Trump's Impeachment Defense Is The Same As Nixon's

Trump's Impeachment Defense Is The Same As Nixon's

The only possible similarity here is that this time, Schiff resigns from office, takes his monkey Nadler with him and the two of them open up a peanut selling and musical monkey street vending gig.








In the spirit of Richard Nixon and his belief that if a president does it, it can't be illegal; once again, another president makes the argument that a president is a king, accountable to no one. Except maybe an election every 4 years -- but even that is shaky because that president can simply skip the elections if he or she feels it's in the public interest...according to one impeachment defense, if Putin decides he wants Alaska back and the president thinks it in the public interest, he can just do it.....Why do conservatives/republicans keep making these bullshit arguments??

"I think I’m the greatest president that ever was, and if I’m not elected, the national interest will suffer greatly.’ That cannot be an impeachable offense,” Trump’s defense argued. 'Every public official I know believes that his election is in the public interest. And mostly you’re right,” he said. “Your election is in the public interest. And if a president does something which he believes will help him get elected in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment.”

I really hope these sycophantic Trumpers keep this same energy the minute someone that isn't their cult leader feels they can do the same thing....Something tells me they won't -- and the excuse of "It's ok to do it if it triggers the conservatives" wouldn't be a sufficient enough defense...because every Trumper defends every Trump fuck up by saying "Tee-hee, it's OK if it triggers the libs..tee-ee" -- oh really?? Cool...

When some GOP senators were asked to comment on this new Trump defense that would only make Dick Cheney and Richard Nixon blush -- they all tried to dodge the point. Senator Tim Scott said that Dershowitz was just being philosophical -- saying “He said ‘a president,’ not President Trump. I think he was talking about a philosophical perspective.” Tim Scott should be embarrassed.....

So with all of the Trumper freakout over Russian collusion and all of their denials -- their cult leader is basically saying that not only will he collude with Russia, Iran or any other foreign country that he thinks will help him win, but since he believes its in the best interest of the country -- there is nothing anyone can do about it -- are you really willing to give that power to future presidents or in your narcissistic delusions, do you think Trump will be president forever -- because why not? -- and no, there is no both sides do it -- so before you pull Obama, Hillary or anyone else out your ass, don't....this is your cult leader making this dumb ass argument, no one else...

I hope there aren't any NFL fans out there -- I hope you don't mind if the 49'ers decide to cheat because they feel its in the public interest that they win the Super Bowl -- so if they gotta cheat to do it, so be it...I believe you morons would demand more accountability from a fucking sports team cheating to win than you would the president of the US....

your TDS is so bad youre to fucking stupid to know nixon didnt put up a defense because he resigned,,,,
The House agreed to 3 articles of impeachment you moron....the reason he resigned was because his efforts to block EVIDENCE failed and when it came out..he resigned...

But before that point -- dic sucking republicans like you were still saying he did nothing wrong -- just like now..

If Nixon had Fox News back then, he wouldn't have to resign -- and if he had the level of sycophants in the Senate that we have now -- he wouldn't have been convicted in the Senate...

Which is why Roger Ailes (who was Nixon's political consultant) created Fox was in direct reaction to Watergate and he was right, because it has morons like you making yourselves look stupid once again...

Why Fox News was created

Now refute a single word I said or shut the fuk up....
Again...refute one single thing I said or shut the fuck up....

Roger Ailes’ Secret Nixon-Era Blueprint For Fox News Revealed

Report: Roger Ailes Started Planning Fox News While Working for Nixon
Nixon was impeached over an actual crime big difference.

Actually Nixon left office and never was impeached...

As for Trump Impeachment, well this will be studied and historians will note it was political as hell...
True but they were looking at an actual crime with him with Trump it has been let’s throw everything we can against the wall and hope something sticks.

Actually Trump call was wrong and in my opinion he ( Trump ) should have been censured for it and not Impeached and I know you will disagree but had it been Obama I would be saying the same thing.

I will admit Democrats and their voting base have been gunning for Trump for three plus years and believe me they are not done not by a country mile.

Democrats will regroup and focus on the 2020 election and hope the MSM will spin their talking points as McConnell covered for Trump and Trump will steal the November Election...

