Trump's July trip to England?

The Muslim Mayor of London just authorized the below--Trump in a diaper---to fly over the Parliament as Trump speaks there. Special permission was needed from this IslamicTurd because it is to be moored on government property.


Here is what it will look like as our President speaks to the British Parliament.


I know you Bolsheviks will cheer the act of the Mohammedan Mayor; that you will cheer the fact that London has been Islamicized; that our President is being ridiculed on foreign soil.

But, if this atrocity is not stopped---it will be an offense to our country which many many Americans will long remember. England will come to regret it just as they are now regretting letting these 8th century barbarians into the country to begin with.

How did this happen to the land of William Wallace, of Admiral Lord Nelson; of Winston Churchill?

Fuck what is left of England.
For someone who talks so sure get offended easily.

You are damn right I am offended. Everyone of my ancestors is from England or Scotland---and heretofore, I have been proud to say so. No longer. Nothing left there but Pussies and Muslims.

Won't happen here.

Fuck you.

What a childish and ignorant post. The number of Muslims in England is still only a tiny fraction (4.4%) of the total population.
Silly Trumpbot.

All of my ancestors (and my late father) are also from England/Scotland.

And I am proud of the balloon AND the racial makeup of Great Britain.
The Muslim Mayor of London just authorized the below--Trump in a diaper---to fly over the Parliament as Trump speaks there. Special permission was needed from this IslamicTurd because it is to be moored on government property.


Here is what it will look like as our President speaks to the British Parliament.


I know you Bolsheviks will cheer the act of the Mohammedan Mayor; that you will cheer the fact that London has been Islamicized; that our President is being ridiculed on foreign soil.

But, if this atrocity is not stopped---it will be an offense to our country which many many Americans will long remember. England will come to regret it just as they are now regretting letting these 8th century barbarians into the country to begin with.

How did this happen to the land of William Wallace, of Admiral Lord Nelson; of Winston Churchill?

Fuck what is left of England.
For someone who talks so sure get offended easily.

You are damn right I am offended. Everyone of my ancestors is from England or Scotland---and heretofore, I have been proud to say so. No longer. Nothing left there but Pussies and Muslims.

Won't happen here.

Fuck you.

What a childish and ignorant post. The number of Muslims in England is still only a tiny fraction (4.4%) of the total population.
Silly Trumpbot.

All of my ancestors (and my late father) are also from England/Scotland.

And I am proud of the balloon AND the racial makeup of Great Britain.


Well then FUCK YOU too. You sacrifice your Country for your Blind Rabid Partisanship. No real American would tolerate this kind of ridicule of its DULY ELECTED PRESIDENT from a country whose ass we have saved twice in the last century---and not for them to turn Pussy and go in the Tank for 8th century barbarians.

And, if its 4.4%--that's obviously enough for this bunch of Pussies to tank. Churchill is spinning in his grave and you can GET FUCKED.

'Trump Baby' balloon gets green light from London mayor - CNN

Up in the sky.
It's a bird.
It's a plane.
This is what the English are down to now? Disarmed, Internet speech police, having knives and garden tools taken away because they’re dangerous. Hard to believe they were once a world super power. Now they make childish balloons.
I travel constantly and have friends from all sides of the globe....Trump is the biggest joke coming from the US....and I often get questioned about how did we allow the dumbos to elect a clown.....Trust me I didn't vote for Hillary nor Obama, but Trump is the most laughed at president I can remember.....people used to asked me how did we manage to elect Bush twice....with Trump they are just in disbelieve.
trump should just skip the visit

and skip out on any deals we provide to the brits

fck em
Don't talk on the majority's behalf, we love the Brits and we hate Trump fuck the orange the embarrassment. I'm going to England soon.
The Muslim Mayor of London just authorized the below--Trump in a diaper---to fly over the Parliament as Trump speaks there. Special permission was needed from this IslamicTurd because it is to be moored on government property.


Here is what it will look like as our President speaks to the British Parliament.


I know you Bolsheviks will cheer the act of the Mohammedan Mayor; that you will cheer the fact that London has been Islamicized; that our President is being ridiculed on foreign soil.

But, if this atrocity is not stopped---it will be an offense to our country which many many Americans will long remember. England will come to regret it just as they are now regretting letting these 8th century barbarians into the country to begin with.

How did this happen to the land of William Wallace, of Admiral Lord Nelson; of Winston Churchill?

Fuck what is left of England.
For someone who talks so sure get offended easily.

You are damn right I am offended. Everyone of my ancestors is from England or Scotland---and heretofore, I have been proud to say so. No longer. Nothing left there but Pussies and Muslims.

Won't happen here.

Fuck you.
------------------------------------------- last of the good 'brits' are pretty much dead and buried . 'muslim' mayor of ' london istan' is amazing to see and i am not 'english' .
At other websites, I have read the comments of some Brits who really, really, really "dislike" President Trump.

I hope that the President does visit London.

I especially hope that he meets with Her Majesty.

