Trump's INVALUABLE help to the current Iran's leadership.....

I would agree. Didn't they have riots a few years ago where the young people let them know they weren't happy with the way things were going??
It was part of the uprisings all across the Middle East. When it began in Iran the young people looked to Obama for help...and he turned his back on them....much like he did to the Ukraine after the US promised to help protect its sovereign borders...right before Barry sat back and let Putin militarily annex Crimea without so much as issuing a 'Red Line'.
Anyone who thinks they aren't still working towards a nuke is a damned idiot.

Yeah...because you and that other idiot, hannity, know MORE than our intelligence communities.....Correct???

BTW, nitwit, Obama was NOT the only one to OK the giving back Iran's OWN money.......Look it up.
BTW you nincompoop democRATs voted to freeze the money.

Sure, fuckhead and THAT was almost FORTY years ago........God these Trump ass kissers are DUMB.

Address the O/P and start your own "I HATE OBAMA" thread.
Former President Barak Obama VIOLATED THE CONSTITUTION by by-passing Congress and engaging in personal talks on behalf of the United States,

You mean like the over 2 hours meetings by Trump with his lover, Putin??
Or do you mean the Singapore love fest between Trump and KJU.......LOL
Since Trump ass kissers can ONLY "defend" Trump by attacking Obama (or Clinton) the question may have to be more direct:


(I used all CAPS emultating the idiot-in-chief's own tweets......LOL)j
That money was frozen and should have stayed frozen.

By giving it to Iran they have more money to pursue their nuke dream with. And more money to support terrorism.

Anyone who thinks they aren't still working towards a nuke is a damned idiot.

That deal Obama and Kerry made benefited Iran and no one else.

"ain't it awful" is easy to post, but very far afield of discussing the issue. Iran is a problem, a nuclear attack on Iran by Israel would have the potential to create more chaos in the Middle East. Obama, as pointed out above, played a long game with Iran, and Trump fucked it up.

In fact everything Trump has done, has been a FUBAR. And I mean everything. The man is a train wreck.
That money was frozen and should have stayed frozen.

By giving it to Iran they have more money to pursue their nuke dream with. And more money to support terrorism.

Anyone who thinks they aren't still working towards a nuke is a damned idiot.

That deal Obama and Kerry made benefited Iran and no one else.

"ain't it awful" is easy to post, but very far afield of discussing the issue. Iran is a problem, a nuclear attack on Iran by Israel would have the potential to create more chaos in the Middle East. Obama, as pointed out above, played a long game with Iran, and Trump fucked it up.

In fact everything Trump has done, has been a FUBAR. And I mean everything. The man is a train wreck.

All Obama did was give them that money so they could further their drive for a nuke. He also enabled them to continue to support terrorism around the world.

Iran blocked the inspectors for a month. When they were finally able to inspect they didn't find much. A month is a long time to move what you don't want found.

The only train wreck I saw was the deal Obama and Kerry made with Iran. The mullahs were LTAO.
You mean like the over 2 hours meetings by Trump with his lover, Putin?? you even realize that emotion-driven, hate-based rants like this make you look like a complete idiot?

Perhaps if you provided any substance at all at any time during one of your tirades people might cinsider taking you seriously again in the future.

....meanwhile back at the 'illegal collusion conference':

This was just before Obama won re-election and 2 years before (2014) Obama:

- Gave Putin 20% of the US supply of Uranium

- Refused to honor the US promise to the Ukraine to help defend its sovereign borders and let Putin militarily annex Crimea without so much as issuing one of his famous 'Red Lines'

- Discovered Russia was attempting to hack senior US politicians and officials, trying to hack the Power Grid, was running a military-style Counter-Intelligence Op that successfully got snowflakes to organize and march for the Russians, and that the Russians were paying willing liberal groups to spread racial division and violence....and did nothing to stop it

- Allowed Hillary to operate her illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured TS+ data-filled server - knowing the Russians were trying to hack people like Hillary - resulting in the compromising of national security, as 6 foreign entities ended up with the classified data off f her server....

The President of the United States holds a 2-hour meeting with another nation's leader, and snowflakes sh!t themselves, calling it the end of the world. Obama betrays the US / helped Putin / compromised national security -backed by evidence - and snowflakes be like 'Nothing to see here'.