That way the Democrats can claim why they did not win in November is because Russia and Trump stole the election...

Watch, and see how the left lose their shit if Trump win, win the Popular Vote and win a Electoral College landslide victory...
Actually I do agree I don’t consider Trumps call perfect neither does it rise to an impeachment level action and censure would have been an appropriate response. By the way if this had been an Obama phone call or any other Democrat I would feel the same way impeachment is not something to be used in a trivial manner.


You dumb asses still claim Obama is the most corrupt blah blah blah in US history...yet he is the only guy in over 50 years to go 8 years without a single indictment....Trump couldn't go 8 minutes without 80 indictments and you telling me you would have thought the same about Obama if he felt he could enlist a foreign nation to run a smear campaign against an opponent?


Who ever said Obama was the most corrupt?

Can you please link that poster with their exact words stating Obama was the most corrupt and not just your opinion?

I know you will never do this and why?

Because you are a homophobic sniveling coward but still prove me wrong...

As for the most corrupt?

I thought you cowards said that it was Bush?

Wasn't Bush the next Hitler that would become a dictator, so how can we have a President Trump?
Nixon was impeached over an actual crime big difference.

Actually Nixon left office and never was impeached...

As for Trump Impeachment, well this will be studied and historians will note it was political as hell...
True but they were looking at an actual crime with him with Trump it has been let’s throw everything we can against the wall and hope something sticks.
The only difference is that Trump is going to get away with this because he has a lockstep majority in the Senate

Which indicates the political foundation of the Democrats' nonsensical script. There's nothing there. No crime whatsoever.
You're right, there's no law against regular people holding up military aid to an ally in a war in order to get an announcement that a rival is being investigated. Just as there is no law against rich people sleeping under bridges. Thanks for the idiotic argument.

Actually the last part about rich people sleeping under bridges not being against the law depend on the Local and State laws...

Yes, some cities, towns, counties and even states have laws where you can and can not sleep and the Police can push you off the land and even one night you in their jail...
Actually Nixon left office and never was impeached...

As for Trump Impeachment, well this will be studied and historians will note it was political as hell...
True but they were looking at an actual crime with him with Trump it has been let’s throw everything we can against the wall and hope something sticks.

Actually Trump call was wrong and in my opinion he ( Trump ) should have been censured for it and not Impeached and I know you will disagree but had it been Obama I would be saying the same thing.

I will admit Democrats and their voting base have been gunning for Trump for three plus years and believe me they are not done not by a country mile.

Democrats will regroup and focus on the 2020 election and hope the MSM will spin their talking points as McConnell covered for Trump and Trump will steal the November Election...

That way the Democrats can claim why they did not win in November is because Russia and Trump stole the election...

Watch, and see how the left lose their shit if Trump win, win the Popular Vote and win a Electoral College landslide victory...
Actually I do agree I don’t consider Trumps call perfect neither does it rise to an impeachment level action and censure would have been an appropriate response. By the way if this had been an Obama phone call or any other Democrat I would feel the same way impeachment is not something to be used in a trivial manner.


You dumb asses still claim Obama is the most corrupt blah blah blah in US history...yet he is the only guy in over 50 years to go 8 years without a single indictment....Trump couldn't go 8 minutes without 80 indictments and you telling me you would have thought the same about Obama if he felt he could enlist a foreign nation to run a smear campaign against an opponent?


Who ever said Obama was the most corrupt?

Can you please link that poster with their exact words stating Obama was the most corrupt and not just your opinion?

I know you will never do this and why?

Because you are a homophobic sniveling coward but still prove me wrong...

As for the most corrupt?

I thought you cowards said that it was Bush?

Wasn't Bush the next Hitler that would become a dictator, so how can we have a President Trump?
BAwhahahahahahahahahah @whoever said Obama is the most corrupt..

Folks like you love to pretend they don't see idiotic trumpers on this very messageboard over and over again go on and on about how Obama was the most corrupt (AND RACIST) president in history....

And not one time do I see your stupid ass saying "Well, that is not true"

So please spare me the BS
Actually Nixon left office and never was impeached...

As for Trump Impeachment, well this will be studied and historians will note it was political as hell...
True but they were looking at an actual crime with him with Trump it has been let’s throw everything we can against the wall and hope something sticks.

