Trumps' Great Wall

The new GOOPer slogan: "Billions for a Wall, but not one cent for...anything else, like fixing the highways and dams and bridges or..."

Either that or Donny plans to fund his Great Big Wall by building casinos on the U.S. side, then filing for his fifth bankruptcy when they fail...

The government already appropriates more than enough money to maintain all our highways, dams and bridges.
So bripat, you are wrong about how 40% of illegal immigrants enter the country. But that's ok because 60% is still a barely passing grade.

Obviously you don't know what you meant by " close" the border so let's just talk about what would be most effective in limiting the number of people entering the country illegally.

More fences or walls, border monitoring equipment and guards is a fools errand. It would cost billions and could easily be circumvented but for far less we could broaden the use of the E-Verify system so that every employer would have to use it. This would exclude the vast majority of people here illegally from employment, which by the way is already illegal.

To refrain a favorite of the right "why don't we just enforce the laws already on the books?"

If people can't get jobs they will not come. This is the number one reason that illegal immigrants give as their reason for coming here.
The new GOOPer slogan: "Billions for a Wall, but not one cent for...anything else, like fixing the highways and dams and bridges or..."

Either that or Donny plans to fund his Great Big Wall by building casinos on the U.S. side, then filing for his fifth bankruptcy when they fail...

The government already appropriates more than enough money to maintain all our highways, dams and bridges.
Proof? Oh, you mean "appropriates" as in the states get money from the feds and it goes straight into state legislators' pockets. Gotcha.
So bripat, you are wrong about how 40% of illegal immigrants enter the country. But that's ok because 60% is still a barely passing grade.

Obviously you don't know what you meant by " close" the border so let's just talk about what would be most effective in limiting the number of people entering the country illegally.

More fences or walls, border monitoring equipment and guards is a fools errand. It would cost billions and could easily be circumvented but for far less we could broaden the use of the E-Verify system so that every employer would have to use it. This would exclude the vast majority of people here illegally from employment, which by the way is already illegal.

To refrain a favorite of the right "why don't we just enforce the laws already on the books?"

If people can't get jobs they will not come. This is the number one reason that illegal immigrants give as their reason for coming here.

I never used the term "close," so that claim is absurd on its face.

If fences or walls are so "expensive," then why did five European countries put them up to keep out those muzzie savages? Why did Israel build a wall around the West Bank? Why is Saudi Arabia building a double fence along its border with Iraq?

The beauty of a wall is that once it's up Democrat politicians can't make it disappear with the stroke of a pen on an Executive Order. If limiting illegal border crossings to zero required 50,000 personnel without a wall, it would require on 5,000 personnel with a wall.

The people who argue against the wall are all open-orders traitors who want to flood this country with illegals. That includes you.

We're building a wall, and we're also going to enforce E-verify, and we're also going to close all the sanctuary cities, so go suck on it.
The new GOOPer slogan: "Billions for a Wall, but not one cent for...anything else, like fixing the highways and dams and bridges or..."

Either that or Donny plans to fund his Great Big Wall by building casinos on the U.S. side, then filing for his fifth bankruptcy when they fail...

The government already appropriates more than enough money to maintain all our highways, dams and bridges.
Proof? Oh, you mean "appropriates" as in the states get money from the feds and it goes straight into state legislators' pockets. Gotcha.

That's their problem.
New Oxford dictionary
Adj. Obstinately convinced of the superiority or correctness do one's own opinions and prejudiced against those who hold different opinions: a bigoted group of reactionaries.
So bripat, you are wrong about how 40% of illegal immigrants enter the country. But that's ok because 60% is still a barely passing grade.

Obviously you don't know what you meant by " close" the border so let's just talk about what would be most effective in limiting the number of people entering the country illegally.

More fences or walls, border monitoring equipment and guards is a fools errand. It would cost billions and could easily be circumvented but for far less we could broaden the use of the E-Verify system so that every employer would have to use it. This would exclude the vast majority of people here illegally from employment, which by the way is already illegal.

To refrain a favorite of the right "why don't we just enforce the laws already on the books?"

If people can't get jobs they will not come. This is the number one reason that illegal immigrants give as their reason for coming here.

I never used the term "close," so that claim is absurd on its face.

If fences or walls are so "expensive," then why did five European countries put them up to keep out those muzzie savages? Why did Israel build a wall around the West Bank? Why is Saudi Arabia building a double fence along its border with Iraq?

The beauty of a wall is that once it's up Democrat politicians can't make it disappear with the stroke of a pen on an Executive Order. If limiting illegal border crossings to zero required 50,000 personnel without a wall, it would require on 5,000 personnel with a wall.

The people who argue against the wall are all open-orders traitors who want to flood this country with illegals. That includes you.

We're building a wall, and we're also going to enforce E-verify, and we're also going to close all the sanctuary cities, so go suck on it.

