Trumps' Great Wall

A wall can have a foundation ya know. Quite deep if you so choose
You can't build a 50 foot deep foundation. And if you did, they would just dig a 60 foot deep tunnel.
You're correct of course so as every lib LIKE YOU seems to say. Let's just do nothing.
Please show where I said we should do nothing.

Dumbass. I just showed exactly what we could do. Your idea is a stupid one, mine is actually feasible.

In fact, some truck-mounted thermal imaging systems are being deployed on our border right now.
Unlike you I don't want to WATCH them cross the border, I want them stopped.
And I'm sorry but the tried & true "nanananabooboo your stupid" tactic won't win you this argument.
I don't believe anyone believes, or has said a wall is going to stop 100% percent of the flow of illegals. That would be ludicrous to believe, and shame on the OP for implying that anyone thinks so.

A wall would be helpful, but it would just be one method used in this battle.

Go after employers who hire them. Be aggressive, fine them completely out of business, put some of them in jail, make them scared shitless of hiring illegals.
You do this, and many of these people will go home once they realize they are not going to easily find jobs.
The entire concept of a melting pot nation was doomed from the start
Bullshit. The nativists were making the same whining noises 150 years ago when we were a backwater nation. Did our country get more or less powerful? More or less great?

We rose to number one in the world.

Immigrants are our lifeblood.
Horse shit! They are for the greater part, leeches who drain the lifeblood from our nation. Not to mention our coffers...
A single operator of a thermal imaging system can cover a wide area. Then, when targets are detected, he can direct ground forces to intercept them.

This is exactly how the Army's RAID system works, and it is easily transferable to border protection. In fact, that is exactly what is happening. Our military experience is being put to work for domestic protection of our borders.

We have an electronic wall that is way better than brick and mortar walls.
A wall can have a foundation ya know. Quite deep if you so choose
You can't build a 50 foot deep foundation. And if you did, they would just dig a 60 foot deep tunnel.
You're correct of course so as every lib LIKE YOU seems to say. Let's just do nothing.
Please show where I said we should do nothing.

Dumbass. I just showed exactly what we could do.
You offered nothing but ignorance in your response to me.

You clearly have not read the rest of my posts, willfully blind monkey.
I clearly don't give a shit what you post. You're a fucking fraud. Masquerading around as a conservative when anyone with a brain can clearly see you're not one. Your opinions are worthless to me.
You wanna spend billions on high tech WATCHING devices so you can see your future voting companions flood our nation. Without a deterrent such as a wall or many many more boots on the ground your ideas are in fact a joke & a waste of money.

As stated earlier....fuck off hack
A wall can have a foundation ya know. Quite deep if you so choose
You can't build a 50 foot deep foundation. And if you did, they would just dig a 60 foot deep tunnel.
You're correct of course so as every lib LIKE YOU seems to say. Let's just do nothing.
Nope, not nothing. But building a wall would be a monumental effort and would stand as a monument to stupidity.

That's YOUR opinion..not a fact.
The white house has a fence and guards to prevent intruders...Why is that?
Why shouldn't just anybody be able to wander in and out of the white house whenever they want?

Ask the israelis if they think they should tear down their border walls and open their border to anyone who wants to walk in?
First, if you want to solve illegal immigration you have to understand that the real problem is illegal employment. Prevent companies from employing people illegally and people will stop coming.

Why hasn't obama acted on that?

too late at this point, anyway...
Close the border.
Deport. All. Illegals.
The entire concept of a melting pot nation was doomed from the start
Bullshit. The nativists were making the same whining noises 150 years ago when we were a backwater nation. Did our country get more or less powerful? More or less great?

We rose to number one in the world.

Immigrants are our lifeblood.
And there is the liberal. Poke that fake conservative enough and the ugliness is exposed
A wall can have a foundation ya know. Quite deep if you so choose
You can't build a 50 foot deep foundation. And if you did, they would just dig a 60 foot deep tunnel.
You're correct of course so as every lib LIKE YOU seems to say. Let's just do nothing.
Please show where I said we should do nothing.

Dumbass. I just showed exactly what we could do. Your idea is a stupid one, mine is actually feasible.