Actually Trump call was wrong and in my opinion he ( Trump ) should have been censured for it and not Impeached and I know you will disagree but had it been Obama I would be saying the same thing.

I will admit Democrats and their voting base have been gunning for Trump for three plus years and believe me they are not done not by a country mile.

Democrats will regroup and focus on the 2020 election and hope the MSM will spin their talking points as McConnell covered for Trump and Trump will steal the November Election...

That way the Democrats can claim why they did not win in November is because Russia and Trump stole the election...

Watch, and see how the left lose their shit if Trump win, win the Popular Vote and win a Electoral College landslide victory...
Actually I do agree I don’t consider Trumps call perfect neither does it rise to an impeachment level action and censure would have been an appropriate response. By the way if this had been an Obama phone call or any other Democrat I would feel the same way impeachment is not something to be used in a trivial manner.


You dumb asses still claim Obama is the most corrupt blah blah blah in US history...yet he is the only guy in over 50 years to go 8 years without a single indictment....Trump couldn't go 8 minutes without 80 indictments and you telling me you would have thought the same about Obama if he felt he could enlist a foreign nation to run a smear campaign against an opponent?


Who ever said Obama was the most corrupt?

Can you please link that poster with their exact words stating Obama was the most corrupt and not just your opinion?

I know you will never do this and why?

Because you are a homophobic sniveling coward but still prove me wrong...

As for the most corrupt?

I thought you cowards said that it was Bush?

Wasn't Bush the next Hitler that would become a dictator, so how can we have a President Trump?
By the way, I didn't vote for Bush -- but yes, I do believe Bush was among the most incompetent, corrupt and dangerously destructive presidents we ever had...

But I also know that it was Bush who had the same type of cult following that Trump was Bush who made popular the concept of "if you are against what the president wants, you are against America" -- and it is you trumper sycophants who do that today....

it was bush who advocated the idea that a president is above the law...

Because the minute anyone opposes getting deeper involved in the middle East -- it is Trumpers who would call anyone who opposes it -- a traitor and on the side of terrorists....

The only time you dic suckers pretended to be against getting deeper into the middle east was when Obama was president.....but people like me have been against before Obama....
True but they were looking at an actual crime with him with Trump it has been let’s throw everything we can against the wall and hope something sticks.

Actually Trump call was wrong and in my opinion he ( Trump ) should have been censured for it and not Impeached and I know you will disagree but had it been Obama I would be saying the same thing.

I will admit Democrats and their voting base have been gunning for Trump for three plus years and believe me they are not done not by a country mile.

Democrats will regroup and focus on the 2020 election and hope the MSM will spin their talking points as McConnell covered for Trump and Trump will steal the November Election...

That way the Democrats can claim why they did not win in November is because Russia and Trump stole the election...

Watch, and see how the left lose their shit if Trump win, win the Popular Vote and win a Electoral College landslide victory...
Actually I do agree I don’t consider Trumps call perfect neither does it rise to an impeachment level action and censure would have been an appropriate response. By the way if this had been an Obama phone call or any other Democrat I would feel the same way impeachment is not something to be used in a trivial manner.


You dumb asses still claim Obama is the most corrupt blah blah blah in US history...yet he is the only guy in over 50 years to go 8 years without a single indictment....Trump couldn't go 8 minutes without 80 indictments and you telling me you would have thought the same about Obama if he felt he could enlist a foreign nation to run a smear campaign against an opponent?


Who ever said Obama was the most corrupt?

Can you please link that poster with their exact words stating Obama was the most corrupt and not just your opinion?

I know you will never do this and why?

Because you are a homophobic sniveling coward but still prove me wrong...

As for the most corrupt?

I thought you cowards said that it was Bush?

Wasn't Bush the next Hitler that would become a dictator, so how can we have a President Trump?
BAwhahahahahahahahahah @whoever said Obama is the most corrupt..

Folks like you love to pretend they don't see idiotic trumpers on this very messageboard over and over again go on and on about how Obama was the most corrupt (AND RACIST) president in history....

And not one time do I see your stupid ass saying "Well, that is not true"

So please spare me the BS

Please provide a link seeing there are so many or are you making shit up again?

