Trump's INVALUABLE help to the current Iran's leadership.....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
The deal that Obama struck with Iran that curbed that country's nuclear ambitions for at least a decade, was far from perfect.....but highly necessary to avoid an Israeli-Iran hot war.

What the deal was also meant to induce, was the instability of the current regime in Iran, since hardliners there hated the deal....thereby ALSO allowing for the moderate wing of Iranians to sow enough domestic discord to prompt a needed possible change in Iran's hard-line policies.

BUT, in walks Trump screwing things usual, based on his envy of ANYTHING that Obama had worked out along with our allies.

What Trump has done is solidly UNIFY all Iranians to support the current regime....much as GWB's (Cheney, really) rhetoric against Iraq certainly did.

Threatening an entire country with Trump just did...... UNIFIES ALL IRANIANS to oppose any peaceful initiatives and moderation......

Of course, WHO is most pleased with Trump's ignorance and bullying???.....PUTIN....who wants Iran's current leadership's help in Syria and to sow discord among us and our allies......

Once again....."thanks" Trump, for being a damn idiot.
Iran said "Blah blah blah" for messing with their economy again.
Trump said "I'm gonna blow you up if you don't shut up"
Iran said "We ain't sceert"

And the beat goes on.

But PBS Newshour reporting says the Iranian people are quite unhappy with the fact that their money has been devalued by 50% in the past year and that jobs are not easy to find...just like people everywhere, when the economy sucks, they blame their leadership.
The deal that Obama struck with Iran that curbed that country's nuclear ambitions for at least a decade, was far from perfect.....but highly necessary to avoid an Israeli-Iran hot war.

What the deal was also meant to induce, was the instability of the current regime in Iran, since hardliners there hated the deal....thereby ALSO allowing for the moderate wing of Iranians to sow enough domestic discord to prompt a needed possible change in Iran's hard-line policies.

BUT, in walks Trump screwing things usual, based on his envy of ANYTHING that Obama had worked out along with our allies.

What Trump has done is solidly UNIFY all Iranians to support the current regime....much as GWB's (Cheney, really) rhetoric against Iraq certainly did.

Threatening an entire country with Trump just did...... UNIFIES ALL IRANIANS to oppose any peaceful initiatives and moderation......

Of course, WHO is most pleased with Trump's ignorance and bullying???.....PUTIN....who wants Iran's current leadership's help in Syria and to sow discord among us and our allies......

Once again....."thanks" Trump, for being a damn idiot.
/----/ Only a gullible simpleton believes the mullah aren't building nuclear weapons with the $$$ Obozo dropped in their lap. Even Lurch Kerry said they would use part of the money for terrorism.
Iran's a bad actor and Obama did not totally curb that, but then again Obama was playing a long game that if Iran was fully integrated into the world economy, and given the effect of the internet on closed political societies, Iran might change. That strategy is far from certain, given that we've seen Khatami pretty much morph from better than Khomani to something much worse.

But the one way to unify all Iranians into defending their government is to threaten it with outside intervention. They are nominally a democratic republic, and until W wrecked the military in Iraq and spent somewhere north of three trillion dollars all told, they were pretty much the most democratic country over there. We are not going to win any military conflict with Iran.
nuthin' Trump said or did not say HELPED the filth of Iran get
more filthy.
Iran's a bad actor and Obama did not totally curb that, but then again Obama was playing a long game that if Iran was fully integrated into the world economy, and given the effect of the internet on closed political societies, Iran might change. That strategy is far from certain, given that we've seen Khatami pretty much morph from better than Khomani to something much worse.

But the one way to unify all Iranians into defending their government is to threaten it with outside intervention. They are nominally a democratic republic, and until W wrecked the military in Iraq and spent somewhere north of three trillion dollars all told, they were pretty much the most democratic country over there. We are not going to win any military conflict with Iran.
/----/ Mullahs shouting "Death to America, Death to Israel" should have been a wake up call to Obozo and Lurch.
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Only a gullible simpleton believes the mullah aren't building nuclear weapons with the $$$ Obozo dropped in their lap. Even Lurch Kerry said they would use part of the money for terrorism.

First, you eternal idiot....Obama did NOT give them any money that was not ALREADY Iranian.

Second, any sovereign country chooses to do what it wants with their own money...Saudi Arabia?? Israel?? Russia??

Third, your inane response has NOTHING to do with the original post....
Go to bed or first check with Hannity about what you should post.....
Only a gullible simpleton believes the mullah aren't building nuclear weapons with the $$$ Obozo dropped in their lap. Even Lurch Kerry said they would use part of the money for terrorism.