Well fair enough if you never said it, I apologize, I must have mixed you up with a different reactionary.
Regardless, you and Trump would waste untold billions building a wall which could easily be defeated. Why not just expand the EVerify system and see the results, if that doesn't do it we could still take on the monumental task of building an almost 2000 mile long wall.

I'll tell you the reason the EVerify hasn't been expanded, corporations oppose it. They argue it would cost too much, big surprise, but the truth is they love that cheap labor.

Honestly, your "go suck on it" comment makes you sound more like briBRAT than bripat. Is that your picture?
The new GOOPer slogan: "Billions for a Wall, but not one cent for...anything else, like fixing the highways and dams and bridges or..."

Either that or Donny plans to fund his Great Big Wall by building casinos on the U.S. side, then filing for his fifth bankruptcy when they fail...

The government already appropriates more than enough money to maintain all our highways, dams and bridges.
Proof? Oh, you mean "appropriates" as in the states get money from the feds and it goes straight into state legislators' pockets. Gotcha.

That's their problem.
So you're saying infrastructure in your state is fine? If I asked you to prove that would you be able to do so or would you just throw your usual fit?
So bripat, you are wrong about how 40% of illegal immigrants enter the country. But that's ok because 60% is still a barely passing grade.

Obviously you don't know what you meant by " close" the border so let's just talk about what would be most effective in limiting the number of people entering the country illegally.

More fences or walls, border monitoring equipment and guards is a fools errand. It would cost billions and could easily be circumvented but for far less we could broaden the use of the E-Verify system so that every employer would have to use it. This would exclude the vast majority of people here illegally from employment, which by the way is already illegal.

To refrain a favorite of the right "why don't we just enforce the laws already on the books?"

If people can't get jobs they will not come. This is the number one reason that illegal immigrants give as their reason for coming here.

I never used the term "close," so that claim is absurd on its face.

If fences or walls are so "expensive," then why did five European countries put them up to keep out those muzzie savages? Why did Israel build a wall around the West Bank? Why is Saudi Arabia building a double fence along its border with Iraq?

The beauty of a wall is that once it's up Democrat politicians can't make it disappear with the stroke of a pen on an Executive Order. If limiting illegal border crossings to zero required 50,000 personnel without a wall, it would require on 5,000 personnel with a wall.

The people who argue against the wall are all open-orders traitors who want to flood this country with illegals. That includes you.

We're building a wall, and we're also going to enforce E-verify, and we're also going to close all the sanctuary cities, so go suck on it.

Well fair enough if you never said it, I apologize, I must have mixed you up with a different reactionary.
Regardless, you and Trump would waste untold billions building a wall which could easily be defeated. Why not just expand the EVerify system and see the results, if that doesn't do it we could still take on the monumental task of building an almost 2000 mile long wall.

Money spent on the wall would be money well spent. it wouldn't cost anywhere near what open-borders traitors like you claim. The cost will probably be under $20 billion. When you consider the $120 billion that illegals cost this country every year is a bargain.

Relying on E-verify is obviously a scheme to expand the illegal alien population. By the time an illegals information is already entered into the E-verify system, they are already in the country, and we all know how your sleazy cronies whine about how much it costs to export illegals and how we can't allow them to "live in the shadows" and how we need to provide them a path to "citizenship." Anyone who proposes relying on E-verify is just another open-borders traitor scheming to flood this country with more illegals.

Go fuck yourself.

I'll tell you the reason the EVerify hasn't been expanded, corporations oppose it. They argue it would cost too much, big surprise, but the truth is they love that cheap labor.

You must be in the employ of big corporations because your kind has done everything possible to prevent it from being enforced.

Honestly, your "go suck on it" comment makes you sound more like briBRAT than bripat. Is that your picture?

It's appropriate for the audience.
While watching Hillary kick Gowdy and company's ass yesterday an interesting headline went across the crawl at the bottom of the screen, "Drug tunnel discovered under border from Mexico".

So Trump plans to build a multi billion dollar wall to keep people out. What is his plan to stop tunneling? For that matter what will he do to stop ladders. I'm pretty sure if we build a ten foot wall, somebody will get an eleven foot ladder!

I know these are hard questions for the simpletons who support Trump, but you better have a good answer because at some point the Big Bloviator will have to stand next to cool, calm and collected Hillary and answer.

He doesn't have to explain anything, trust him. The wall will be so huge and the best wall ever, and have doors, beautiful doors, trust him, and Mexico will pay for it though I'd guess they are going to want the Walmart version pricing rather than the Trump Tower version pricing and after its built the Chinese will say 'good wall', not 'great' because you know our wall is great.

Trump is a comlete sham. He talks to the public like he's talking to some dope he's trying to bully into a deal and he believes his own bullshit by now.