Feel free and the Op'er or poster must state the most corrupt in the History of America or will you keep on lying as you usually do?

Also asshole I have many comments defending Obama and his kids, so now I will demand you to prove I do not speak up in defense of Obama!
True but they were looking at an actual crime with him with Trump it has been let’s throw everything we can against the wall and hope something sticks.

Actually Trump call was wrong and in my opinion he ( Trump ) should have been censured for it and not Impeached and I know you will disagree but had it been Obama I would be saying the same thing.

I will admit Democrats and their voting base have been gunning for Trump for three plus years and believe me they are not done not by a country mile.

Democrats will regroup and focus on the 2020 election and hope the MSM will spin their talking points as McConnell covered for Trump and Trump will steal the November Election...

That way the Democrats can claim why they did not win in November is because Russia and Trump stole the election...

Watch, and see how the left lose their shit if Trump win, win the Popular Vote and win a Electoral College landslide victory...
Actually I do agree I don’t consider Trumps call perfect neither does it rise to an impeachment level action and censure would have been an appropriate response. By the way if this had been an Obama phone call or any other Democrat I would feel the same way impeachment is not something to be used in a trivial manner.


You dumb asses still claim Obama is the most corrupt blah blah blah in US history...yet he is the only guy in over 50 years to go 8 years without a single indictment....Trump couldn't go 8 minutes without 80 indictments and you telling me you would have thought the same about Obama if he felt he could enlist a foreign nation to run a smear campaign against an opponent?


Who ever said Obama was the most corrupt?

Can you please link that poster with their exact words stating Obama was the most corrupt and not just your opinion?

I know you will never do this and why?

Because you are a homophobic sniveling coward but still prove me wrong...

As for the most corrupt?

I thought you cowards said that it was Bush?

Wasn't Bush the next Hitler that would become a dictator, so how can we have a President Trump?
By the way, I didn't vote for Bush -- but yes, I do believe Bush was among the most incompetent, corrupt and dangerously destructive presidents we ever had...

But I also know that it was Bush who had the same type of cult following that Trump was Bush who made popular the concept of "if you are against what the president wants, you are against America" -- and it is you trumper sycophants who do that today....

it was bush who advocated the idea that a president is above the law...

Because the minute anyone opposes getting deeper involved in the middle East -- it is Trumpers who would call anyone who opposes it -- a traitor and on the side of terrorists....

The only time you dic suckers pretended to be against getting deeper into the middle east was when Obama was president.....but people like me have been against before Obama....

It is what I do you you lying piece of trash?

Prove it boy!

Come on and prove your words to be true!

If you can not provide one fucking detail word of me being a Trump voter or supporter then admit you are a lying ass BOY!
True but they were looking at an actual crime with him with Trump it has been let’s throw everything we can against the wall and hope something sticks.

Actually Trump call was wrong and in my opinion he ( Trump ) should have been censured for it and not Impeached and I know you will disagree but had it been Obama I would be saying the same thing.

I will admit Democrats and their voting base have been gunning for Trump for three plus years and believe me they are not done not by a country mile.

Democrats will regroup and focus on the 2020 election and hope the MSM will spin their talking points as McConnell covered for Trump and Trump will steal the November Election...

That way the Democrats can claim why they did not win in November is because Russia and Trump stole the election...

Watch, and see how the left lose their shit if Trump win, win the Popular Vote and win a Electoral College landslide victory...
Actually I do agree I don’t consider Trumps call perfect neither does it rise to an impeachment level action and censure would have been an appropriate response. By the way if this had been an Obama phone call or any other Democrat I would feel the same way impeachment is not something to be used in a trivial manner.


You dumb asses still claim Obama is the most corrupt blah blah blah in US history...yet he is the only guy in over 50 years to go 8 years without a single indictment....Trump couldn't go 8 minutes without 80 indictments and you telling me you would have thought the same about Obama if he felt he could enlist a foreign nation to run a smear campaign against an opponent?


Who ever said Obama was the most corrupt?

Can you please link that poster with their exact words stating Obama was the most corrupt and not just your opinion?

I know you will never do this and why?

