Trumps' Great Wall

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keep dodging...It's comical...and very revealing... :popcorn:

Why hasn't obama closed the border?

It's not a dodge but a question; what do you mean closed? No a single person comes across the border? How would you know?
When you say close the border, it implies it's open but I guarantee if you go to any border crossing you will find border guards and if you are not a citizen or have a visa you will not be let in. you want to talk about border crossing checkpoints....Here's a clue, son...the illegals aren't crossing at the checkpoints.

You're a funny little hyperpartisan, though..When it suits your argument you say the border is open because the "right" wants cheap labor...LMFAO...but when I ask why hasn't obama closed the border you pretend it's closed and no illegals are entering.

So..tell me..Why hasn't obama closed the border?
You mean prevented every single person from crossing the border? Is that what you mean?

Just answer my question, then we can move on with our discussion.

Understanding what someone means is a requirement and I will happily tell you what I think if I can ever get you to answer the question.

diversions and distractions aren't going to save you.
Why hasn't obama closed the border?
While watching Hillary kick Gowdy and company's ass yesterday an interesting headline went across the crawl at the bottom of the screen, "Drug tunnel discovered under border from Mexico".

So Trump plans to build a multi billion dollar wall to keep people out. What is his plan to stop tunneling? For that matter what will he do to stop ladders. I'm pretty sure if we build a ten foot wall, somebody will get an eleven foot ladder!

I know these are hard questions for the simpletons who support Trump, but you better have a good answer because at some point the Big Bloviator will have to stand next to cool, calm and collected Hillary and answer.

You're obviously an imbecile. Tunnels can be detected with microphones in the ground. The wall is going to be 40-50 foot tall and have guard towers every 1/4 mile. There would also probably be a chain link fence in front of it topped with razor wire. Government vehicles would patrol between the two barriers.

The chances of anyone getting passed it are indistinguishable from zero.
Define closed
keep dodging...It's comical...and very revealing... :popcorn:

Why hasn't obama closed the border?

It's not a dodge but a question; what do you mean closed? No a single person comes across the border? How would you know?
When you say close the border, it implies it's open but I guarantee if you go to any border crossing you will find border guards and if you are not a citizen or have a visa you will not be let in. you want to talk about border crossing checkpoints....Here's a clue, son...the illegals aren't crossing at the checkpoints.

You're a funny little hyperpartisan, though..When it suits your argument you say the border is open because the "right" wants cheap labor...LMFAO...but when I ask why hasn't obama closed the border you pretend it's closed and no illegals are entering.

So..tell me..Why hasn't obama closed the border?
You mean prevented every single person from crossing the border? Is that what you mean?

Just answer my question, then we can move on with our discussion.

Understanding what someone means is a requirement and I will happily tell you what I think if I can ever get you to answer the question.

Obama has opened the flood gates. That fact has been made quite plain.
A wall can have a foundation ya know. Quite deep if you so choose
You can't build a 50 foot deep foundation. And if you did, they would just dig a 60 foot deep tunnel.
You're correct of course so as every lib LIKE YOU seems to say. Let's just do nothing.
Nope, not nothing. But building a wall would be a monumental effort and would stand as a monument to stupidity.

The wall would cost far less than building Interstate 10 from San Antonio to San Diego.

Anyone who claims the wall would be "too expensive" is just an open borders asshole who will say anything to submerge this nation in a flood of illegal aliens.
A wall can have a foundation ya know. Quite deep if you so choose
You can't build a 50 foot deep foundation. And if you did, they would just dig a 60 foot deep tunnel.
You're correct of course so as every lib LIKE YOU seems to say. Let's just do nothing.
Please show where I said we should do nothing.

Dumbass. I just showed exactly what we could do. Your idea is a stupid one, mine is actually feasible.

In fact, some truck-mounted thermal imaging systems are being deployed on our border right now.

RIght, and the minute some Dim sleaze ball got elected those would disappear. The wall won't disappear.
The entire concept of a melting pot nation was doomed from the start
Bullshit. The nativists were making the same whining noises 150 years ago when we were a backwater nation. Did our country get more or less powerful? More or less great?

We rose to number one in the world.

Immigrants are our lifeblood.

150 years ago this country was mostly empty space, and people seldom travelled more than 10 miles from the place where they were born.

Only morons believe that what may have been OK 150 years is necessarily going to be good today.
First, if you want to solve illegal immigration you have to understand that the real problem is illegal employment. Prevent companies from employing people illegally and people will stop coming.

That's only one of the problems.
I don't believe anyone believes, or has said a wall is going to stop 100% percent of the flow of illegals. That would be ludicrous to believe, and shame on the OP for implying that anyone thinks so.

A wall would be helpful, but it would just be one method used in this battle.

Go after employers who hire them. Be aggressive, fine them completely out of business, put some of them in jail, make them scared shitless of hiring illegals.
You do this, and many of these people will go home once they realize they are not going to easily find jobs.

