Trump's judgement of character, revisited


Gold Member
Sep 28, 2016
We saw Trump's judgement of character in play with Flynn & Manafort.

Trump made a point of saying what a good guy Bill O'Reilly is. Bill was fired for being a pervert.

Trump called to congratulate the leader of Turkey for passing a resolution that moved Turkey further from a free democracy to dictatorship.

So Trump likes perverts (not surprising from a groper & invader of teen age girl's dressing rooms) and pseudo dictators like Putin.

This man has hand chosen the cabinet that helps lead this country.

He chose Tillerson who had ties with Putin & now Exxon is trying to get by the sanctions. Big surprise.

Trump constantly is trying to make money by visiting his properties on the taxpayers dime. Next up, a NJ property.

How soon before you Trumpettes admit how this stuff pisses you off.
I don't have much to say of Trump's ability to aptly judge others' character for the fact is that most people are of better character than is Trump, thus, using his own "character bar" as the standard by which he measures, it's all but certain he'd adjudge just about anyone to be of good, or good enough, character to deserve his encomium.

Bill was fired for being a pervert.
Bill was not fired for being a pervert. Our principle of "innocent until proven guilty in a court of law" requires that a court would have to adjudge him so for that to be asserted as so. ("Pervert" is quite likely not a term a court would use in rendering judgment/punishment, but the point is the same no matter the term.)

Bill was fired because his words and deeds were made public enough that his employer did not care to risk being seen as endorsing them or looking askance at them. Bill's dismissal is nothing more than a reflection of Fox having weighed the risks that he may indeed be a pervert. Fox, as a business matter, simply doesn't care to risk being seen as "the last holdout" were Bill's "issues" to land in court and the case decided in the plaintiff's favor. Had the matter been kept quiet until a court had decided on the matter, Bill would be at Fox.

Fox is a publicly held company, so the risk averse stance its management took is likely the best one for the shareholders' overall earnings potential from their interest in Fox. Well managed public companies make every decision, assume or reject every risk, based on that measure and that measure alone.

Lest one doubt the veracity of my claim about Fox's not caring about O'Reilly's alleged perversion and miscreance, I bid one recall the Andrea Mackris case, which was in 2004, a civil case that Bill settled rather than fought on merit by O'Reilly. Then in 2011, there was the Juliet Huddy case against O'Reilly that Fox settled on Bill's behalf. In neither instance did Fox see fit to dismiss O'Reilly, yet clearly they were well aware of his words and deeds. So, no, Bill's perversion itself isn't at all what concerned Fox or motivated to let him go. To suggest that his perversions are what catalyzed their dismissal of O'Reilly is to cast in better light than Fox and its management's moral compass deserves.

Trump called to congratulate the leader of Turkey for passing a resolution that moved Turkey further from a free democracy to dictatorship.
Quite honestly, convincing one's own people to willfully and in effect vote to make one, in essence, an absolute monarch for the next dozen years is an act worthy of congratulations, no matter what one thinks of their having done so.
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We saw Trump's judgement of character in play with Flynn & Manafort.

Trump made a point of saying what a good guy Bill O'Reilly is. Bill was fired for being a pervert.

Trump called to congratulate the leader of Turkey for passing a resolution that moved Turkey further from a free democracy to dictatorship.

So Trump likes perverts (not surprising from a groper & invader of teen age girl's dressing rooms) and pseudo dictators like Putin.

This man has hand chosen the cabinet that helps lead this country.

He chose Tillerson who had ties with Putin & now Exxon is trying to get by the sanctions. Big surprise.

Trump constantly is trying to make money by visiting his properties on the taxpayers dime. Next up, a NJ property.

How soon before you Trumpettes admit how this stuff pisses you off.
Considering that Bill Clinton perjured himself over sexual harassment issues and all democrats love him enough to still nominate his wife (the object of humiliation of his daliances) as their potus candidate (still using his name!), what does that say about any democrat's judgment of character?
We saw Trump's judgement of character in play with Flynn & Manafort.

Trump made a point of saying what a good guy Bill O'Reilly is. Bill was fired for being a pervert.

Trump called to congratulate the leader of Turkey for passing a resolution that moved Turkey further from a free democracy to dictatorship.

So Trump likes perverts (not surprising from a groper & invader of teen age girl's dressing rooms) and pseudo dictators like Putin.

