Trump's July trip to England?


They are going to be flying this balloon over the building where Trump is speaking.

You know how think skinned he is. Worse than a little baby.

Giant 'Trump Baby' balloon approved to fly

"So when he visits the UK on Friday, we want to make sure he knows that all of Britain is looking down on him and laughing at him.

He doesn't think he's popular, he knows it. Even better, they all fear him. The Sadiq Khans of the world can mock our President at their leisure, then bed wet over our trade domination and upcoming removal of NATO from the US power outlet.

When a foreign country publicly ridicules our sitting President, every US citizen should be outraged. Luckily no President in our history has been stronger on the world stage. Even Ike kowtowed to Stalin. Not since JFK have we had a man in the oval office willing to hold the line for American security and interests.

And all those who mock our President across the pond will be unable to take their eyes of their tellies for fear of missing a moment of his visit. If that's not popularity incarnate, I don't know what is.

I’m English and I can tell you Trump has a lot of support and is admired by many English people. The trouble is the media and the socialist snowflakes make the most noise and are reported on.
The media isnt interested in reporting any positive news about him.

However, in response to this embarrassing and undignified nonsense that Mayor ‘it’s more better’ Khan has approved, another group started raising money for an inflatable, and they raised the whole sum in about 24 hrs:

View attachment 203377

It’s equally stooopid, of course, but Khan will probably have to approve it.
Fairs fair.

I always loved English sense of humor. Especially, compared to the one of the Muslim mayor of London.
'Trump Baby' balloon gets green light from London mayor - CNN

Up in the sky.
It's a bird.
It's a plane.
This is what the English are down to now? Disarmed, Internet speech police, having knives and garden tools taken away because they’re dangerous. Hard to believe they were once a world super power. Now they make childish balloons.
Trump has insulted them and our other allies. Why should you expect respect?

They are going to be flying this balloon over the building where Trump is speaking.

You know how think skinned he is. Worse than a little baby.

Giant 'Trump Baby' balloon approved to fly

"So when he visits the UK on Friday, we want to make sure he knows that all of Britain is looking down on him and laughing at him.

Wtf is think skinned?

in deans world it means white republicans......

If you hit a Republican, the chances are by 90%, that it will be a white Republican.
So at that point, white and Republican is understood.
'Trump Baby' balloon gets green light from London mayor - CNN

Up in the sky.
It's a bird.
It's a plane.
This is what the English are down to now? Disarmed, Internet speech police, having knives and garden tools taken away because they’re dangerous. Hard to believe they were once a world super power. Now they make childish balloons.
Trump has insulted them and our other allies. Why should you expect respect?
It's obvious. That's why Trump fawns over people who fawn over him. They don't even need to be honest, just fawn.
'Trump Baby' balloon gets green light from London mayor - CNN

Up in the sky.
It's a bird.
It's a plane.
This is what the English are down to now? Disarmed, Internet speech police, having knives and garden tools taken away because they’re dangerous. Hard to believe they were once a world super power. Now they make childish balloons.
Trump has insulted them and our other allies. Why should you expect respect?
--------------------------------- i don't want the 'euros' respect , if anything i want the 'euros' to be apprehensive , nervous and unsure of themselves Coyote .
'Trump Baby' balloon gets green light from London mayor - CNN

Up in the sky.
It's a bird.
It's a plane.
This is what the English are down to now? Disarmed, Internet speech police, having knives and garden tools taken away because they’re dangerous. Hard to believe they were once a world super power. Now they make childish balloons.
Trump has insulted them and our other allies. Why should you expect respect?

"When they go low, we go high."

-Michelle Obama

Whatever happened to being the bigger person? Not playing down to the childishness of someone else? Has this concept been lost on everyone?
'Trump Baby' balloon gets green light from London mayor - CNN

Up in the sky.
It's a bird.
It's a plane.
This is what the English are down to now? Disarmed, Internet speech police, having knives and garden tools taken away because they’re dangerous. Hard to believe they were once a world super power. Now they make childish balloons.
Trump has insulted them and our other allies. Why should you expect respect?

"When they go low, we go high."

