Trump's July trip to England?

I doubt the Secret Service will allow that, if it is anywhere near where
the President will be.

If it is not taken down it will be shot down.
Does the big baby balloon break a law? Flight regulation no? Hazard to aviation?

If not, why should the British shoot it down?

I just hope it's a windy day and with liberals in charge it's bound to be a screwed up failure anyway... :lol:

The balloon is kinda cute, let it fly..

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The US always set the tone for the world...what now?

Time for the world to stand up on its own two feet. Period. Full stop.
Yes....but if so...does that mean we continue tramping around bellowing orders?

When the world has become so dependent on us for guidance and generosity, yes. I'm no isolationist by any means, but I also value patriotism, and a leader who uses patriotic values to put his people first and foremost. When the dependence on us starts becoming nothing more than them taking advantage of us, it's time to cut the umbilical, grow them up and get them out of the house.

We shoulder the burden of the world's economic fate, and so, the fate of the world itself. Until some nation state surpasses us in power both militarily and economically, our decisions and actions should still hold sway over the rest of the world. Whether we assist them or not is inconsequential. We can lead without giving aid at the expense of our own citizens all the time. These nations should not have founded themselves if they were not prepared to take care of themselves, by themselves.
Here is my opinion. I think they tried. The Brits are nothing if not formally polite. I think they decided they had had enough. Good or bad, why re#oect someone who is constantly and vocally disrespecting you? Not saying it is right but it is understandable.

Well said opinion, but I disagree. If we are being taken advantage of economically, we need to let them know how displeased we are. This would be the best time to demand a level playing field.

Furthermore, the American people had enough, and they elected Trump. The method by which he was elected is not relevant here. America cannot itself stand on its own two feet when it continues shouldering the burden of the entire human race on its shoulders. That's like tying a bowling ball to the legs of an ant.
I doubt the Secret Service will allow that, if it is anywhere near where
the President will be.

If it is not taken down it will be shot down.
Does the big baby balloon break a law? Flight regulation no? Hazard to aviation?

If not, why should the British shoot it down?

I just hope it's a windy day and with liberals in charge it's bound to be a screwed up failure anyway... :lol:

The balloon is kinda cute, let it fly..
Well, it's British air space. We don't have much of a say.
I doubt the Secret Service will allow that, if it is anywhere near where
the President will be.

If it is not taken down it will be shot down.
Does the big baby balloon break a law? Flight regulation no? Hazard to aviation?

If not, why should the British shoot it down?

I just hope it's a windy day and with liberals in charge it's bound to be a screwed up failure anyway... :lol:

The balloon is kinda cute, let it fly..
Well, it's British air space. We don't have much of a say.

Sure enough, I do believe it's makes the British look petty and childish but if that's what they want to represent, eh, no big surprise..
I doubt the Secret Service will allow that, if it is anywhere near where
the President will be.

If it is not taken down it will be shot down.
Does the big baby balloon break a law? Flight regulation no? Hazard to aviation?

If not, why should the British shoot it down?

I just hope it's a windy day and with liberals in charge it's bound to be a screwed up failure anyway... :lol:

The balloon is kinda cute, let it fly..
Well, it's British air space. We don't have much of a say.

Sure enough, I do believe it's makes the British look petty and childish but if that's what they want to represent, eh, no big surprise..
Ya know I said those exact words at a party Wednesday night. We were talking about Trump, and I said how when Trump mentions Sec. Clinton or President Obama he looks pettynand childish. But, if that's who we elected to,represent us, eh, no big surprise.

Let's see which skin is thicker, the Baby Balloon or The Donald.
trump should just skip the visit

and skip out on any deals we provide to the brits

fck em
Don't talk on the majority's behalf, we love the Brits and we hate Trump fuck the orange the embarrassment. I'm going to England soon.

I'm sure you speak for yourself, but know you speak ONLY for yourself and perhaps a minority of Americans who are radical Leftists.
Nah the majority voted against trump and the majority of the world also hates trump.
trump should just skip the visit

and skip out on any deals we provide to the brits

fck em
Don't talk on the majority's behalf, we love the Brits and we hate Trump fuck the orange the embarrassment. I'm going to England soon.

I'm sure you speak for yourself, but know you speak ONLY for yourself and perhaps a minority of Americans who are radical Leftists.
--------------------------------------------------yeah , feck those 'brits' and start fecking them at the start of the visit to 'england' then feck them at 'nato' and then give them the finger from Russia as you break bread with Putin . Heck , they tried killing my Great , Great , Great [and more] Grandpap and Grandma'm during the American Revolution so we Yanks might as well feck the 'brits' now . Same for the 'germans' ', french' and 'canooks Hunarchy .
You mean your criminal ancestors? They probably fled Europe as wanted criminals.
I hope he doesn't go. It's insulting and anyone...ANYONE in the USA that thinks its funny, should be ashamed of themselves. He is our POTUS, like it or not.
I doubt the Secret Service will allow that, if it is anywhere near where
the President will be.

If it is not taken down it will be shot down.
Does the big baby balloon break a law? Flight regulation no? Hazard to aviation?

If not, why should the British shoot it down?

I just hope it's a windy day and with liberals in charge it's bound to be a screwed up failure anyway... :lol:

The balloon is kinda cute, let it fly..
Well, it's British air space. We don't have much of a say.