This man has hand chosen the cabinet that helps lead this country.

He chose Tillerson who had ties with Putin & now Exxon is trying to get by the sanctions. Big surprise.

Trump constantly is trying to make money by visiting his properties on the taxpayers dime. Next up, a NJ property.

How soon before you Trumpettes admit how this stuff pisses you off.
Considering that Bill Clinton perjured himself over sexual harassment issues and all democrats love him enough to still nominate his wife (the object of humiliation of his daliances) as their potus candidate (still using his name!), what does that say about any democrat's judgment of character?

Great question. RealDave?
Yet that asshole is still a far better president than Obama.
We saw Trump's judgement of character in play with Flynn & Manafort.

Trump made a point of saying what a good guy Bill O'Reilly is. Bill was fired for being a pervert.

Trump called to congratulate the leader of Turkey for passing a resolution that moved Turkey further from a free democracy to dictatorship.

So Trump likes perverts (not surprising from a groper & invader of teen age girl's dressing rooms) and pseudo dictators like Putin.

This man has hand chosen the cabinet that helps lead this country.

He chose Tillerson who had ties with Putin & now Exxon is trying to get by the sanctions. Big surprise.

Trump constantly is trying to make money by visiting his properties on the taxpayers dime. Next up, a NJ property.

How soon before you Trumpettes admit how this stuff pisses you off.
Considering that Bill Clinton perjured himself over sexual harassment issues and all democrats love him enough to still nominate his wife (the object of humiliation of his daliances) as their potus candidate (still using his name!), what does that say about any democrat's judgment of character?
We saw Trump's judgement of character in play with Flynn & Manafort.

Trump made a point of saying what a good guy Bill O'Reilly is. Bill was fired for being a pervert.

Trump called to congratulate the leader of Turkey for passing a resolution that moved Turkey further from a free democracy to dictatorship.

So Trump likes perverts (not surprising from a groper & invader of teen age girl's dressing rooms) and pseudo dictators like Putin.

This man has hand chosen the cabinet that helps lead this country.

He chose Tillerson who had ties with Putin & now Exxon is trying to get by the sanctions. Big surprise.

Trump constantly is trying to make money by visiting his properties on the taxpayers dime. Next up, a NJ property.

How soon before you Trumpettes admit how this stuff pisses you off.
Considering that Bill Clinton perjured himself over sexual harassment issues and all democrats love him enough to still nominate his wife (the object of humiliation of his daliances) as their potus candidate (still using his name!), what does that say about any democrat's judgment of character?

First, I never voted for Bill Clinton.

Second, the so called perjury occurred in his second term & he never ran again.

Third, Clinton/Lewinski was consensual sex.

4th - Blaming a wife her husband's sexual deed is quite a slap in the face to women everywhere as you imply that it must be a wife's fault if her husband cheats.

5th I thought you righties were about strength in marriage & would applaud a couple who remains together through forgiveness. Instead, we find you worship a man who has 5 kids from 3 different women. Cheated on one wife with his future wife. Been accused of groping women & raping a 13 year old girl.

Bill Clinton was a good President,. We will never know what kind of support he would get in an election after his sexual encounters became public.

We do know the support you & your ilk gave Trump knowing about his sexual adventures & his perversion to under aged girls. You knew it & still voted for him. I laugh at you people every time you try to defend Trump by bringing up Clinton.
Yet that asshole is still a far better president than Obama.
Trump has done nothing except put us closer to war. Where is the jobs bill, the repeal of the ACA, the wall (soon to be a fence)? All he has done is sign EOs. The Republicans run Congress & the White House & can't seem to get anything done. As Congress vacations, the clock is ticking toward another government shutdown. The Republicabns & Trumop h=need to do something besides allowing crazy people to have guns, allow corporations to pollute, and their brtave & fierce hunters to kill bears as they hibernate.

Tell me what thev orange PIS has done? Besides thinking North Korea is somewhere near Australia.
We saw Trump's judgement of character in play with Flynn & Manafort.

Trump made a point of saying what a good guy Bill O'Reilly is. Bill was fired for being a pervert.

Trump called to congratulate the leader of Turkey for passing a resolution that moved Turkey further from a free democracy to dictatorship.

So Trump likes perverts (not surprising from a groper & invader of teen age girl's dressing rooms) and pseudo dictators like Putin.

This man has hand chosen the cabinet that helps lead this country.

