Trump's latest "lies": Where's the beef?

While I have read hundreds of accounts of how Trump intentionally downplayed the coming horror of the novel Corona Virus, and "admitted having deceived the American people," I have yet to see a single QUOTE of something the President said that was known to be false when he said it. (Which is, of course, the definition of a "lie").

Not one.

Usually, when claims of LIES are so ubiquitous, there is at least a smattering of quotes to back up the accusations. But here? Not so much.

I posed the same question in another forum and I got quotes of the President saying that he softened his language so as not to cause a public panic. But that is not a lie, just a general comment.

So let's have it. Someone produce a quotation from the President of a statement that was false, and known to be false at the time when it was uttered.

I can't wait.
How much of a moron do you have to believe that the virus will “magically disappear” or that it was “totally contained”?

Who said either of those?
Obviously you already know the answer.
Apparently you don't or you'd say so.
How hard is this if the topic is clearly about the shit Trump says?
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is putting forth a false “Choice” when he boasts about a program aimed at improving veterans’ health care by steering more patients to the private sector.

That's not much of a lie. Trump ran on getting better care for Vets. Many vets die waiting for healthcare. He's made great strides in that area.

If Obama had a hand in getting a program started, good for him. It took Trump to bring it to fruition.

Taking more credit than you deserve for something you did (an exaggeration) isn't much of a "lie" next to telling all of America they'd save $2500 a year on Obamacare and keep their doctor too. A fact we now know that the architect of Obamacare and Obama himself both knew and admitted were BALD FACED LIES at the time to help get ACA passed.

Now THAT'S a lie.
Lol quit pretending you actually knew how this program got started in the first place. You’re retroactively claiming you knew what Obama’s role in this was. You’re just making up bullshit about what Trump did. You don’t actually know.
What do you know of anything? You don't listen to anything Trump says so everything you think is hearsay. The details of Obamacare and the meetings and decisions of those who wrote it and the work they did with House administrators and the Obama Administration has all been well researched and documented. I can't help it that you have selective amnesia.
Lol it doesn’t matter if it’s been documented. You don’t actually know anything about it.

Gee, for an idiot, you're an expert on a lot of things you know nothing about:
  • You know all about Trump's lies though you never listen to him and have never actually heard him say any of them!
  • You know all about me though you don't know the first thing about me and could walk right past you and you wouldn't know who I was!
That's pretty fucking unremarkable.
While I have read hundreds of accounts of how Trump intentionally downplayed the coming horror of the novel Corona Virus, and "admitted having deceived the American people," I have yet to see a single QUOTE of something the President said that was known to be false when he said it. (Which is, of course, the definition of a "lie").

Not one.

Usually, when claims of LIES are so ubiquitous, there is at least a smattering of quotes to back up the accusations. But here? Not so much.

I posed the same question in another forum and I got quotes of the President saying that he softened his language so as not to cause a public panic. But that is not a lie, just a general comment.

So let's have it. Someone produce a quotation from the President of a statement that was false, and known to be false at the time when it was uttered.

I can't wait.
How much of a moron do you have to believe that the virus will “magically disappear” or that it was “totally contained”?

Who said either of those?
Obviously you already know the answer.
Apparently you don't or you'd say so.
How hard is this if the topic is clearly about the shit Trump says?
You never listen to Trump so you don't know the first thing about anything he says. You take everything on hearsay from prejudiced souces and just believe what you want.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is putting forth a false “Choice” when he boasts about a program aimed at improving veterans’ health care by steering more patients to the private sector.

That's not much of a lie. Trump ran on getting better care for Vets. Many vets die waiting for healthcare. He's made great strides in that area.

If Obama had a hand in getting a program started, good for him. It took Trump to bring it to fruition.

Taking more credit than you deserve for something you did (an exaggeration) isn't much of a "lie" next to telling all of America they'd save $2500 a year on Obamacare and keep their doctor too. A fact we now know that the architect of Obamacare and Obama himself both knew and admitted were BALD FACED LIES at the time to help get ACA passed.

Now THAT'S a lie.
Lol quit pretending you actually knew how this program got started in the first place. You’re retroactively claiming you knew what Obama’s role in this was. You’re just making up bullshit about what Trump did. You don’t actually know.
What do you know of anything? You don't listen to anything Trump says so everything you think is hearsay. The details of Obamacare and the meetings and decisions of those who wrote it and the work they did with House administrators and the Obama Administration has all been well researched and documented. I can't help it that you have selective amnesia.
Lol it doesn’t matter if it’s been documented. You don’t actually know anything about it.