Sure enough, I do believe it's makes the British look petty and childish but if that's what they want to represent, eh, no big surprise..
Ya know I said those exact words at a party Wednesday night. We were talking about Trump, and I said how when Trump mentions Sec. Clinton or President Obama he looks pettynand childish. But, if that's who we elected to,represent us, eh, no big surprise.

Let's see which skin is thicker, the Baby Balloon or The Donald.

Well, Obama and Hillary are pretty pathetic Americans, traitors in my opinion but sure I wish he wouldn't play in their liberal parasite swamp quite so often.
The English are some of the dumbest fuckers on the planet. Believe me, worked over there for years.

The more the Socialists rail and make asses of themselves the more popular Trump becomes where it counts. Right here at home.

Even the Scots laugh at the fucking losers.
You lost me at the first lie...Brits are generally more educated and smarter than Americans...lived with both, no comparison.
Britain is way behind white America in terms of intelligence and education.

It is on the lower end of Europe, while white America competes with the high end of Europe.
Prove it...go on.
The Amazing Truth About PISA Scores: USA Beats Western Europe, Ties with Asia |

Europe has gotten worse since then btw.
trump should just skip the visit

and skip out on any deals we provide to the brits

fck em
Don't talk on the majority's behalf, we love the Brits and we hate Trump fuck the orange the embarrassment. I'm going to England soon.

I'm sure you speak for yourself, but know you speak ONLY for yourself and perhaps a minority of Americans who are radical Leftists.
Nah the majority voted against trump and the majority of the world also hates trump.

That's the rumor that circulates among the Hillarybots. The fact is that MOST people voted against the corporate whore and her corrupt campaign. When you factor in Gary Johnson, Jill Steen and Trump, she was rejected most emphatically.

They are going to be flying this balloon over the building where Trump is speaking.

You know how think skinned he is. Worse than a little baby.

Giant 'Trump Baby' balloon approved to fly

"So when he visits the UK on Friday, we want to make sure he knows that all of Britain is looking down on him and laughing at him.

Wtf is think skinned?

in deans world it means white republicans......

If you hit a Republican, the chances are by 90%, that it will be a white Republican.
So at that point, white and Republican is understood.

is that all you think about is hitting someone?......geezus dean,go smoke a bowl and relax before you hurt yourself....
I doubt the Secret Service will allow that, if it is anywhere near where
the President will be.

If it is not taken down it will be shot down.
Does the big baby balloon break a law? Flight regulation no? Hazard to aviation?

If not, why should the British shoot it down?

I doubt the Secret Service will allow that, if it is anywhere near where
the President will be.

If it is not taken down it will be shot down.
Does the big baby balloon break a law? Flight regulation no? Hazard to aviation?

If not, why should the British shoot it down?

I just hope it's a windy day and with liberals in charge it's bound to be a screwed up failure anyway... :lol:

The balloon is kinda cute, let it fly..
Well, it's British air space. We don't have much of a say.

The SS will negotiate with British Air Traffic Control.

If you remember his visit to China. Some Chinese official cut in front
of the President. Our SS stopped him in his tracks.

Again...if they want to fly it over the countryside, someplace anyway
from the President, they won't worry, but at no time is it gonna be above
the President.

England is bolting from the EU. Besides the EU, we are their largest
trading partner. They cannot fuck with us.

They'll do exactly what they are told to do.
I doubt the Secret Service will allow that, if it is anywhere near where
the President will be.

If it is not taken down it will be shot down.
Does the big baby balloon break a law? Flight regulation no? Hazard to aviation?

If not, why should the British shoot it down?

I doubt the Secret Service will allow that, if it is anywhere near where
the President will be.

If it is not taken down it will be shot down.
Does the big baby balloon break a law? Flight regulation no? Hazard to aviation?

If not, why should the British shoot it down?

I just hope it's a windy day and with liberals in charge it's bound to be a screwed up failure anyway... :lol:

The balloon is kinda cute, let it fly..
Well, it's British air space. We don't have much of a say.

The SS will negotiate with British Air Traffic Control.

If you remember his visit to China. Some Chinese official cut in front
of the President. Our SS stopped him in his tracks.

Again...if they want to fly it over the countryside, someplace anyway
from the President, they won't worry, but at no time is it gonna be above
the President.

England is bolting from the EU. Besides the EU, we are their largest
trading partner. They cannot fuck with us.

They'll do exactly what they are told to do.
If you don't beI eve the Secret Service hasn't already been over the baby balloon with a fine toothed comb and their collection of high tech flashlights, you're not aware of the competence of that organIzation.

It's an embarrassment and you shouldn't try to react to it with all guns a blazin'. A little humility and self deprecation is what's called for. Especially when the point of the embarrassment is the accusation Trump is a baby.
Trump will be visiting Blenheim Palace, Windsor Casle and Chequers for military parades celebrating the cooperation of our armed forces, to meet with the Queen, and then on to Chequers for talks.

Meanwhile the stooooopid blimp will be tethered to the Westminster Lawn several miles away..

It’s gonna fall a bit flat (no pun intended) for the retarded protestors, I expect. Yay!
Trump laughs at this stuff or advertises it as a way to show the worthlessness of 'britain' and 'western europe' IBD .
But that's just it...he doesn't laugh at it.
It gets under his skin and he rages incoherently on Twitter, or at one of his ego rallies.
He s truly the Snowflake In Chief.

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