Because you are a homophobic sniveling coward but still prove me wrong...

As for the most corrupt?

I thought you cowards said that it was Bush?

Wasn't Bush the next Hitler that would become a dictator, so how can we have a President Trump?
By the way, I didn't vote for Bush -- but yes, I do believe Bush was among the most incompetent, corrupt and dangerously destructive presidents we ever had...

But I also know that it was Bush who had the same type of cult following that Trump was Bush who made popular the concept of "if you are against what the president wants, you are against America" -- and it is you trumper sycophants who do that today....

it was bush who advocated the idea that a president is above the law...

Because the minute anyone opposes getting deeper involved in the middle East -- it is Trumpers who would call anyone who opposes it -- a traitor and on the side of terrorists....

The only time you dic suckers pretended to be against getting deeper into the middle east was when Obama was president.....but people like me have been against before Obama....

Here is what I think of you and you are some white guy in some basement making false ass claims while using multiple accounts to troll posters on message boards like this.

I bet you did vote for Bush and called Obama the " N " word while then voting for Trump but seeing it is no fun to play a Trumpster you now will play a pretend black man that is trying to educate America about Trump.

Well let me tell you about Trump and he is the King of Tabloids and no matter how much you slime the conman he will always win and why?

Simple, he knows how to play dirty!

I have kept my eye on Donald John Trump since the 1970's when he was nothing but a blowhard socialite wannabe.

He has been married three times, had one kid out of wedlock and has been sued for discrimination and lost a few times.

He has watched one too many mafia films and think he is a Godfather when he is nothing but a charlatan.

So as you tell me how I am a Trumpester just know you are a damn joke to me!

Now get to work BOY and show me the evidence to support your bullshit!
Actually Nixon left office and never was impeached...

As for Trump Impeachment, well this will be studied and historians will note it was political as hell...
True but they were looking at an actual crime with him with Trump it has been let’s throw everything we can against the wall and hope something sticks.
The only difference is that Trump is going to get away with this because he has a lockstep majority in the Senate

Which indicates the political foundation of the Democrats' nonsensical script. There's nothing there. No crime whatsoever.
You're right, there's no law against regular people holding up military aid to an ally in a war in order to get an announcement that a rival is being investigated. Just as there is no law against rich people sleeping under bridges. Thanks for the idiotic argument.

Actually the last part about rich people sleeping under bridges not being against the law depend on the Local and State laws...

Yes, some cities, towns, counties and even states have laws where you can and can not sleep and the Police can push you off the land and even one night you in their jail...
In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread.

Wikiquote › wiki › Anatole_France
Anatole France - Wikiquote
Actually Trump call was wrong and in my opinion he ( Trump ) should have been censured for it and not Impeached and I know you will disagree but had it been Obama I would be saying the same thing.

I will admit Democrats and their voting base have been gunning for Trump for three plus years and believe me they are not done not by a country mile.

Democrats will regroup and focus on the 2020 election and hope the MSM will spin their talking points as McConnell covered for Trump and Trump will steal the November Election...

That way the Democrats can claim why they did not win in November is because Russia and Trump stole the election...

Watch, and see how the left lose their shit if Trump win, win the Popular Vote and win a Electoral College landslide victory...
Actually I do agree I don’t consider Trumps call perfect neither does it rise to an impeachment level action and censure would have been an appropriate response. By the way if this had been an Obama phone call or any other Democrat I would feel the same way impeachment is not something to be used in a trivial manner.


You dumb asses still claim Obama is the most corrupt blah blah blah in US history...yet he is the only guy in over 50 years to go 8 years without a single indictment....Trump couldn't go 8 minutes without 80 indictments and you telling me you would have thought the same about Obama if he felt he could enlist a foreign nation to run a smear campaign against an opponent?


Who ever said Obama was the most corrupt?

Can you please link that poster with their exact words stating Obama was the most corrupt and not just your opinion?

I know you will never do this and why?

Because you are a homophobic sniveling coward but still prove me wrong...

As for the most corrupt?

I thought you cowards said that it was Bush?

Wasn't Bush the next Hitler that would become a dictator, so how can we have a President Trump?
BAwhahahahahahahahahah @whoever said Obama is the most corrupt..