First, you eternal idiot....Obama did NOT give them any money that was not ALREADY Iranian.

Second, any sovereign country chooses to do what it wants with their own money...Saudi Arabia?? Israel?? Russia??

Third, your inane response has NOTHING to do with the original post....
Go to bed or first check with Hannity about what you should post.....

Obama had lots of reasons to NOT GIVE THE MONEY to Iran
Another US Empire-meddling blunder. The invasion of Iraq resulted in the Shiites aligned with Shiite Iran, to seize control of the country. The invasion blunder has turned Iran into a major power in the Middle East. So much so, 'allies' like Saudi Arabia and other Sunni countries, funded and armed horrific ISIS Terrorists to fight them in Syria and Iraq. Just another Empire-meddling nightmare. When will Americans tire of this Permanent War Agenda?
That money was frozen and should have stayed frozen.

By giving it to Iran they have more money to pursue their nuke dream with. And more money to support terrorism.

Anyone who thinks they aren't still working towards a nuke is a damned idiot.

That deal Obama and Kerry made benefited Iran and no one else.
Another US Empire-meddling blunder. The invasion of Iraq resulted in the Shiites aligned with Shiite Iran, to seize control of the country. The invasion blunder has turned Iran into a major power in the Middle East. So much so, 'allies' like Saudi Arabia and other Sunni countries, funded and armed horrific ISIS Terrorists to fight them in Syria and Iraq. Just another Empire-meddling nightmare. When will Americans tire of this Permanent War Agenda?

the only help the Shiites got from the USA was the execution of Sadaam who was HAPPILY murdering them by the tens of thousands in order to
EMBOLDEN the SUNNIS-----who are happily murdering people in
Pakistan and Afghanistan. Shiites all over the world are PROXIES for
IRANIAN VIOLENCE. Iran is something like HOLY to Shiites. They even
STUDY FARSI like its a holy language in non-farsi speaking countries.
THE Shiite/sunni thing has been ongoing for 1400 years------THE USA DID
NOT INVENT IT. The one bad player in THAT situation was the big time
Another US Empire-meddling blunder. The invasion of Iraq resulted in the Shiites aligned with Shiite Iran, to seize control of the country. The invasion blunder has turned Iran into a major power in the Middle East. So much so, 'allies' like Saudi Arabia and other Sunni countries, funded and armed horrific ISIS Terrorists to fight them in Syria and Iraq. Just another Empire-meddling nightmare. When will Americans tire of this Permanent War Agenda?

the only help the Shiites got from the USA was the execution of Sadaam who was HAPPILY murdering them by the tens of thousands in order to
EMBOLDEN the SUNNIS-----who are happily murdering people in
Pakistan and Afghanistan. Shiites all over the world are PROXIES for
IRANIAN VIOLENCE. Iran is something like HOLY to Shiites. They even
STUDY FARSI like its a holy language in non-farsi speaking countries.
THE Shiite/sunni thing has been ongoing for 1400 years------THE USA DID
NOT INVENT IT. The one bad player in THAT situation was the big time

In fairness to Trump, the Iraq blunder disaster is all on Bush. He had nothing to do with it. And i suspect the OP knows that. He or she is just being a programmed bot, and spewing Democratic Party talking-points. Trump had absolutely nothing to do with the Iraq blunder.

That being said, it was a miracle for the Shiites and Iran. Iran is now a serious player in the region. It's time for us to consider a disengagement policy in the Middle East. Enough is enough.
Only a gullible simpleton believes the mullah aren't building nuclear weapons with the $$$ Obozo dropped in their lap. Even Lurch Kerry said they would use part of the money for terrorism.

First, you eternal idiot....Obama did NOT give them any money that was not ALREADY Iranian.

Second, any sovereign country chooses to do what it wants with their own money...Saudi Arabia?? Israel?? Russia??

Third, your inane response has NOTHING to do with the original post....
Go to bed or first check with Hannity about what you should post.....
/----/Oh, so unfreezing billions for a terror state was a smart move? What could possibly go wrong? BTW you nincompoop democRATs voted to freeze the money.
The deal that Obama struck with Iran that curbed that country's nuclear ambitions for at least a decade, was far from perfect.....but highly necessary to avoid an Israeli-Iran hot war.

1. Former President Barak Obama VIOLATED THE CONSTITUTION by by-passing Congress and engaging in personal talks on behalf of the United States, resulting in the signing of his own PERSONAL TREATY. After the CRIME was complete, Barry did not allow Congress to read it but instead ran to the U.N. to have it Certified before Congress could stop him.

