, they basically barred the admission of black people in particular well into the 20th century, which is one of the reasons why Portland even today has one of the smallest black populations in the United States of America."

Trump was born into a family of white supremacists, and the only reason he "won" the White House was by appealing to racist voters.

Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019
Nope. Trump won because Hitlery was a liar and feels she is above the law.

The reason his support is so unshakable is because nobody else in Washington is trustworthy enough to offer an alternative.

The reason he won was because he was less worse than Clinton.

The reason his support is unshakeable is because of fanatics. However Trump has driven away female, suburban and well educated voters. He has personally torn the Reagan coalition asunder.
Apparently he was better than all of those dickhead Republicans that lost to him too.

Not really. Trump got lucky. First of all the Republicans chased the wrong guy out of the race. They should have chased Jeb Bush out of the race instead of Mitt Romney. Also early voting has changed the complexion of the race. Normally supporters of another candidate would find another candidate to vote for. however due to early voting if your candidate dropped out, that vote was ignored. Also candidates who should have dropped out after not winning any of te 4 early contests should have dropped out. Rubio should have dropped out but he stayed in long enough to pick up enough votes for Trump to win several states.
Did deep throat tell you all that?
Trump didn't name names...but they eventually self-identified.
If the shoe fits....wear it.

What he said could apply to every Democrat.
Democrats live in districts that are literally 3rd world shitholes.
Trump has been listening for months to Democrats complaining about how much America sucks.
So his answer to that was, "Before you complain about America....why don't you go back to where you live and fix it first".

Democrats love illegals and ignore the homeless living in the streets that surrounds their mansions back home.

What he said wasn't racist.
The 4 members of the Death Squad have been bitching and whining about America for months and doing nothing about it....other than making it worse.
He simply pointed out their hypocrisy.
Our 45th president isn't the most erudite or charming since FDR or Lincoln. But Democrat liberal progressives aren't even Americans , they are basically a mob of mentally ill nihilistic amoral contrarians hiding under a faux political cloak. And they HATE. They are our newest addition to hate groups/cults. I am way more afraid of liberal progressives than imaginary neo-Nazis, White Supremacist or the clan.Congratulations, assholes. You have just become your own worst enemy.
You people claiming racism are all liars.
You people claiming racism are all liars.
White supremacy is a racist concept and it has been alive on this continent longer than the USA has existed.

Trump's Racist Tweets Fan Hatred, Defining the Coming Election

"If you look at the history of Oregon, for example, which comes into the Union right before the Civil War, they basically barred the admission of black people in particular well into the 20th century, which is one of the reasons why Portland even today has one of the smallest black populations in the United States of America."

Trump was born into a family of white supremacists, and the only reason he "won" the White House was by appealing to racist voters.

Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019
Nope. Trump won because Hitlery was a liar and feels she is above the law.

The reason his support is so unshakable is because nobody else in Washington is trustworthy enough to offer an alternative.

The reason he won was because he was less worse than Clinton.

The reason his support is unshakeable is because of fanatics. However Trump has driven away female, suburban and well educated voters. He has personally torn the Reagan coalition asunder.
Apparently he was better than all of those dickhead Republicans that lost to him too.

Not really. Trump got lucky. First of all the Republicans chased the wrong guy out of the race. They should have chased Jeb Bush out of the race instead of Mitt Romney. Also early voting has changed the complexion of the race. Normally supporters of another candidate would find another candidate to vote for. however due to early voting if your candidate dropped out, that vote was ignored. Also candidates who should have dropped out after not winning any of te 4 early contests should have dropped out. Rubio should have dropped out but he stayed in long enough to pick up enough votes for Trump to win several states.
Yeah.....Trump got lucky.
And Bernie was unlucky......cuz Hillary rigged the nomination.
Typical misogynistic Trumpette.

Women with whom you disagree are whores.

You supported & elected a whore as President.
Real Dave said: "You supported & elected a whore as President."
No he didn't. She lost the election. And you're the last supporter she had still crying.
Oh you Trumpettes are so clewver.

Where did Hillary Clinton cheat on her husbands or family.

You assfucks support an amoral piece of shit. What are you afraid to admit that?

Just repeat after me. " I, __________(insert your name), voted for & support Trump even though he cheated on all his wives, had an affair with a porn star, admitted to groping women, is accused by twenty women, and was accused of raping a 13 year old girl at an Epstein party."
Rolf. Apply that same to every candidate ever dim wit. I think you would be very hard pressed to find one president that did not fit that description. JFK had many affairs bothe before and during his presidency. Roosevelt was supposed to have had an ongoing affare with his secretary. Clinton was was accused of how many rapes, affairs?
I never voted for JFK, Roosevelt or Bill Clinton.

You voted for Trump. I see you are too chicken to take the pledge.
Lol funny idiot. I guess you never voted for any president that ever won.

Sure I have. Reagan (2nd term), Nixon, HW Bush, Obama.
Trump didn't name names...but they eventually self-identified.
If the shoe fits....wear it.

What he said could apply to every Democrat.
Democrats live in districts that are literally 3rd world shitholes.
Trump has been listening for months to Democrats complaining about how much America sucks.
So his answer to that was, "Before you complain about America....why don't you go back to where you live and fix it first".

Democrats love illegals and ignore the homeless living in the streets that surrounds their mansions back home.

What he said wasn't racist.
The 4 members of the Death Squad have been bitching and whining about America for months and doing nothing about it....other than making it worse.
He simply pointed out their hypocrisy.
Our 45th president isn't the most erudite or charming since FDR or Lincoln. But Democrat liberal progressives aren't even Americans , they are basically a mob of mentally ill nihilistic amoral contrarians hiding under a faux political cloak. And they HATE. They are our newest addition to hate groups/cults. I am way more afraid of liberal progressives than imaginary neo-Nazis, White Supremacist or the clan.Congratulations, assholes. You have just become your own worst enemy.
Another duped Trumpette who sucks up the Trump hate like a dry sponge in a cesspool.

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