Trump's July trip to England?

Hard to believe our president is hated by our closest historical ally

Makes sense because most Americans hate the goon too
-------------------------------------------- historical ally , heck , America saved 'brit' azz during ww2 and how quickly Americans forget human history . [same goes for 'germany' and 'japan' and we Yanks FED and rebuilt them both after we killed them in ww2] -------------- Anyway , 'brit allies' , remember that it was the 'brits' that we had to Declare Independence from and we had to kill the 'brits' in the American Revolution to take ownership of America and that was just a short while ago in the past RightWinger !!
yeah , the 'brits' wanted ownership of America and its vast resources and they were willing to kill American Colonists to keep control . Course we Americans killed them 'much better' :afro: and so we YANKS kept control and the 'tories' went to 'canada' or back to 'blighty' where they belonged RWinger .
hating the Goon , yep , the right people hate him while the rest of us love him . Best President in my 68 years of remembering though RWinger .
'Trump Baby' balloon gets green light from London mayor - CNN

Up in the sky.
It's a bird.
It's a plane.

Saw it on Maddow last night and about busted a gut!
Dotard can't miss it - and there are protests planned at every one of his stops.
They should drag Baby Trump from one spot to the next.

He'd be like NOOOO ... IT'S FOLLOWING ME!! :laugh2:

'Trump Baby' balloon gets green light from London mayor - CNN

Up in the sky.
It's a bird.
It's a plane.

Saw it on Maddow last night and about busted a gut!
Dotard can't miss it - and there are protests planned at every one of his stops.
They should drag Baby Trump from one spot to the next.

He'd be like NOOOO ... IT'S FOLLOWING ME!! :laugh2:


The Grudger in Chief will be so pissed off that Britain may have to beg to get back in the EU. LOL I see a trade war!
'Trump Baby' balloon gets green light from London mayor - CNN

Up in the sky.
It's a bird.
It's a plane.
This is what the English are down to now? Disarmed, Internet speech police, having knives and garden tools taken away because they’re dangerous. Hard to believe they were once a world super power. Now they make childish balloons.

A bit of background - He had it coming :)
Trump criticized for tweet about London Mayor after attack - CNNPolitics
The Grudger in Chief will be so pissed off that Britain may have to beg to get back in the EU. LOL I see a trade war!

Pffftt.. nonsense, The Donald is going over so he can Make the United Kingdom Great Britain Again.

… personally I hope he succeeds since if he does, maybe the Brits will keep him. :D
Trump didn't become a multi-billionaire and the President of the greatest country in the world, by worrying about what some butt-hurt little crybabies think. To hell with "overseas." If they want to play the game, they will play by our rules or not play at all.
I know.
First he inherited it and then he got help from Russians after American banks stopped lending him money after all those bankruptcies.

We know exactly how Trump got rich:


And don't forget the Trump U scam and the Trump criminal organization, Trump foundation, is still under investigation.

This honestly cannot be posted too often :)
Trump didn't become a multi-billionaire and the President of the greatest country in the world, by worrying about what some butt-hurt little crybabies think. To hell with "overseas." If they want to play the game, they will play by our rules or not play at all.
I know.
First he inherited it and then he got help from Russians after American banks stopped lending him money after all those bankruptcies.

We know exactly how Trump got rich:


And don't forget the Trump U scam and the Trump criminal organization, Trump foundation, is still under investigation.

This honestly cannot be posted too often :)

Agreed... keep affirming your utter stupidity by reposting utter nonsense.
Trump would laugh at if he saw it and never take it seriously.

Only an idiot would and that man is a long way from being an idiot.

Of course all you lefty loons can take it seriously. Its what you dumbasses do. LOL
He's vilified and ridiculed overseas. Thanks to him, the world pities the citizens of this country. Well, all except the ones ruled by dictators because they know he envies them and wants to be just like them..

Sorry - his approval rating throughout EU averages around 17%
U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around World Question Trump’s Leadership
He's vilified and ridiculed overseas. Thanks to him, the world pities the citizens of this country. Well, all except the ones ruled by dictators because they know he envies them and wants to be just like them..

Sorry - his approval rating throughout EU averages around 17%
U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around World Question Trump’s Leadership

Who cares?
The Grudger in Chief will be so pissed off that Britain may have to beg to get back in the EU. LOL I see a trade war!

Pffftt.. nonsense, The Donald is going over so he can Make the United Kingdom Great Britain Again.

… personally I hope he succeeds since if he does, maybe the Brits will keep him. :D
The Brits excel at insulting the vain and fauxpowerful. It's gonna be a treat.
The English are some of the dumbest fuckers on the planet. Believe me, worked over there for years.

The more the Socialists rail and make asses of themselves the more popular Trump becomes where it counts. Right here at home.

Even the Scots laugh at the fucking losers.
Even the Scots laugh at the fucking losers.

And we all know how much the Scots love Trump.

That second vid is EPIC!!

The Original Trump Haters | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS
I doubt the Secret Service will allow that, if it is anywhere near where
the President will be.

If it is not taken down it will be shot down.

It was approved by the London Mayor and SS has ZERO say in the matter -
Why don't you go shoot it down? :D

Hey Doc Love...What it be, my man. How are them vines.

Go back and read the article. Air Traffic Control has the final say.

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