There is no wall that can't be breached, all you can do is slow the traffic. How simple minded people have to be to hear him say this shit and think he CAN do any of it. I mean jeezus h kriste.
Yeah, Trump, who wants to spend $15 billion on a wall, is a sham, but Bernie Sanders, who wants to spend $18 trillion on free college, free healthcare, free everything, . . . why, he's a brilliant!

Why is it that anything that the taxpayers of this country actually want is impossible, but promising all the ticks on the ass of society everything for free is good policy?

Probably best describes the dichotomy between progressives and conservatives. One wants to have college graduates and healthy people, the other wants to build a huge wall. And they will of course need engineers to build that wall that went to COLLEGE.
While watching Hillary kick Gowdy and company's ass yesterday an interesting headline went across the crawl at the bottom of the screen, "Drug tunnel discovered under border from Mexico".

So Trump plans to build a multi billion dollar wall to keep people out. What is his plan to stop tunneling? For that matter what will he do to stop ladders. I'm pretty sure if we build a ten foot wall, somebody will get an eleven foot ladder!

I know these are hard questions for the simpletons who support Trump, but you better have a good answer because at some point the Big Bloviator will have to stand next to cool, calm and collected Hillary and answer.

He doesn't have to explain anything, trust him. The wall will be so huge and the best wall ever, and have doors, beautiful doors, trust him, and Mexico will pay for it though I'd guess they are going to want the Walmart version pricing rather than the Trump Tower version pricing and after its built the Chinese will say 'good wall', not 'great' because you know our wall is great.

Trump is a comlete sham. He talks to the public like he's talking to some dope he's trying to bully into a deal and he believes his own bullshit by now.

There is no wall that can't be breached, all you can do is slow the traffic. How simple minded people have to be to hear him say this shit and think he CAN do any of it. I mean jeezus h kriste.
Yeah, Trump, who wants to spend $15 billion on a wall, is a sham, but Bernie Sanders, who wants to spend $18 trillion on free college, free healthcare, free everything, . . . why, he's a brilliant!

Why is it that anything that the taxpayers of this country actually want is impossible, but promising all the ticks on the ass of society everything for free is good policy?

Probably best describes the dichotomy between progressives and conservatives. One wants to have college graduates and healthy people, the other wants to build a huge wall. And they will of course need engineers to build that wall that went to COLLEGE.

Yep, progressives want free college and free healthcare for illegal aliens, and conservatives think Americans are more than capable of paying for their own college and their own healthcare if they aren't burdened with paying for a lot of freebies for illegal aliens.

The progressive can never explain how this country became the greatest military power in the world before there was free college and free healthcare, but he still insists that we can't survive without them.

You just pretty much admitted you want to open the flood gates to illegals and provide them with free benefits at our expense.

Do you actually think that's a winning agenda?
While watching Hillary kick Gowdy and company's ass yesterday an interesting headline went across the crawl at the bottom of the screen, "Drug tunnel discovered under border from Mexico".

So Trump plans to build a multi billion dollar wall to keep people out. What is his plan to stop tunneling? For that matter what will he do to stop ladders. I'm pretty sure if we build a ten foot wall, somebody will get an eleven foot ladder!

I know these are hard questions for the simpletons who support Trump, but you better have a good answer because at some point the Big Bloviator will have to stand next to cool, calm and collected Hillary and answer.

He doesn't have to explain anything, trust him. The wall will be so huge and the best wall ever, and have doors, beautiful doors, trust him, and Mexico will pay for it though I'd guess they are going to want the Walmart version pricing rather than the Trump Tower version pricing and after its built the Chinese will say 'good wall', not 'great' because you know our wall is great.

Trump is a comlete sham. He talks to the public like he's talking to some dope he's trying to bully into a deal and he believes his own bullshit by now.

There is no wall that can't be breached, all you can do is slow the traffic. How simple minded people have to be to hear him say this shit and think he CAN do any of it. I mean jeezus h kriste.
Yeah, Trump, who wants to spend $15 billion on a wall, is a sham, but Bernie Sanders, who wants to spend $18 trillion on free college, free healthcare, free everything, . . . why, he's a brilliant!

Why is it that anything that the taxpayers of this country actually want is impossible, but promising all the ticks on the ass of society everything for free is good policy?

Probably best describes the dichotomy between progressives and conservatives. One wants to have college graduates and healthy people, the other wants to build a huge wall. And they will of course need engineers to build that wall that went to COLLEGE.

Surveyors, engineers? Nah, they don't need that. All they'll need is cinder blocks, razor wire, and cheap labor. Wonder where they think they'll get the cheap labor?
While watching Hillary kick Gowdy and company's ass yesterday an interesting headline went across the crawl at the bottom of the screen, "Drug tunnel discovered under border from Mexico".

