Trump's going to make China do something?


Silver Member
Jul 24, 2015
First he's going to make Mexico build a wall for us. But that wasn't enough, because now he's going to make China deal with little Kim. If not, he'll tax China imports, try to tank our bankers' economy, and henceforth create an epic worldwide depression.

This man is dangerously ignorant.

Anerica, don't be fools. Do not vote for this guy!!!
First he's going to make Mexico build a wall for us. But that wasn't enough, because now he's going to make China deal with little Kim. If not, he'll tax China imports, try to tank our bankers' economy, and henceforth create an epic worldwide depression.

This man is dangerously ignorant.

Anerica, don't be fools. Do not vote for this guy!!!

Any President who wants to protect and advance US interests is going to have a rocky relationship with China, who's built their economy around fucking US.

And by "rocky" I mean they are going to be more unhappy with US, the less we let them take advantage of US.
Good thing Davros is smarter than a multi-millionaire businessman who has been working with and negotiating with other nations and corporations for decades and has vastly more experience than Davros... Maybe YOU ought to run for President, D!

First he's going to make Mexico build a wall for us. But that wasn't enough, because now he's going to make China deal with little Kim. If not, he'll tax China imports, try to tank our bankers' economy, and henceforth create an epic worldwide depression.

This man is dangerously ignorant.

Anerica, don't be fools. Do not vote for this guy!!!

Any President who wants to protect and advance US interests is going to have a rocky relationship with China, who's built their economy around fucking US.

And by "rocky" I mean they are going to be more unhappy with US, the less we let them take advantage of US.
Why do you hate the free market?
Nobody wants the Chinese poison crap that has been killing our pets, and people for years, except for walmart.
Toxins found in everything.

Now they are sending chickens over the to be processed and sent back.

Many companies are advertising made in America now.
Good thing Davros is smarter than a multi-millionaire businessman who has been working with and negotiating with other nations and corporations for decades and has vastly more experience than Davros... Maybe YOU ought to run for President, D!

LOL at the concept of Trump telling China what to do. How much does our economy depend on China's economy? Listened to the news on stocks lately? How much do we owe to China?
First he's going to make Mexico build a wall for us. But that wasn't enough, because now he's going to make China deal with little Kim. If not, he'll tax China imports, try to tank our bankers' economy, and henceforth create an epic worldwide depression.

This man is dangerously ignorant.

Anerica, don't be fools. Do not vote for this guy!!!

Any President who wants to protect and advance US interests is going to have a rocky relationship with China, who's built their economy around fucking US.

And by "rocky" I mean they are going to be more unhappy with US, the less we let them take advantage of US.
How much of what you buy comes from China?
First he's going to make Mexico build a wall for us. But that wasn't enough, because now he's going to make China deal with little Kim. If not, he'll tax China imports, try to tank our bankers' economy, and henceforth create an epic worldwide depression.

This man is dangerously ignorant.

Anerica, don't be fools. Do not vote for this guy!!!

Any President who wants to protect and advance US interests is going to have a rocky relationship with China, who's built their economy around fucking US.

And by "rocky" I mean they are going to be more unhappy with US, the less we let them take advantage of US.
Why do you hate the free market?

1. What we have with China is not "Free Market".

2. And if it is, I don't care, it is not in our best interest, on many levels.
First he's going to make Mexico build a wall for us. But that wasn't enough, because now he's going to make China deal with little Kim. If not, he'll tax China imports, try to tank our bankers' economy, and henceforth create an epic worldwide depression.

This man is dangerously ignorant.

Anerica, don't be fools. Do not vote for this guy!!!

Any President who wants to protect and advance US interests is going to have a rocky relationship with China, who's built their economy around fucking US.

And by "rocky" I mean they are going to be more unhappy with US, the less we let them take advantage of US.
How much of what you buy comes from China?

I have no idea.

How does that address my point?

Which I will repost so we don't lose sight of it.

Any President who wants to protect and advance US interests is going to have a rocky relationship with China, who's built their economy around fucking US.

And by "rocky" I mean they are going to be more unhappy with US, the less we let them take advantage of US
LOL at the concept of Trump telling China what to do. How much does our economy depend on China's economy? Listened to the news on stocks lately? How much do we owe to China?
The equally important question is how much of china's economy depend on us? The answer is A LOT!

Americans are morons for allowing a country like china to tax the shite out of our goods or to not even let them leave the docks so that our goods have no chance of competing in their nation while we roll over with our legs in the air like a $2 hooker, not treating them the same way.
First he's going to make Mexico build a wall for us. But that wasn't enough, because now he's going to make China deal with little Kim. If not, he'll tax China imports, try to tank our bankers' economy, and henceforth create an epic worldwide depression.

This man is dangerously ignorant.

Anerica, don't be fools. Do not vote for this guy!!!

Any President who wants to protect and advance US interests is going to have a rocky relationship with China, who's built their economy around fucking US.

And by "rocky" I mean they are going to be more unhappy with US, the less we let them take advantage of US.