The same morons who whine that the wall wouldn't stop 100% of illegals also whined that we shouldn't build an anti-missile defence because it wouldn't stop 100% of incoming missiles. Just imagine where Israel would be today if it has swallowed that "logic?"
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A wall can have a foundation ya know. Quite deep if you so choose
You can't build a 50 foot deep foundation. And if you did, they would just dig a 60 foot deep tunnel.
You're correct of course so as every lib LIKE YOU seems to say. Let's just do nothing.
Nope, not nothing. But building a wall would be a monumental effort and would stand as a monument to stupidity.

That's YOUR opinion..not a fact.
The white house has a fence and guards to prevent intruders...Why is that?
Why shouldn't just anybody be able to wander in and out of the white house whenever they want?

Ask the israelis if they think they should tear down their border walls and open their border to anyone who wants to walk in?

Apparently countries in Europe know something our open borders traitors don't.

5 European Countries Have Built Border Fences to Keep Out Refugees
The entire concept of a melting pot nation was doomed from the start
Bullshit. The nativists were making the same whining noises 150 years ago when we were a backwater nation. Did our country get more or less powerful? More or less great?

We rose to number one in the world.

Immigrants are our lifeblood.
And there is the liberal. Poke that fake conservative enough and the ugliness is exposed
So you want to stop all immigration? Bonzi's post was clearly saying we should. At the very least, he was saying we should stop allowing immigrants from darkie countries. "Melting pot nation" is a nation that takes in immigrants from every culture.

That's an issue above and beyond the illegal immigration discussion.

I merely pointed out that our melting pot policy produced the greatest nation on Earth. And that's a fact.

So what exactly is your major malfunction, dumbass?

No, that isn't what produced the "greatest nation" on earth, whatever that means. Freedom is what makes this nation great. Importing a bunch of coolies from India doesn't do a thing for this country.
While watching Hillary kick Gowdy and company's ass yesterday an interesting headline went across the crawl at the bottom of the screen, "Drug tunnel discovered under border from Mexico".

So Trump plans to build a multi billion dollar wall to keep people out. What is his plan to stop tunneling? For that matter what will he do to stop ladders. I'm pretty sure if we build a ten foot wall, somebody will get an eleven foot ladder!

I know these are hard questions for the simpletons who support Trump, but you better have a good answer because at some point the Big Bloviator will have to stand next to cool, calm and collected Hillary and answer.
Don't worry the Donald is going to build 3000 foot high wall that's sunk down all the way down to the Earths mantel, just don't ask him for any specifics on how he's going to go about doing it or what it will cost, he's the great Donald the force is with him. :p
Thank you for finally admitting this is an anti-immigrant thing, not just an illegal immigrant thing.


Well, it was already obvious you and your ilk hate Mexicans.

Of course it's an anti immigrant thing. Why do we need more immigrants? They take American jobs and drive our wages down. Why would any rational person support that?

If 50 million Swedes came flooding into this country I would also be opposed to admitting more Swedes.
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While watching Hillary kick Gowdy and company's ass yesterday an interesting headline went across the crawl at the bottom of the screen, "Drug tunnel discovered under border from Mexico".

So Trump plans to build a multi billion dollar wall to keep people out. What is his plan to stop tunneling? For that matter what will he do to stop ladders. I'm pretty sure if we build a ten foot wall, somebody will get an eleven foot ladder!

I know these are hard questions for the simpletons who support Trump, but you better have a good answer because at some point the Big Bloviator will have to stand next to cool, calm and collected Hillary and answer.

He doesn't have to explain anything, trust him. The wall will be so huge and the best wall ever, and have doors, beautiful doors, trust him, and Mexico will pay for it though I'd guess they are going to want the Walmart version pricing rather than the Trump Tower version pricing and after its built the Chinese will say 'good wall', not 'great' because you know our wall is great.

Trump is a comlete sham. He talks to the public like he's talking to some dope he's trying to bully into a deal and he believes his own bullshit by now.

There is no wall that can't be breached, all you can do is slow the traffic. How simple minded people have to be to hear him say this shit and think he CAN do any of it. I mean jeezus h kriste.
While watching Hillary kick Gowdy and company's ass yesterday an interesting headline went across the crawl at the bottom of the screen, "Drug tunnel discovered under border from Mexico".

So Trump plans to build a multi billion dollar wall to keep people out. What is his plan to stop tunneling? For that matter what will he do to stop ladders. I'm pretty sure if we build a ten foot wall, somebody will get an eleven foot ladder!

I know these are hard questions for the simpletons who support Trump, but you better have a good answer because at some point the Big Bloviator will have to stand next to cool, calm and collected Hillary and answer.