Folks like you love to pretend they don't see idiotic trumpers on this very messageboard over and over again go on and on about how Obama was the most corrupt (AND RACIST) president in history....

And not one time do I see your stupid ass saying "Well, that is not true"

So please spare me the BS

Please provide a link seeing there are so many or are you making shit up again?

Feel free and the Op'er or poster must state the most corrupt in the History of America or will you keep on lying as you usually do?

Also asshole I have many comments defending Obama and his kids, so now I will demand you to prove I do not speak up in defense of Obama!
I don't believe shit that comes out of a bitch ass trumpers mouth...…

There are posts on here daily saying exactly what I told you these Trumpers be saying...and not one time do I see you pushing back against it.....

"I defended Obama's kids" -- oh how merciful of ask yourself why the fuck would you have to be defending some kids? Oh I remember...because its the Trumpers who made calling Obama's children monkeys and his wife a man, political commentary...
Actually I do agree I don’t consider Trumps call perfect neither does it rise to an impeachment level action and censure would have been an appropriate response. By the way if this had been an Obama phone call or any other Democrat I would feel the same way impeachment is not something to be used in a trivial manner.


You dumb asses still claim Obama is the most corrupt blah blah blah in US history...yet he is the only guy in over 50 years to go 8 years without a single indictment....Trump couldn't go 8 minutes without 80 indictments and you telling me you would have thought the same about Obama if he felt he could enlist a foreign nation to run a smear campaign against an opponent?


Who ever said Obama was the most corrupt?

Can you please link that poster with their exact words stating Obama was the most corrupt and not just your opinion?

I know you will never do this and why?

Because you are a homophobic sniveling coward but still prove me wrong...

As for the most corrupt?

I thought you cowards said that it was Bush?

Wasn't Bush the next Hitler that would become a dictator, so how can we have a President Trump?
BAwhahahahahahahahahah @whoever said Obama is the most corrupt..

Folks like you love to pretend they don't see idiotic trumpers on this very messageboard over and over again go on and on about how Obama was the most corrupt (AND RACIST) president in history....

And not one time do I see your stupid ass saying "Well, that is not true"

So please spare me the BS

Please provide a link seeing there are so many or are you making shit up again?

Feel free and the Op'er or poster must state the most corrupt in the History of America or will you keep on lying as you usually do?

Also asshole I have many comments defending Obama and his kids, so now I will demand you to prove I do not speak up in defense of Obama!
I don't believe shit that comes out of a bitch ass trumpers mouth...…

There are posts on here daily saying exactly what I told you these Trumpers be saying...and not one time do I see you pushing back against it.....

"I defended Obama's kids" -- oh how merciful of ask yourself why the fuck would you have to be defending some kids? Oh I remember...because its the Trumpers who made calling Obama's children monkeys and his wife a man, political commentary...

So no evidence just your opinion again by a race baiting bigot that lies daily...

Why are you afraid to post those threads if so many are on here?

Is it because you are lying just like your lie about me?

Yes, you are lying as usual and what a pathetic joke you are!

Now boy as it has been made clear you just spew your opinion with no evidence maybe you should apologize for the pathetic joke you are.

You have yet to prove your case, wait will you need more witnesses to prove your case even after you said you had more than enough to prove it?

See how those like you are a joke like Schiff and Nadler?

It is like Pelosi saying Trump would not be acquitted because she view the trial as not being a trial because her and Democrats did not get their way to dictate how the Senate will conduct the Trial and how the verdict would come out...

It her and those like you handing Trump a victory in November but alas your weak minded ass will blame those like me for not voting for Sanders and going third party again.

You will proclaim that anyone that does not get on your plantation and be a slave to your thought process is the enemy of the State...

What will you do after Trump acquittal and when he win in November?

Will you burn down your neighborhood and chant " Kill whitey "?

Will you threaten or even attempt to kill Trump?

What is clear you are unstable and out of touch with reality...

Trump shouldn't be allow to own slaves but he own you clearly...

Your hatred for him has made you his slave...

Anyhoo, Trump will do something else stupid and those like you will fail to do anything because you screwed up and when November come your side will be without the House and yes I will mock you and watch you cry while I just laugh at you BOY!

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