Gee, for an idiot, you're an expert on a lot of things you know nothing about:
  • You know all about Trump's lies though you never listen to him and have never actually heard him say any of them!
  • You know all about me though you don't know the first thing about me and could walk right past you and you wouldn't know who I was!
That's pretty fucking unremarkable.
Lol you can pretend all you want he didn’t say those things but you know he did. Again, you’re completely bullshitting.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is putting forth a false “Choice” when he boasts about a program aimed at improving veterans’ health care by steering more patients to the private sector.

That's not much of a lie. Trump ran on getting better care for Vets. Many vets die waiting for healthcare. He's made great strides in that area.

If Obama had a hand in getting a program started, good for him. It took Trump to bring it to fruition.

Taking more credit than you deserve for something you did (an exaggeration) isn't much of a "lie" next to telling all of America they'd save $2500 a year on Obamacare and keep their doctor too. A fact we now know that the architect of Obamacare and Obama himself both knew and admitted were BALD FACED LIES at the time to help get ACA passed.

Now THAT'S a lie.
Lol quit pretending you actually knew how this program got started in the first place. You’re retroactively claiming you knew what Obama’s role in this was. You’re just making up bullshit about what Trump did. You don’t actually know.
What do you know of anything? You don't listen to anything Trump says so everything you think is hearsay. The details of Obamacare and the meetings and decisions of those who wrote it and the work they did with House administrators and the Obama Administration has all been well researched and documented. I can't help it that you have selective amnesia.
Lol it doesn’t matter if it’s been documented. You don’t actually know anything about it.

Gee, for an idiot, you're an expert on a lot of things you know nothing about:
  • You know all about Trump's lies though you never listen to him and have never actually heard him say any of them!
  • You know all about me though you don't know the first thing about me and could walk right past you and you wouldn't know who I was!
That's pretty fucking unremarkable.
Lol you can pretend all you want he didn’t say those things but you know he did. Again, you’re completely bullshitting.
If he said those things then you won't mind playing the video of him saying them.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is putting forth a false “Choice” when he boasts about a program aimed at improving veterans’ health care by steering more patients to the private sector.

That's not much of a lie. Trump ran on getting better care for Vets. Many vets die waiting for healthcare. He's made great strides in that area.

If Obama had a hand in getting a program started, good for him. It took Trump to bring it to fruition.

Taking more credit than you deserve for something you did (an exaggeration) isn't much of a "lie" next to telling all of America they'd save $2500 a year on Obamacare and keep their doctor too. A fact we now know that the architect of Obamacare and Obama himself both knew and admitted were BALD FACED LIES at the time to help get ACA passed.

Now THAT'S a lie.
Lol quit pretending you actually knew how this program got started in the first place. You’re retroactively claiming you knew what Obama’s role in this was. You’re just making up bullshit about what Trump did. You don’t actually know.
What do you know of anything? You don't listen to anything Trump says so everything you think is hearsay. The details of Obamacare and the meetings and decisions of those who wrote it and the work they did with House administrators and the Obama Administration has all been well researched and documented. I can't help it that you have selective amnesia.
Lol it doesn’t matter if it’s been documented. You don’t actually know anything about it.

Gee, for an idiot, you're an expert on a lot of things you know nothing about:
  • You know all about Trump's lies though you never listen to him and have never actually heard him say any of them!
  • You know all about me though you don't know the first thing about me and could walk right past you and you wouldn't know who I was!
That's pretty fucking unremarkable.
Lol you can pretend all you want he didn’t say those things but you know he did. Again, you’re completely bullshitting.
If he said those things then you won't mind playing the video of him saying them.
Lol sure I’ll show you the montage even though you already know.

Lol sure I’ll show you the montage even though you already know.