He chose Tillerson who had ties with Putin & now Exxon is trying to get by the sanctions. Big surprise.

Trump constantly is trying to make money by visiting his properties on the taxpayers dime. Next up, a NJ property.

How soon before you Trumpettes admit how this stuff pisses you off.
Huh? You're pissed off. You come here and bellyache multiple times a day. Trump is supposed to know people like he was a god or he is a failure? You're a stupid little boy that has zip to offer but spew from the gutter.

If I'm a Trumpette that makes you a turdette. And as long as little turdette is busy typing hatefilled tripe on his feces coated keyboard, I am happy.
We saw Trump's judgement of character in play with Flynn & Manafort.

Trump made a point of saying what a good guy Bill O'Reilly is. Bill was fired for being a pervert.

Trump called to congratulate the leader of Turkey for passing a resolution that moved Turkey further from a free democracy to dictatorship.

So Trump likes perverts (not surprising from a groper & invader of teen age girl's dressing rooms) and pseudo dictators like Putin.

This man has hand chosen the cabinet that helps lead this country.

He chose Tillerson who had ties with Putin & now Exxon is trying to get by the sanctions. Big surprise.

Trump constantly is trying to make money by visiting his properties on the taxpayers dime. Next up, a NJ property.

How soon before you Trumpettes admit how this stuff pisses you off.
Considering that Bill Clinton perjured himself over sexual harassment issues and all democrats love him enough to still nominate his wife (the object of humiliation of his daliances) as their potus candidate (still using his name!), what does that say about any democrat's judgment of character?

First, I never voted for Bill Clinton.

Second, the so called perjury occurred in his second term & he never ran again.

Third, Clinton/Lewinski was consensual sex.
You were probably too young to vote and it wasn't so called perjury, you don't even know what the word means. And the case wasn't about Lewinski, it was about Paula Jones.

We saw Trump's judgement of character in play with Flynn & Manafort.

Trump made a point of saying what a good guy Bill O'Reilly is. Bill was fired for being a pervert.

Trump called to congratulate the leader of Turkey for passing a resolution that moved Turkey further from a free democracy to dictatorship.

So Trump likes perverts (not surprising from a groper & invader of teen age girl's dressing rooms) and pseudo dictators like Putin.

This man has hand chosen the cabinet that helps lead this country.

He chose Tillerson who had ties with Putin & now Exxon is trying to get by the sanctions. Big surprise.

Trump constantly is trying to make money by visiting his properties on the taxpayers dime. Next up, a NJ property.

How soon before you Trumpettes admit how this stuff pisses you off.
Huh? You're pissed off. You come here and bellyache multiple times a day. Trump is supposed to know people like he was a god or he is a failure? You're a stupid little boy that has zip to offer but spew from the gutter.

If I'm a Trumpette that makes you a turdette. And as long as little turdette is busy typing hatefilled tripe on his feces coated keyboard, I am happy.

This is funny chit. You should try stand up comedy.

Billo was paying off women to avoid sexual harassment suits & yet Trump said he was a good guy & supported him. You are saying Trump did not know about the reports?

Are you saying Trump had no idea what that referendum in Turkey did?

Trump did not know Flynn was working for Turkey & fired fro the military?

Trump did not know Manafort had been working for a Ukraine string man?

So. your excuse is Trump is either stupid or did not bother to vet the people he hires & praises as President.
We saw Trump's judgement of character in play with Flynn & Manafort.

Trump made a point of saying what a good guy Bill O'Reilly is. Bill was fired for being a pervert.

Trump called to congratulate the leader of Turkey for passing a resolution that moved Turkey further from a free democracy to dictatorship.

So Trump likes perverts (not surprising from a groper & invader of teen age girl's dressing rooms) and pseudo dictators like Putin.

This man has hand chosen the cabinet that helps lead this country.

He chose Tillerson who had ties with Putin & now Exxon is trying to get by the sanctions. Big surprise.

Trump constantly is trying to make money by visiting his properties on the taxpayers dime. Next up, a NJ property.

How soon before you Trumpettes admit how this stuff pisses you off.
Huh? You're pissed off. You come here and bellyache multiple times a day. Trump is supposed to know people like he was a god or he is a failure? You're a stupid little boy that has zip to offer but spew from the gutter.