Such an event will drive some of those anti-Trump Brits absolutely bonkers.
Trump laughs at this stuff or advertises it as a way to show the worthlessness of 'britain' and 'western europe' IBD .
At other websites, I have read the comments of some Brits who really, really, really "dislike" President Trump.

I hope that the President does visit London.

I especially hope that he meets with Her Majesty.

Such an event will drive some of those anti-Trump Brits absolutely bonkers.
-------------------------------- i don't think that he will meet 'queenie' . Just a thought Parser .
I don't know if it it's still true but I suspect it is that the #1 name for newborn British males in London is "Mohammed". That could indicate a couple of things, first of all that British women might be aborting their male offspring at a record rate while Muslems continue to engage in productive sexual unions or it could mean that British Christians are just outnumbered by Muslem invaders.
It is mostly because like 90% of Muslim males are named Muhammad.

The British have hundreds of different names for their male children.
and just hearing on morning [msnbc] news now but , headline is --- 'nato' on edge after TRUMP blasts allies in Montana Rally Speech IBD .

They are going to be flying this balloon over the building where Trump is speaking.

You know how think skinned he is. Worse than a little baby.

Giant 'Trump Baby' balloon approved to fly

"So when he visits the UK on Friday, we want to make sure he knows that all of Britain is looking down on him and laughing at him.

Of course he believes he's popular. That's how much of a fucking moron he is.

Trump is going to find out how popular he is

They are going to be flying this balloon over the building where Trump is speaking.

You know how think skinned he is. Worse than a little baby.

Giant 'Trump Baby' balloon approved to fly

"So when he visits the UK on Friday, we want to make sure he knows that all of Britain is looking down on him and laughing at him.

Of course he believes he's popular. That's how much of a fucking moron he is.

Trump is going to find out how popular he is

------------------------------------- TRUMP will love 'euro' foolishness and it will be advertised all over the USA in time for November elections in the USA RWinger ,

They are going to be flying this balloon over the building where Trump is speaking.

You know how think skinned he is. Worse than a little baby.

Giant 'Trump Baby' balloon approved to fly

"So when he visits the UK on Friday, we want to make sure he knows that all of Britain is looking down on him and laughing at him.

The vast majority of Trump voters do not travel outside their zip code to say the least, out of the country. They do not understand other cultures or how stupid the USA looks with Donald Trump as President to the world.

Britain is far too backward and uncultured for most Trump supporters.

They are going to be flying this balloon over the building where Trump is speaking.

You know how think skinned he is. Worse than a little baby.

Giant 'Trump Baby' balloon approved to fly

"So when he visits the UK on Friday, we want to make sure he knows that all of Britain is looking down on him and laughing at him.

Of course he believes he's popular. That's how much of a fucking moron he is.

Trump is going to find out how popular he is

Britain is going to find out what a joke it is.
The English are some of the dumbest fuckers on the planet. Believe me, worked over there for years.

The more the Socialists rail and make asses of themselves the more popular Trump becomes where it counts. Right here at home.

Even the Scots laugh at the fucking losers.
You lost me at the first lie...Brits are generally more educated and smarter than Americans...lived with both, no comparison.
Britain is way behind white America in terms of intelligence and education.

It is on the lower end of Europe, while white America competes with the high end of Europe.

They are going to be flying this balloon over the building where Trump is speaking.

You know how think skinned he is. Worse than a little baby.

Giant 'Trump Baby' balloon approved to fly

"So when he visits the UK on Friday, we want to make sure he knows that all of Britain is looking down on him and laughing at him.

The vast majority of Trump voters do not travel outside their zip code to say the least, out of the country. They do not understand other cultures or how stupid the USA looks with Donald Trump as President to the world.

Britain is far too backward and uncultured for most Trump supporters.

------------------------------------------------ agreed , and that was really illustrated to me when i saw a 'brit' protest over a 'brit' gov Face Sitting Ban' . The 'brits' were proudly protesting the 'facesitting' ban in front of Parliament a few years ago . I found it very amusing the things that 'brits' find to be important .

They are going to be flying this balloon over the building where Trump is speaking.

You know how think skinned he is. Worse than a little baby.

Giant 'Trump Baby' balloon approved to fly

"So when he visits the UK on Friday, we want to make sure he knows that all of Britain is looking down on him and laughing at him.

The vast majority of Trump voters do not travel outside their zip code to say the least, out of the country. They do not understand other cultures or how stupid the USA looks with Donald Trump as President to the world.

Britain is far too backward and uncultured for most Trump supporters.

------------------------------------------------ agreed , and that was really illustrated to me when i saw a 'brit' protest over a 'brit' gov Face Sitting Ban' . The 'brits' were proudly protesting the 'facesitting' ban in front of Parliament a few years ago . I found it very amusing the things that 'brits' find to be important .

That is what happens when you have a supposed intellectual elite that survives solely through censorship.

Everyone becomes an idiot.
Hard to believe our president is hated by our closest historical ally

Makes sense because most Americans hate the goon too

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