He doesn't have to explain anything, trust him. The wall will be so huge and the best wall ever, and have doors, beautiful doors, trust him, and Mexico will pay for it though I'd guess they are going to want the Walmart version pricing rather than the Trump Tower version pricing and after its built the Chinese will say 'good wall', not 'great' because you know our wall is great.

Trump is a comlete sham. He talks to the public like he's talking to some dope he's trying to bully into a deal and he believes his own bullshit by now.

There is no wall that can't be breached, all you can do is slow the traffic. How simple minded people have to be to hear him say this shit and think he CAN do any of it. I mean jeezus h kriste.
Yeah, Trump, who wants to spend $15 billion on a wall, is a sham, but Bernie Sanders, who wants to spend $18 trillion on free college, free healthcare, free everything, . . . why, he's a brilliant!

Why is it that anything that the taxpayers of this country actually want is impossible, but promising all the ticks on the ass of society everything for free is good policy?
The right will never make it more difficult to hire illegal immigrants 'cause they loooove that cheap labor.

Which by the way drives down the wage base for American workers.

Hmmm...........the Democrats are deeply in love with the same, amiright?

Corporate Dems maybe but it's in the blood of righties to drive down wages, that's the easy way to push profits up.

why is the border still open, then?
Why hasn't obama closed the border?

You are factually wrong, the border is not open. There are more guards on duty than ever before.
As I pointed out, a wall will not close the border. It's a simpletons argument. How about tunneling under or getting a taller ladder.

To stop illegal immigration we must stop illegal employment. More effective and way less expensive.

Dims have done everything possible to stop that as well.

Who do you think you're fooling? It's easier to stop them at the border than before they get into the country.

Get this: the Dim candidates want to give free healthcare and free education to illegal immigrants, and you morons call Trump's plan impractical!
Five years ago, legislation was passed to build a 700-mile double-layer border fence along the southwest border," DeMint wrote. "This is a promise that has not been kept. Today, according to staff at the Department of Homeland Security, just 5 percent of the double-layer fencing is complete, only 36.3 miles."

So what gives? Is the border fence "now basically complete" or not?

Not to go all Clinton on you, but it largely depends on how you define "fence."

You need to go back to the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which was passed by a Republican Congress and signed by President George W. Bush. It authorized the construction of hundreds of miles of additional fencing along the border with Mexico. The act specified "at least two layers of reinforced fencing."

But the law was quietly altered in a significant way the following year.

Responding to urging from the Department of Homeland Security -- which argued that different border terrains required different types of fencing, that a one-size-fits-all approach across the entire border didn't make sense -- Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, proposed an amendment to give DHS the discretion to decide what type of fence was appropriate in different areas. The law was amended to read, "nothing in this paragraph shall require the Secretary of Homeland Security to install fencing, physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras, and sensors in a particular location along an international border of the United States, if the Secretary determines that the use or placement of such resources is not the most appropriate means to achieve and maintain operational control over the international border at such location."

In other words, Border Patrol would have the leeway to decide which type of fencing was appropriate in various regions.

The amendment was included in a federal budget bill in late 2007 despite being condemned by legislators such as Reps. Peter King, R-N.Y., and Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., who argued the amendment effectively killed the border fence promised in the 2006 bill.

Obama says the border fence is 'now basically complete'

Define closed
keep dodging...It's comical...and very revealing... :popcorn:

Why hasn't obama closed the border?

It's not a dodge but a question; what do you mean closed? No a single person comes across the border? How would you know?
When you say close the border, it implies it's open but I guarantee if you go to any border crossing you will find border guards and if you are not a citizen or have a visa you will not be let in.

illegals don't enter the country through the legal crossing points, numskull.
The entire concept of a melting pot nation was doomed from the start
Bullshit. The nativists were making the same whining noises 150 years ago when we were a backwater nation. Did our country get more or less powerful? More or less great?

We rose to number one in the world.

Immigrants are our lifeblood.
And there is the liberal. Poke that fake conservative enough and the ugliness is exposed
So you want to stop all immigration? Bonzi's post was clearly saying we should. At the very least, he was saying we should stop allowing immigrants from darkie countries. "Melting pot nation" is a nation that takes in immigrants from every culture.

That's an issue above and beyond the illegal immigration discussion.

I merely pointed out that our melting pot policy produced the greatest nation on Earth. And that's a fact.

So what exactly is your major malfunction, dumbass?

No, that isn't what produced the "greatest nation" on earth, whatever that means. Freedom is what makes this nation great. Importing a bunch of coolies from India doesn't do a thing for this country.

Proving again you understand nothing about this great nation you hate so much.
Thank you for finally admitting this is an anti-immigrant thing, not just an illegal immigrant thing.


Well, it was already obvious you and your ilk hate Mexicans.

Of course it's an anti immigrant thing. Why do we need more immigrants? They take American jobs and drive our wages down. Why would any rational person support that?.....

This message brought to you by the 1840s and generations of inbreeding.

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