If I'm a Trumpette that makes you a turdette. And as long as little turdette is busy typing hatefilled tripe on his feces coated keyboard, I am happy.

This is funny chit. You should try stand up comedy.

Billo was paying off women to avoid sexual harassment suits & yet Trump said he was a good guy & supported him. You are saying Trump did not know about the reports?

Are you saying Trump had no idea what that referendum in Turkey did?

Trump did not know Flynn was working for Turkey & fired fro the military?

Trump did not know Manafort had been working for a Ukraine string man?

So. your excuse is Trump is either stupid or did not bother to vet the people he hires & praises as President.
You assume Trump knew about the report. I only heard of one long ago and an accusation doesn't make one guilty.Bill Clinton was accused of much worse and Trump bumped elbows and donated to him. Let the hate filled left can't see it because it doesn't stink they way they like.

You assume the worse because it's what you do. What I don't get is what you think you are doing. Is this therapy for you?
We saw Trump's judgement of character in play with Flynn & Manafort.

Trump made a point of saying what a good guy Bill O'Reilly is. Bill was fired for being a pervert.

Trump called to congratulate the leader of Turkey for passing a resolution that moved Turkey further from a free democracy to dictatorship.

So Trump likes perverts (not surprising from a groper & invader of teen age girl's dressing rooms) and pseudo dictators like Putin.

This man has hand chosen the cabinet that helps lead this country.

He chose Tillerson who had ties with Putin & now Exxon is trying to get by the sanctions. Big surprise.

Trump constantly is trying to make money by visiting his properties on the taxpayers dime. Next up, a NJ property.

How soon before you Trumpettes admit how this stuff pisses you off.
Considering that Bill Clinton perjured himself over sexual harassment issues and all democrats love him enough to still nominate his wife (the object of humiliation of his daliances) as their potus candidate (still using his name!), what does that say about any democrat's judgment of character?

First, I never voted for Bill Clinton.

Second, the so called perjury occurred in his second term & he never ran again.

Third, Clinton/Lewinski was consensual sex.
You were probably too young to vote and it wasn't so called perjury, you don't even know what the word means. And the case wasn't about Lewinski, it was about Paula Jones.

I voted in 92 & 96, not for Clinton. The case was Jones but the so called perjury had to do with Lewinsky.
We saw Trump's judgement of character in play with Flynn & Manafort.

Trump made a point of saying what a good guy Bill O'Reilly is. Bill was fired for being a pervert.

Trump called to congratulate the leader of Turkey for passing a resolution that moved Turkey further from a free democracy to dictatorship.

So Trump likes perverts (not surprising from a groper & invader of teen age girl's dressing rooms) and pseudo dictators like Putin.

This man has hand chosen the cabinet that helps lead this country.

He chose Tillerson who had ties with Putin & now Exxon is trying to get by the sanctions. Big surprise.

Trump constantly is trying to make money by visiting his properties on the taxpayers dime. Next up, a NJ property.

How soon before you Trumpettes admit how this stuff pisses you off.
Huh? You're pissed off. You come here and bellyache multiple times a day. Trump is supposed to know people like he was a god or he is a failure? You're a stupid little boy that has zip to offer but spew from the gutter.

If I'm a Trumpette that makes you a turdette. And as long as little turdette is busy typing hatefilled tripe on his feces coated keyboard, I am happy.

This is funny chit. You should try stand up comedy.

Billo was paying off women to avoid sexual harassment suits & yet Trump said he was a good guy & supported him. You are saying Trump did not know about the reports?

Are you saying Trump had no idea what that referendum in Turkey did?

Trump did not know Flynn was working for Turkey & fired fro the military?

Trump did not know Manafort had been working for a Ukraine string man?

So. your excuse is Trump is either stupid or did not bother to vet the people he hires & praises as President.
You assume Trump knew about the report. I only heard of one long ago and an accusation doesn't make on guilty.

You assume the worse because it's what you do. What I don't get is what you think you are doing. Is this therapy for you?
So Trump just hires people into key positions without vetting. Good to know. All he needed to do was watch a TV station other than Fox.
We saw Trump's judgement of character in play with Flynn & Manafort.

Trump made a point of saying what a good guy Bill O'Reilly is. Bill was fired for being a pervert.

Trump called to congratulate the leader of Turkey for passing a resolution that moved Turkey further from a free democracy to dictatorship.