OK. Let's take these one by one, Trump's supposed LIES.
  1. Trump said A LOT OF PEOPLE believe . . . No lie there. At that time, many experts including the Democrats, believed Covid wouldn't become that big a deal.
  2. Trump said: these things TYPICALLY GO AWAY. No lie there. Ever know of a virus that never went away?
  3. Trump said: Xi was getting control over in China. Getting a handle. Trump thinks it'll eventually go away. Again, no lie here. This is what Xi was reporting to him then, that is what they thought and what Trump expected based on all available data at that time. No lie there.
  4. Trump said: It'll get worse before it gets better. No lie there. It'll get better. All true. It will get better, it has gotten better and it is getting better.
  5. Trump said: It'll maybe go away, we'll see what happens. No lie there.
  6. Trump said: It'll go away. Ditto. It has to eventually run its course.
  7. Trump said: Hopefully soon after that. Where is the lie here?
Each highlight is a near quote of what Trump said over the first half of the video. Not only did that reflect the general thinking at that time based on experience with other viruses, including the democrats, but it reflected what every good leader tells his people, showing leadership, reflecting optimism, hope, keeping public morale high and avoiding a public panic.

MORE TO THE POINT, just how does any of Trump's "lies" differ from what the Democrats themselves were saying at the same time?

Listen to these clips of the Democratic response fully and carefully:

So, I'll ask you again, where are all these terrible lies? Trump hopes. He expects. He believes. These are not lies. And if Trump lied, then so did Nancy, Cuomo, Fauci, MSNBC, CNN and the rest of the Democrats.
Lol sure I’ll show you the montage even though you already know.

OK. Let's take these one by one, Trump's supposed LIES.
  1. Trump said A LOT OF PEOPLE believe . . . No lie there. At that time, many experts including the Democrats, believed Covid wouldn't become that big a deal.
  2. Trump said: these things TYPICALLY GO AWAY. No lie there. Ever know of a virus that never went away?
  3. Trump said: Xi was getting control over in China. Getting a handle. Trump thinks it'll eventually go away. Again, no lie here. This is what Xi was reporting to him then, that is what they thought and what Trump expected based on all available data at that time. No lie there.
  4. Trump said: It'll get worse before it gets better. No lie there. It'll get better. All true. It will get better, it has gotten better and it is getting better.
  5. Trump said: It'll maybe go away, we'll see what happens. No lie there.
  6. Trump said: It'll go away. Ditto. It has to eventually run its course.
  7. Trump said: Hopefully soon after that. Where is the lie here?
Each highlight is a near quote of what Trump said over the first half of the video. Not only did that reflect the general thinking at that time based on experience with other viruses, including the democrats, but it reflected what every good leader tells his people, showing leadership, reflecting optimism, hope, keeping public morale high and avoiding a public panic.

MORE TO THE POINT, just how does any of Trump's "lies" differ from what the Democrats themselves were saying at the same time?

Listen to these clips of the Democratic response fully and carefully:

So, I'll ask you again, where are all these terrible lies? Trump hopes. He expects. He believes. These are not lies. And if Trump lied, then so did Nancy, Cuomo, Fauci, MSNBC, CNN and the rest of the Democrats.

You’re so goddamn stupid. When Trump said the large majority of that bullshit, actual experts at the time said the virus was a serious problem. NO ONE but Trump said that the virus would be gone by April whIle it was February or March at the time. This is such a stupid whataboutism either way. No one said it was going to go 15 to zero in deaths. Rump completely ignores what the experts were saying at this time. And NONE of the democrats even came close to suggesting the virus was going to just disappear. More importantly, it was Trump alone who got the intelligence briefing about the danger of virus back in January.
Lol sure I’ll show you the montage even though you already know.

OK. Let's take these one by one, Trump's supposed LIES.
  1. Trump said A LOT OF PEOPLE believe . . . No lie there. At that time, many experts including the Democrats, believed Covid wouldn't become that big a deal.
  2. Trump said: these things TYPICALLY GO AWAY. No lie there. Ever know of a virus that never went away?
  3. Trump said: Xi was getting control over in China. Getting a handle. Trump thinks it'll eventually go away. Again, no lie here. This is what Xi was reporting to him then, that is what they thought and what Trump expected based on all available data at that time. No lie there.
  4. Trump said: It'll get worse before it gets better. No lie there. It'll get better. All true. It will get better, it has gotten better and it is getting better.
  5. Trump said: It'll maybe go away, we'll see what happens. No lie there.
  6. Trump said: It'll go away. Ditto. It has to eventually run its course.
  7. Trump said: Hopefully soon after that. Where is the lie here?
Each highlight is a near quote of what Trump said over the first half of the video. Not only did that reflect the general thinking at that time based on experience with other viruses, including the democrats, but it reflected what every good leader tells his people, showing leadership, reflecting optimism, hope, keeping public morale high and avoiding a public panic.