This is not a significant accomplishment of a former President that should be praised, as snowflakes like the OP try to turn it into. This was a VIOLATION OF THE CONSTITUTION, AN IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE.

2. Obama had no Constitutional Authority to engage in such negotiations with the leading exporter of terrorism in the Middle East - if not the whole world - and one of our biggest adversaries / threats. As it was HIS personal deal with Iran it was only 'good' between him and Iran. It did not apply to the United States.

3. Every other nation walked away from the table...except for Barry and his team. Despite Iran practicing bombing runs on mock US carriers during negotiations, despite Iran's leaders mocking Obama during negotiations, despite the Shah leading chants of 'Death to America', and despite evidence being revealed that Iran was already violating terms agreed upon in Obama's 'Treaty' before the paperwork was even signed , Obama still refused to walk away. Obama negotiated from a position of WEAKNESS and DESPARATION, NOT STRENGTH.

-- Case in point, Obama refused to ask that the release of US hostages be part of the 'Treaty' because he did not want to offend Iran and risk them walking away from the table.


Obama gave in to almost all of Iran's demands - lifting of sanctions, millions and millions of dollars, etc... - but he would not even ask for the release of US hostages. Instead, on top of the millions and millions he agreed to give Iran in his Illegal Treaty, Obama later paid millions in ransom to Iran to get US hostages back. (Of course snowflakes claim loading up millions of dollars on an unmarked airplane and delivering the money to an Iranian airstrip in the middle of the night while another plane containing the US hostages waited to be released until after the money was delivered was NOT 'paying a ransom'. :p Riiiigggghhhhtttttt!)

3. 'CURBED Iran's nuclear ambitions'?!

Again, :wtf:? Yeah, Obama's illegal TREATY curbed Iran's nuclear ambitions as much as his and Hillary's laser-like focus on North Korea prevented them from acquiring missile technology on his watch, making it possible to hit the US with its nukes.


It is amazing someone can spew such BS in so few sentences...but you prove it can be done.
Only a gullible simpleton believes the mullah aren't building nuclear weapons with the $$$ Obozo dropped in their lap. Even Lurch Kerry said they would use part of the money for terrorism.

First, you eternal idiot....Obama did NOT give them any money that was not ALREADY Iranian.

Second, any sovereign country chooses to do what it wants with their own money...Saudi Arabia?? Israel?? Russia??

Third, your inane response has NOTHING to do with the original post....
Go to bed or first check with Hannity about what you should post.....
/----/Oh, so unfreezing billions for a terror state was a smart move? What could possibly go wrong? BTW you nincompoop democRATs voted to freeze the money.

Yeah if anything, the current Iran leadership is deeply worried and scared of Trump. Obviously they won't express that publicly, but behind closed doors, they're seriously panicking.
/----/Oh, so unfreezing billions for a terror state was a smart move? What could possibly go wrong?

The deal that Obama struck with Iran that curbed that country's nuclear ambitions for at least a decade, was far from perfect.....but highly necessary to avoid an Israeli-Iran hot war.

What the deal was also meant to induce, was the instability of the current regime in Iran, since hardliners there hated the deal....thereby ALSO allowing for the moderate wing of Iranians to sow enough domestic discord to prompt a needed possible change in Iran's hard-line policies.

BUT, in walks Trump screwing things usual, based on his envy of ANYTHING that Obama had worked out along with our allies.

What Trump has done is solidly UNIFY all Iranians to support the current regime....much as GWB's (Cheney, really) rhetoric against Iraq certainly did.

Threatening an entire country with Trump just did...... UNIFIES ALL IRANIANS to oppose any peaceful initiatives and moderation......

Of course, WHO is most pleased with Trump's ignorance and bullying???.....PUTIN....who wants Iran's current leadership's help in Syria and to sow discord among us and our allies......

Once again....."thanks" Trump, for being a damn idiot.
i think you will find nat that many of the under 30 crowd in iran are not so happy about the mullah jerks who run the place.....
The deal that Obama struck with Iran that curbed that country's nuclear ambitions for at least a decade, was far from perfect.....but highly necessary to avoid an Israeli-Iran hot war.

What the deal was also meant to induce, was the instability of the current regime in Iran, since hardliners there hated the deal....thereby ALSO allowing for the moderate wing of Iranians to sow enough domestic discord to prompt a needed possible change in Iran's hard-line policies.