So Trump likes perverts (not surprising from a groper & invader of teen age girl's dressing rooms) and pseudo dictators like Putin.

This man has hand chosen the cabinet that helps lead this country.

He chose Tillerson who had ties with Putin & now Exxon is trying to get by the sanctions. Big surprise.

Trump constantly is trying to make money by visiting his properties on the taxpayers dime. Next up, a NJ property.

How soon before you Trumpettes admit how this stuff pisses you off.
Huh? You're pissed off. You come here and bellyache multiple times a day. Trump is supposed to know people like he was a god or he is a failure? You're a stupid little boy that has zip to offer but spew from the gutter.

If I'm a Trumpette that makes you a turdette. And as long as little turdette is busy typing hatefilled tripe on his feces coated keyboard, I am happy.

This is funny chit. You should try stand up comedy.

Billo was paying off women to avoid sexual harassment suits & yet Trump said he was a good guy & supported him. You are saying Trump did not know about the reports?

Are you saying Trump had no idea what that referendum in Turkey did?

Trump did not know Flynn was working for Turkey & fired fro the military?

Trump did not know Manafort had been working for a Ukraine string man?

So. your excuse is Trump is either stupid or did not bother to vet the people he hires & praises as President.
You assume Trump knew about the report. I only heard of one long ago and an accusation doesn't make on guilty.

You assume the worse because it's what you do. What I don't get is what you think you are doing. Is this therapy for you?
So Trump just hires people into key positions without vetting. Good to know. All he needed to do was watch a TV station other than Fox.
What was Flynn's guilt? The only thing he did wrong is to mislead Pence. He was supposed to know? And yet you care nothing about Obama's administration. The left attacks and tries to personally destroy their enemies, it's what they do. Your posts are just garbage.
We saw Trump's judgement of character in play with Flynn & Manafort.

Trump made a point of saying what a good guy Bill O'Reilly is. Bill was fired for being a pervert.

Trump called to congratulate the leader of Turkey for passing a resolution that moved Turkey further from a free democracy to dictatorship.

So Trump likes perverts (not surprising from a groper & invader of teen age girl's dressing rooms) and pseudo dictators like Putin.

This man has hand chosen the cabinet that helps lead this country.

He chose Tillerson who had ties with Putin & now Exxon is trying to get by the sanctions. Big surprise.

Trump constantly is trying to make money by visiting his properties on the taxpayers dime. Next up, a NJ property.

How soon before you Trumpettes admit how this stuff pisses you off.
Huh? You're pissed off. You come here and bellyache multiple times a day. Trump is supposed to know people like he was a god or he is a failure? You're a stupid little boy that has zip to offer but spew from the gutter.

If I'm a Trumpette that makes you a turdette. And as long as little turdette is busy typing hatefilled tripe on his feces coated keyboard, I am happy.

This is funny chit. You should try stand up comedy.

Billo was paying off women to avoid sexual harassment suits & yet Trump said he was a good guy & supported him. You are saying Trump did not know about the reports?

Are you saying Trump had no idea what that referendum in Turkey did?

Trump did not know Flynn was working for Turkey & fired fro the military?

Trump did not know Manafort had been working for a Ukraine string man?

So. your excuse is Trump is either stupid or did not bother to vet the people he hires & praises as President.
You assume Trump knew about the report. I only heard of one long ago and an accusation doesn't make on guilty.

You assume the worse because it's what you do. What I don't get is what you think you are doing. Is this therapy for you?
So Trump just hires people into key positions without vetting. Good to know. All he needed to do was watch a TV station other than Fox.
What was Flynn's guilt? The only thing he did wrong is to mislead Pence. He was supposed to know? And yet you care nothing about Obama's administration. The left attacks and tries to personally destroy their enemies, it's what they do. Your posts are just garbage.

Flynn was ousted from the military for divulging classified information. Trump brought him into his campaign & the press covered his military record. Flynn had several meetings with the Russians. Flynn denied talking abouyt sanctions & then later admitted it. They iused Pence as an excuse yet we all klnow Trump sent Flynn to yalk to the Russians. It was no coincidence that Obama layed sanctions onto Russia for elrection interference, Flynn met with the Russians, and Putin said he would not retaliate. All withgin a two day windiow. Masybe a dumbvfuck like you believes the Trump story but anyone with a brain knows different.