MORE TO THE POINT, just how does any of Trump's "lies" differ from what the Democrats themselves were saying at the same time?

Listen to these clips of the Democratic response fully and carefully:

So, I'll ask you again, where are all these terrible lies? Trump hopes. He expects. He believes. These are not lies. And if Trump lied, then so did Nancy, Cuomo, Fauci, MSNBC, CNN and the rest of the Democrats.

More importantly, democrats who softly downplayed the virus early on weren’t pretending as late as fucking as the end of March that the virus would disappear. I can’t get over how stupid this conversation is. Before you even claimed Trump never said this shit and now you’re deflecting with stupid whataboutisms.
Lol sure I’ll show you the montage even though you already know.

OK. Let's take these one by one, Trump's supposed LIES.
  1. Trump said A LOT OF PEOPLE believe . . . No lie there. At that time, many experts including the Democrats, believed Covid wouldn't become that big a deal.
  2. Trump said: these things TYPICALLY GO AWAY. No lie there. Ever know of a virus that never went away?
  3. Trump said: Xi was getting control over in China. Getting a handle. Trump thinks it'll eventually go away. Again, no lie here. This is what Xi was reporting to him then, that is what they thought and what Trump expected based on all available data at that time. No lie there.
  4. Trump said: It'll get worse before it gets better. No lie there. It'll get better. All true. It will get better, it has gotten better and it is getting better.
  5. Trump said: It'll maybe go away, we'll see what happens. No lie there.
  6. Trump said: It'll go away. Ditto. It has to eventually run its course.
  7. Trump said: Hopefully soon after that. Where is the lie here?
Each highlight is a near quote of what Trump said over the first half of the video. Not only did that reflect the general thinking at that time based on experience with other viruses, including the democrats, but it reflected what every good leader tells his people, showing leadership, reflecting optimism, hope, keeping public morale high and avoiding a public panic.

MORE TO THE POINT, just how does any of Trump's "lies" differ from what the Democrats themselves were saying at the same time?

Listen to these clips of the Democratic response fully and carefully:

So, I'll ask you again, where are all these terrible lies? Trump hopes. He expects. He believes. These are not lies. And if Trump lied, then so did Nancy, Cuomo, Fauci, MSNBC, CNN and the rest of the Democrats.

You’re so goddamn stupid. When Trump said the large majority of that bullshit, actual experts at the time said the virus was a serious problem. NO ONE but Trump said that the virus would be gone by April whIle it was February or March at the time. This is such a stupid whataboutism either way. No one said it was going to go 15 to zero in deaths. Rump completely ignores what the experts were saying at this time. And NONE of the democrats even came close to suggesting the virus was going to just disappear. More importantly, it was Trump alone who got the intelligence briefing about the danger of virus back in January.

So you're saying all the democrats in those four videos never said any of the things on actual tape? What, do you think those were dubbed in voiceovers? Actors? You're calling ME stupid?
Are you REALLY this stupid, Billy or is it an act of some sort? The Democrats were criticizing President Trump for shutting down travel from Wuhan China as "xenophobic" and Nancy Pelosi and Chuckie Schumer were BOTH saying there was no danger of contamination person-to-person so "come out and wander through Chinatown with us," or words to that effect.
Lol sure I’ll show you the montage even though you already know.

OK. Let's take these one by one, Trump's supposed LIES.
  1. Trump said A LOT OF PEOPLE believe . . . No lie there. At that time, many experts including the Democrats, believed Covid wouldn't become that big a deal.
  2. Trump said: these things TYPICALLY GO AWAY. No lie there. Ever know of a virus that never went away?
  3. Trump said: Xi was getting control over in China. Getting a handle. Trump thinks it'll eventually go away. Again, no lie here. This is what Xi was reporting to him then, that is what they thought and what Trump expected based on all available data at that time. No lie there.
  4. Trump said: It'll get worse before it gets better. No lie there. It'll get better. All true. It will get better, it has gotten better and it is getting better.
  5. Trump said: It'll maybe go away, we'll see what happens. No lie there.
  6. Trump said: It'll go away. Ditto. It has to eventually run its course.
  7. Trump said: Hopefully soon after that. Where is the lie here?
Each highlight is a near quote of what Trump said over the first half of the video. Not only did that reflect the general thinking at that time based on experience with other viruses, including the democrats, but it reflected what every good leader tells his people, showing leadership, reflecting optimism, hope, keeping public morale high and avoiding a public panic.

