Trump's July trip to England?

Trump didn't become a multi-billionaire

......without daddy's millions and Mafia ties......

Hope the above helps

(BTW, how the fuck do YOU know that the orange buffoon is a multi-billionaire?????........................Oh, I know.....he told you....LOL)

Got a link to Trump's Mafia ties?

Yes, Donald Trump has been linked to the mob

Don't like PolitiFact? Choose your source:
trump's mafia ties
I doubt the Secret Service will allow that, if it is anywhere near where
the President will be.

If it is not taken down it will be shot down.

It was approved by the London Mayor and SS has ZERO say in the matter -
Why don't you go shoot it down? :D

Hey Doc Love...What it be, my man. How are them vines.

Go back and read the article. Air Traffic Control has the final say.

And you think they're gonna care about something 100 feet off the ground (shorter than the building) ???


I doubt the Secret Service will allow that, if it is anywhere near where
the President will be.

If it is not taken down it will be shot down.

It was approved by the London Mayor and SS has ZERO say in the matter -
Why don't you go shoot it down? :D
------------------------------------- it was approved by the 'muslim' mayor of 'london istan' and its cool . I suspect that The TRUMP will love it Nat .
I doubt the Secret Service will allow that, if it is anywhere near where
the President will be.

If it is not taken down it will be shot down.

It was approved by the London Mayor and SS has ZERO say in the matter -
Why don't you go shoot it down? :D

Hey Doc Love...What it be, my man. How are them vines.

Go back and read the article. Air Traffic Control has the final say.

And you think they're gonna care about something 100 feet off the ground (shorter than the building) ???

The crowds could get "little hand" puppets to match the float ... assuming Trump dares the public.

After telling the princess to "cover up" after the paparazzi got her from sniping distance, he's probably best suited to stay indoors.
Trump didn't become a multi-billionaire

......without daddy's millions and Mafia ties......

Hope the above helps

(BTW, how the fuck do YOU know that the orange buffoon is a multi-billionaire?????........................Oh, I know.....he told you....LOL)

Got a link to Trump's Mafia ties?

Yes, Donald Trump has been linked to the mob

Don't like PolitiFact? Choose your source:
trump's mafia ties

OK, so, his companies were forced to buy concrete from companies controlled buy the mob.. so did many others. Jesus.
Trump didn't become a multi-billionaire and the President of the greatest country in the world, by worrying about what some butt-hurt little crybabies think. To hell with "overseas." If they want to play the game, they will play by our rules or not play at all.
I know.
First he inherited it and then he got help from Russians after American banks stopped lending him money after all those bankruptcies.

We know exactly how Trump got rich...

Ahh. But you goobers can't quite figure out how he beat 17 Republicans and one dried-up old ratbag, can you?

The English are some of the dumbest fuckers on the planet. Believe me, worked over there for years.

The more the Socialists rail and make asses of themselves the more popular Trump becomes where it counts. Right here at home.

Even the Scots laugh at the fucking losers.
You lost me at the first lie...Brits are generally more educated and smarter than Americans...lived with both, no comparison.
Britain is way behind white America in terms of intelligence and education.

It is on the lower end of Europe, while white America competes with the high end of Europe.
Prove it...go on.
a muslim and a left wing nut but muslim is bad enough . Don't let him touch you , he has muslim toilet habits . [shudder]
trump should just skip the visit

and skip out on any deals we provide to the brits

fck em
Don't talk on the majority's behalf, we love the Brits and we hate Trump fuck the orange the embarrassment. I'm going to England soon.

I'm sure you speak for yourself, but know you speak ONLY for yourself and perhaps a minority of Americans who are radical Leftists.
President Trump really needs to visit England soon. Wait too long and Red Jeremy will be PM (prime minister) and nobody will be able to get there because all transport will be on strike.
trump should just skip the visit

and skip out on any deals we provide to the brits

fck em
Don't talk on the majority's behalf, we love the Brits and we hate Trump fuck the orange the embarrassment. I'm going to England soon.

I'm sure you speak for yourself, but know you speak ONLY for yourself and perhaps a minority of Americans who are radical Leftists.
NO he speaks for the majority as you will see in the next election not the cowardly scum who kiss the orange anus's butt

They are going to be flying this balloon over the building where Trump is speaking.

You know how think skinned he is. Worse than a little baby.

Giant 'Trump Baby' balloon approved to fly

"So when he visits the UK on Friday, we want to make sure he knows that all of Britain is looking down on him and laughing at him.

He doesn't think he's popular, he knows it. Even better, they all fear him. The Sadiq Khans of the world can mock our President at their leisure, then bed wet over our trade domination and upcoming removal of NATO from the US power outlet.

When a foreign country publicly ridicules our sitting President, every US citizen should be outraged. Luckily no President in our history has been stronger on the world stage. Even Ike kowtowed to Stalin. Not since JFK have we had a man in the oval office willing to hold the line for American security and interests.

And all those who mock our President across the pond will be unable to take their eyes of their tellies for fear of missing a moment of his visit. If that's not popularity incarnate, I don't know what is.

I’m English and I can tell you Trump has a lot of support and is admired by many English people. The trouble is the media and the socialist snowflakes make the most noise and are reported on.
The media isnt interested in reporting any positive news about him.

However, in response to this embarrassing and undignified nonsense that Mayor ‘it’s more better’ Khan has approved, another group started raising money for an inflatable, and they raised the whole sum in about 24 hrs:


It’s equally stooopid, of course, but Khan will probably have to approve it.
Fairs fair.
trump should just skip the visit

and skip out on any deals we provide to the brits

fck em
Don't talk on the majority's behalf, we love the Brits and we hate Trump fuck the orange the embarrassment. I'm going to England soon.

I'm sure you speak for yourself, but know you speak ONLY for yourself and perhaps a minority of Americans who are radical Leftists.
--------------------------------------------------yeah , feck those 'brits' and start fecking them at the start of the visit to 'england' then feck them at 'nato' and then give them the finger from Russia as you break bread with Putin . Heck , they tried killing my Great , Great , Great [and more] Grandpap and Grandma'm during the American Revolution so we Yanks might as well feck the 'brits' now . Same for the 'germans' ', french' and 'canooks Hunarchy .

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