Trump knew about Flynn. Hew knew Flynn lied about sanction talk with the Russians & Still made him NSA - giving a man with a record of divulging secrets access to secrets.
We saw Trump's judgement of character in play with Flynn & Manafort.

Trump made a point of saying what a good guy Bill O'Reilly is. Bill was fired for being a pervert.

Trump called to congratulate the leader of Turkey for passing a resolution that moved Turkey further from a free democracy to dictatorship.

So Trump likes perverts (not surprising from a groper & invader of teen age girl's dressing rooms) and pseudo dictators like Putin.

This man has hand chosen the cabinet that helps lead this country.

He chose Tillerson who had ties with Putin & now Exxon is trying to get by the sanctions. Big surprise.

Trump constantly is trying to make money by visiting his properties on the taxpayers dime. Next up, a NJ property.

How soon before you Trumpettes admit how this stuff pisses you off.
Considering that Bill Clinton perjured himself over sexual harassment issues and all democrats love him enough to still nominate his wife (the object of humiliation of his daliances) as their potus candidate (still using his name!), what does that say about any democrat's judgment of character?

First, I never voted for Bill Clinton.

Second, the so called perjury occurred in his second term & he never ran again.

Third, Clinton/Lewinski was consensual sex.

4th - Blaming a wife her husband's sexual deed is quite a slap in the face to women everywhere as you imply that it must be a wife's fault if her husband cheats.

5th I thought you righties were about strength in marriage & would applaud a couple who remains together through forgiveness. Instead, we find you worship a man who has 5 kids from 3 different women. Cheated on one wife with his future wife. Been accused of groping women & raping a 13 year old girl.

Bill Clinton was a good President,. We will never know what kind of support he would get in an election after his sexual encounters became public.

We do know the support you & your ilk gave Trump knowing about his sexual adventures & his perversion to under aged girls. You knew it & still voted for him. I laugh at you people every time you try to defend Trump by bringing up Clinton.
Huh? You're pissed off. You come here and bellyache multiple times a day. Trump is supposed to know people like he was a god or he is a failure? You're a stupid little boy that has zip to offer but spew from the gutter.

If I'm a Trumpette that makes you a turdette. And as long as little turdette is busy typing hatefilled tripe on his feces coated keyboard, I am happy.

This is funny chit. You should try stand up comedy.

Billo was paying off women to avoid sexual harassment suits & yet Trump said he was a good guy & supported him. You are saying Trump did not know about the reports?

Are you saying Trump had no idea what that referendum in Turkey did?

Trump did not know Flynn was working for Turkey & fired fro the military?

Trump did not know Manafort had been working for a Ukraine string man?

So. your excuse is Trump is either stupid or did not bother to vet the people he hires & praises as President.
You assume Trump knew about the report. I only heard of one long ago and an accusation doesn't make on guilty.

You assume the worse because it's what you do. What I don't get is what you think you are doing. Is this therapy for you?
So Trump just hires people into key positions without vetting. Good to know. All he needed to do was watch a TV station other than Fox.
What was Flynn's guilt? The only thing he did wrong is to mislead Pence. He was supposed to know? And yet you care nothing about Obama's administration. The left attacks and tries to personally destroy their enemies, it's what they do. Your posts are just garbage.

Flynn was ousted from the military for divulging classified information. Trump brought him into his campaign & the press covered his military record. Flynn had several meetings with the Russians. Flynn denied talking abouyt sanctions & then later admitted it. They iused Pence as an excuse yet we all klnow Trump sent Flynn to yalk to the Russians. It was no coincidence that Obama layed sanctions onto Russia for elrection interference, Flynn met with the Russians, and Putin said he would not retaliate. All withgin a two day windiow. Masybe a dumbvfuck like you believes the Trump story but anyone with a brain knows different.

Trump knew about Flynn. Hew knew Flynn lied about sanction talk with the Russians & Still made him NSA - giving a man with a record of divulging secrets access to secrets.
We all know doesn't cut it. Prove that Flynn made ANY arrangement with the Russians. He talked to many countries, it's what is done on a regular basis. Obama kicked out the Russian diplomats for a political reason. To give the appearance of collusion with the Trump team. I'm still waiting for some evidence, something you apparently have no use for.
Can the average person look at a chess board 10 moves in and tell who's winning? Don't expect to always get Trump in the middle of the game.
Bill 0 was fired because he became a financial liability. No other reason.

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