MORE TO THE POINT, just how does any of Trump's "lies" differ from what the Democrats themselves were saying at the same time?

Listen to these clips of the Democratic response fully and carefully:

So, I'll ask you again, where are all these terrible lies? Trump hopes. He expects. He believes. These are not lies. And if Trump lied, then so did Nancy, Cuomo, Fauci, MSNBC, CNN and the rest of the Democrats.

You’re so goddamn stupid. When Trump said the large majority of that bullshit, actual experts at the time said the virus was a serious problem. NO ONE but Trump said that the virus would be gone by April whIle it was February or March at the time. This is such a stupid whataboutism either way. No one said it was going to go 15 to zero in deaths. Rump completely ignores what the experts were saying at this time. And NONE of the democrats even came close to suggesting the virus was going to just disappear. More importantly, it was Trump alone who got the intelligence briefing about the danger of virus back in January.

So you're saying all the democrats in those four videos never said any of the things on actual tape? What, do you think those were dubbed in voiceovers? Actors? You're calling ME stupid?

Uh no. You’re just not comprehending this shit. Let me simplify this for you: Democrats were only downplaying the virus back in January or early February. And they didn’t keep repeating the same shit. Trump downplayed the virus fucking every week up until the end of fucking March.
Lol sure I’ll show you the montage even though you already know.

OK. Let's take these one by one, Trump's supposed LIES.
  1. Trump said A LOT OF PEOPLE believe . . . No lie there. At that time, many experts including the Democrats, believed Covid wouldn't become that big a deal.
  2. Trump said: these things TYPICALLY GO AWAY. No lie there. Ever know of a virus that never went away?
  3. Trump said: Xi was getting control over in China. Getting a handle. Trump thinks it'll eventually go away. Again, no lie here. This is what Xi was reporting to him then, that is what they thought and what Trump expected based on all available data at that time. No lie there.
  4. Trump said: It'll get worse before it gets better. No lie there. It'll get better. All true. It will get better, it has gotten better and it is getting better.
  5. Trump said: It'll maybe go away, we'll see what happens. No lie there.
  6. Trump said: It'll go away. Ditto. It has to eventually run its course.
  7. Trump said: Hopefully soon after that. Where is the lie here?
Each highlight is a near quote of what Trump said over the first half of the video. Not only did that reflect the general thinking at that time based on experience with other viruses, including the democrats, but it reflected what every good leader tells his people, showing leadership, reflecting optimism, hope, keeping public morale high and avoiding a public panic.

MORE TO THE POINT, just how does any of Trump's "lies" differ from what the Democrats themselves were saying at the same time?

Listen to these clips of the Democratic response fully and carefully:

So, I'll ask you again, where are all these terrible lies? Trump hopes. He expects. He believes. These are not lies. And if Trump lied, then so did Nancy, Cuomo, Fauci, MSNBC, CNN and the rest of the Democrats.

More importantly, democrats who softly downplayed the virus early on weren’t pretending as late as fucking as the end of March that the virus would disappear. I can’t get over how stupid this conversation is. Before you even claimed Trump never said this shit and now you’re deflecting with stupid whataboutisms.

As you are so famous for saying Billy, none of these people are the president either, responsible for maintaining calm, hope, and avoiding general fear and panic. Even Fauci went on 60 minutes and downplayed the masks. Why? Because at that time, the greater concern was in seeing that doctors and hospitals had adequate supply.

I mean, DO YOU REALLY THINK Trump had people saying to him it was the end of the world then he was turning around telling us that he expected Covid to be gone in 2 weeks? Just what political gain do you think Trump expected to get out of that?

SO OTHER THAN YOUR CONDESCENDING BULLSHIT, why OTOH do you say ONE THING then change your story and say another?
Trump encouraging his followers to not wear masks is deceitful, because he knows the virus is passed through the air....

Trump calling it a Democratic Hoax...
Trump saying it will just Easter... in summer...etc etc.
Trump saying it was just like a flu... blah blah blah...


when we know now, he told Woodward, on tape...paraphrased....

''that this virus was extremely deadly, its kill rate is 5 times greater than the most strenuous flu, and even worse, it is spread through the air, it's not like you can avoid touching a surface to not catch it, so it's tricky, and deadly....''

Let's address your lies here....