Trump has "colluded" with another despotic regime in Iran to make that regime STRONGER.....

Of course, the idiot-in-chief is just trying to divert attention AWAY from his tons of domestic and other foreign fuck-ups......................LOL
Iran is a problem, a nuclear attack on Iran by Israel would have the potential to create more chaos in the Middle East.

They were mush LESS of a threat when there were massive sanctions on them, when they did not access to hundred of millions to spend on financing terrorism, upgrading their air defenses, and spending on their nuclear ambitions.

It was much LESS of a threat to the Middle East before Obama initiated a nuclear arm's race in the Middle East by giving Iran any thing they wanted I exchange for .... nothing.

And in your ass-kissing defense and declaration of admiration for Obama you still refuse to acknowledge that Obama violated the US Constitution - COMMITTING AN IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE - by bypassing Congress to negotiate his own personal TREATY on behalf of the United States.

Trump did not 'UN-DO' anything because there was NOTHING to LEGALLY 'Un-Do'! Barry's TREATY was never Constitutional and therefore was NOT LEGAL and NOT BINDING - much like when he acknowledged the fact that he did not have Constitutional authority to affect US Immigration law yet went ahead and did it anyway by issuing his UN-CONSTITUTIONAL 'DREAMER' EDICT!
Trump has "colluded" with another despotic regime in Iran to make that regime STRONGER.....
I am trying to figure out if you are just a f*cking idiot or a shameless lying sack of snowflakes.

You are the epitome of Hillary's declared statement about how people who refuse to accept the outcome of elections are threats to our democracy.

You continue to make completely false - and stupid - comments like this while having zero evidence to back up what you say....which sums up liberals and snowflakes for the last 3 years.
The deal that Obama struck with Iran that curbed that country's nuclear ambitions for at least a decade, was far from perfect.....but highly necessary to avoid an Israeli-Iran hot war.

What the deal was also meant to induce, was the instability of the current regime in Iran, since hardliners there hated the deal....thereby ALSO allowing for the moderate wing of Iranians to sow enough domestic discord to prompt a needed possible change in Iran's hard-line policies.

BUT, in walks Trump screwing things usual, based on his envy of ANYTHING that Obama had worked out along with our allies.

What Trump has done is solidly UNIFY all Iranians to support the current regime....much as GWB's (Cheney, really) rhetoric against Iraq certainly did.

Threatening an entire country with Trump just did...... UNIFIES ALL IRANIANS to oppose any peaceful initiatives and moderation......

Of course, WHO is most pleased with Trump's ignorance and bullying???.....PUTIN....who wants Iran's current leadership's help in Syria and to sow discord among us and our allies......

Once again....."thanks" Trump, for being a damn idiot.

You have missed key realities in your hyperventilated hatred of our President.

Iran has acted as the Soviet Union lite of the Middle East for decades. Iranian elite military advisors train jihadist fighter groups poorly formed and lacking unit cohesion and command infrastructure to become expert guerilla fighters and saboteurs, who in then return to their places of origin or infiltrate non-radicalized Muslim communities in Western nations and near Western nation diplomatic missions, and then radicalize and train them. These radicalized Islamic terror fighters then carry out unconventional warfare campaigns against their own people--people previously willing to negotiate with the US and her allies, and Western civilian populations and infrastructure.

All of that being said, why in hell would any sane, patriotic American President negotiate with State sponsors of murderers of Western peoples or risk such individuals developing small nuclear weapons and disseminating them through anti-Western cells to be deployed against our allies and our own civilian populace?

The other side of the modern Iranian coin is Russia. Russia has contemporarily backed Iran as a proxy through which to oppose and check Western, and in particular NATO, advances along her extended sphere of projected regional power and sovereign geographical breathing room. In developing better and better diplomatic currency with Putin, our President has set into motion the potential for global peace unprecedented in all of world history, without the spread by sword juggernaut of gunfire imperialism. How can the world not see the beauty and long term geopolitical benefits of this strategy?

