Trump's lie of the day

You probably think you have responded with an intelligent response of gibberish and deflection.
I've given you and the other trolls what they asked for and your still bleeding. Why is that?

bleed out, and stfu

Trump: No plans to fill 'unnecessary' appointed positions

Trump is a lying bitch.

what is he lying about? can you prove it?

registered dumbass aint cha mike ..

he said the dems were blocking his appointments.... he hasnt even tried to appoint anyone

he's a lying bitch.
He's appointed several people. I think you have you "facts" wrong again? Why don't the dims stop blocking his stuff?

June 6. Trump blames democrats for not approving his diplomat appointments, even though they have absolutely nothing to do with the approval process.

" President Trump on Monday wrongly accused Democrats of stalling his ambassadorial nominees in the Republican-controlled Senate, where diplomatic picks cannot be filibustered."

Trump misleads public on ambassador nominees

"“Dems are taking forever to approve my people, including Ambassadors. They are nothing but OBSTRUCTIONISTS! Want approvals,” Trump said on Twitter.

Based on how liberals judge Trump, the OP lied, because he wrote June 6. Dude doesn't even know what day it is. What an idiot. IMPEACH THIS OP.

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