1. Trump calling it a Democratic Hoax...

" Trump did use the word “hoax” but his full comments, and subsequent explanation, make clear he was talking about Democratic attacks on his administration’s handling of the outbreak, not the virus itself. "

2. Trump saying it will just Easter... in summer...etc etc....

" WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he would like to see the country "back to work" by Easter, or Sunday, April 12.."

3. Trump saying it was just like a flu... blah blah blah...

Yes, he was, but so as not to panic people....And at the time he had a task force that was briefing people on the seriousness of the virus daily...So, This while not exactly a lie, is not an honest assessment either....

So, when will you apologize to us for your lies in here?
Lol sure I’ll show you the montage even though you already know.

OK. Let's take these one by one, Trump's supposed LIES.
  1. Trump said A LOT OF PEOPLE believe . . . No lie there. At that time, many experts including the Democrats, believed Covid wouldn't become that big a deal.
  2. Trump said: these things TYPICALLY GO AWAY. No lie there. Ever know of a virus that never went away?
  3. Trump said: Xi was getting control over in China. Getting a handle. Trump thinks it'll eventually go away. Again, no lie here. This is what Xi was reporting to him then, that is what they thought and what Trump expected based on all available data at that time. No lie there.
  4. Trump said: It'll get worse before it gets better. No lie there. It'll get better. All true. It will get better, it has gotten better and it is getting better.
  5. Trump said: It'll maybe go away, we'll see what happens. No lie there.
  6. Trump said: It'll go away. Ditto. It has to eventually run its course.
  7. Trump said: Hopefully soon after that. Where is the lie here?
Each highlight is a near quote of what Trump said over the first half of the video. Not only did that reflect the general thinking at that time based on experience with other viruses, including the democrats, but it reflected what every good leader tells his people, showing leadership, reflecting optimism, hope, keeping public morale high and avoiding a public panic.

MORE TO THE POINT, just how does any of Trump's "lies" differ from what the Democrats themselves were saying at the same time?

Listen to these clips of the Democratic response fully and carefully:

So, I'll ask you again, where are all these terrible lies? Trump hopes. He expects. He believes. These are not lies. And if Trump lied, then so did Nancy, Cuomo, Fauci, MSNBC, CNN and the rest of the Democrats.

You’re so goddamn stupid. When Trump said the large majority of that bullshit, actual experts at the time said the virus was a serious problem. NO ONE but Trump said that the virus would be gone by April whIle it was February or March at the time. This is such a stupid whataboutism either way. No one said it was going to go 15 to zero in deaths. Rump completely ignores what the experts were saying at this time. And NONE of the democrats even came close to suggesting the virus was going to just disappear. More importantly, it was Trump alone who got the intelligence briefing about the danger of virus back in January.

So you're saying all the democrats in those four videos never said any of the things on actual tape? What, do you think those were dubbed in voiceovers? Actors? You're calling ME stupid?

Uh no. You’re just not comprehending this shit. Let me simplify this for you: Democrats were only downplaying the virus back in January or early February. And they didn’t keep repeating the same shit. Trump downplayed the virus fucking every week up until the end of fucking March.

And just what happened between Jan 31 and March 31? Covid was just getting going in March. At that time, there wasn't a case within 200 miles of me.

Show me the video where Nancy and others were waving their arms in March screaming that Trump was saying one thing and THE WHOLE WORLD KNEW BETTER!
Lol sure I’ll show you the montage even though you already know.

OK. Let's take these one by one, Trump's supposed LIES.
  1. Trump said A LOT OF PEOPLE believe . . . No lie there. At that time, many experts including the Democrats, believed Covid wouldn't become that big a deal.
  2. Trump said: these things TYPICALLY GO AWAY. No lie there. Ever know of a virus that never went away?
  3. Trump said: Xi was getting control over in China. Getting a handle. Trump thinks it'll eventually go away. Again, no lie here. This is what Xi was reporting to him then, that is what they thought and what Trump expected based on all available data at that time. No lie there.
  4. Trump said: It'll get worse before it gets better. No lie there. It'll get better. All true. It will get better, it has gotten better and it is getting better.
  5. Trump said: It'll maybe go away, we'll see what happens. No lie there.
  6. Trump said: It'll go away. Ditto. It has to eventually run its course.
  7. Trump said: Hopefully soon after that. Where is the lie here?
Each highlight is a near quote of what Trump said over the first half of the video. Not only did that reflect the general thinking at that time based on experience with other viruses, including the democrats, but it reflected what every good leader tells his people, showing leadership, reflecting optimism, hope, keeping public morale high and avoiding a public panic.