Foreign governments will look at Trump as a blowhard asshole just like we do
First he's going to make Mexico build a wall for us. But that wasn't enough, because now he's going to make China deal with little Kim. If not, he'll tax China imports, try to tank our bankers' economy, and henceforth create an epic worldwide depression.

This man is dangerously ignorant.

Anerica, don't be fools. Do not vote for this guy!!!

Any President who wants to protect and advance US interests is going to have a rocky relationship with China, who's built their economy around fucking US.

And by "rocky" I mean they are going to be more unhappy with US, the less we let them take advantage of US.

Foreign governments will look at Trump as a blowhard asshole just like we do


How do you think that matters?
LOL at the concept of Trump telling China what to do. How much does our economy depend on China's economy? Listened to the news on stocks lately? How much do we owe to China?
The equally important question is how much of china's economy depend on us? The answer is A LOT!

Americans are morons for allowing a country like china to tax the shite out of our goods or to not even let them leave the docks so that our goods have no chance of competing in their nation while we roll over with our legs in the air like a $2 hooker, not treating them the same way.
You are a pervert.

Anyhow, Trump's idea was not to make the trade balance more fair to us. Trump's idea was to threaten to cause China to collapse by shutting off our market if they don't make Kim behave like Trump wants Kim to behave. Mutually assured destruction in an economic sense. All over Little Kim setting off test nukes.
What did he say? Can we get a link?
If they don't control Little Kim to Trump's liking: be very tough on trade: tax them or start cutting them off
"You'd have China collapse in two minutes". And in what universe would China collapsing be a good thing? Not the real one.
Trump: North Korea is China's problem to fix -
I understood what he was getting at. We are the world policeman and nation builders for nothing in return.
China does control that little prick lol. He is saying they should put a leash on their puppy or he would hurt their economy.
Anyhow, Trump's idea was not to make the trade balance more fair to us. Trump's idea was to threaten to cause China to collapse by shutting off our market if they don't make Kim behave like Trump wants Kim to behave. Mutually assured destruction in an economic sense. All over Little Kim setting off test nukes.

The way the Chinese markets are collapsing and they are scrambling to prevent it, Trump's plan is already happening without him lifting a finger....
Good thing Davros is smarter than a multi-millionaire businessman who has been working with and negotiating with other nations and corporations for decades and has vastly more experience than Davros... Maybe YOU ought to run for President, D!


Trump has negotiated with other nations?
Trump is an empty suit when it coms to foreign policy.

The report is necessarily very short, since there were almost no arguments or proposals in the speech to be described or judged one way or the other. He repeated various falsehoods about the nuclear deal, including the canard that Iran will be permitted to “self-inspect,” and made many of the same broad, unfounded assertions about the agreement that he made at the rally in Washington last week. Trump’s event was newsworthy mainly because he received the endorsement of the event’s organizers, the group called Veterans for a Strong America, and told us absolutely nothing useful about what he would in office or how he would propose to pay for any of it. It was nothing more than a string of fanciful assertions that various problems would be solved because Trump claims it will be so, and the assembled crowd ate it up. Trump is hardly the only candidate in the 2016 field with a poor grasp of foreign policy, but he is unusual in that he repeatedly advertises how little he knows and takes pride in his simplistic statements. There was nothing in the speech that suggested that Trump had made any effort to improve his understanding of the relevant issues that he’ll be asked about tomorrow night at the debate. The speech and the crowd’s reaction to it confirmed that the Trump phenomenon thrives on total indifference and even hostility to policy substance and specialized knowledge."
Trump’s Policy-Free “Foreign Policy” Speech
First he's going to make Mexico build a wall for us. But that wasn't enough, because now he's going to make China deal with little Kim. If not, he'll tax China imports, try to tank our bankers' economy, and henceforth create an epic worldwide depression.

This man is dangerously ignorant.

Anerica, don't be fools. Do not vote for this guy!!!

I think Trump is more pro worker than obama, and certainly than the clintons. Look at the latest obamaneuvre to stick it to the American worker. This isn't getting much press, much like obama's and his republican buddies' TransPacificPartnership, another nail in the coffin of Americans making decent wages.
Link below.

Obama admin quietly moves to increase work permits for foreign grads
First he's going to make Mexico build a wall for us. But that wasn't enough, because now he's going to make China deal with little Kim. If not, he'll tax China imports, try to tank our bankers' economy, and henceforth create an epic worldwide depression.

This man is dangerously ignorant.

Anerica, don't be fools. Do not vote for this guy!!!

I think Trump is more pro worker than obama, and certainly than the clintons. Look at the latest obamaneuvre to stick it to the American worker. This isn't getting much press, much like obama's and his republican buddies' TransPacificPartnership, another nail in the coffin of Americans making decent wages.
Link below.

Obama admin quietly moves to increase work permits for foreign grads

What has Trump done that is pro-worker?

Does he support collective bargaining? No
Does he support employer provided healthcare? No
Does he support increasing the minimum wage? No
Does he support a living wage? No

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