-Michelle Obama

Whatever happened to being the bigger person? Not playing down to the childishness of someone else? Has this concept been lost on everyone?
The US always set the tone for the world...what now?

Michelle is right...
'Trump Baby' balloon gets green light from London mayor - CNN

Up in the sky.
It's a bird.
It's a plane.
This is what the English are down to now? Disarmed, Internet speech police, having knives and garden tools taken away because they’re dangerous. Hard to believe they were once a world super power. Now they make childish balloons.
Trump has insulted them and our other allies. Why should you expect respect?
It’s just stupid. If you’re going to do something like that on that large of a scale at least do a good job. They’re running around with a Macy’s Parade prop. That’s pathetic.
'Trump Baby' balloon gets green light from London mayor - CNN

Up in the sky.
It's a bird.
It's a plane.
This is what the English are down to now? Disarmed, Internet speech police, having knives and garden tools taken away because they’re dangerous. Hard to believe they were once a world super power. Now they make childish balloons.
Trump has insulted them and our other allies. Why should you expect respect?
--------------------------------- i don't want the 'euros' respect , if anything i want the 'euros' to be apprehensive , nervous and unsure of themselves Coyote .
I want respect. Respect and mutual cooperation are the best strategies for success.
'Trump Baby' balloon gets green light from London mayor - CNN

Up in the sky.
It's a bird.
It's a plane.
This is what the English are down to now? Disarmed, Internet speech police, having knives and garden tools taken away because they’re dangerous. Hard to believe they were once a world super power. Now they make childish balloons.
Trump has insulted them and our other allies. Why should you expect respect?
U probably meant that he called them to task for one sided trade "partnerships" that were not in the least equitable. Perhaps you were talking about the cohort of money sucking, human rights violators in the UN who have been complacently awash in American $ for decades, benefiting greatly and contributing less than nothing is some cases... lol U are beyond the pale 'yote'!
'Trump Baby' balloon gets green light from London mayor - CNN

Up in the sky.
It's a bird.
It's a plane.
This is what the English are down to now? Disarmed, Internet speech police, having knives and garden tools taken away because they’re dangerous. Hard to believe they were once a world super power. Now they make childish balloons.
Trump has insulted them and our other allies. Why should you expect respect?
--------------------------------- i don't want the 'euros' respect , if anything i want the 'euros' to be apprehensive , nervous and unsure of themselves Coyote .
I want respect. Respect and mutual cooperation are the best strategies for success.
Not always. Sometimes in order to get that cooperation you need to bloody their nose a bit.
'Trump Baby' balloon gets green light from London mayor - CNN

Up in the sky.
It's a bird.
It's a plane.

There was a time the British flew balloons to help win wars. Now they fly baby Trump because they are angry at him for not maintaining the status quo.
No. Because he has acted horribly towards them and our other allies.
So, if he acts like a child towards them, they should do the same in kind?

Time for a playpen, Coyote, because there's more than enough room for two.

They are going to be flying this balloon over the building where Trump is speaking.

You know how think skinned he is. Worse than a little baby.

Giant 'Trump Baby' balloon approved to fly

"So when he visits the UK on Friday, we want to make sure he knows that all of Britain is looking down on him and laughing at him.

Wtf is think skinned?

in deans world it means white republicans......

If you hit a Republican, the chances are by 90%, that it will be a white Republican.
So at that point, white and Republican is understood.

Tear yourself away from the 1960's ... Pah, believe it or not, we entered the 21st century nigh on two decades ago... lol
'Trump Baby' balloon gets green light from London mayor - CNN

Up in the sky.
It's a bird.
It's a plane.

There was a time the British flew balloons to help win wars. Now they fly baby Trump because they are angry at him for not maintaining the status quo.
No. Because he has acted horribly towards them and our other allies.
So, if he acts like a child towards them, they should do the same in kind?

Time for a playpen, Coyote, because there's more than enough room for two.
Here is my opinion. I think they tried. The Brits are nothing if not formally polite. I think they decided they had had enough. Good or bad, why re#oect someone who is constantly and vocally disrespecting you? Not saying it is right but it is understandable.

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