MORE TO THE POINT, just how does any of Trump's "lies" differ from what the Democrats themselves were saying at the same time?

Listen to these clips of the Democratic response fully and carefully:

So, I'll ask you again, where are all these terrible lies? Trump hopes. He expects. He believes. These are not lies. And if Trump lied, then so did Nancy, Cuomo, Fauci, MSNBC, CNN and the rest of the Democrats.

You’re so goddamn stupid. When Trump said the large majority of that bullshit, actual experts at the time said the virus was a serious problem. NO ONE but Trump said that the virus would be gone by April whIle it was February or March at the time. This is such a stupid whataboutism either way. No one said it was going to go 15 to zero in deaths. Rump completely ignores what the experts were saying at this time. And NONE of the democrats even came close to suggesting the virus was going to just disappear. More importantly, it was Trump alone who got the intelligence briefing about the danger of virus back in January.

So you're saying all the democrats in those four videos never said any of the things on actual tape? What, do you think those were dubbed in voiceovers? Actors? You're calling ME stupid?

Uh no. You’re just not comprehending this shit. Let me simplify this for you: Democrats were only downplaying the virus back in January or early February. And they didn’t keep repeating the same shit. Trump downplayed the virus fucking every week up until the end of fucking March.

Oh put your faux outrage on hold there Eugene.....

" On March 16, the White House began holding the task force press briefings daily,[12] but by late April the White House discussed reducing the frequency of these briefings. "

Lol sure I’ll show you the montage even though you already know.

OK. Let's take these one by one, Trump's supposed LIES.
  1. Trump said A LOT OF PEOPLE believe . . . No lie there. At that time, many experts including the Democrats, believed Covid wouldn't become that big a deal.
  2. Trump said: these things TYPICALLY GO AWAY. No lie there. Ever know of a virus that never went away?
  3. Trump said: Xi was getting control over in China. Getting a handle. Trump thinks it'll eventually go away. Again, no lie here. This is what Xi was reporting to him then, that is what they thought and what Trump expected based on all available data at that time. No lie there.
  4. Trump said: It'll get worse before it gets better. No lie there. It'll get better. All true. It will get better, it has gotten better and it is getting better.
  5. Trump said: It'll maybe go away, we'll see what happens. No lie there.
  6. Trump said: It'll go away. Ditto. It has to eventually run its course.
  7. Trump said: Hopefully soon after that. Where is the lie here?
Each highlight is a near quote of what Trump said over the first half of the video. Not only did that reflect the general thinking at that time based on experience with other viruses, including the democrats, but it reflected what every good leader tells his people, showing leadership, reflecting optimism, hope, keeping public morale high and avoiding a public panic.

MORE TO THE POINT, just how does any of Trump's "lies" differ from what the Democrats themselves were saying at the same time?

Listen to these clips of the Democratic response fully and carefully:

So, I'll ask you again, where are all these terrible lies? Trump hopes. He expects. He believes. These are not lies. And if Trump lied, then so did Nancy, Cuomo, Fauci, MSNBC, CNN and the rest of the Democrats.

You’re so goddamn stupid. When Trump said the large majority of that bullshit, actual experts at the time said the virus was a serious problem. NO ONE but Trump said that the virus would be gone by April whIle it was February or March at the time. This is such a stupid whataboutism either way. No one said it was going to go 15 to zero in deaths. Rump completely ignores what the experts were saying at this time. And NONE of the democrats even came close to suggesting the virus was going to just disappear. More importantly, it was Trump alone who got the intelligence briefing about the danger of virus back in January.

So you're saying all the democrats in those four videos never said any of the things on actual tape? What, do you think those were dubbed in voiceovers? Actors? You're calling ME stupid?

Uh no. You’re just not comprehending this shit. Let me simplify this for you: Democrats were only downplaying the virus back in January or early February. And they didn’t keep repeating the same shit. Trump downplayed the virus fucking every week up until the end of fucking March.

And just what happened between Jan 31 and March 31? Covid was just getting going in March. At that time, there wasn't a case within 200 miles of me.

Show me the video where Nancy and others were waving their arms in March screaming that Trump was saying one thing and THE WHOLE WORLD KNEW BETTER!