In engaging with Putin our President has opened the door to withdrawal and recall of Russian proxy meddling through the militaries and intelligence agencies of rogue States such as Iran. With a hypothetical physical withdraw of U.S. forces from central and eastern Europe, trading nuclear weapons rather than exchanging them, removing sanctions, and negotiating missile shield placements, could come as one of many concessions or rewards, irresistible Russian pressure on Iran to cease and destroy any and all active production of weaponized nuclear technology. The final and possible steps through Russian/American geopolitical mutual acts of goodwill could result in a bubble for the Iranian people wherein their government refuses to do business with Putin, and finds Putin going to the people instead to make things happen for themselves, for Russia and--on the back end--for the U.S. and the rest of the West.

What most seem to be missing in their all consuming hatred of our President is the hand holding the leash tied around Iran's neck: Russia. Why negotiate with the pet when its master is the one who steers it?
What most seem to be missing in their all consuming hatred of our President is the hand holding the leash tied around Iran's neck: Russia. Why negotiate with the pet when its master is the one who steers it? you....MUST display their ignorance as a requisite for belonging to the Trump Cult.......

Sure, Russia is friends with Iran.......But morons "forget" the THEOCRATIC form of government in Iran.....and the ATHEISTIC government under the despot, Putin.
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What most seem to be missing in their all consuming hatred of our President is the hand holding the leash tied around Iran's neck: Russia. Why negotiate with the pet when its master is the one who steers it? you....MUST display their ignorance as a requisite for belonging to the Trump Cult.......

Sure,Russia is friends with Iran.......But morons "forget" the THEOCRATIC form of government in Iran.....and the ATHEISTIC government under the despot, Putin.

I see. So I have wasted my words of reason, and logic . . . an effort, I assure you, undertaken to enlighten, not to divide. Would you be surprised to know Putin is not an atheist, despite his father's lack of faith, and under his rule Eastern Orthodox Christian churches have been restored and new ones constructed?

No I am afraid it is you who hide behind profanity and insult and falsehood from the momentum of truth. Disappointing.
Another delusional liberal OP on Iran. It's just amazing that someone could make statements that are so detached from reality. Why don't you check out what the Israelis said about the Iran nuke deal? They certainly didn't think it would avoid an Iran-Israel war for 10 years.
Iran's a bad actor and Obama did not totally curb that, but then again Obama was playing a long game that if Iran was fully integrated into the world economy, and given the effect of the internet on closed political societies, Iran might change. That strategy is far from certain, given that we've seen Khatami pretty much morph from better than Khomani to something much worse.

But the one way to unify all Iranians into defending their government is to threaten it with outside intervention. They are nominally a democratic republic, and until W wrecked the military in Iraq and spent somewhere north of three trillion dollars all told, they were pretty much the most democratic country over there. We are not going to win any military conflict with Iran.
/----/ Mullahs shouting "Death to America, Death to Israel" should have been a wake up call to Obozo and Lurch.
They are SO scary!
Another delusional liberal OP on Iran. It's just amazing that someone could make statements that are so detached from reality. Why don't you check out what the Israelis said about the Iran nuke deal? They certainly didn't think it would avoid an Iran-Israel war for 10 years.
If Likud says its bad, that's not an argument against.
Only a gullible simpleton believes the mullah aren't building nuclear weapons with the $$$ Obozo dropped in their lap. Even Lurch Kerry said they would use part of the money for terrorism.

First, you eternal idiot....Obama did NOT give them any money that was not ALREADY Iranian.

Second, any sovereign country chooses to do what it wants with their own money...Saudi Arabia?? Israel?? Russia??

Third, your inane response has NOTHING to do with the original post....
Go to bed or first check with Hannity about what you should post.....
it's not so much Iran is bad or Iran is good. They ain't good. But the thing is Trump AND THE NEOCONS ARE TOGETHER ON THIS AND nothing they offer is remotely a possibility other than any country trading with Iran is going to be sanctioned if it trades with us.

That may turn to be a good thing, but since Trump is more about ego and looking good to his base, that wants Mel Gibson's Jesus Warrior, I suspect it will turn more countries against us than Iran
Barry Sotoro showered about two freaking billion dollars in U.S. greenbacks on the country and the best the angry left can say is that it "curbed the country's nuclear ambitions"? How freaking stupid can you be?

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