BUT, in walks Trump screwing things usual, based on his envy of ANYTHING that Obama had worked out along with our allies.

What Trump has done is solidly UNIFY all Iranians to support the current regime....much as GWB's (Cheney, really) rhetoric against Iraq certainly did.

Threatening an entire country with Trump just did...... UNIFIES ALL IRANIANS to oppose any peaceful initiatives and moderation......

Of course, WHO is most pleased with Trump's ignorance and bullying???.....PUTIN....who wants Iran's current leadership's help in Syria and to sow discord among us and our allies......

Once again....."thanks" Trump, for being a damn idiot.
i think you will find nat that many of the under 30 crowd in iran are not so happy about the mullah jerks who run the place.....

I would agree. Didn't they have riots a few years ago where the young people let them know they weren't happy with the way things were going??
The deal that Obama struck with Iran that curbed that country's nuclear ambitions for at least a decade, was far from perfect.....but highly necessary to avoid an Israeli-Iran hot war.

What the deal was also meant to induce, was the instability of the current regime in Iran, since hardliners there hated the deal....thereby ALSO allowing for the moderate wing of Iranians to sow enough domestic discord to prompt a needed possible change in Iran's hard-line policies.

BUT, in walks Trump screwing things usual, based on his envy of ANYTHING that Obama had worked out along with our allies.

What Trump has done is solidly UNIFY all Iranians to support the current regime....much as GWB's (Cheney, really) rhetoric against Iraq certainly did.

Threatening an entire country with Trump just did...... UNIFIES ALL IRANIANS to oppose any peaceful initiatives and moderation......

Of course, WHO is most pleased with Trump's ignorance and bullying???.....PUTIN....who wants Iran's current leadership's help in Syria and to sow discord among us and our allies......

Once again....."thanks" Trump, for being a damn idiot.[/QUOTE
The deal that Obama struck with Iran that curbed that country's nuclear ambitions for at least a decade, was far from perfect.....but highly necessary to avoid an Israeli-Iran hot war.

What the deal was also meant to induce, was the instability of the current regime in Iran, since hardliners there hated the deal....thereby ALSO allowing for the moderate wing of Iranians to sow enough domestic discord to prompt a needed possible change in Iran's hard-line policies.

BUT, in walks Trump screwing things usual, based on his envy of ANYTHING that Obama had worked out along with our allies.

What Trump has done is solidly UNIFY all Iranians to support the current regime....much as GWB's (Cheney, really) rhetoric against Iraq certainly did.

Threatening an entire country with Trump just did...... UNIFIES ALL IRANIANS to oppose any peaceful initiatives and moderation......

Of course, WHO is most pleased with Trump's ignorance and bullying???.....PUTIN....who wants Iran's current leadership's help in Syria and to sow discord among us and our allies......

Once again....."thanks" Trump, for being a damn idiot.
/----/ And you believe the citizens of Iran stand unified behind the bloodthirsty cutthroat dictator Mullahs of their own free will? Seriously?
The deal that Obama struck with Iran that curbed that country's nuclear ambitions for at least a decade, was far from perfect.....but highly necessary to avoid an Israeli-Iran hot war.

What the deal was also meant to induce, was the instability of the current regime in Iran, since hardliners there hated the deal....thereby ALSO allowing for the moderate wing of Iranians to sow enough domestic discord to prompt a needed possible change in Iran's hard-line policies.

BUT, in walks Trump screwing things usual, based on his envy of ANYTHING that Obama had worked out along with our allies.

What Trump has done is solidly UNIFY all Iranians to support the current regime....much as GWB's (Cheney, really) rhetoric against Iraq certainly did.

Threatening an entire country with Trump just did...... UNIFIES ALL IRANIANS to oppose any peaceful initiatives and moderation......

Of course, WHO is most pleased with Trump's ignorance and bullying???.....PUTIN....who wants Iran's current leadership's help in Syria and to sow discord among us and our allies......

Once again....."thanks" Trump, for being a damn idiot.
i think you will find nat that many of the under 30 crowd in iran are not so happy about the mullah jerks who run the place.....

I would agree. Didn't they have riots a few years ago where the young people let them know they weren't happy with the way things were going??
i worked with a guy who i used to call the only Iranian letter carrier in the PO,anyway he was born and raised there and all of his family was still there and he goes back every couple of years to visit....anyway he said the younger crowd there has the internet and they know what its like here and everywhere else and many of them have lots of relatives all over the world,so he told me it make take time,but they know whats up........

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