Trump's hopes fade in Wisconsin as 'greatest economy' boast unravels

Really? It wasn't Trump who initiated a statewide lockdown, it was my useless Democrat Governor, Tony Evers. The guy has been nothing short of a disaster for this state. The previous Governor Scott Walker had set up a good deal with Foxcon that would have brought jobs and tax revenue. But once Evers was elected, they pulled out because of the taxes and regulations he was going to levy against them.

Evers was also the state school superintendent before he was elected and since he was elected, the state has dropped from a top 10 state in elementary reading to 30th in the nation.
And he's a bookend to the incompetent boob running the stater next door...Two career educrats, who who wouldn't know a balance sheet if they were hit over the head with it.
As usual a thoughtful piece is too nuanced for trumpers to be able to discuss.
What's to discuss???

The Governor locked the state down, and fucked up their economy...

Elections have consequences...
Did you hear about the virus thingy? Covid 19 has consequences far worse than waiters and bartenders being out of work.
The consequences have been made even worse by bungling dullards like Tony Evers.
As usual a thoughtful piece is too nuanced for trumpers to be able to discuss.
What's to discuss???

The Governor locked the state down, and fucked up their economy...

Elections have consequences...
Did you hear about the virus thingy? Covid 19 has consequences far worse than waiters and bartenders being out of work.
The consequences have been made even worse by bungling dullards like Tony Evers.

And even far worse for shitholes like Milwaukee and Madison, both of which are ran by idiot Democrats. My county has had only four deaths throughout the entire pandemic. All of which were in one nursing home.

I've asked employees of both the Walmart and Kwik-Trip stores here in town, "Just how many store employees have actually contacted coronavirus? The answer was "None. Not a single one." Employees in both stores come in contact with thousands of people from many counties and handle money all day long. And not one single employee has been infected. The employees of both stores are mandated to wear masks, which don't really protect the wearer, and many customers are ignoring the statewide mask mandate my shithead governor put into effect. If the Communist Chinese Murder Virus was such a serious threat, why aren't high-contact people like store employees being decimated?
It's hard to imagine what the world must look like seen exclusively through the key hole view that is The Guardian.

Especially as seen by an ignorant Brit who knows absolutely nothing whatsoever that is true or relevant about what really goes on here in the United States, and who is solidly locked into the same failed and degenerate ideology against which the great men who founded this country rebelled in order to do so.

I guess it helps Tainted Tommy to be more at peace with how severely fucked-up his own country is, to believe the propaganda available to him there that suggests that the United States is similarly fucked-up.

Kind of reminds me of the story about when Boris Yeltsin visited the United States; and didn't realize just how fucked up the Союз Советских Социалистических Республик was until he saw the abundance and variety of common goods available in a common supermarket to common Americans, far greater than what was available to even the highest officials in his own government.

One wonders if Tainted Tommy might have a similar awakening if he were to see this country firsthand rather than reading about it through a limited set of left wrong-wing lies and propaganda sources.

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