So Trump plans to build a multi billion dollar wall to keep people out. What is his plan to stop tunneling? For that matter what will he do to stop ladders. I'm pretty sure if we build a ten foot wall, somebody will get an eleven foot ladder!

I know these are hard questions for the simpletons who support Trump, but you better have a good answer because at some point the Big Bloviator will have to stand next to cool, calm and collected Hillary and answer.

He doesn't have to explain anything, trust him. The wall will be so huge and the best wall ever, and have doors, beautiful doors, trust him, and Mexico will pay for it though I'd guess they are going to want the Walmart version pricing rather than the Trump Tower version pricing and after its built the Chinese will say 'good wall', not 'great' because you know our wall is great.

Trump is a comlete sham. He talks to the public like he's talking to some dope he's trying to bully into a deal and he believes his own bullshit by now.

There is no wall that can't be breached, all you can do is slow the traffic. How simple minded people have to be to hear him say this shit and think he CAN do any of it. I mean jeezus h kriste.
Yeah, Trump, who wants to spend $15 billion on a wall, is a sham, but Bernie Sanders, who wants to spend $18 trillion on free college, free healthcare, free everything, . . . why, he's a brilliant!

Why is it that anything that the taxpayers of this country actually want is impossible, but promising all the ticks on the ass of society everything for free is good policy?

Probably best describes the dichotomy between progressives and conservatives. One wants to have college graduates and healthy people, the other wants to build a huge wall. And they will of course need engineers to build that wall that went to COLLEGE.

Surveyors, engineers? Nah, they don't need that. All they'll need is cinder blocks, razor wire, and cheap labor. Wonder where they think they'll get the cheap labor?

Actually it will probably be made from precast concrete. They can probably put up about 2 miles of that in a day.
The Great wall acts as a symbol. It means that this time USA WANTS AND WILL protect the borders. The Great wall is the first step, the second step is to kick all illegal immigrants out and the third step is to vote for harder laws about illegal immigration and punish those that give them jobs. So you have a factory and you hire illegal immigrants? You will go to prison and the state will take your house, your car and everything you own.

Or you can vote for Hillary and then all illegal immigrants will become legal and then 2 billion poor people from Africa and Asia will come too because they will think ''omg this fat cow Hillary gives us free papers. Why make 1 dollar every month when we can become rich in USA?'' And then after all these illegal immigrants your country will become a hell with sharia law.
While watching Hillary kick Gowdy and company's ass yesterday an interesting headline went across the crawl at the bottom of the screen, "Drug tunnel discovered under border from Mexico".

So Trump plans to build a multi billion dollar wall to keep people out. What is his plan to stop tunneling? For that matter what will he do to stop ladders. I'm pretty sure if we build a ten foot wall, somebody will get an eleven foot ladder!

I know these are hard questions for the simpletons who support Trump, but you better have a good answer because at some point the Big Bloviator will have to stand next to cool, calm and collected Hillary and answer.

He doesn't have to explain anything, trust him. The wall will be so huge and the best wall ever, and have doors, beautiful doors, trust him, and Mexico will pay for it though I'd guess they are going to want the Walmart version pricing rather than the Trump Tower version pricing and after its built the Chinese will say 'good wall', not 'great' because you know our wall is great.

Trump is a comlete sham. He talks to the public like he's talking to some dope he's trying to bully into a deal and he believes his own bullshit by now.

There is no wall that can't be breached, all you can do is slow the traffic. How simple minded people have to be to hear him say this shit and think he CAN do any of it. I mean jeezus h kriste.
Yeah, Trump, who wants to spend $15 billion on a wall, is a sham, but Bernie Sanders, who wants to spend $18 trillion on free college, free healthcare, free everything, . . . why, he's a brilliant!

Why is it that anything that the taxpayers of this country actually want is impossible, but promising all the ticks on the ass of society everything for free is good policy?

Probably best describes the dichotomy between progressives and conservatives. One wants to have college graduates and healthy people, the other wants to build a huge wall. And they will of course need engineers to build that wall that went to COLLEGE.

Surveyors, engineers? Nah, they don't need that. All they'll need is cinder blocks, razor wire, and cheap labor. Wonder where they think they'll get the cheap labor?

Actually it will probably be made from precast concrete. They can probably put up about 2 miles of that in a day.

Really, 10,000 feet a day? So in about three years we could build almost 2,000 miles of wall? If I remember you said it would have a height of fifty feet so that means it would need a footing of about 15 feet or more. A wall fifty feet high would need to be at least 2 feet thick possibly more depending on wind shear. So let's see we're going to be pouring 11,733 cubic yards of concrete per day just about 2600 concrete trucks per day!

You aught to stick to something you know about.
So after you have a wall, what prevents someone from blowing a hole through it with a stick of dynamite? Guard towers every mile with machine guns and bright lights?

Fortress America!

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