In fact, some truck-mounted thermal imaging systems are being deployed on our border right now.
Unlike you I don't want to WATCH them cross the border, I want them stopped.

Why are you being so willfully stupid?

They aren't just watched. They are intercepted.
The entire concept of a melting pot nation was doomed from the start
Bullshit. The nativists were making the same whining noises 150 years ago when we were a backwater nation. Did our country get more or less powerful? More or less great?

We rose to number one in the world.

Immigrants are our lifeblood.
And there is the liberal. Poke that fake conservative enough and the ugliness is exposed
So you want to stop all immigration? Bonzi's post was clearly saying we should. At the very least, he was saying we should stop allowing immigrants from darkie countries. "Melting pot nation" is a nation that takes in immigrants from every culture.

That's an issue above and beyond the illegal immigration discussion.

I merely pointed out that our melting pot policy produced the greatest nation on Earth. And that's a fact.

So what exactly is your major malfunction, dumbass?
A wall can have a foundation ya know. Quite deep if you so choose
You can't build a 50 foot deep foundation. And if you did, they would just dig a 60 foot deep tunnel.
You're correct of course so as every lib LIKE YOU seems to say. Let's just do nothing.
Please show where I said we should do nothing.

Dumbass. I just showed exactly what we could do. Your idea is a stupid one, mine is actually feasible.

In fact, some truck-mounted thermal imaging systems are being deployed on our border right now.
Unlike you I don't want to WATCH them cross the border, I want them stopped.

Why are you being so willfully stupid?

They aren't just watched. They are intercepted.
Our illegal alien population dictates that YOU are the only willfully ignorant jackass in this debate
I don't believe anyone believes, or has said a wall is going to stop 100% percent of the flow of illegals. That would be ludicrous to believe, and shame on the OP for implying that anyone thinks so.

A wall would be helpful, but it would just be one method used in this battle.

Go after employers who hire them. Be aggressive, fine them completely out of business, put some of them in jail, make them scared shitless of hiring illegals.
You do this, and many of these people will go home once they realize they are not going to easily find jobs.

That's too passive.
We need to be proactive about it...not wait and let THEM decide if/when they "want" to leave.
Close the border.
Deport. All. Illegals.
...and simultaneously make a zero tolerance law against hiring illegals.
A wall can have a foundation ya know. Quite deep if you so choose
You can't build a 50 foot deep foundation. And if you did, they would just dig a 60 foot deep tunnel.
You're correct of course so as every lib LIKE YOU seems to say. Let's just do nothing.
Nope, not nothing. But building a wall would be a monumental effort and would stand as a monument to stupidity.

But building a wall would be a monumental effort and would stand as a monument to stupidity

As large as the monumental stupidity allowing more criminals to invade our country?
The entire concept of a melting pot nation was doomed from the start
Bullshit. The nativists were making the same whining noises 150 years ago when we were a backwater nation. Did our country get more or less powerful? More or less great?

We rose to number one in the world.

Immigrants are our lifeblood.
And there is the liberal. Poke that fake conservative enough and the ugliness is exposed
So you want to stop all immigration? Bonzi's post was clearly saying we should. At the very least, he was saying we should stop allowing immigrants from darkie countries. "Melting pot nation" is a nation that takes in immigrants from every culture.

That's an issue above and beyond the illegal immigration discussion.

And more liberal tactics.

Look at all that nonsense you just ascribed to me lol

Hack is a hack is a hack
The entire concept of a melting pot nation was doomed from the start
Bullshit. The nativists were making the same whining noises 150 years ago when we were a backwater nation. Did our country get more or less powerful? More or less great?

We rose to number one in the world.

Immigrants are our lifeblood.
And there is the liberal. Poke that fake conservative enough and the ugliness is exposed
So you want to stop all immigration? Bonzi's post was clearly saying we should. At the very least, he was saying we should stop allowing immigrants from darkie countries. "Melting pot nation" is a nation that takes in immigrants from every culture.

That's an issue above and beyond the illegal immigration discussion.

I merely pointed out that our melting pot policy produced the greatest nation on Earth. And that's a fact.

So what exactly is your major malfunction, dumbass?
It's not a melting pot anymore. Hasn't been for decades. The only melting going on now is our budgets & jail space.

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