You couldn’t even provide dates for any of that shit Pelosi said. That would be shit in early February if anything. Late February is when it became clear to EXPERTS that the virus was a serious problem. No one but Trump said it was going to just disappear. No one but Trump said it would he gone by April. No one but Trump REPEATEDLY made the claim over and over again. You’re rewriting history by pulling shit from your ass.
You couldn’t even provide dates for any of that shit Pelosi said. That would be shit in early February if anything. Late February is when it became clear to EXPERTS that the virus was a serious problem. No one but Trump said it was going to just disappear. No one but Trump said it would he gone by April. No one but Trump REPEATEDLY made the claim over and over again. You’re rewriting history by pulling shit from your ass.

Sorry Billy, none of this changes a thing. None of it changes anything in what we did. Trump had access to more experts than Nancy or you. It was also Trump's job to keep everyone calm just like when Bush heard about the 9/11 attack while in a schoolroom, he stayed calm and said nothing.

None of this changes how the country prepared for and studied and handled the virus. It's just talk. Like you said, everyone, all the experts had a good idea what they were dealing with and what they had to do.
Lol sure I’ll show you the montage even though you already know.

OK. Let's take these one by one, Trump's supposed LIES.
  1. Trump said A LOT OF PEOPLE believe . . . No lie there. At that time, many experts including the Democrats, believed Covid wouldn't become that big a deal.
  2. Trump said: these things TYPICALLY GO AWAY. No lie there. Ever know of a virus that never went away?
  3. Trump said: Xi was getting control over in China. Getting a handle. Trump thinks it'll eventually go away. Again, no lie here. This is what Xi was reporting to him then, that is what they thought and what Trump expected based on all available data at that time. No lie there.
  4. Trump said: It'll get worse before it gets better. No lie there. It'll get better. All true. It will get better, it has gotten better and it is getting better.
  5. Trump said: It'll maybe go away, we'll see what happens. No lie there.
  6. Trump said: It'll go away. Ditto. It has to eventually run its course.
  7. Trump said: Hopefully soon after that. Where is the lie here?
Each highlight is a near quote of what Trump said over the first half of the video. Not only did that reflect the general thinking at that time based on experience with other viruses, including the democrats, but it reflected what every good leader tells his people, showing leadership, reflecting optimism, hope, keeping public morale high and avoiding a public panic.

MORE TO THE POINT, just how does any of Trump's "lies" differ from what the Democrats themselves were saying at the same time?

Listen to these clips of the Democratic response fully and carefully:

So, I'll ask you again, where are all these terrible lies? Trump hopes. He expects. He believes. These are not lies. And if Trump lied, then so did Nancy, Cuomo, Fauci, MSNBC, CNN and the rest of the Democrats.

You’re so goddamn stupid. When Trump said the large majority of that bullshit, actual experts at the time said the virus was a serious problem. NO ONE but Trump said that the virus would be gone by April whIle it was February or March at the time. This is such a stupid whataboutism either way. No one said it was going to go 15 to zero in deaths. Rump completely ignores what the experts were saying at this time. And NONE of the democrats even came close to suggesting the virus was going to just disappear. More importantly, it was Trump alone who got the intelligence briefing about the danger of virus back in January.

So you're saying all the democrats in those four videos never said any of the things on actual tape? What, do you think those were dubbed in voiceovers? Actors? You're calling ME stupid?

Uh no. You’re just not comprehending this shit. Let me simplify this for you: Democrats were only downplaying the virus back in January or early February. And they didn’t keep repeating the same shit. Trump downplayed the virus fucking every week up until the end of fucking March.

And just what happened between Jan 31 and March 31? Covid was just getting going in March. At that time, there wasn't a case within 200 miles of me.

Show me the video where Nancy and others were waving their arms in March screaming that Trump was saying one thing and THE WHOLE WORLD KNEW BETTER!

You couldn’t even provide dates for any of that shit Pelosi said. That would be shit in early February if anything. Late February is when it became clear to EXPERTS that the virus was a serious problem. No one but Trump said it was going to just disappear. No one but Trump said it would he gone by April. No one but Trump REPEATEDLY made the claim over and over again. You’re rewriting history by pulling shit from your ass.

What Trump was doing is called speculation, not giving anybody advice or telling them how to conduct themselves. Remember the Democrats spent the first two weeks of March trying to pass a bill to stop Trump from independently issuing travel bans.

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